Seven Wonders of the World and Their Features

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The Seven Wonders of the World constitute an  immortal list of extraordinary achievements and   magnificent structures throughout human history.  Spanning from the ancient world to the modern era,   these constructions showcase mankind's  awe-inspiring creativity and technical   prowess. From the enigmatic grandeur of the  Great Pyramids to the rock-carved city of   Petra and the love-built elegance of the Taj  Mahal, each is filled with unique structures   that captivate visitors and are steeped in  stories from the depths of history. These   seven wonders take visitors from every  corner of the globe on a journey toward   the greatness of the past and humanity. The Great Wall of China is considered one   of the most impressive engineering feats in  human history. Constructed over centuries,   this colossal structure holds a significant  position as one of the largest defense systems   on Earth. The construction of the Great Wall dates  back to as early as the 7th century BCE. However,   its most renowned sections were built from the  3rd century BCE to the 17th century CE. Throughout   this time, various Chinese dynasties contributed  to and expanded the Great Wall. Initiated and   expanded by various Chinese rulers throughout  history, the primary purpose of the Great Wall   was to protect the borders of the Chinese Empire  against invasions from northern nomadic tribes,   particularly the Huns, Mongols, and Manchus.  The construction of the wall aimed to strengthen   imperial borders and establish defensive lines  at strategic points to impede enemy advances.   Additionally, the Great Wall was used for economic  purposes such as safeguarding trade routes and   collecting taxes. These defense structures not  only ensured military security but also supported   economic prosperity by safeguarding cities and  trade routes within the Chinese Empire's interior.  In the early 13th century, Genghis Khan launched  a series of invasions into China. In 1211, Genghis   Khan initiated a campaign to conquer the Jin  Dynasty in northern China. Mongol armies breached   the northern sections of the Great Wall and  defeated the Jin Dynasty. The total length of the   Great Wall has been measured to be approximately  21,196 kilometers. Walls constructed by different   empires during different periods spread across a  vast area covering the northern borders of China.   While the width and height of the Wall vary from  region to region, it generally stands at around   6 to 7 meters in height and 4 to 5 meters in  width. Materials such as stone, brick, mud brick,   and sometimes wood were commonly used in its  construction. Parts of the Wall follow natural   barriers, while others were built by human hands.  Local materials and labor were typically employed   in construction. Construction techniques included  the use of ramps to maintain the wall's height,   reinforcing foundations in marshy areas,  and strategically placing defense towers.  The Great Wall of China encompasses many  structural features such as strategic passes,   towers, and observation points. Towers were used  for military purposes, while observation points   were utilized to monitor approaching enemies.  The topography of the regions where the Wall   was constructed is highly diverse, traversing  mountainous terrain as well as the edges of   plains. Therefore, the construction of the Great  Wall required tackling challenging conditions.   Beyond being just an engineering marvel, the Great  Wall has become a symbol of Chinese culture. Used   for unification and defense purposes for thousands  of years, this structure has been recognized as   a world heritage site and protected by UNESCO.  Additionally, it holds significant importance in   tourism, attracting millions of visitors annually. Ranked second on the list is the Ancient City of   Petra. The Ancient City of Petra is an  archaeological treasure nestled among   magnificent canyons in southern Jordan. With  its rock-carved structures, splendid temples,   and unique geographical location, it  stands as one of the most captivating   ancient settlements in the world. While the  exact founding date of Petra is not known,   it is believed to have been established by the  Nabateans around the 4th century BCE. Petra served   as a crucial nexus on the historic Silk Road  and held a strategic position on trade routes.   Under Roman rule, it flourished further and  became part of the empire's trade network.   Petra began to decline in importance with the  spread of Islam in the 7th century. However,   its significance rose again during the Crusades  in the 12th century. Hidden among the canyons and   built upon natural sandstone rock formations,  the city was predominantly crafted using   rock-cut techniques. This method involved carving  temples, tombs, palaces, and other religious and   civic structures into the rock. One of the most  renowned structures is the magnificent monument   known as "Al-Khazneh" or the Treasury. Petra also  boasts an extensive system of water channels,   which was crucial for sustaining life in the city.  