Setting Our Mind On Things Above by Zac Poonen

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so we want to continue thinking of what it means to seek the kingdom of God first we saw in Romans 14:17 that the kingdom of God is righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit and we saw in Matthew chapter 3 verse 2 that it's also called the kingdom of heaven if Matthew Gospel refers to it as the kingdom of heaven but when you compare that with the same verses the same words in the other Gospels you discover that the kingdom of God in the kingdom of heaven are the same and what I mentioned last time was repentance is turning away from seeking the kingdom of Earth to seeking the kingdom of heaven so if a person has not turned away from seeking an earthly kingdom and all that that involves two seeking a heavenly kingdom he's not really fully repented he may have repented of some bad habits some wrongs that he did in his life and that's good repented of lustful thinking anger bitterness jealousy but his mind may still be occupied with getting something on this earth his mind is still set on the kingdom of this earth and he wonders why he doesn't make spiritual progress even though he hates so many sins but he doesn't hate this earth he hasn't repented from seeking the kingdom of this earth John the Baptist said repent turn around and seek the kingdom of heaven because that's coming and when John the Baptist died or not died but is locked up in prison it says in Matthew 4 from that time Jesus began to preach the kingdom of heaven is at hand it had not yet come it was going to come up until that time what is the opposite of the kingdom of heaven the kingdom of earth and I showed you in Deuteronomy 28 that's what the Israelites was seeking all for 1500 years there was not a thought about heaven because in exodus to Malachi there's no mention of heaven the only heaven it speaks about is the rain and sunshine that's all but not that eternal kingdom of heaven there was no promise of that for the seed of Abraham but when Jesus died and rose again do you remember that time when Jesus said some of you who are standing here will not die until you see the Son of man coming in his kingdom that's in Matthew 16 and verse 28 some of you will not die till you see the Son of man coming in his kingdom and the same thing is meant you know when you control the Gospels with one another in Matt Mark chapter 9 it's written like this is the same thing Jesus said truly I say to you Mark 9 verse 1 some of those who are standing here will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God come with power did he mean that did he mean that some people standing right there in front of him would not die some would die but some of you he said will not die till you see the kingdom of God come with power that's certainly not his second coming because there's nobody alive then who's alive who lived then who's alive today so that definitely does not relate to a second coming I want to tell you a little principle of Bible study whenever you come to a difficult verse don't just go around it it's like a farmer plowing his field and it comes across a big rock and he just goes around it no a good farmer will down so when you come to a difficult verse if you go around it there's a surest way to remain in ignorance and you will miss a blessing because there may be a blessing under that rock if you pull it out what did he mean and I really began to seek God about this and I saw the answer was in that word power and Jesus said in acts 1:8 when the Holy Spirit has come he shall receive power the same word so then I realized that what Jesus was referring to was the coming of the Holy Spirit the coming of the Holy Spirit was the coming of the kingdom of God in power not on the whole earth but in a small community of 120 people that day who became the first church and the body of Christ and Jesus called that the coming of the kingdom of God with power and so I learned from that that is the first church by the way 120 people all baptized in the Holy Spirit 120 pieces of iron put in the furnace and all became one piece then I realized that the church a local church is meant to be a demonstration of that kingdom of God which is one day going to cover this earth as the waters cover the sea so when we talk about the day when Jesus will reign on this earth when the rule will be the rule of love everything will be governed by the rule of love in that kingdom the church is supposed to be a little demonstration of what that kingdom is going to be one day a kingdom of purity righteousness joy peace and joy in the Holy Spirit and a church which is not majoring on righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit is not fulfilling God's plan for the church in this age the church which is just doing social work and helping the poor a church which is just preaching that Jesus will forgive your sin and Jesus will prosper your barns and prosper your flocks or today's equivalent prosper your business and increase your bank account is not preaching the kingdom of God it's preaching that old kingdom of Earth with John the Baptist said turn around from that and put your back to that and turn because the Kingdom of Heaven or the kingdom of God is near it's coming I'm absolutely convinced you know the reason why I say this is because I've been preaching this message in India and many other places for 40 years when God filled me with the Holy Spirit in a fresh way in 1975 I said Lord I mean I had already been a Christian for 16 years I was born again I was in full-time Christian work but I was defeated inwardly my external life was pure well inwardly I was defeated and I knew there was more to God's King now it's just like it's we read in Romans chapter 7 when I read that 10th commandment I found lusting in me of every kind and I used to say wretched man that I am how will I ever be delivered from this law of sin and death till God opened my eyes to see that there was another law the law of the Spirit which is not commandments which is not thou shalt thou shalt not thou shalt thou shalt not I lived under that bondage for years and I was defeated it was another law law of life in Christ Jesus not a law