Sew a Simple Zipper Pouch with Minki Kim | Fat Quarter Shop

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(upbeat jazzy music) - Hello, I am Minki Kim. I am so happy to be at Fat Quarter Shop. Today I'm gonna show you my Moments simple zipper pouch. This is the Moment collection with Riley Blake Designs. So, let's start. First you need three pieces of exterior, two same fabric and one for the bottom. I used contrasting colors and if it's directional make sure it is facing toward the bottom pieces. First you align the long edges, long raw edges and then pin in places. I usually don't pin if it's small but I pretend I'm very neat today so I'm gonna pin it in places and let's start sewing. Now we sew the pieces together. Let's press the seams. You can press the seams toward the dark print but I'm gonna so you press the seams upon it's personal preference so you can do whatever you want. I should've put the seams one side. Now I'm gonna show you how I make a quilt batting. I have the lining fabric slightly bigger than the back batting and then the place the lining fabric on the place and then place the batting on top of your lining fabric and place the face the exterior on top of the batting. Make everything centrally. We made a quilt sandwich with exterior fabric, batting and the lining. So let's pin them together in places. You can use your baste to spray if you have one. If you don't have one, you can clip like I do. I like to use these clips than pin because it's kind of a bulky layer. It's not that bulky but it's a simple, easier to use. And I think I'm more used to clipping than pinning because my daughter uses my pin so many times. It easy to lost (laughs) but clip, they don't play with it. So they're always in the places so I'm going to quilt the layers. Now we gonna quilt this together. We gonna stitch in the ditch. I'm gonna quilt my lines about an 1/2 inch apart. So when I sew the, when I quilt, I'd like to sew the same direction not like turn this and then turn this way because it's slightly move the line. So if with just small project like this you can you can sew like this. We just quilted the layers. Now I wanna trim the pattern, the sides in the pattern. Oh when you place the ruler, try to align the line on the ruler with the fabric to make sure it's the straight. Oops. Now, what you need to do is just mark the center with a fabric marking pen. Just simply folding in half and then mark. And then mark the one inch from the end the each corner. And then you need to mark the center. This, this is the center. And then you need to from the center mark, you draw the... Now we trim the line. Now we need to attach the zipper. I have already simple way to attach the zipper by bind the both end. I have a, you have the one binding strip and press in half and like this. And then place. I cut the end a little longer so you have a room to play. Align along the line. And then pin or clip which I said I'm more used to the clip. I'm gonna clip it. And then you're gonna sew the binding to the panel with 1/4 inch seam allowance. Now we add the binding to the pouch. I'm gonna press the binding toward the lining before I add the zipper. Okay, now we are stitching, we are sewing the zipper to the binding. I fold the end of the zipper like this 45 angle degree. And then, it's gonna be like this. You can use the washi tape if you not comfortable. I'm gonna just hold my, I'm gonna use my finger put it stay in place. Like this. And then matching the binding and the line, you just top stitch it. And then move the zipper this way. Move the clip away one at a time. And then make sure this zipper teeth aligned the end of the binding. I use my finger, the binding stay in line. Like this. And the end of the zipper end also you fold a little bit like this. To show how I got, so I use the dark thread. It's gonna be like this. The binding will cover and then this zipper will be on the binding. So you sew binding and the zipper at one time. So it is just save you a lot of time. But if you're not comfortable with this, then you can hand sew the binding first and then add the zipper, whatever you are okay with. And then, with the same manner, I'm gonna do the other side of binding and zipper attachment and then finish the pouch. It's the same way. I'm gonna fold the beginning zipper end. And then when you zipper when you attach the other side, it shows to compare so it's even, facing the same way like this and then I'm gonna pin before I start. Then open the zipper. Then make sure this teeth is in this aligning this binding. I keep saying the same thing because if not, it'll show this or it show this, it's not pretty when you finish so always make sure. Then I'm gonna open, I'm gonna sew the zipper. It's the same manner top stitching. Do you see? But for your pouch, you should use the same thread so it doesn't show. So same bobbin thread so it doesn't show. The other side I will do. I'm gonna make sure everything is all aligned. Clip it. And the same way, fold this end a little bit. Then it's kind of a tricky. Move the zipper pull and little down. And make sure you not stitch all the other part together. Now you sew the zipper to the pouch. Now I'm gonna show you the other inside. It looks like this. Now we finish started attaching zipper to the pouch. If you look inside it should look like this. I'm gonna show you my other pouch I already did. It'll be showing like this. So make sure to use your bobbin thread matching with your zipper clip. This is a little blue but, it'll be like this. So I'm gonna show you how did it finish. First you wanna add the zipper pouch tab. You can use the cotton labels if you have a pretty one saved. Or you can use the same a piece of the fabric that matches your pouches. So first of all, you have the tab piece and the fold in half first and press, and fold toward to the center and press. Like this. And then sew that line. Then it looks like this. Fold in half. And then slip in either this side or this side. About an inch below from