Setting up a Schaublin 102 to cut a clock wheel.

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I welcome back I've been having a think bet heroin to do this and the thing that was concerning me was how I was going to orientate the holder with relation to the dividing head of the lathe because normally you just stick it in the lathe any old house and cut the teeth and because you're cutting a blank it doesn't matter because you know once you start cutting you carry on cutting but we're starting with a wheel with teeth already on it and we're just cutting a small section of it there's a repair section so this has to be clocked accurately to the dividing head now the way I came up with thinking about doing this was to turn down this diameter rather than it just being a any old oversized turning it down to the accurate outside diameter of the wheel that way I can make a test cut actually on the holder and get the arrive at the the correct tooth shape and you know set the Machine up and make sure that I'm happy with the cut that it's making then I can fit the wheel and actually align a an existing tooth to that cut that I've just made and when the machine is when when the the holder is back is on the machine the cutter itself can be used to register into that cut and that should I mean it's not going to be absolutely a hundred percent accurate but it is gonna be accurate enough for this so that's the way that I'm going to do it so the first thing I need to do is to turn down the OD of this to an accurate OD of the wheel I haven't actually made the cut yeah but I thought I'll just measure where we're at to start with and as the hot there is 18 point yeah eighteen point five one and ro D that we're shooting for is eighteen point four five so you've got to have a little bit of luck sometimes I didn't actually I just turned to this diameter down to something something near so I was lucky that I didn't overshoot it anyway I got away with that one and I will now put it back in the in the lathe and take that last 0.06 off to bring it down to eighteen point four five OD [Music] [Music] that's better so that's now at dimension and I've also colored it with a bit of blue daikon which will enable me to see the tip of the tooth as I make the cut so now you can see the damaged teeth here I'm just having a look to decide which teeth you want to remove this one is definitely damaged as is that one very obviously that one's bent and this one's bent and also got the some damage across the tip of it there so those four one two three four teeth are the ones that were going to be cutting out so what we'll do is just use a piercing saw and cut a section out of here and then find it up nicely it could be the first stage okay so off-camera I've just filed up this little piece here I'm not sure if you can make it very clearly but that's actually dovetailed and the damaged section of teeth is cut out and filed up to show to give dovetailed edges as well and then this piece or drop and we can then hammer that home riveting it and hopefully making a solid patch which we can then machine in order to fit the new teeth so next I'll tap that up okay so off-camera I've just fitted the new piece to the wheel I did actually have to run a small amount of soft solder in because we're spanning four teeth here and it's a little bit too big a proportion of the wheel to make a safe dovetail joint on its own I was hoping with the size of the wheel that it was going to be sufficient but I did opt for safety in this case it should be able to just make it it's an almost invisible joint you'll always see a small amount of solder in the joint but it gives it that little bit of security so we don't want this piece to fall out ever the whole point of this exercise was because I didn't trust the teeth anymore after they'd been bent over they would have straightened up potentially but would almost certainly have broken in the process if they hadn't broken I wouldn't have trusted the strength anymore so there we go got the piece in the wheel is now ready to be machined so we're going to fit this to the hole that we made the other day and turn it down to outside diameter I'm just going to file the the preparer piece down a little bit before we take it to the lathe because otherwise the interrupted cuts will be quite extreme so now that it's in the security of the holder I can just begin to file it down get it a little bit closer to to the outside diameter that we're shooting for back to the shop limb 102 but we'll bring this OD down to final size okay so the third section here has been brought down to the outside diameter and the wheel is held securely we're going to be cutting with the forces going in this direction so the the repaired section is actually going to be supported by the holder so all things being equal next stage will be to set up the other 102 and cut the teeth okay so now I'm going to set up the chauvel in 102 this is a longer ARPA that I've been using for another job you put in the shortened Arbor as we can get away with that way it gives the best rigidity possible okay so having put the right holder in this time I can now put the gutter onto the holder and we can begin centering it so now I'm centering the cutter unfortunately I don't have a microscope it is something that I would like to get in the near future but at the moment I have to do it the low-tech way of presenting the cutter to a center point so I'm literally just eyeing up the cutter at this center and although it seems like a bit of a low-tech method it is possible to get very accurate results just from careful sighting and I usually just nip up the gear and I'm happy with a media centering if they cross side to so that it can't move his excuse they're very shaky camera work but you can see here that the cutter is very well centered to thee to the center that's in the headstock so now it comes the setup of the dividing head on the lathe and you can see here we got a chart and we're on divisions 64 and the circle is the disc the plate that we're going to fit so for 64 we want 32 hole on the plate and 30 holes so that means that we're going to put a plate that's got 32 divisions on it and we're going to use 30 of those divisions to cut each tooth and that will give us 64 divisions on the workpiece I'm actually in lap because as you can see 32 we're actually already got the right plate on so that's a little bit of set-up time saved so all we need to do is set this so that it's indexing in the 32 whole division part of the disc so actually just undone the nut moved it on the slide make sure it's indexing in 32 hole ring and tightened it up again now we need to set a sector plate so that we're only going to do 30 holes or not 32 on each division so it's pretty easy to just move it back to holes and in theory the things being equal something along these lines so on the 32 division ring so this would be 30 31 32 so for each revolution we'd start there and we'll go around like that and into there that means we've turned 30 move the sector on and then we'll do another 30 and so on alright so now we're getting set up and put the work piece here and the quick visual check for concentricity looks Bob on I could clock it but I've got experience with these machines they do swap between the collet swapped in spindles very well and it's all quite a repeatable setup so now I can bring the force adjustment of the cutter down actually raise it up a little bit first I think I have the Gibbs set very tight deliberately so that it doesn't allow the cutter to sink in the middle of a cut so get it close snip it up okay one last thing to remember to do if we get too carried away is to engage the okay thanks for watching the next week we're just going to finish off the project by cutting the teeth off the wheel and make it back onto the arbor if you've enjoyed the video so far please do give it a thumbs up there it really does help if you haven't already please click subscribe to the channel and click the barrel notification to make sure that you never miss a video you can follow me on instagram at tommy dot Jobson and also i've been doing a few updates to my website recently so be sure to check those out over at 8uk thanks and i'll see you on the next video [Music] you
Channel: Tommy Jobson
Views: 7,820
Rating: 4.931232 out of 5
Keywords: #clockmaker, #clockmaking, #clockrestoration, #restoration, #restorer, #antiques, #machines, #antiquerestoration, #clock, #workshop, #lathe, #millingmachine, #schaublin, #aciera, #tradesecrets, #brass, #manufacture, #handtool, #workwithhands, #craftsman, #clockrepair, #machining
Id: u0Ngmzqf2xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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