Setup: Sparky Engine (How To Make a Game Engine)

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hails of guys my name is Jenna and welcome to the setup video of the Sparky game engine series so for those of you not familiar with the series since it is relatively new basically we're going to be making a game engine from scratch in this series starting with setting up our environment which is what this episode is about so last time I asked you guys and I talked a bit about the design of the engine what technologies we were going to possibly use and I asked you all the question of which language we should use so whether that be C++ or Java now I've gone through all the comments as of I think basically when they were about 238 comments I went through them and the results were enter these awesome charts I prepared based on the amount of comments so essentially if someone would vote for C++ in a comment or Java for a comment I counted the amount of comments that essentially voted for either C++ or Java and these are these are the results so 121 comments wanted C++ ver whereas only 39 comments wanted Java so that's that and then one more piece of data is I also counted the amount of likes that those comments had so for example there was a huge one that had about 80 facts and that was a C++ comment so based on those Java actually has a better chance but still 351 comments plus likes for um C++ and only 127 for Java so that means we're going to be using C++ so let's begin so the first thing I've done is I've actually created a brand new user called Sparky so that I'm going to try and emulate basically a completely fresh development environment as much as possible because of course I want you guys to be able to follow along and I'm basically really starting from scratch here so the first thing we're gonna want to do is open your web browser your favorite web browser and type in Visual Studio community okay there'll be a link to the download by the way in the description below so you guys don't actually have to follow along this closely but if we click on the free dev tools we're going to be using Visual Studio community that 2013 now I've never used this before I yeah I've got no clue so hopefully this is I've only used a visual she did professional so I don't know if this has all the features I haven't really read about it too much apparently it's just a more powerful visual studio express so hopefully it's going to be good so let's just hit the download button wait for it to download and that was quick because it's actually going to just download the Installer but if we open this my computer needs to be restarted okay so I'll see you guys in a minute all right so once my computer restarted I actually had to uninstall Visual Studio 2013 professional to get this to work but anyway open the Installer and I mean you don't have to join the program but you have to agree to the license terms and whatever hit next now out of this stuff we really don't need pretty much any of it I will install a Microsoft foundation class for C++ we shouldn't really need them anyway because we are kind of going for a cross-platform on platform dependants kind of engine thing but I will install them just in case everything else we don't need so I mean it takes a gig by itself anyway so we want to minimize that but that's pretty much all we'll need so he did install accept the thing allow it to installed on your on your computer and then just wait this will take a while so I'll see you guys when this is done all right so when the installation finally finishes it'll be a big launch button click it and I can get it analyzed folder and Visual Studio community 2013 should launch ok so you'll probably have to sign in first so go ahead and do that alright and once you've signed in they should get everything ready and essentially you just have to sign in with your Microsoft account by the way if you've got any Microsoft account that should work so just wait for this to UM prepare itself for first use alright so once Visual Studio 2013 is open this is what you should see this is like the blank kind of startup page okay so the IDE or the integrated development environment we'll be using is Visual Studio as you can probably tell since you just installed it this is Windows only so unfortunately you're going to have to develop this on Windows if you've got a Mac I reckon and probably just installing Windows via you know bootcamp essentially dual booting it if you want to fall follow along with this my preferred development environment for really any kind of software development here's Windows so I try and if I'm developing something for an iPhone for example usually I'll still develop it on Windows and then when the time is right you know and I'll have to compile it using Xcode then I will switch to Mac but essentially 99% is on Windows so it's just it is literally just my preferred development environment of course a lot of people like Mac I prefer Windows for software development so you'll see this stuff I like to rearrange this stuff and in Kyle you guys will kind of see that but all we're gonna do what we're gonna do right now is just make sure everything is working and our compile is set up and everything so I'm just gonna click on new project you'll see a bunch of templates just go down to visual C++ and then under that you should just see probably under general empty project okay this is what we want now it'll store it in your documents under a under villagiulio 2013 on projects so you can just basically navigate to that place on disk you can store it somewhere