Setting up a Survey Total Station

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Hi, I'm Rami Tamimi. This right here is the  surveying total station. It is the signature   device that is used in surveying in the 21st  century. Today I'm going to show you how you   can set up your survey total station so that  you can begin doing your surveying projects. Now my total station is a lot  different than a differential level,   which is what we've been using in the past.  This piece of equipment requires electronics   and a battery to operate. Additionally it's  going to require some advanced leveling to   make sure that everything is calibrated  correctly to the surface of the Earth,   and any small adjustments that you might  make could affect the leveling of this   instrument. Now I'm going to be demonstrating  how to set up a total station using a Sokkia   SX series. It really doesn't matter what you use  the procedure is the same so follow along and   look at all the small details that I do in order  to set up my total station. Your total station,   no matter what brand it is, will be the exact  same procedure. Okay let's get our equipment. Once our tripod is over the point,  we're going to go ahead and pull out   the total station and place  it right on top of the tripod. Once the total station is on top of the tripod,   go ahead and tighten it below, so that  it's nice and secure on the tripod. Now it's important that your instrument is set up  right over this point, and when I say right over   I mean quite literally right over that point.  Here's how you do it. Every total station has   one of these on the side of it. This site right  here on the side allows us to look down on the   bottom and see where the instrument is directly  over. When we look now we can see that well it's   not quite over our point, so we're going to need  to move it over just a bit. The way I recommend   that you do this take two of the legs in both of  your hands look into the sight, lift the tripod   and keep one leg on the ground. That's a  loud motorcycle. Once doing so bring the   instrument backward and forward until  you find the point. Once you find it,   set it down gently you don't have to be perfect  but come close to the center of the point. Once you've found the point through your  viewfinder go ahead and step on the legs   and embed the tripod into the ground. Now I  know it's hard to see on this particular brand,   but you'll find that there is a bubble right here  and that will help you level out the instrument to   a closer precision. Some brands actually put the  bubble in a visible place so if you're lucky and   you have the bubble somewhere visible, go ahead  and look at it and try to figure out what you need   to do with the legs to adjust the total station.  And being more level I can tell by looking at this   bubble that our total station is leaning forward  just a bit too much, so I'm going to lift this   leg up just a little bit so it's a little bit more  level. What I'm going to do here is I'm going to   step on the leg so that it doesn't go anywhere.  I'm going to loosen the leg and I'm going to   raise the instrument just a bit so that it's more  level. Once I'm satisfied I'll tighten up the leg,   when I look at this bubble now it looks to be  a bit more in the center. So now we have a much   better foundation to start before we turn on the  instrument. All right, we've now leveled the total   station to a point where it's relatively flat with  the tripod. It's also relatively close to being   right over the point of occupation. Now we turn  it on just going to go and press the power button.   The first thing that pops up is this digital level  screen. As you can see, we still have a lot of   leveling to do. Leveling out a total station  is extremely critical, it's the difference   between making sure your data is accurate and  your data being completely thrown off because   your occupation is off. If your initial setup is  incorrect, then everything that you are going to   collect isn't going to be relatively positioned  correctly based off the physical location of the   point. What we're really doing is calibrating the  equipment to fit into the real world. All right,   let's finish up this leveling process.  Now similar to a differential level,   there are three knobs on the bottom to help level  out the instrument. When doing two knobs together,   you'll make the instrument move left and right,  one knob by itself will move the instrument up   and down with the assistance of the digital level  screen I'm able to see which direction my bubble   is going. The slightest adjustments to these  knobs can actually influence the bubble quite   drastically. I'm doing some final adjustments  here just to make sure that this is coming into   the correct position. Now all that's left  is to bring the bubble down just a bit, bring this bubble into the right -- See when I do that, it goes back, so I have  to go back and forth, and the -- the slightest   adjustments make the biggest difference  when it comes to leveling a total station   keep that in mind. We're getting very close here, some final adjustments. All right, I'm going to  go ahead and call that good. Your margin of error   should be below 10 seconds. If you're between  1 and 10 seconds that's relatively acceptable.   All right, the next thing we need to do is look  through our viewfinder to see the point below us.   The goal now is to make sure that we are exactly  over our point of interest, and then I take a look   here. We're slightly just below where we need to  be -- we're close, but we're just below where we   need to be. We want to be right in the center of  that dot and that circle. All right, so what I'm   going to do is I'm going to loosen up this little  screw, but not all the way. All right, now I have   the ability to slightly move the instrument.  What I'm going to do is I'm going to look   through the viewfinder and position myself just  over the point. I'm going to move up just a bit   there. Now I'm right over the point. All right,  now I'm going to go ahead and lock this back up and when we look at the screen you'll notice  something that's right we're not completely   leveled like we were before, which means we have  to readjust again. So I'm gonna move this over   just a bit. Remember the slightest adjustment will  make the biggest difference. Then we're gonna go   up and over – okay, there looks good. One more  look under make sure we're still over the point   right, so there you have it that is how you  level a total station. It's a little bit more   complicated than a regular level. It's definitely  way more sensitive, however, the level of accuracy   that you can achieve with a survey total station  is unbelievable. If you liked this video and you   found it informative, be sure to give it a  big like. If you're looking for more content   on total stations and what the total station can  be used for, go ahead and subscribe to my youtube   channel. I plan on uploading new videos about  resectioning, traversing, topographic surveying,   stakeouts and much, much more using our total  station. And with that, I will see you guys next time.
Channel: Rami Tamimi
Views: 27,827
Rating: 4.9606128 out of 5
Keywords: Surveying, Leveling, Total Station, Sokkia, Land Surveying, Setting up, engineering, surveying engineering, ferris state university, ferris state, intro to surveying, how to survey, how to set up a total station
Id: K8SEfTzpskg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 51sec (471 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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