of Commandments it's something like I've used the example of a pig in a cat you know you can keep a pig clean in a dirty environment by keeping chains on it but you cat doesn't need those chains because it's got a life that detests dirt have you seen a cat always licking itself clean you look at that caddy and see I don't see a speck of dust and why in the world is it licking itself clean it's not such a passion for purity that's why I take that as a picture of a true Christian always judging himself maybe that's one little speck of dust here I want to get rid of it it's a wonderful example of you're so different from the pig for a pig it shalt thou shalt thou shalt not and if you have to be kept in purity my Commandments given by your parents and Commandments given by your pastor and this and that in the other you haven't come into the life of Christ you haven't come into the New Covenant and that's what I want to introduce you to the law of the Spirit Paul says set me free it was the law of the Spirit which is life in Christ Jesus lifted me up set me free from the law of sin and death it's another life that lifted me up to something like the law of gravity you know here's a law of gravity pulling the spend-down wherever you go in the world law gravity will pull it down but here is now the law gravity cannot conquer it there's another law the law of life in my body which is lifting up this pen even though the law of gravity is trying its best to pull it down right now very strongly but it does not fall this is a picture if you really want to know how the life of Jesus Christ lifts us up you know Jude says he can keep you from falling that's what he does I remember in the early days when I really began to experience victory over grumbling and discouragement and murmuring in anger and things like that as it took some time it took some years but as I came to it and I would say the Lord's give me victory over sin I got victory over sin the Lord said don't say that say Jesus keeps me from falling not I have got victory over sin but Jesus keeps me from falling the same thing but it's not a different ring about it right very different ring when you say I've got the Creole sin and you say Jesus keeps me from falling so now I say Jesus keeps me from falling because it's a moment-by-moment thing no one can pluck me out of his hand but I'm not a robot I can jump out of his hand if I want but I will not why should I jump into the mud if somebody's holding you up above the mud would you like to jump into it no I don't I mean I've spent enough years in the muck I don't want to jump into it anymore I'm thankful that somebody keeps me from falling and I want to stay there there's only one condition to stay there listen my brothers and sisters only one condition humble yourself under the mighty hand of God whatever God allows in your life bow your head say Lord I accept it I will never complain about anything you send into my life any circumstance I will bow down and I humble myself God gives us grace to the humble and when we think of turning our mind away from the things of Earth do you know that even Jesus was tempted by Satan Satan offered him all the kingdoms of the world said I'll give this to you but what did Jesus have to do you know the answer he had to bow down to Satan if you bow down to me I'll give you everything of this earth I'll tell you what I learned from there please listen whenever I'm seeking for something on this earth I have to bow down to Satan a little bit to get it I'm not saying that I have to compromise you may not tell a lie you may not cheat but the very fact that your mind is set on the things of Earth and of how to make a little more for yourself of this earth shows that the devil's got a little bit of a hold on your mind because the Bible says in Colossians and chapter 3 if you then be risen with Christ seek those things which are above Colossians 3 verse 1 is very clear if you have been raised up with Christ that's the first question maybe you not being raised up with Christ maybe you're still living in your and of course it doesn't apply to you but if you came to be born again that Christ has raised you up from that dynamic life then keep seeking the things above it's a very clear command keep seeking the things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God set your mind on the things above and not on the things that are on the earth that's the meaning of repentance my mind is set and you say well what about all the earthly needs I have that's exactly what Jesus said seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all your earthly needs will be added to you it'll be thrown in I guarantee that I've experienced it for 57 years I'm not telling you something I heard yesterday it's absolutely true and I proved it not only in my life I proved it among the poorest believers in some of the poorest places of the world in the villages of India I've seen it people have sought God's kingdom first and set their mind on things above poor people uneducated people illiterate people how God has provided them even though they don't have education taking care of their needs maybe they didn't become millionaires thank God they didn't but their needs were provided and they have a glorious future your mind is set on the things about so that's what John was telling people in Israel John the Baptist turn around and seek the kingdom of heaven now I want to say that to all of you who have heard this message for many years and are still defeated by sin in your thoughts and where your mind is set ask yourself not whether you've repented from dirty thoughts or repented from telling lies or repented from anger have you repented from speaking the things of Earth which is an altogether different thing have you obeyed this command which says set your mind on the things above and not on the things of Earth Colossians 3:2 is that in your Bible that's the first thing you need to see do you believe the Bible is the Word of God is that in your Bible is it a suggestion or a commandment if it's a suggestion even do what you like and say Lord I don't accept that position well there are no suggestions in this book holy Commandments set your mind on the things that