Setting proper gain structure and hooking up a compressor to your mixer

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okay you guys today I want to demonstrate how to set up proper gang structure on a mixer and also how to connect your compressor uh into your mixer so first off we set up the gang structure first uh I just have my uh sure sm58 connected to channel one on the board as you can see this one has line input and insert and we'll get to that later here um how to set proper gains is first this is the volume control on that particular Channel this is called the Channel uh Channel strip which is a channel strip okay uh you want to put that to zero and also your master Vader to zero for Unity gain and then next you want to speak into your microphone until you see this led uh light up to about zero while turning the game up so testing one two three testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing okay so that's about right testing well it's a little bit High um you want to reduce it to about seven testing testing testing testing okay you want about4 to0 so you have a bit more headro to work with so that's how you set up your gang structure all right next uh in order to put the compressor unit into the mixer you have to have this cable called the insert cable the insert cable basically has the TRS in uh which is the tip ring and sleeve I'm not sure what the sleeve means um and then then other side of this cable you have the it's usually marked one's called the tip and the other one's start the ring that's the same that's the same thing and I'm going to turn the unit around here so you can see what's the back okay here we have channel one and channel two uh we have the input section and then the output section and then you have the side chain section the side chain is used to connect a parametric equalizer which we don't have in this uh I guess tutorial so don't worry about that and then we have here which is the uh plus4 or well I guess this is plus4 and you press that in then it's the -10 which is for like the regular consumer uh level stuff but usually I do the uh the plus4 since most of my gears are uh Pro Audio stuff all right first you're going to get your tip this is the tip and that goes through the input tip is input okay you hear a little snap there and then here you have the ring which will go to the output of the unit okay I'm going to turn this unit around okay and then lastly you have the TRS and will go into the insert of the channel one there you go there you have it uh the compressor here these are the features of the compressor you have the expander gate which is your Noise Gate level which basically means that there's like noise in your room like whisper people whispering and stuff so you probably don't want to pick up the recordings of all these Whispers or the fan noise or whatever noise so you're going to turn this thing up until it's red see this is when your unit starts working you probably want to do like - 60 or so that way you you will not pick up any floor no noise and then on this ratio here you probably want to put the 1.6 to 1 can you see that there you go and then uh the threshold you probably want to go up until you start to hear something I usually put around zero and then the compressor oops not seeing anything the compressor you want to do about two to three two to three ratio just depending on uh how compressed the signal you want usually uh for lead vocals you want to do you know two and a half to three you don't want to squish it too much and then usually on the attack and release I just set it to these automatic here so it does it for you and then the output gain I set it a little bit too high uh the higher you put the louder gets of course and this is your limiter basically you don't want to go above this line so you set like a limit okay usually I do about you know 12 or 16 depending on uh what I'm doing but usually that's the numbers I go with there you go there you have it hope you find that uh useful or helpful all right peace
Channel: tom pham
Views: 161,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DBX 1066, PV8, Insert Cable, Compressor, Mixer, Gain Structure
Id: Hd2Voz02XdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2013
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