SEVEN 12 HOUR NIGHT SHIFTS IN A ROW: emergency department registered nurse week in my life vlog

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] night shifts in a row let me explain myself let's back up and start from the beginning when I first got hired as a new grad registered nurse in the emergency department I got hired on as a position called variable and what this means which I didn't fully understand at the time I don't have a set pattern so I don't work the same three night shifts in a row every time that our schedule comes out which I believe it's every month and a half we get like a full schedule I can kind of be working different shifts I really don't know what I'll be scheduled everybody's preference is obviously different what they like to work how many days off they like to have in between shifts but night shift is especially hard because your first day off doesn't fully feel like a day off and I'm gonna get back to that point in a second so this interesting pattern that I've gotten occasionally is I'll work three night shifts which is what I'm about to do so I'm going to be working Thursday Friday and Saturday and then I have one shift off Sunday and then I'll work another three night shifts Monday Tuesday and Wednesday so it's three on one off three on so I followed my schedule before in the past and I've taken that Sunday off which just feels truly pointless for me personally because on Sunday which is your day off I'm getting off at seven in the morning right and then I'm going home I'm sleeping and then Sunday night is my day off you best believe Eve I'm not being productive in any way shape or form I'm not doing anything I'm just being lazy because it's well deserved and I'm also just so exhausted and tired that I'm probably just going to be watching TV eating some yummy food Connor and I going to sleep waking up and then going back to work Monday evening so I know personally it's not like I'm going to be productive on that Sunday and get anything done anyways so I might as well just pick it up because that shift is available there are a lot of incentives going on at the facility that I work at right now which makes it very desirable to pick up extra shifts and I don't know how long these incentives will be going on for also I'm not really going to be picking up many shifts this summer because I really just want to enjoy it and not overwork myself does that make sense so I'm picking up this Sunday because it's not like I'm gonna do anything anyways and I might as well make a little bit of extra money because following these seven night shifts in a row I have like over a week off I'm going camping with my family so I'll have plenty of time to rest catch up on sleep be outside with camper with my family spend some time on the good Outdoors so I'm doing it we're going to work we're working a seven night shifts in a row I need to head out I'm gonna take camper to my parents because they will be watching him for me the next seven nights I'll obviously pick him up when I get off of work so we're gonna go do that I'm gonna drink the rest of this iced coffee I'm sure you can find those anywhere because it's Starbucks it is their cold brew vanilla sweet cream I didn't add any cream or anything to it it is so yummy so tasty only 90 calories in a class and it tastes so good it's not too sweet that's a big thing not too sweet just like that perfect perfect little amount so I'm gonna drink this I'm thinking about maybe taking this whole bottle to work and just like leaving it there so I have it for the next seven nights I have my lunch packed my bag packed with my stethoscope water bottle my trauma shears a jacket all the things you are going to be having a really really great week and I'm excited to be bringing you guys along for it camper say hi foreign my eyes are glazed over because I'm so tired I feel like the first shift of your like night shift stretch is the hardest because you're fully having to adjust to being awake at a time where most sane and normal people are not awake so first night is usually the hardest for me I'm Gonna Get Easier I had a really good day at work though um I was the breaker so I was able to give my fellow co-workers they're allotted 15-minute breaks in their lunches and I like it because it allows you to kind of float around the department and see everything that's going on it was a really good day but we had a lot of sick patients we weren't super busy like our lobby wasn't packed full I think we had maybe 15 people in the lobby when I got to work but we had a ton of critical patients I think I went up to the IMCU which is the intermediate Care Unit so step down from ICU five times I brought five patients up there and that was just me there's a lot more patients going up into the more critical floors so um when we got those types of patients in the ER m it's scary for me personally because it's not something I'm used to and they typically have a lot of drips they're just obviously more unstable their Acuity is just higher and you really have to pay closer attention to them and just really be aware of what you're doing why you're giving medications just assessing them quite frequently anyways that was our first night shift of our seven night shift stretch I'm getting like a second wind in me right now though because I came home to a lovely lovely package you guys oh my goodness I am so excited and I will not let my tiredness get the best of me oh we are opening this up and I am putting these sheets on my bed this morning so I can have a wonderful sleep let me open this up together with you guys I received this package from a company called brooklinen if you don't know what Brook linen is they are a luxury sheet company although they sell a lot more items other than just sheets they have bath products Home Products robes all of the things that you could possibly need but I think one of their biggest selling points are their sheets their duvet covers that is for a good reason which I'm so excited to share with you guys obviously it is so important to invest in good quality sheets that get softer with each and every wash because we spend such a large portion of our lives in our bed sleeping if you have to be well rested to I think simply be happy to have a well-balanced life to have a good quality of life to be in the moment I mean I just think sleep is obviously related to so many different aspects in fact all aspects of our life which is why it's so important that we invest in our sleep wow I think the packaging is just beautiful like this would be an amazing gift to give to somebody so I got the brook linen Luxe bundle they are satin sheets and pillowcases open this guy up here oh wow