are above that's exactly what John the Baptist was preaching and not on the things of Earth as you've been he told these lies fifteen hundred years you've been seeking these earthly things and for some of you John the Baptist would say you've been seeking the things of Earth for all these twenty years since you were born again are you willing to turn around now and start setting your mind on the things above you will experience a level of the Christian life that you've never experienced so far and all your earthly needs will still be met it's amazing I don't understand why anybody wouldn't choose that why would anybody choose to set his mind on things of Earth and have all the worries and anxieties that come along with it when he can have a mind set on the things above where he will have joy 24 hours a day peace 24 hours a day because he set his mind on the things above and have all his earthly needs added to him unless he's covetous and once more than what is necessary for his early life he wants more and more and more and more like a lot of Christians and the more they seek of the things of Earth the more their mind is bowing down to Satan so the devil told Jesus I'll give you everything on this earth she was just bow down to me and I believe that's what happened I years ago I heard the story of him whether it was a true or Apple crippled story I don't know of a businessman who was a Christian very active and Christian work regular at the meetings he had a little business to support himself but God blessed his business it's true and it prospered and it transferred and in transferred and as it prospered and business increased he couldn't come to all the meetings of the church now because business demanded more time there and after a while it came to the point where even Sunday who'd had to rush off before the meeting was over he had no time for fellowship because business demanded so much he wasn't cheating wasn't telling lies he wasn't doing anything contrary to God's Word but the demands of business became so much the elder in his church went and visited him and said hey why don't you come to the church he said yeah I'll come I'll come you know how they all say that God works to do one day he had three sons one day a snake a very poisonous snake bit one of his children and it was very serious and he's admitted in hospital the doctor gave up all hope of his son recovering then he thought about God and he called the elder said can you please come and pray for my son the other was a wise man he said Lord three years I tried to make these people think of you they now I never succeeded but what I couldn't do in three years the snake is done in one day it's amazing now Lord healed this child and sent a couple of other snakes to buy the other two sons as well so that they'll turn to you for the rest of their lives and never turn away from you I want to ask you my dear brothers and sisters does it have to be a snake bite that finally makes you wake up and say I shouldn't be spending so much time making money so little time for God to take a snakebite I hope not I hope the love of Jesus will draw us to him more than snake bites set your mind on things above I'll tell you if God allows the snake bite it's because he loves you if he's given up on you no snake will bite you he just lets you go to hell undisturbed like he does so many people God disciplines those whom he loves so I believe that here is the reason why many many Christians never enter into this life that is described in the New Testament let me give you a description of this kingdom of God life seeking the kingdom of God which is righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit I first of all showed you what righteousness was from Romans 8 and verse 4 the what the law required which Paul says I just could not fulfill I tried and tried and tried and tried and tried finally God did something and the righteousness of the law romans 8:4 can now be fulfilled inside me that's the important word in romans 8:4 till now it is only the nine commandments on the outside but the law demanded in the tenth commandment that I should fulfill this inside and I could never do it I had this lusting of every kind he says in Romans seven but finally God did it through the Holy Spirit this is why it is important to be filled with the Holy Spirit every day many ways Jesus taught this the last miracle that Jesus did do you know do you remember what is the last miracle that Jesus did because after his resurrection when the disciples were toiling and toiling all night catching nothing a picture of life under the law that's what Jesus was teaching them you live under the law you will toil all night and you will catch nothing you'll be defeated defeated defeated defeated defeated can you come to the end of yourself then the Lord appeared on the shore and said listen to me cost unit on the right side in a moment they never had such a catch in their entire life what is the meaning of this parable that the Lord can do for you in a moment what years of struggling can never do grace accomplishes in the moment what years of struggling under the law cannot do now these are all interesting expressions that you've probably heard many times I want to ask you what you've experienced it I see her messages like this and I never experienced it in my life and I'll tell you why we don't experience it we don't come to that place where we say Oh wretched man that I am Who Shall deliver me from this body of that I want to ask you when was the last time you wept on your pillow at night because you had one dirty thought during that day or you had a he spoke in a rude way once to somebody and it brought such a remorse to you that you wept before God's the Lord why did I do that that's not christ-like that's not the way I should speak to somebody so many Christians they speak rudely and doesn't disturb them they have a dirty thought now the Lord forgive me cleanse me in your blood they move on it's like they treat the blood of Christ like tap water oh my hand is dirty just gone to the tab rub it off use some soap soap is cheap blood of Christ is cheap you treat the blood of Christ like that I'm not surprised that you don't get victory you won't