else if you wish to I'll just start here so the name you give it is well we'll call it hello world for now but the idea is this breaks down into two things name and solution name so the name is the name of the actual project okay whereas solution name it's obviously the name of the solution so solutions are like groups of projects so essentially if you're used to eclipse in Java think of the solution as like a workspace right it's just a folder full of projects right and then the project is actually the thing that you compile on the thing that creates your your game and obviously if you have multiple projects linked up together this works the same way ok so hello so the solution is like the workspace and the project is the project so let's just hit OK and wait for it to open all right cool so it's open now this is on the right hand side by default I like it on the left and we won't need properties at all by the way so we can get rid of that so if you just click and drag that and you can kind of snap it over here that's how I like it and then on the source files let's just go ahead and add a new item we'll call it Maine dot CPP okay great it's open so over here I'm going to just type in a basic hello world application so we don't even need any command-line arguments or anything and essentially all we'll do is we'll print out hello world and then since we're on Windows we can just use pause as well here and then we'll just open this up and wait for it to compile all right cool there we go so everything's set up properly just quickly to mention what's going on I hit the local windows debugger or f5 to actually open the program if you are following if you're trying to follow along with this on Xcode or Mac or any other Linux on code blocks or whatever you probably won't be able to use system pause because this is a Windows API thing so instead what you can do is actually use STD C and get okay so that will request the next character as you can see it will just kind of pause your application if you hit a character it'll kind of request things until you hit Enter okay so that's the kind of cross-platform alternative since we're on Windows though I'll just use system pause since that works sometimes see and doc yet doesn't really work but um there we go that's how hello world application so I'm using a special theme here it's called I actually made it actually so I can't really tell what it is but I will I'll put up a link in the description so you guys can download it and then to set it up all you'll have to do is go ahead and go to in fact I could probably just set this up for you guys properly so if you go ahead and go to where are we so tools import and export settings I'm going to export my settings for you so let's see it's awesome we don't need that we don't need that we don't need that general settings I'll keep and options and all the options like the text editor stuff should have stuff like colors and everything I'll keep all this stuff in here so if you just hit if next on that and we'll export it I'll save it as Cherno vs China visual studio okay and then what you'll have to do is once you download it it will be in visual to your 2013 sorry once you download the file that will be in the description the settings file go to your documents videos to your 2013 settings and then just paste it in there it'll be called China vs alright and if we were in like just normal settings so if we reset everything it'll look like this which is the old kind of style I don't know if it remembers that yeah it'll remember the positions of everything so if we go ahead now and go to tools import sources is what your guys people will look like you can just import the selected environment settings don't worry about you again if you've got your settings you can save them out and they'll remember so that you can load them in if you don't like my ones or whatever hit next and then under my settings you should see the China vs hit next I hit finish and it should load everything alright any can hear close okay there we go so those are my settings I'll have them in the description so you can download them and we're pretty much ready to start this engine now what I want to mention quickly before I finish is because I do want to keep this kind of interact as well so the question right now is going to be do you guys want some kind of C++ review or primer kind of video in which maybe it'll be like an hour long or something where I just literally go through the basics of C++ and show you guys how to do I guess general and common things because I'm aware that a lot of you guys who voted for Java only did so because you didn't notice a fast Blas and you were concerned about your ability to follow along with this so if you guys want me to make a video before we start this engine which is just a general review of C++ and like a primer essentially let me know I'd be happy to do that I'll go through the basics of using Visual Studio as well as the actual language and I'm sure that will help you guys out a lot so let me know if you want that leave a comment below and other than that I'll see you guys next time come back
Channel: The Cherno
Views: 52,595
Rating: 4.9639235 out of 5
Keywords: thecherno, the, cherno, project, thechernoproject, game, programming, development, engine, game programming, game development, how to make a game, java, tutorial, source, code, complete, game engine, c++, c#, Java (Programming Language), C (Programming Language), sparky
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2015
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