Setting Up My Mac Mini M1 (Apps, Settings & Tips)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Dan Silvestre
Views: 19,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how i setup a new mac 2021, how i setup a new mac, setup new m1 mac, how i setup a new m1 mac 2021, mac setup guide, mac mini m1 setup step by step, setting up a mac mini, mac tips, macos, how to customize macbook, macos big sur customiztion, new mac user tips, macos tips, new mac tips, macos install tips, new mac mini user tips, how to setup macos, new macos setup, mac tips 2021, mac tips for new users, mac tips and tricks 2021, mac tips for beginners, mac newbie, new mac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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