Setting up and using Nuget Feed on Azure Devops

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hi friends today we are going to learn how to set up negative feeds on agile devops before starting first understand what is Microsoft Azure Microsoft Azure commonly referred to as a short is a cloud computing service created by Microsoft for building testing deploying and managing applications and services through Microsoft manager datacenters white software as a service that is SAS home as a service in factor as a service are exits approach many different programming languages tools and frameworks including both Microsoft Pacific and third-party software and systems so this is a heads up so let's start with setting up this nugget feeds on the Microsoft DevOps so guys this is how it looks like when you log into as your dev ops web portal you can see that Deborah Telecom that's my sign in and this is the overview screen over here showing what is the project name and all the available services for us basically as your dev ops is a ALM to or application lifecycle management tool which where you can starting from planning your sprint and iterations till the deployment of your application you can manage everything so I'm not going to deep down discussion of this particular devoxx portal it's a huge topic to discuss so let's go towards the creation of nugget feeds basically what is a nugget feed a nugget feed is something where we will push for our application libraries usually dollar purse will end up in creating so many libraries for their application and we these libraries are reusable software components so what we have to do we will usually use this and Megan feeds to store this dotted page of the application libraries into a negative space so let's go with creating the artifact on the auto dev app server for one of our sample library that I have created so the first step is go into the artifacts well we are there so how to create an artifact click on create a feed so give a feed name so you mine - right see it that's a pretty nicely well visibility who can access this particular field for me as I have signed in into this edge or DevOps portal as a free user but usually you should be able to see the members of the ad that is the active directory of that a job portal if you log in into your organization specific devops portal you should be able to see that options members for nam what i am able to see here is visibility to members of Manos a way that is my additive ops group and specific people and yes there is option where you can you know much specific people to access your nugget feeds it's up to you and it depends on your requirement so I would like to go with this default option of visibility that members of monohydrate DevOps portal upstream sources include packages from common public sources is the option which we must select because this will enable us to download the packages from the public sources or public knowledge sources where you can find all the automaker's newtons of jason microsoft related nugget packages much of the public libraries will be available here so let's go with the creation well we have successfully created our nugget feed and you can see the name to the drop top in this is my first my library filled okay so that's connect to the beat okay then select visual story once you enter into this panel you can see that there are some instructions provided to set up the neck edge on your local machine so what all the information is provided to us for spa then I get freed we have waited and sure DevOps speaks of Ahram you can see this index dot jason is the file which contains the bare minimum information required in order to make a connection to this feed on this at your devops open okay so what are the next steps restore packages you are able to successfully connect with your source from your visual studio when you restore your packages you will be able to download all the packages which are there are references made by your application ok what I will do is till now we are good so I will go through the next steps where I will make an actual connection from my local visual studio to this as your dev ops field that's called my library feed and I will try to push the packages through this speed and I will try to down grow over the packages from this feet so let's motor words visuals to your let's go continue without code yes Visual Studio has opened well we are able to open the visual studio okay let's pause it there yeah what are the next steps we need to follow in order to set a nugget on this edge or DevOps Otto okay saying when we connect it to the feed we checked what should be the URL so you are allowing me to refer from my visual studio and my nugget feed me now the important step that comes over here it is filling does not get the XP of doing over here well here you will get the clear instructions for setting up the project there are some requirements first of all we must create a file name to make it touch config file okay and that file should contain this content and what's the pendant my dear friends you see there it's nothing but just the placket source was being mentioned over here and there are some key value pairs where a key is the my library field the name of the free just to be saw in this visual studio section over here and value is this URL to which we are going to connect in order to get the packages and in order to push the packages thing with the index punches that's great so now in order to mean collection do this at your DevOps totals artifacts or to this particular field we have to authenticate ourself in order to litigate ourself what we have to do we must have some tools installed on our machine so what is that do what the ops is mentioning here in terms of this message so you have installed the latest version of your artifacts credential provider from the captain in so let's go to the get tools mini step we must have nugget in order to push our packages okay so I already downloaded it to negate so to do it once again and the most important thing is and even through all the cutting tool bro but let me download the green shield provider or not well this will take us to the the github hotel where the Microsoft artifacts right wider is available so guys if you go down there you should find the section for Microsoft Windows yes installation on Windows as it is here manual installation on Windows download the latest release of credential provider let me download this zip file on my machine well I will download to Microsoft that code roll negative attention provided on itself well sorry guys we need to download this Microsoft when you get your potential provider towards it because this contains the executable whereas these are contain just the libraries so let's go with this option there's Microsoft on new date or credential provided or zip so I have downloaded it so has been paste it here so I will extract so once you go inside the plugins effects credential provided at Microsoft you should be able to see this potential provided or Microsoft on e X this is the command my dear friends which is going to help us in creating authorization token in order to make a connection to the factorial of sport and then in order to publish the packages and to get the packages let's go towards that spell let's open a command prompt MD and navigate to this path guys where the credential manager has been downloaded extract what I will do is and simply take the