Setting up Microsoft OS/2 Pre-Release 2 build 6.78 (and compiling)

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all right so there's been a lot of interest in the Microsoft os2 beta 6.78 um so I thought we'd install it and uh go ahead and use it I'm using U VMware because it's fast but it does present a few issues mostly the um the hard drive format doesn't work and the mouse Drive driver crashes so you have to copy the mouse driver from 6123 so I'm say don't format yeah it's fine United States PS2 display that's VGA uh then we want to have IBM PS2 Mouse yeah you can add zero Port add the help reference change I let's change this because I like to turn break on all right let's accept the configuration and now we just swap discs believe there's eight 86 block is the way to go if you want something authentic but I don't want authentic I want fast set this five this number six you can count along so good news is the operating system is almost installed this these all originally five on quarters I've converted them to three and a half because of course dware doesn't understand this all right put our install this in no I do not have any additional support discs so we got to remove and then we hit control delete and then we should crash yeah see the the mouse is locked but we did to get up to here so that's good so now I'm going to go ahead and look for my boot disc it's a shame we're in the thing but yeah locked hard not even control out Delete so we got go power and restart oh it disconnected my drive didn't it okay cool so if we look at the config system version 123 we should see that the driver is PDI Mouse o1 so we're going to go ahead and copy that from here PD M o1 ox2 of course file not found one file copy that's great make sure C drive is okay all right so now I should be able to disconnect the floppy control delete and I got a mouse so there we go so I know the one thing I wants to see help about still has the IBM tag but it's tagged in 1989 and um I believe under VMware MS DOS doesn't work yeah but we didn't come here to run MS DOS so that's fine I don't care so let's go ahead and end that and here we are it's super baren normally you do get a Linker but not today so that's kind of a bummer do have the Dos calls and I believe it's under here there's the os2 ver uh this level two of course it's binary but you can see the uh build 56010 9401 whatever that means all right let's go ahead and install some software so let's go ahead and Rouse let's see I did make a port of GCC so let's go ahead and start that oh this is the old one is it ah actually you know what that's not going to wait work because we don't have a Linker so we've got to install the SDK yeah this is something I just forgot so type install. CMD you can see where it's going to install all the crap so basically just the default is fine so we're going go ahead Ty install and again VMware is great because it's fast so sdk2 and SDK 33 and then sdk4 this part does take forever on a real machine or any type of period correct machine but we are not interested in Period correct we want fast all right so now it's language this time let's get the right pattern okay three four and yes the files are actually compressed so you do kind of have to langage five these are essentially the exact same files that have been floating around on the internet for well over a decade all right I don't want to lose my path so I'm just ahead and start a new command and we're to go into ck2 tool kt20 to so we definitely want two files out of here we want .exe and then we want link 386 now if I go back to my os2 window here I can go ahead and type in build and now we can go ahead and copy executable to GCC bin all right so now we can just keep installing this stuff so the next one was the xenix assembler same problem all right what do we got next CC1 so CC1 is the actual compiler for GCC so the theory behind this was I can compile this under Windows using this decompiler from Windows NT to build GCC but because all the betas use different linkers and stuff we went ahead and um just put the objects on the dis and then link natively so this is emx omf so this is the convert the GCC a.out object to omf objects that os2 can understand it's confusing I know all not emx it's DC all right next dis uh do this one the new objects guess these are the wrong floppies but oh well let's see if we can make it work so it's G object uh let's see what comes next very down the M right on that XGC so this is where we get our files from for the headers and we need a temp so let's see Echo so now we basically need to go ahead and create an environment uh let's see so we want to have SL TCC Li SDK SDK that's fine the include I guess I could have left that alone don't need init temp is definitely not half equals we don't want any of this stuff SL DCC quick help bookshelf Set set set and set type this is two command file sa so if we go and we get nothing all right that work great all right that's better let's try simple program say hello say type play text so it's GCC db- c hello. c i got fatal signal that's great oh we didn't get the pre-processor did we no we didn't we missed a floppy I think it's prows maybe I don't have it in here wow how did that happen huh so let's see have oh right the extension is different there we go that's better and okay all right let's go ahead and kill that windows we don't need it object CPP all right let's try this again GCC v-c hello got see there we go much better so yeah um so that's cool that works so we just took this version of GCC built it with the 1991 tools for um actually for compiling for uh Windows NT and then just relinking the objects under os2 and yeah we have a a GCC so now we go emx f-o hello OB hello. o now we should be able to go link 386 hello obj sure sure I don't know C.L os2 386 Li and hello there we go so that's a a working GCC wasn't that fun that's great see this is what would have been like a really cool game changer back then is yes you had a have a free C compiler all right so let's go ahead and let's try something a little bit more fun uh what do I got space Quest why not so this is the version from Steam all right of course that's a Dos executable but like I said dos doesn't work under VMware why I don't know not sure sure so now we're going to go ahead and grab other floppy uh actually CC not Mouse this one two Source all right under other betas you can actually compile the majority of this with GCC but it doesn't work under this one kind of a bummer uh we need to set the environment this might be enough all right so I should just be able to compile and then with any luck we can just link and go all right so I'm feeling so good about this I'm just going to go ahead and group new games program new space Class 2 csq2 SL SRC Q2 presentation manager program all right so we run the program oh I didn't get the I whatever so yeah the speaker is kind of messed up but here we go the native os2 program for the uh 6.78 beta because yeah it doesn't come with much if I just minimize this you can see it's like 6123 just some command prompt a reference manual and then nonsense like control panel and U what's the most exciting thing here Fisk yeah close AF disk yeah there's um there's not a lot in here um after we've installed GCC there is the SDK examples you but honestly none of this stuff's interesting when were you born I don't know 1977 August uh 12 why not there there's your happy line hooray it's just nonsense there's really nothing that interesting in the demos honestly yeah save settings whatever yeah the real fun of course was uh getting this thing to work between the beepers and the uh the graphics keyboard handling yeah it's not quite sdl but there is no sdl for something to sold so I just had to steal examples of other code and mash them together because that's the way it goes so one thing that's deceptive is it seems kind of fast that's because this machine's fast it is very slow on a real machine all well let's go ahead and shut down there you go that's the um the exciting version of os2 everyone's been going crazy for for years I know personally I've been looking for decades for this thing so it's uh really exciting to have um but honestly outside the novelty of this one 6123 is way more stable um a lot more responsive but you know at the same time you really can't discount this one because this is the the last one that was truly and officially you know he can see it in the box from Microsoft so hopefully that lay some concerns out sorry if this is just an incredibly boring recording but yeah here we are so have a great day and uh bye
Channel: Neozeed
Views: 5,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OS/2, Compiling, Installing Operating System, 6.78, Microsoft OS/2, Beta, Beta Software, Microsoft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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