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as the new morning water is ministered to congregants during the Sunday life service at the synagogue Church of All Nations the light of God exposes the ugly and hateful spirits within them and they manifest against their will unable to withstand the supreme power of God operating through this medium they are forced to confess their evil deeds and are brought to their knees watch what happens to this man as the new morning water is ministered to him in Jesus name why do you think you can deliver manizer is that what a man I don't know when I had that the man of God was not I was very happy you were very small I don't that's very stronger than any body except in tango these are around yes what can you do okay what others have done to him this body I've been using him bright from his childhood how do you use him yeah anytime the I don't the idol worship is compound there's a priest a nun when whenever the ceremony is coming up they will enter into him and if we do what you want they destroy the moon in education this guy can be very good before por nada don't let him know anything again he knows how to speak English very well that's why they destroy and it doesn't hide his own feelings I would still do with him oh the wife if not because of God ensemble they would have collected the wife from my kingdom oh I will they allowed them to live one for the way she used to pray every time good money Jesus good morning Jesus what is all about Jesus now call my name my dog and he'll call my name now I want sir - your call she will not call me she called Jesus - Coco why Allah please let me go please what a tribute easy push him to do I can't fight you I can fight I think I enjoy his business as when I was a smarty anyway as if it was no money what business did you destroy yourself work we sell is a says a cat Allah when it's supposed to be my place dancing tie all of ice you understand I don't live that the business you know what to do about that he say he knows how to do business he's supposed to dance to my kingdom he's very strong in in if I had are you dance in your kingdom you know you see you know much greater you so dukh na DS this man leave me I don't let me discipline my you are you why are you waiting for why do you want to see my secrets now why do you want to see my secret ok she dance the way you know matter dance to your kingdom how does now how many tyrant dance for you if you dance this another watch another psyche okay go ahead I'm dancing again they want okay sir they will question me no other son telling you they will question me okay dance give us another time for the last time one time how many Steiner ah now one is too much Sookie family-style you give it give it to this time now okay give us another one ah okay you see you know how to do this one and we were I think this one is okay now thank you okay give us an adult I again [Applause] nice another watch this is our last out we go ahead [Applause] garlic onion you are looking for Metro your eyes beginning to be somehow to me now listen how many style of dance you have made it up to five how many stars you have five styles now I have seven then I met but I'm not giving that to you okay in the name of Jesus Christ give us the - what well I don't seen our ladies there's no matter opposite strong to dance to his front it's over okay give us the last one I secret okay stop I made him to fight I made him to be very austere how often does he find hey Musa Qala why do I have talked to him hey will tell you I have glanced it down you don't have any bliss in the house but outside nobody can dare me my face looks like this I think you know what he will call our annotation of very well Taba that's one quality I takes not very well look at the man beside you wish you to you know yeah welcome who is he to you it's my husband what God is about his character in fact it's very true what all the TV says he's very was tired too he beats me at times at times my I able to open it it to be full of blood if you confess a welcome hmm use it why you Moody I see if no me mood in the house Cory have started using where's my water if we enter the table the food is set on the table where did you open it the fire is dead Cory has started to please what is cities there is true onions nice family they are really worshipping I I do the young he was supposed to be the priest of the idol and I stand my ground I was praying never you cannot beat that please so I thank all the I agree with me the younger brother is not the priest then konima guru right nice day please if you see him dress a real priest please help me to divide him please push him to be beaten his wife I told you our deposit there why do you choose to do that because the wife you should be very generous a pretty we'll call Jesus and and at times if you want a name I used to be angry at times you know every time okay for another within this body for the pass this guy now you will be 51 by very soon I've been in this body since he was like four years old how did you I thought this body yeah in a strip okay it is time for you to go in Jesus Christ name thank you lord your pocket love [Applause] rise up you're free how are you sir good DISA good my sir what happened to you I fell down I don't know Mystikal eat my leg yeah you were dancing here before no how can I be dancing yeah [Applause] you're sure different style of dancing here not Lisa so Jesus Christ I live a dude through the medium of the new-money water thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you thank you thank you Jesus thank you Jesus lord I thank you thank you Jesus thank you Jesus [Music] took over