the zipper. And then pin in place. And then we gonna sew the sides. To sew the sides, press in half and then fold halfway, about halfway up like this. That give you the interesting corner of your zipper pouch. So if you want like a more wide bottom, then you fold more like this. Like if you gonna use the if you wanna make a pencil case it holds more material then you fold it like this. If you want to make a cosmetic pouch like this, you don't need to fold as much. It just a 1/2 inch I did. So, pin in place and then matching up. I fold in half, using your palm and then press so I'd doesn't move. That way, the center is in the same way. Then fold in half. I don't really measure both. You just eyeball. And then to make sure, if you did right, you can compare like this. If anything there. This is a little bad. So I'm gonna move a little bit down. So let's just see if where they are even. Yeah kind of a pretty good to me. And to make sure, as we sew two pieces of a fabric together, you wanna match it the thing to sew lines together. You don't want this or this when you sew. So make sure to match this line first. And the other side too. Match it to sew two pieces sew line together. And then you sew the left. It'll be like this. Let's get sewing. I would like to sew this first so it doesn't move or unmatch while I'm sewing the other side. So make sure it matches. Okay I'm happy about this. And then I will do it here first. It's all the personal way but this is the my way of matching sewing line aligned. Okay I think I'm good to go. It's kind of a bulky here so slow down while you're sewing. Take your binding strip and fold the end about a 1/4 inch or 1/2 inch. And then match up the end of your pouch and then we gonna sew all together at one time. And make sure lock the stitch real good. And then aligning the binding. And then do you see I use my finger instead of the clip because it is more short project. So it's okay. And then... From here, you cut the excess. Oops it's not You cut the excess binding and the same manner, fold the end of the binding, matching the end of your bind, the zipper binding and then sew. And make sure we lock the stitch so it doesn't come out. Oops. So it's gonna be like this. We sew the binding. As you see, this is a little not straight. So my tip is I would sew the other side again. So the seams are for 1/4 inch all the way even. Now, we will now fold binding to the other side of the lining. You can press it but you can hand press like I do. So I would do like this. And I clip it. Do like this. I call it simple zipper pouch because we do binding and exterior and we do the lining and the exterior all at once and so you don't need to add the lining inside and the hand stitch. And then you just cover the binding, cover the seams with the binding. So once you know, once you make one then you will find out it is a simple. We folding the binding to the other side of the lining and then clip everything in a place. It looks complicated. But once you make one, it'll be easy to make more. So you can start from here to here. But I like to start here. It doesn't matter where you start and top stitch. You can hand stitch it if you want. But if you wanna finish it quickly then you can top stitch it because you don't see the binding inside anyway. It's kind of a bulky here. So make sure sew slowly or you can finish this bulky part by hand it's so totally up to you. I will try, I would like to try it by machine. This is how I finish the binding. I'm gonna do the rest later. And I wanna show why I fold the end of the zipper because when you turn the right side out, you can get really square edges. Fold the tabs you made in previous step and then place about an inch below from the binding. And then, clip in place. When I sew the side I will now sew the binding together so I don't need to sew binding later again. So aligning the end of the binding, zipper binding. You fold the raw edge over the binding about a 1/4 inch and then it'll be looks like this. And then start to sew. Take the binding strip, fold a 1/4 inch about 1/4 and then aligning the end of the zipper binding. And then start to sew. It's a kind of a bulky here. So sew slowly. Trim the remain binding and then fold over. Make sure to backstitch. Now we are done with the zipper pouch. The inside will look like this and then the other one I made is like this. So I will take the right side out. Then once you put the zipper closed, it looks like like this. So I wanna show you how to how I press my pouch. It is always important finish up nicely. And then take a good beauty shot. I usually use the towels you have around at home and the fold the sides as your project. As a this gonna be the bottom, I wanna make a nice sharp edges. So I'm gonna fold this inside to iron it. So what I did, I folded the same width of the pouch. Then put inside. Like this. Fold bottom edge. You could put pouch is gonna stand like this. Bottom edge and make it in the bottom and then so like this. So it keeps nice edges. Then do the same as the other way. And then the side too. The always the nice steam. It's hot though, it's not done right. So for now, make it like this interesting corner. So like, we are done with the pouch and I made another one. With the same fabric of my Moment Collections. So now you are ready to enjoy your cute little pouch for yourself and for your friend. Watch my videos on Fat Quarter Shop and you can follow me Instagram @zeriano and I hope to see you soon. (electricity buzzing) (film rolling) (scissors snipping) (electricity buzzing) (scissor snipping) (electricity buzzing) (scissor snipping) (electricity buzzing) (scissor snipping) (electricity buzzing) (scissor snipping) (electricity buzzing)
Channel: Fat Quarter Shop
Views: 75,615
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Id: oMrVDOWVa70
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Length: 31min 50sec (1910 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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