The water management in Petra is quite remarkable,   utilizing sophisticated water channels and  reservoirs to collect and store rainwater.   This water system enabled the city to thrive  and develop. The architecture of Petra   reflects Nabatean culture, blending Hellenistic,  Roman, and local Arab influences to create a   distinctive architectural style. Key elements in  this architectural style include arches, columns,   temples, and rock-cut tombs. The rock-cut tombs,  belonging to the city's affluent and powerful   families, are particularly noteworthy, with many  carved into the sandstone rocks. Temples are also   significant architectural features of Petra, with  various temples scattered throughout the city. Petra, due to its location on trade routes,  witnessed the interaction of various cultures.   Hellenistic, Roman, and Arab cultures left their  mark on Petra. Different architectural styles,   sculptures, and temples reflect Petra's  cultural richness. It was included in the   UNESCO World Heritage List in 2007. This  ancient city holds numerous historical and   archaeological significances shedding light on  humanity's history. Moreover, through a voting   process in 2007, it was selected as one of the  New Seven Wonders of the World. This indicates   Petra's status as a globally recognized symbol. Ranked third on the list is the Taj Mahal. The   Taj Mahal, situated on the banks of the Yamuna  River in the city of Agra, India, holds a unique   place in world architectural history. Regarded as  a symbol of pure love, this magnificent structure   stands as one of the most impressive monuments  in the world due to its architectural elegance,   aesthetics, and symbolism. The Taj Mahal was built  in memory of Mumtaz Mahal, the wife of Mughal   Emperor Shah Jahan. Mumtaz Mahal passed away  at the age of 38 while giving birth to her 14th   child. Upon her death in 1631, Shah Jahan decided  to construct a unique monument in her memory.   Construction began in 1632 and was completed  in 1653. Thousands of workers, craftsmen,   and architects contributed to the construction of  the Taj Mahal. It is one of the finest examples of   Mughal architecture. Made of white marble, the  structure is adorned with intricate geometric   patterns, an elegant dome, and ornate minarets.  The geometric arrangements reflect characteristics   of Islamic art while also incorporating Persian,  Indian, and Central Asian architectural elements.   Throughout the day, the Taj Mahal presents a  mesmerizing view with its ever-changing play   of light and shadow. The structure is built  as a domed palace surrounded by symmetrically   placed buildings around a courtyard. The main  structure consists of a large dome surrounded   by high minarets on all four sides. One of the  most distinctive features of the structure is its   towering dome, intricately adorned with various  patterns and decorations. The minarets rising   at the four corners of the Taj Mahal provide a  magnificent sight when viewed alongside the dome.   In front of the structure lies a vast garden and  various water channels, providing visitors with a   sense of tranquility and beauty. The walls are  adorned with intricate inlaid work on marble.   Various motifs, arches, and inscriptions adorned  with jewels also catch the eye. At the center of   the structure lies a mausoleum housing the tombs  of Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan, closed to visitors   and offering a serene atmosphere. Over time, the  Taj Mahal has demonstrated resilience against   natural disasters, wars, and other external  factors. Its foundations are firmly laid,   and it is resistant to earthquakes. Additionally,  various preservation and restoration efforts have   aided in its long-term conservation. The Taj  Mahal is considered one of India's national   symbols and is protected as a world heritage site  by UNESCO. Furthermore, it is recognized worldwide   as a symbol of romance and love. Every year,  thousands of visitors visit Agra to experience   the beauty and significance of the Taj Mahal. Ranked 4th on the list is the Statue of the   Redeemer. The Statue of the Redeemer is a colossal  monument rising on the Corcovado Mountain in Rio   de Janeiro, Brazil, and is one of the world's  most recognized symbols. Since its construction,   it has captivated thousands of visitors and has  become an iconic symbol of Rio. The construction   of the Statue of the Redeemer began in 1922  and was completed in 1931. In the early 1920s,   the Brazilian government sought to add a striking  symbol to Rio de Janeiro's skyline, one that would   reflect the country's cultural and religious  identity and promote tourism. To achieve this,   a series of ideas and proposals were evaluated,  and in 1921, a competition was held for the   construction of the statue. The competition was  won by Brazilian engineer Heitor da Silva Costa,   with the design of the statue being created by  French sculptor Paul Landowski. Construction of   the statue commenced in 1922, with the summit of  the Corcovado Mountain chosen as the site. This   mountain is part of the Tijuca National Park and  commands a prominent position over Rio's center.   