the glory we can see the joy radiating all over the family because of these great deliverance he has received with anger almighty so we thank God for your life and for this beautiful family for this deliverance we want to listen to you we have seen the clips and I believe you have just watched what happened last week and may be a bit surprised to see you or what happened well we want to hear from you what this demon spirit has done in your life starts by introducing yourself and those who are standing with you emanuelle yes my names are George I won't call myself a good idea you know I will call myself a Lew adage because that was to be undertaken at it is this beautiful my beside me she's my lovely wife and these are my children my father otta Georgina by name Lisa Cohen and inta and Danielle thank you you're welcome so please share with us what the Lord has done in your life yes God has done a great thing in my life you see last week I was here I don't think all this team is in my body anyway well if I know it I won't bring myself to this place so that would see me but God showed that power that fields is more than any power he showed it and if all you roll it on the floor by the special address of God and by His grace by Prophet TB Joshua and the mana water that he touched me inside my body as if stone it's me all over my body I felt how can water touch me and it's me ladies this is touch new ones I feel it the second time I don't know what pop-up anymore they said I started confessing this is later my wife told me some while I go back to we are empty I said not me but to my surprise you're seen it honestly my CDs meowida now this thing this thing affects me so much yes yes this is the the great artist I'll done my to walk in my life me a college or me or lower Barbara and hey everybody hunts is very long it kind of my anybody so now this any demos it carmine it simple and mighty demo not you can see I'm still using another language it's a must determine if they are more some ways I believe they was to die which this money water yes now I was a little bit younger I was about four years ago I think that was 97 so so I was born April 15 1967 so my grandfather is an idol worshiper the world is watching me now and I believe in this church there's a lot of goodness known my family somebody this one took me to the shrine he told me this is what I've been doing that makes them to be okay in the family he said if we go there I will be the next person to be the priest then so all of a sudden my uncle brought me here to legacy but my grandfather died so when he died they called me does you come home I see I'm not coming because they live in legacy I can't compare with of the village then so I finished up on the school my uncle said you cannot continue my education of the I decided to start driving along the line I met with my wife what has not be happening to me before started happening instead of me to save for solution I did not believe anything is happening to me it instance me more Amma what are the things since I got married to my wife if he does any little chains in the ow our fights albita even the children at time I beat them the way I don't that was a DAB you won't know that I won't should be I won't I won't point at that one I bit one of them when it is not time for harvest ratio to call it a home yes I mean present of God I don't need to lie I will confess because I know my deliverance as scorn and it should be permanent in my life in Jesus so now I wish myself again I'm not this kind of person that you should be so it's if you take me to the extent of Aviano that is traumatic Afiya I started drinking this Luka G it has me very well that if I don't see the look idea constantly and whenever I drink this team that would arise if I don't drink it eat tuna rice whenever I drink since I want to fight my wife I don't see anything they do at home as a very good thing and it's even affect my business it affects me that I could do even good if I go there in the money I will many people people i watch him in the over there know if if the I was in the inaudible yes they used to see Georgie I'm George my name then I will be there for a monitor now go to where I am doing any slow this thing affects me by His grace that all these children can be able to any little I see I will share after them now take off for my drinking and for the humanizing now this team led me to gonna be fighting I will fight people on the streets as if there was a day I was coming with my Siena boss me my wife it's only Georgina that is not the Anita and an idea somebody of stroked me on during simple tonight I'll tell him why why are you driving like this i pata block him I feel I should blow if I blow down my push in one time he fell if my son should demonstrate the way that man fell now you'd be surprised and hey not quite not quite two months ago you mean because of that demonic power you I was doing because the gin it is what they are using in that they are I don't know what they call them anymore hey it is what they use their the moment I drank that thing I don't see anybody else if you say you would kick me I don't feel you can kill me if I'm driving that wasn't before I get married to my wife yes in bed nuit she can testify to it New York one of the on who is coming the man was riding bike I don't know because I've been a very fortunate person right from my time I ride on cash there's no time I don't have cow so I saw the madman ride the bike I use my car to not man Nate I know this is a difficult time for me to prostrate was I'm a again you're in law and it was a it wasn't me so I give glory to God anyway but thank God now since last week now when