and I got this beautiful green color I figured it would be so pretty in my room with some of my plants okay so we got some pillowcases right there and we got our sheets here oh my goodness this is so exciting that's how you know you're fully adulting when you get excited over sheets oh my gosh wow this is such a beautiful color we have the fitted sheet and then the top sheet here and then I gotta do they cover as well and I decided to switch it off and go with this cream color um just because I wanted to add a little bit of like depth to my bed and not have it just be one color kind of spice it up a little bit and I figured these two colors together would just be really classy and pretty honestly so this will go over my duvet I have a nice white fluffy duvet and I'll just put it inside of this oh my gosh I have an idea even though I need to go to sleep right now we're gonna make my bed together and I'm gonna sleep in these sheets like now I'm gonna go take a shower first and then we will strip my bed remake my bed and get some rest and I'll tell you guys what I truly think of them in the morning before I head in the shower I wanted to show you guys how you have the ability to mix and match over 20 different colors and patterns with these Brooklyn and Sheet bundles kind of like what I did but there's so many other options I love how you can customize your sheets to exactly what you want at that Personal Touch throw in maybe an extra pillowcase whatever you need I also have something really exciting to share with you guys and that is a special discount code to get you guys 20 off any order over a hundred dollars just simply click the link below and enter my promo code Sierra Lynn thank you foreign I just got to work we are heading into night shift two out of seven I slept like a freaking baby last night and in fact camper slept with me the entire time too which is totally abnormal because I feel like he gets so hot in my bed that he quickly leaves me to sleep on the cool hardwood floor however I've never had satin sheets before and I feel like they're really cooling like they don't get too warm which is perfect for summer because it's so stinking hot so I slept so well I love them although when I woke up this morning or this afternoon I guess you could say I did realize like in the midst of me being a half asleep and then also so excited for my box and to put my sheets and my new duvet on my bed I didn't even think about washing them first I just put them straight on my bed so I'd probably recommend washing them first you know so when I woke up um I threw them in the wash and they're in the dryer right now so they will be waiting for me when I get home and then I will remake my bed I didn't even think about that I was just so excited for them anyways we're gonna head into work it's going to be a great shift it is beautiful out and it's also Memorial Day weekend so I know it's gonna be a little bit crazy out here but it's gonna be a good shift oh thank you good morning I actually slept pretty good although I did get woken up because you know when you're like in the midst of sleeping and then something wakes you up and you're like unaware of your surroundings for a hot second um there are people in my house because my dryer stopped drying which you don't realize how fortunate you are until you have lack of something they came and fixed that today luckily the perks of renting and not owning because I didn't have to pay for it I'm not exactly sure what happened but thank goodness they were able to come and fix that and um yeah I'm appreciative of that I'm just getting ready I put on some a vitamin C serum I have my moisturizer and then I'm gonna put on some glow screen and do a little bit of makeup but hopefully it's a good shift filled with learning and yeah I am excited for what the day has in store and let's head to work you guys we're going in the shift three out of seven baby community I'm off work today was horrible um yeah I it was a horrible day um not for any other reason besides a patient situation that I had I work with amazing people I have a supportive co-workers helpful but I just haven't seen anything like I guess I just haven't had a really really sick patient in a long time I haven't seen anything really truly devastating like I did today [Music] and I think the hardest thing is that you can have a patient [Music] come into the ER talking totally with it you're having conversations with them and then they can just compensate so quickly it'd be so sick so fast and be diagnosed with something that's they're going to die you're spending their last couple moments with them holding their hand also trying to like be embarrassing like do what you need to do for them this is a really hard job it's devastating the things that you have to see you just never ever know what's gonna happen what is your time you just never know you could be doing yard work one day and two days later you end up in the hospital so I just had a really hard day I say I had a hard day but I can't imagine a patient's family and a really free party and you know what the worst part of it is is that like I hate to admit this but I'm just going to be real I felt like I continuously try to be real on my YouTube channel sharing my experience with nursing but I've almost been in the ER for an entire year and I am so used to people being in pain like I remember first starting off I haven't even about a nurse for that long but I remember at first initially being a nurse and people like talking they're in pain like moaning and pain [Music] screaming being upset in pain and I like couldn't handle it like I needed to resolve that immediately and now after I've been around it so much I'm like desensitized from it like when somebody's in pain I kind of try to weed through like you know what what what's pain that we can actually help with is this chronic like there are things sometimes that are more important than necessarily resolving the pain in that moment things that may be more important um to treat the patient I guess I don't know and this patient was in so much pain I knew he was in pain and I was like well we'll get to when we get to it this patient had a CT scan I wasn't going to go with them and they asked like are aren't you are you my nurse You're Gonna Come with me right and I was like okay sure I guess if anybody asked me to come with them to Imaging I I would but I wasn't going to and I'm so glad I did but I feel guilty for like just kind of brushing it off you know not taking the pain seriously not realizing what the hell was going on and I had so many I'm having a conversation with us but that's them no idea that their life is about an end it's just so sad