SEVEN KINGS MUST DIE Ending Explained & Real History!

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13 months have passed since the final episode of the last Kingdom and Netflix has graced us with a feature-length movie to tie up the story of utread of bebenberg and thank the gods it's actually pretty good in this video we'll be taking a look at seven Kings must die it's real history and the fate of many of its characters and if you need a refresher as to what happened in season 5 I've left a link to my recap video in the description below if Destiny has led you this far hit that like And subscribe button because I cover tons of historical shows the events of seven Kings Must Die begin around the death of King Edward in 924 A.D this is 13 years before the battle of bernen bear which solidified King ethelstan and unified England as one this might come as a surprise considering the pacing of the movie feels as though all these events happen over the course of a few weeks but hey this is what happens when you don't have an entire season with the King's death comes a time of political instability and with it those who seek to exploit this tumultuous time for their own game one such person is Olaf gutferson who in the show is referred to as Old English name anlaf king of Ireland or Ireland he seeks to unite the tribal Kings of England against evil Stan who he believes is a threat to their sovereignty but as the show suggests his real goal is to eventually take over the land for himself part of Olaf's plan is cementing a spy deep within Ethel Stan's Inner Circle in Comes ingelmunder Who indeed was a Norse Viking driven out from Ireland who settled in the wheel Peninsula however the whole Act of him being a devout Christian who uses his sexuality to manipulate the king is unfounded in fact there is no definitive evidence to suggest that King ethelstan was gay only that there is a lack of documented marriages or offspring so the writers here are definitely taking some artistic Liberties by grounding ethelston's desire to unite England and Christendom in his fear that he'll go to hell for being gay as inglemunder tells him every sin can be weighed against an Act of Faith if ethelsten unites England this Act of Faith according to inglemunder will negate his act of sin but standing in ethelstan's way is utrid of bebenberg who at the end of season 5 ruled the kingdom of northumbria acting as a sort of buffer between King Edward in the South and King Constantine of Scotland in the north Utrecht was promised that he would give up the land as soon as ethelstand proved himself to be the rightful King and so far Ethel Stan has not proven that in fact he kills his own half-brother elf weird for fear that he would make claim to the throne in reality elf weird's cause of death is unknown he died only 16 days after King Edward's Death which is rather suspicious with some historians even suggesting that he was poisoned so that big scene where ethelsten stabs and kills his own brother probably didn't happen but what that scene did do was prove to utra that ethelstan is not the rightful king or at least not yet so utrid doesn't bend the knee or at least not until Ethel Stan his crown sound and to make matters worse utra doesn't even show up to his coronation but as utrad later tells us this was all a test I did not provoke him simply giving him time to prove he's not a tyrant lutry doesn't feel comfortable handing over his kingdom to a man who may wind up a tyrant and a tyrant he becomes manipulated by Englander he tears down Pagan relics banishes utrid and forcibly takes his land thankfully utread is picked up by Olaf's men or should I say women and brought to the Shetland Islands were a gathering of Kings occurs this is where the prophecy of the seven Kings comes into play early on ingrith wife of finnin exclaims that she's been experiencing prophetic dreams in them she claims that if a unified England is ever to happen that quote seven Kings must die and the woman you love so let's take a look at who those seven kings are and this mystery woman on one side we have king ethelstan of Wessex Mercia in East Anglia who will later piss off the six other kings of Scotland strathclyde Wales orkney Shetland and man now there are other kings in this story however the prophecy does not State specifically which kinds must die so when utrid is brought before Olaf and the other Kings as king of northumbria in Exile he realizes that this prophecy is looking more and more like a reality but there's also another part to the prophecy a woman you love who also dies it's actually not a reference to who utrid loves but rather his friend finnin and this woman is the prophecy maker herself his wife ingrath she'll later die after being entombed which may have been an apt punishment considering Christ's body was held in a tomb prior to his resurrection but unbeknownst to us utrid finds that inglemunder is a secret spy for Olaf and thus he travels back to ethelstan under the guise of bending the knee only to tell him that his lover has been stabbing him in the back and not the fun kind of stabbing ethelston at first doesn't believe him but as Olaf unloads men at inglemunders Garrison at will it becomes ever the more apparent that ethelston has been deceived this leaves the king in a dire situation it's now him in utrid versus the might of six other kings and they are heavily outnumbered this