The construction of the statue was a challenging  and labor-intensive process. The primary material   used in the statue's construction was steel, with  635 tons of steel used to form the main structure.   The steel skeleton was then covered with concrete  and natural stones. During construction, special   roads and cranes had to be built to transport  materials and equipment to the mountaintop,   making it a formidable task given the  technological limitations of the time.   Numerous workers, engineers, and artists were  involved in the construction of the statue,   which took nine years to complete, finishing  in 1931. On October 12, 1931, the statue of   the Redeemer was officially inaugurated to the  public. Today, the Statue of the Redeemer is   considered one of Rio's most iconic symbols  and welcomes millions of visitors annually.   The statue is a symbol of Brazil and Christianity  worldwide and holds immense religious and cultural   significance for many people. With its open arms  embracing the world, the statue strikes an iconic   pose. Aesthetically, its simple yet impressive  design has become a symbol dominating Brazil's   landscape. The Statue of the Redeemer stands  at 30 meters in height, with a wingspan of 28   meters. The skeleton of the statue is made of  steel, weighing 635 tons, while the exterior is   composed of natural stones and concrete. The  construction of the statue posed significant   engineering challenges, including difficulties  in accessing the mountaintop and devising a   support system for the pedestal. Additionally, the  maintenance and preservation of the statue require   ongoing efforts. Dominating Rio's skyline,  the towering statue is an integral part of   the city's cultural identity. It also attracts  visitors from around the world, contributing   significantly to Rio's tourism economy. Ranked 5th on the list is Chichen Itza.   Chichen Itza is an ancient Maya city and  a significant archaeological site located   on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Situated  approximately 120 kilometers north of the modern   city of Merida, Chichen Itza's origins date back  to around 400 BCE. The city reached its golden age   during the 10th and 11th centuries. However, by  the late 12th century, the city faced political   instability and attacks. Eventually, in the early  1400s, the population of Chichen Itza rapidly   declined, and the city was abandoned. During its  prime, Chichen Itza served as a trading center   and political and religious capital. This city  played a crucial role in Maya culture and became   one of the period's significant scientific and  religious centers. One of Chichen Itza's most   notable features is its architectural structures  constructed based on astronomical knowledge.  In particular, the pyramid known as Kukulkan  Pyramid has drawn attention with phenomena   created by shadows, arranged based on the periods  of the Sun and the Moon. On special days known as   equinoxes, it is believed that the shadows on  the stairs of the pyramid symbolize the walk of   the feathered serpent god Kukulkan. The  Kukulkan Pyramid is a four-sided pyramid,   with each side consisting of several layers with  stairs. Each layer is associated with important   dates and events according to Maya astronomy. The  height of the pyramid is approximately 30 meters,   and it has a structure with 9 levels. Each level  has a platform, and there is a steeper staircase   to reach the temple at the top. One notable  architectural feature of the Kukulkan Pyramid   is that it creates a remarkable shadow play facing  westward. During the spring and autumn equinoxes,   on the equal days of March and September, sunlight  falls on the pyramid's stairs and forms the shape   of a serpent. This event is associated with the  Maya god called Kukulkan and holds significant   religious importance. At the top of the pyramid,  there is a small temple which was probably   used for religious rituals and ceremonies. The  ballcourt at Chichen Itza is one of the largest   and best-preserved ballcourts in Mesoamerica.  Discoveries here have provided important   information about how Maya sports and rituals  were conducted. For example, reliefs depicting   players on the walls of the ballcourt offer clues  about how the game was played. The Sacred Cenote   at Chichen Itza is a sacred water source used for  Maya religious rituals. Archaeological excavations   inside these sinkholes have revealed offerings  of human and animal sacrifices made to this water   source. Additionally, archaeological remains found  at the bottom of the cenote include offerings   and objects from various periods, as well as  human remains. Another important structure at   Chichen Itza is the Tzompantli, a skull rack used  during the Maya period to display the heads of   war captives or sacrifices. Excavations revealed  human bones as well as statues and other objects   underneath the Tzompantli. Chichen Itza was  discovered by European archaeologists in the 19th   century and later restored and opened to tourism.  