part o much of initial provider plugins net potential toward you to Microsoft yes we're going to change directory that part well now we are in the creature providers part what we do is we need to and read authorization token what we need to do is we need to run this commodity provider at Microsoft exe with the switch - you okay tells us that we are going to hit this particular server URL guys hope you remember that this URL that I am I've shown here this is the same URL that was generated when we created this feed on a show DevOps this is the URL Mario French so we need this URL in order to make the connection and generate the authorization token on the authentication yes and yeah and this - see provides the pop-up for the user to enter his credentials in order to make the connection basically you will get a UI pop up over here where you will need to enter your credentials and this will be authenticated on the server side to check whether the user is valid or not if the user is a valid user it will return a username and personal access token or pad okay let's see Xu this comma and see what happens [Music] that's it we got a pop up here so let me login with my cred and the password that's great guys you can see here the user name and password has been generated so let's copy these things well for my convenience guys I have downloaded and paste it and like it dot exe into the same nature provided Microsoft folder but you can run nugget or exe from anywhere in your computer location there is no such a strict constraint that you to run from one place just for my preference I have pasted over here okay well the next amount that I'm going to trigger is the Nugget sousou's add with the name my library feed whatever name I used it quite created the feet and then source and the source would be the URL that we have seen in our at your devops portal for our field that we have created so if I go here you can very easily see that yes it's the same URL that has been created by the devops portal ok guys so that should be the ceiling URL and then the username is the one that we had created in our previous step I hope you remember that there's a username and the first access token created in the previous layers that it usually and that is the password so let's click on let's press ENTER in order to add sources to our systems global dot nugget file ok well it shows with the name my level field added successfully so guys once we have added the source that source will be added to the user level like a taught config file and that will be located inside app data roaming nugget and inside that you will find this nugget comm me show you how it looks like in the new Paris I already opened it guys this is what a nugget config file looks like the user add all the packet sources I can should restore elements and the settings and avoid automatic binding redirects package management and then package sauce credentials if you provide a clean observation here you can see that Pete I had created is over here with its name and this is a two password which he is a basics or encoded string okay well the next step is pushing a new pkg file okay and negative package which is actually a zip file which contains all our libraries so for the ease of performing step the needs I have already downloaded when you pick is you find ok this is my fine some library it contains like company EMS common context it contains some library so now what we are doing we are going to try is we are trying to push this particular a new pkg file that is a packaged feel let's try this up well the next command that we are going to execute these I get push - source my image will be feed and this source was created in the previous you I hope you remember see over here negatory XD source was add - name my library field soon source he had added to our and medic config file at a user level ok so let's use that source name and - API key this is any arbitrary string value which you can provide to the API key so I have provided as my our first push and then the package they secure this come out super your package was pushed guys we were able to successfully push our package to be in a given field so how to verify that let's go to the feed artifact yes if you select my library feel from this drop-down guys you can see that this particular library that we pushed from here yes the culture is common contexts yes you are able to see that into a our nugget feet that is my library theater so what are the advantages really the first thing is that first of all all your applications specify libraries will be sitting either at your dev ops portal it's inside your artifacts okay and it's very easier to reference to the public feeds to I hope you remember while configuring or creating this mine library field we have selected the public sources or the upstream sources which we may need in order to download all the required dependencies which are being used by our libraries so if this particular library is making use of any open source library object libraries if for example the Newton's of Jason or maybe but from the app or any kind of open source library if it is referencing automatically download bed we download this particular package or it will be downloaded from the visual studio when we add this package that's nice so let's go to the last step that's it we'll try to restore this package into 104 Microsoft console application and let's use it as a library to that application okay so let's go ahead and create a console application new project right console application for dotnet both on you super Oh guys I have created a test package console application so let's manage nugget packages for this particular project so cruel to thee and each negate packages so at correct installed well nothing is there so what we will do is we will select the package guys you can very clearly see that we had added to my library feed here so went I select my lion eat and go to the Browse I should be able to see the package we have the package is available here as comm Jim's common contexts with version 1 0 0 what all we need to do over here is just download this time ok so a cage has been successfully downloaded and added to the project that is test package you'll be good it is the packages see guys we are able to use this library library has been successfully added to our project and now we can make use of all the closest services whatever is available in scientist package thank you isn't that a great thing Microsoft has minimized effort of developers by providing so many good services which are optional so that's good play we learnt how to eat our nugget feed on your DevOps Porter and then how to generate credentials for this particular field we created only at your DevOps okay and then the third step we performed was we tried to add susur's to the user level nugget file ok added the entry of the source URL that we caught it from this nugget feed and the fourth step was we were able to publish the new pkg fact that is the nugget package to our DevOps artifacts Pete and the fifth step was we were able to successfully add this particular package to a project in Visual Studio I hope you enjoyed this session thank you the meter here
Channel: Deep Dive Dotnet
Views: 3,443
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Id: iLcMIfRs-qI
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Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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