it's freaky it doesn't matter what age somebody is all the people to watch it's painful to be a part of and it's just so sad hold your loved ones tight and [Music] Survivor to be appreciative for what you have I'm just thankful that at least I could be there in those last few moments be a part of that but it's so hard you have to continue doing your job to swallow your patience to see it anyways I am going to drive up with silence because I think I need that after today [Applause] we got all the goods you guys bring in a two of these babies to work and then since we are coming up on Memorial Day I'm gonna bring you some of these cookies these are so good I got camber right here this is hi anyways we are heading into oh look what that does we are heading into ships of three no four out of seven oh my God I'll write my name on this so nobody drinks out of this one but I think I want a slip of it right now also seriously so good don't judge me I'm gonna put in a cup of ice okay cheers we did it you guys oh my goodness what a day it is 7 11 in the morning my shift is officially over you guys I had such a busy shift that I didn't have to first of all and didn't have time to drink my energy drink because I was so busy but in the best way possible it was a really great shift today I had multiple traumas so I feel like I've been getting really comfortable with the trauma charting and everything that goes in with having a patient that is a trauma activation in fact we have like these newsletters that come out at my work of just like overall trauma criteria that's met and this or that and I received well I didn't receive it I cared for the most amount of trauma patients out of any other nurse for like a slackish period of time in the ER so I think it was the past three months I had the most trauma activations I feel semi comfortable with charting on them but obviously are scary because this person is typically unstable I'm just grateful and happy to be able to be a part of learning and caring for people and helping them and also just proud of myself for how far I've come you know I just got home I didn't talk to you guys I guess it was yesterday before my shift when I woke up because I woke up late and thank God for something that I tend to always do but I set an alarm for like obviously the time that I want to be up but I sat like a extra alarm around five-ish just in case I snooze my other alarms as like a final reminder and I woke up to the five o'clock alarm and I was like what the heck I don't even remember snoozing my other alarms and I know they had to have gone off because they were there visibly there so I must have just been so tired so I was in a rush to get ready for work and then I went to work and we were exceptionally busy I take that back not exceptionally busy but consistently busy and it was just a long long night and I've officially completed five and night shifts in a row and I am feeling it I am really tired so two more to go baby we got this I'll see you guys tonight for night shift six out of seven I cannot believe I'm saying now what is wrong with me [Music] hello we are heading into uh shift six out of seven if anything I'm learning that it's clearly possible to work seven days in a row seven twelve hour shifts is it healthy probably not this flavor 10 out of 10. so good I caved you guys I stopped by Taco Bell and I got some bean burritos [Applause] that I am so excited to eat it's basically my Friday tonight is my last shift and these are well deserved and I was hungry I look like an absolute hot mess right now but it was a busy shift a really good shift um and right now I am a wide awake so hopefully I can go to bed soon and we can head into our seventh night shift in a row it is a ginger shot time see I feel like these help with my allergies I don't know if it's all in my head but it definitely clears up my sinuses I have found these at Trader Joe's but I'm sure you can find these anywhere cheers it burns but like in a good way we officially did it kind of I guess you could say I just finished off with night shift seven out of seven I got off early so it's 4 22 in the morning right now so I got off like a couple hours early I kind of said hey if we're slow and you need somebody to get off early I'm your girl and guess what we were slow not initially not initially in the beginning of my shift we had multiple Cardiac Arrest um it was actually quite a busy shift and then people got discharged people got admitted and got sent up to the floors that they needed to be and I think by the time I left I just found a little candy in my pocket these things are so good I need to focus right now by the time I left there was maybe five patients in the ER so they definitely didn't need me there I am so happy to finally be done with seven night shifts in a row it's gonna be a fabulous weekend I'm camping with my family I probably already told you guys that before camper is saying hi to me I'm gonna go take a nice I don't know if you guys heard that I'm burping in my hand I'm gonna go take a nice warm bubble bath relax um get a couple hours of sleep because I want to reset my schedule so I'm thinking I will just sleep for like three or four hours wake up it'll be morning time that'll be up the rest of the day and try to go to bed at a normal time like nine or ten tonight but I'll talk to you guys in the morning once I'm rested fill you guys in on everything how I felt after working an entire week in a row not for the faint of a heart I will tell you that right now good night I indeed did not chat with you guys later I'm sorry you may be wondering if I would ever work seven night shifts in a row again whoa still undecided but never say never anywho please enjoy these clips I took with my family on our camping trip that was much needed and also don't forget to check out brooklinen's website to get 20 off any order over a hundred dollars with my code Sierra Lynn [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Sierra Lyn
Views: 69,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nurse, nursing student, nursing school, nursing, nursing journey, nurse life, nursing school vlog, nursing student vlog, day in the life of a nursing student, pre nursing, BSN, RN, CNA, certified nursing assistant, nursing supplies, nursing student days in my life, week in the life of a nursing student, nursing school 2023, first week as a nurse, registered nurse vlog, new grad nurse, nigh shift nurse vlog, 12 hour night shift nurse, week in the life as a registered nurse
Id: 7YXZndr6dVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 21sec (1941 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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