Archaeological excavations have illuminated the   region's rich history and cultural heritage,  demonstrating how important Chichen Itza was   for Maya civilization. UNESCO included Chichen  Itza on the World Heritage List in 1988.  Every year, it is visited by thousands  of tourists. However, this large influx   of visitors can lead to the deterioration  and damage of the structures. Therefore,   conservation and restoration efforts are of  great importance. The preservation of the area is   critically important for perpetuating the legacy  of the Maya civilization for future generations.  Ranked 6th on the list is Machu Picchu. Machu  Picchu is a mysterious ancient city constructed   by the Inca Empire in the foothills of the  Andes Mountains in Peru in the 15th century.   Listed as a World Heritage Site and selected  as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World,   Machu Picchu is mesmerizing not only for its  architectural elegance but also for its location   and historical significance. The exact purpose  and construction date of Machu Picchu remain a   mystery, but generally, it is believed to  have been built as a royal estate by the   Inca emperor Pachacuti around the 15th century  AD. The city was constructed around 1450 AD,   during the peak of the Inca Empire. It was  discovered by American archaeologist Hiram   Bingham in 1911. Bingham had come to the region  in the early 1900s to conduct archaeological   research in Peru. He organized various expeditions  to investigate traces of Inca culture and the Inca   Empire. During his research, Bingham claimed to  have found a lost Inca city, and this discovery   led to the worldwide recognition of Machu Picchu.  One of the most remarkable features of the city is   the excellence of stonework. Inca architects built  structures that would stand for thousands of years   by perfectly cutting and fitting massive stones  together. The stones were tightly interlocked and   mostly assembled without mortar. In the foothills  and slopes of Machu Picchu, there are agricultural   terraces. These terraces allow proper water  management and enable various plants to grow   at different elevations. Natural stones such  as granite and andesite were predominantly used   as building materials. These stones were sourced  from the region's quarries as well as from stone   quarries along the riverbank. The structures  in Machu Picchu were carefully placed to adapt   to the natural terrain. They were situated on  terraces rising towards the mountain slopes   and placed on natural elevations. This not only  enhanced the beauty of the settlement but also   ensured the durability of the structures. Among  the structures found in Machu Picchu are temples,   palaces, terraces, warehouses, fountains, and  agricultural areas. These structures served   significant functions in Inca culture and were  designed to meet the community's various needs.   The architecture of the city was designed to  effectively manage water. Stone channels that   facilitate the proper transportation of water  and fountains used for water supply can be found   among the structures. Machu Picchu was built  on a mountain plateau at an altitude of 2,430   meters and overlooks the magnificent landscapes  of the Andes Mountains. This location facilitated   the defense of the city and provided fertile  areas for agriculture. Due to its high altitude,   the climate of Machu Picchu is variable,  experiencing fluctuations in temperature,   rainfall, and sunlight. This isolated location has  contributed to the preservation and exploration of   the city. Machu Picchu is considered a symbol of  the rich cultural heritage of the Inca Empire.  The ancient city presents an excellent example  of Inca culture's architectural, engineering,   and agricultural skills. Additionally, being  undiscovered during the Spanish colonial period,   it is one of the rare places preserving the  original structure of Inca culture. Machu   Picchu is visited by millions of tourists  every year, requiring conservation measures   to prevent environmental impacts. UNESCO  and the Peruvian government have taken   various measures for the preservation of Machu  Picchu and the promotion of sustainable tourism.  Ranked 7th on the list is the  Colosseum located in Italy.  Becoming a symbol of Rome, the Colosseum is known  as one of the largest amphitheaters of the ancient   world. This magnificent structure located in the  capital city of Italy, Rome, was built between 70   and 80 AD during the reign of Emperor Vespasian.  The Colosseum holds a unique position in the world   both architecturally and historically. The  Colosseum in Italy is a monumental structure   built during the Roman Empire, often referred  to as the Flavian Amphitheater. It is known as   one of the most magnificent structures of ancient  Rome located in the heart of Rome's ancient Roman   Empire. The construction process is considered  as a testament to the wealth and resources of the   Roman Empire. Large amounts of money, manpower,  and materials were spent on the construction.   