culminates in the film's climate and battle the battle of bernenburg which occurred in August of 937. in reality ethelston was caught off guard not expecting Olaf and the Kings to start a campaign so late in the summer and when Olaf made landfall and started terrorizing the citizens of ethelstan's Kingdom ethelstan gathered what available Army he could in order to contain any further damage at the same time he tried to stall the Kings with fake negotiations to give him more time to gather men he even pitched empty tents to make it seem to his enemy that he had more men than he actually did his efforts weren't in vain and he was able to stall for three days mustering about ten thousand men although official numbers aren't known it is said Olaf and the other King's Army to be of the same size so the writers here really downplayed the strength of Ethel's Den's Army to give them this Underdog feel now if you want a full breakdown of the actual battle itself I suggest you take a look at baz battle's video on this subject which I'll leave a link to in the description below while the movie depicts this secret flank attack by utrid's Calvary in reality it was an extremely long and bloody battle that lasted several hours with both sides making almost no progress that is until ethelstan's forces and managed to pierce its way through an opening and break Olaf's Army in two thousands died in the Battle along with Constantine's son two of ethelson's cousins and four other future kings making five Kings dead in total technically it's princes but the show plays fast and loose with a prophecy since these princes will eventually become Kings so ethelstan is Victorious and gets his sweet revenge on inglemunder but all is not well during the battle utrid was severely wounded we see him clutching his sword Serpent's breath which he had forged all the way back in season 1 episode 2 the Amber orb here is of significant personal value to utrid as it was gifted to him by his father it's only fitting then that utra dies defending his people just like his father did well that's the question isn't it did utra die as ethelsnan and mind osber pearlig and idgafu pray for his health he emerges from his chain Chambers through defying the king utrid actually saved him and thus the hope for England utrad now sees that ethelstan has proved himself to be the rightful King and will swear northumbria to him thus England was formed but this still leaves the question of the prophecy seven kings were to die but only five died in the Battle who are the other two utrid surmises that one of them must be King Edward for a unified England could only come after his death then who is the last king You could argue that it's ethelstan as utrad makes him vow never to marry or have heirs thus he has no child to pass his kinship to but I think this oath is more so to line up with history as indeed Ethel Stan never married or had children and his younger brother Edmund would become the next king of England therefore I believe utrid is the final King who dies it lines up better with a prophecy since his death coincides with the end of his rule of northumbria remember that the other kings at the Isle of Man did refer to him as the king of northumbria plus utrud even says that he doesn't care care about being remembered by history rather that he only be honored in a feast hall for standing by his oath and this is what happens we hear a crowd cheering as utread is bathed in light at a great feast and at this Feast are memorable characters from utrad's Life who have also died such as Brita Earl Ragnar clappa and heisten the voiceover claims that we don't know if utread survived his wound or not leaving it up to us to make our own interpretation the final shot is uttered standing between life on the left and Valhalla on the right we never see which one he chooses if it's even a choice at all he's framed in this almost holy-like pose accompanied with a crown-like fixture adorned with candles above him and the last image he looks at is of his son and notice the distorted lens as if he's losing his grip on this world but I feel like his death is a fitting end to the show and sorry to be that guy but utra to bevenberg is a fictional character and is only somewhat inspired by an utra that would only come along about 100 years later after the events of the last Kingdom but what is real is bebenberg Castle which we see at the end completely redone in stone just like finnin told him they were going to do you can actually visit this Castle in Northumberland for 15 and a half pounds admission but what did you think of seven Kings must die I want to hear your thoughts in the comments below thanks for watching please make sure to like And subscribe and for more bad takes you can follow me on Twitter and Instagram at thinkstory YT until next time remember only the king of the king
Channel: Think Story
Views: 222,382
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Keywords: seven kings must die, seven kings must die ending explained, seven kings must die review, seven kings must die ending, seven kings must die real history, the last kingdom, the last kingdom movie, seven kings must die netflix, seven kings must die 2023, the last kingdom season 6, uhtred, battle of brunanburh, aethelstan, first king of england
Id: Hq5i4WYd64c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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