this when this only allah wa watashi me i'm not be able to drink Oh goober agin oh okay now we are still coming back to what happened last week tell us through this period you would find yourself doing all these things did you realize that something was actually controlling of manipulating your life was anytime you come to your real self and how do you used to feel adored if I realized I would not be doing it this made me to realize now this morning water it's very strong you could look at it as if is it's it's more than what you you think is because I don't feel a need to come toward me and I fell down the we are fed if I see myself I told you I see myself like this last you I won't come back okay so if I know I would not be doing it honestly this thing has been tormenting my life that even while I was sitting there laughing out yes but no came up from me even last week immediately I got it in runs and I get to deacons in there I started crying most of the woman walking that is that begging me that I should be thanking go do is it's also of joy anyway but I cried that's in my body this time has been disturbing me for a long time that I don't know ah but see now well don't leave missus now good I would I be a grown man now not big in size anyway while you know what I mean okay last last week when you were being delivered we could see from the clips how you were dancing from one style to another tell us how come about that I don't know that I'll come about that that's all I know I saw myself dancing now it's not a lie I danced yeah did you know you were doing orders honestly I don't know when my wife was telling me I disagree with ha on see that's why I say I want to wash it myself before I would know maybe it is true on I don't know God knows I don't know I don't know how can I be dancing in the presence of what you la there with with thank God for your life so tell us since after the new-money water deliverance you received last week what are the changes you have noticed in your life I noticed that since this gentleman administered to me one I love this look at G mother and I know I said it then but now I have not even if I if I pass where they are selling it's it's irritates me that's one true secondly - secondly and I'll see my wife as a new person that's as if I just got married what I'm not doing - uh so before you use so how did you use to see your wife honestly I see my wife was mainly because the woman went out with I saw more beautiful damashii so da da so you are going out with a woman then I was going out without their demo push you out push me but now tell us more what what word things you will deriving outside that your wife was not able to give you that time you know then as I've said earlier somebody dies inside room don't know what is outside I believe I'm inside room day because of the spirits this room I will buy clothes for me she will give me if I come tree stitch know my business collapse she'll be the one to give me money for rice I will bring it my wife may know how to collect it out for Sato Colette it yes she will Colette woman City now when this thing happened to me we must eat so what I believe all this is this diamond is doing it this demas affected my life so much I suppose to be giving I mean to be giving somebody take boy it is me now that is colony not even from and is from concubine he's a pawn so I did you know that woman yes I I know I went easy if we don't let me make much profit I believe something led me to and it is poverty that led me to I believe if I if I if I'm City no guru joint I will see who give me money to eat boy she down Kim is like the demo user for me if I don't if she don't do me if I don't give her myself she won't be good okay so since last week after your deliverance tell us do you still have any business with I don't have any business with Alfred Eva right as I'm in the church here now she called my love Kuno P I've no pica cousins that I'm a dancer I give my wife before holy to be my police my hair but before now she she called what happens I will pick in the present on my wife she can't do anything yes she will not do anything if he talks it would be another boy entirely well give I give glory to God so you know you love your wife more than before more than before I love my fat she's beautiful more than anybody here shall we go Jesus Christ we thank God Almighty for your life madam welcome yo can you please tell us your name praise the Lord Iman way I am mrs. George I want to appreciate God for this the difference I've been wanting to come to this place for a very long time but I don't know how because financially we are zero so locally model was to drive somebody here and I said I will come with him because I believe that when I reached this grand my my past would be over reaching here even the room I would be praying silently within me the Gulf visitors visit my family and God put the devil to shame to us and so on the year actually I did not know that it was the demon that was operating his life we met he was a very loving husband very caring even when I was pronounced our first daughter he was one doing the cooking when I give back before I give out what Wanda bought baby since he went market himself to buy baby things instead of me he went by himself I delivered he was the one that baked for me my mother-in-law was did my mother was day he said no he is the one that would take care of me even they the cloth I use in the ballroom he was the one that was it I believe it was love after that he just changed in fact it's like hell on net he will go out get drunk Congo beat me always know that is if I move I don't know how to move if I cook my food is not sweet