Severe California storm brings flooding, mudslides

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hello thank you for joining us we begin our report with a major rainstorm sweeping California causing flash floods and mudslides flood waters overwhelmed the city of Oxnard which at one point received 10 times the rate of rainfall normally considered heavy it forced evacuations and washed out roads and even more rain is in the forecast overnight for the state Jeff win from CBS News Los Angeles has more from hard hit Ventura County California getting pounded it was awful it was a nightmare it was pouring cats and dogs everything was flooded the latest storm dropped in torrential rain north of Los Angeles parts of Ventura County receiving more than 3 in in 1 hour water quickly filling streets so fast that some could only escape with help from Good Samaritans dozens were pulled to safety those trapped in their cars and in their homes one of the hardest hit areas this community of adult residents 55 and over in the city of Port wiimi it was just flowing in Sandy ozolin woke up to Water Rising up this is what she saw it just keeps coming in everything is toast ozan's home one of several flooded out what were you thinking when you were recording that video I almost don't have words because I've never seen anything like that I don't live in a state where or an area that I think that would have flooding I was just in shock the impact of the storm the latest in a series hitting the W Coast hampering the holiday getaway or those doing last minute shopping and at this mall just south of La officials say heavy Planters saturated by rain water caused this parking garage to partially collapse no one was injured and Jeff wi joins us now from Ventura County California Jeff is there any end to this rain that's pelting well John the answer is in two parts so there is a flood watch for LA County County which is to the south of where we are through tonight and then south of that in Orange County the flood watch is expected to last through tomorrow night some of the models out here are forecasting that we may see as much as 1 in of rain per hour here John so that's why there is so much concern and areas can receive flooding but but not handle it so well what are the areas that have uh that have seen the threat of flooding that's made conditions the most severe so the area of most concern right now is where we are in Ventura County uh as you can see the rain is coming down really really hard and the other part that people are concerned about if you think back to 2018 John you may remember the uh mudslides up in mono and that happened overnight we've had a series of wildfires here in Southern California and so because of that the hillsides are heavily scarred and so when you have have a storm cell parked up against one of the mountains and it just keeps on dumping rain and rain and rain and more rain the concern is that some of the land will give way and that's why there is so much concern and so a number of Public Works departments have predeployment you seen in terms of damage from all this water you know if I may let me just do a little bit of a show and tell so what we had overnight is about nearly 5 in of rain in this area the water level came up so high John it's about here uh I'm an average sized guy so this is about waste deep and so the level so intense that it caused this garage door to buckle and this isn't the only one there are dozens of homes and dozens of doors that look like this what's unque about this one the pressure is so intense that it caused the frame on this one to pop out John wow Jeff wi in ventur County thank you so much Jeff
Channel: CBS News
Views: 79,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Severe Weather, California, Flooding, U.S.
Id: G98K84ApqvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 9sec (249 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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