Among the construction materials, especially  stones brought from the regions conquered by   the Roman Empire are noteworthy. The Colosseum  was built on the site of the former Nero's Palace   in the center of Rome. This area had previously  been a palace built during the reign of the former   emperor Nero, but after Nero's death, this area  was rearranged to make room for the Colosseum.   Thousands of workers were involved in the  construction process, including war captives and   slaves. Construction techniques included cutting  travertine stone, transporting stone blocks,   and using support systems at different stages of  construction. The design of the Colosseum reflects   the characteristics of Roman architecture aimed  at meeting the needs of the time and creating the   largest and most magnificent structures possible. The vast scale and intricate architecture of the   structure are considered a testament to the  engineering and architectural achievements of   the time. The completion and inauguration of  the Colosseum took place in 80 AD during the   reign of Emperor Titus. The opening ceremonies  were celebrated with extravagant events lasting   for 100 days. These events included gladiatorial  fights, wild animal shows, dramatic performances,   and various other spectacles. The Colosseum  was built as a magnificent amphitheater used   to entertain and provide shows for the Roman  people. Thousands of people would gather in   the Colosseum's stands to watch these events. The  structure is three stories high from the outside   and has a circular plan from the inside. With a  capacity of approximately 50,000 to 80,000 people,   the Colosseum was used for popular entertainment  events of the time, such as gladiator fights,   animal hunts, and other shows. The Colosseum  measures approximately 189 meters in length,   156 meters in width, and about 48 meters in  height. Its exterior is covered with white   travertine stone, a commonly used material  during the Roman period. On the inside,   materials such as brick and tuff stone were used.  It has a typical amphitheater plan, designed in a   circular shape with an oval arena inside. The  stands are arranged around the arena in tiers.   The stands inside the building are designed  in a stepped manner to accommodate people from   different social classes. While the upper levels  were generally allocated for the common people,   the lower levels were reserved for individuals of  higher social status. Surrounding the Colosseum   are a series of corridors and entrances allowing  spectators to enter and exit. The lower part is   filled with chambers where gladiators and wild  animals awaited. These areas allowed them to   prepare for their performances before entering  the arena. The upper part of the structure is   not covered with a roof. Instead, there is  an opening in the middle of the Colosseum,   and in ancient times, it is believed that a kind  of awning was set up to protect the spectators   from the sun during events. Its exterior is  adorned with a series of columns, arches,   and sculptures. These decorative elements give  the structure an aesthetic appearance and reflect   the architectural style of the Roman period.  These architectural features of the Colosseum   have survived to the present day as an impressive  structure reflecting the power and wealth of the   ancient Roman Empire. The architectural design of  the structure was effectively conceived to control   large crowds. Additionally, safety measures  such as evacuation plans for emergencies and   easy access and egress were implemented. The  foundation of the Colosseum is quite sturdy   and was built considering the carrying capacity  of the soil. Wooden stakes were driven under the   large stone blocks to reinforce the foundation.  The floor is filled with areas where fighters and   animals awaited beneath the arena. These areas  were used to support the events taking place   in the upper part of the arena. To enhance the  structural integrity of the Colosseum, steel or   iron connecting elements were used to bind the  stone blocks together. These connections hold   the structure firmly together and increase its  resistance to earthquakes. In addition to being   a symbol reflecting the rich history of the Roman  Empire, the Colosseum has become a popular tourist   destination worldwide. Over its thousands of years  of history, various restoration and conservation   efforts have been undertaken. The Colosseum  was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List   in 1980. Don't forget to subscribe for brand  new documentaries and more scientific content.
Channel: Pursuit of Science
Views: 1,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Science, New Seven Wonders of the World, Modern Wonders, Historical Sites, Great Wall of China, Petra Jordan, Christ the Redeemer, Machu Picchu, Chichen Itza, Roman Colosseum, Taj Mahal, Travel, science documentary, history, historical documentary, Ancient Cities, Cultural Heritage, Tourist Attractions, Famous Landmarks, Iconic Structures, arceology, geography
Id: Hb_YxwK4Rug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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