there's no nor thought I'd be less nobody itself in the markets oh you don't want to serve your husband the other women they are outside 2000 South man they know how to take care of men I was confused my food was the best before I became someone I don't know how to do it anymore my husband if he did know CEO gogoro nobody come me as him oh he's like they are pushing him go out go out go out go out go out there's a lock I gene he will say I want to come with my people you know I love stick and spending time with my people you must go out there to drink this go guru and when he comes trouble the moment we hear the sound of gates that he is coming like this if he's anything past nine children I won't sleep me I'll pretend to be sleeping because I know our daughter definite able I know that if he ain't that is trouble one like that he would in my presence ladies will be calling hello if you say yeah would George and I'm sticking you would calling the concubine yeah whoa George so two deadly I feel I feel I don't know I feel bad I feel so bad in my presence do you mommy I will sit beside you no mom you call there was a dial but he loves corn I bought I went to market I danced so I bought this come for him he was eating this cone the woman called him why he was this in that cone and say meringue but don't see laughs whoo oh yeah mumble mumble and it will drop down he was eating and he went out they saw that bad was so bad well we thank God we are just saying this for the glory of God because if we do not see how bad it was won't be able to appreciate what the Lord has done so since after his deliverance last Sunday tell us who is your husband now as against who he was before he's now carrying suit loving I was surprised why you're so mean yeah oh gee you were so beautiful so I'm gonna eat another tiny now you just wanna bring water for me before he's packing my plates you be this shall we put our hands together for Jesus [Applause] it was the demon power that was at work in those days and now once the demon lives you'll find a new husband tell us about your prayer life that time and I pray and I love worship a lot but whenever I worship oh please he will just come and then you have touch it you have tightens each don't is not portrayed you don't praise you have started and I don't want me to praise in the house anymore so whenever I is not around I don't praise much when is thanks to sleep let's pray madam but I believe a big go and pray on I want to sleep God understand my language do you go and pray and they did I agree to pray with us after they priya is it madam take your prayer too long I would Manatee pro now I would be premarin so me and nutrient we could the room we pray our prayers to make surprised you say where will it be that I would wanna sit with the external deep with the children georan pray you love me living than to pray on the round come on stay with him which I don't know which one to do to pleasing so it didn't affect my life you really are first my spiritual life so if not this deliverance that came last week to the medium of the new mana water what do you think would have happened in this marriage in fact to be honest if not for the lower half of this children I was planning to run but I don't know where to go - I don't - go to my family because they didn't choose him for me it was my choice God they will say they watch who asked you to go for him because I am from various states and he see you back I was one before that you bad people don't marry one wife don't go there but I see no his case is not like that okay in fact he will tell me that I will marry that woman and if I don't want to marry I will have to drink woman we want 10 children we tell remember I obtained to dream for me it was terrible just very table thank me so since after his deliverance now how is the prayer life of your husband as responding to the things of God just like we just met so we just touched our Prince together and who is going where shall we put our hands together for Jesus my advice is for women mostly be patient if I was not patient I would not be with him today because I not notice Trudy the confession of the demon last Sunday that it was my little prayer that was getting me angry I know that Priya was destroying some things in the kingdom so I want to break my fellow women please be patient and be prayerful and have faith that whatever you are passing through whatever situation wants to step to this holy ground you will surely be delivered and your joy will be full in Jesus name let's clap for Jesus one more time thank you thank you I want to thank God for what he has done in my family why we're going up my dad was a loving person whenever I eat travels he buys those gifts he must buy us something having anything he must bring something but though we know if we do wrong is always not happy about it he reacts when you do want him all of a sudden it became worse I left for school and the reports I was having from whom was not giving me joy at all sometimes you even call me I tell me and your mother Shan started the game call ha if you try talking you don't have any right to tell me anything I'm always right you cannot tell me what I've done is wrong just call your mother and dad so I apologize that's all I want that's what she does and I'll call my mom and she'll be like and she don't mind him oh this is what happened Ohashi going on us I'll get confused sometimes I'll just be in my room cry I'll just keep going and keep asking God to touch his life on oh I was so tired there was a time i i i don't know what's happened yeah actually i must come home if i don't call home the kids not gets attitude oh because he always goes out sue that's romance please Tommy I must call my mom she doesn't really like it it seems she complained about it so he got upset why we should complain and he got off the dummy if I don't come home they get educated to not get that suit had to travel from being a steatite I was pulling out finished it had come back em through in two sticks and when I came the hold Cindy home at if I tried to talk hey you're supporting your mother you're supporting your mother that's very good he was not keeping my listen he won't talk to me sometimes he won't talk to me if I call him he won't take my call he would tell me and he did city misko or something you won't take the call that was the whole thing continued and in my presence sometimes he would tell us there is because our money is going to de marsay so if I have money to give him you see tattoo if we do our money aim is going on and see now the woman bought some clothes can we buy him these clothes come I mother behind this kind of clothes the whole thing was so unknowing boats when Scott talked because if you make any comments you are in trouble I was careless somebody knows they are not real cookies again or something so I was just trying I always tell my mom just try and be patient and don't stop playing because we know the ways acting is not odd now we knew it was not a normal scene so I always encourage start to play and I won't told my young girl won't skip playing keep playing keep playing dolls just the advice I give to them so it's not like it's was CAI it's was no easy choice not funny at all there's no funny sometimes he goes out you go eat you come back he has gone out sweet Oh anything they see in the other issue is not to consign him oh you want it said that we must be some kind dad though so now you come back the food a job for himself who just touches nothing you eat adding kites was not funny at all and since after his deliverance last week tell us what can you say about your dad no we thank God he doesn't believe even if you do I would not really I'll not say we did anything wrong boy he doesn't complain again he's friend yeah he's more jovial he talks with all he wants us to always be together even when we go throughout because of air I wish come I said come outside let's go outside come outside stay together to this place before God so I'll go and see the most Wendy's being mall of you just thank God for that so what advice you have for people listening to testimony especially youth like you when they have enough the appearance having such problem what advice would you have for them the advice I have for them is they should not just stop me I believe way I can conquer everything that is just my belief whatever situation you're in once you hand it over to God God is able to do it exceedingly I know God answers prayer speedily so don't give up even if it's not happening that moment maybe God doesn't want God wants to prove himself or something don't give up just keep going that's my advice thank you very much once again let's clap oh Jesus thank you my name is Anita and second child I thank God for what God as my family God did you buy my dad from the idol in his family my dad just like when she started my dad was very caring very very caring he's someone we always want to be with whenever my dad comes from were always like ah daddy's room that's got me daddy one of his suddenly changed any small thing he just gets angry always complaining mags a lot so I got it and I whenever I is coming or whenever I is that to my David like stayin wherever is because I know if I'm there or something you just as complain so that's why I try my best I try to avoid him in some places but thank God now die as mentally bad he's more calm he's friendly jovial also give God Alleluia put your hands together for Jesus thank you so finally what what if advice you have for people who are listening to this wonderful testimony of yours those and those who are still having people who are in similar situation that God has delivered you from what do you advise them my advice to my fellow brothers and you what is that make sure you discover yourself on time honestly I believe us to discover myself on time now yes there's there's on the book there maybe 70 80 years they don't discover yourself I give glory to God please my advice to the old world discover yourself on time locates look at a good man of God like Prophet TB Joshua because ordinarily I don't believe any man I hate me with blue and I fall if money whatta follow me I can find about you I give God the glory put your hands together for Jesus Christ [Applause] thank you for that beautiful word of advice and indeed we congratulate you and the people of God rejoice with you for this great deliverance you have received and remember to maintain this deliverance you have to make the Word of God a standard for your life you have to embrace the wonderful Word of God as the most effective instrument for change and as that change continues you begin to see the hand of God in your life your family your business and everything we begin to change for good and I would bring you back for a greater testimony in Jesus name so Brenda Mary my to give you the inner grace to make his word standard for your life in Jesus name once again let's clap for Jesus [Applause]
Channel: Emmanuel TV
Views: 493,046
Rating: 4.5911717 out of 5
Keywords: Prophet TB Joshua, TB Joshua, SCOAN, Emmanuel TV, scoantv, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, Christian, Christianity, Bible
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 20sec (2300 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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