get victory in a hundred years no you will live in this endless circle of sinning asking forgiveness being forgiven sinning again the same old things and that's what the devil wants to keep you on that merry-go-round forever and ever and ever now I want to tell you that the Lord is challenging you today to get out of that cry out to God Oh Lord how will I be free from this and the Lord says turn around don't set your mind on the things of Earth that your mind on the things about all your earthly need will be added to you that's how Paul came to righteousness where the righteousness of the law is fulfilled inside him not just on the outside you know this was the condemnation that Jesus made against the Pharisees your outer life is clean but your inner light is corrupt and any Christian to whom Jesus says that your outer life is clean and your inner life is corrupt he's like the Pharisees did you ever think that you could be like the Pharisees if your inner life if your outer life before everybody else in your church is clean and you've got a good testimony but your inner life is corrupt it's exactly what Jesus told the Pharisees you clean the outside of the cup for the inside is dirty so Paul was a Pharisee and his life was like that but he got fed up of it and I think we're all like that in the beginning our outer life is clean because you really want to turn away from everything that we know is ungodly and we will get to a clean external life but when we get there we find that our inner life is dirty every Christian finds it but a few among them sometimes one in a hundred says Lord I want to want it to be like this wretched man that I am who will deliver me those are the ones who come through to an overcoming life the remaining just remain with an outer clean life in other words I believe God's testing us Bible says man looks on the outward appearance but God looks at the heart so God is testing you really on this one issue are you satisfied with men and women approving of you and thinking you're a good Christian are you happy with that the people in your church think you're a wonderful Christian because you preach so well you pray so well and you teach so many wonderful things but when I look at your heart there's so much of secret sin so much of secret longing four things you'd be ashamed if other people in your church knew that this is what you spend your mind your time thinking about when it says set your mind on things above I've often used this illustration of a rubber band if I tied a rubber band up here which is a picture of heaven I've tied it up here I need to live on this earth so I need to have my mind thinking about earthly things when I'm working in an office or working in a factory or we have to work eight hours a day to earn our living that's fine I stretch this rubber band down to earthly things for eight hours a day or however long you work every day you have to you have to concentrate on what you're doing but the moment I finished all my earthly work all your your house why perhaps cooking looking after the children your mind has to be stretched down to these earthly things but the moment all that is done the rubber band is released it goes back to think about the things about is that how your mind is with many Christians is the other way around the rubber band is tied down to the things of Earth always occupied with the things worth they stretch it on Sunday morning for two hours to think about the things of God then back to the things of Earth they stretch it maybe for half an hour Bible reading on the days they remember to read the Bible and then back again to the things of Earth the rubber band is tied in the wrong place that's the problem the Bible says set your mind on things above and when you need to do your work on earth definitely concentrate on it when Jesus was working as a carpenter I believe he was concentrating on what he was doing making sure the tables and chairs that he made were perfect but then when he was free from that he wasn't thinking how to become the richest carpenter in Nazareth that wasn't on his mind at all no how could he be the richest carpenter in Nazareth when he would make three tables and stools for widows and help poor people and he could never be the richest sparking arises if you do things like that you got to selfishly concentrate on making money if you want to be the richest carpenter in Nazareth that wasn't his goal his goal was to earn his living and fulfill his father's will during his life on earth his mind was set on the things above but there very few Christians like that why is every single born-again Christian should be like that it's because they have not heard the voice of John the Baptist saying turn around from seeking the things of Earth because the kingdom of heaven is near the kingdom of heaven has come and John the Baptist preached it it was near on the day of Pentecost it came and the church is supposed to be a demonstration consisting of people who are seeking the kingdom of heaven first the kingdom of God first whose mind is primarily set on the things above that is the righteousness of God's kingdom it's not just that I'm externally righteous I pay my taxes I don't tell lies I don't fool around with women I'm upright that's a human righteousness the righteousness of the kingdom is where my mind is set on the things above and earth is only a place where I need to earn my living you know what does it mean when it says we are strangers and pilgrims on this earth the Bible speaks about that that's what John the Baptist calling entity and when we choose that one proof of it will be like it says in Romans 14:17 peace and joy in the Holy Spirit think of words like this rejoice in the Lord always Philippians 4:4 I don't know how many Christians can honestly say that they rejoice in the Lord no matter what happens in the world around them no matter what happens in their lives they don't rejoice in their circumstances but they rejoice in the Lord and they will never lose their joy this is one of the things I began to seek God for when I found my so defeated I read that verse and I said Lord it is not true in my life he doesn't say rejoice most of the time it says rejoice always in the Lord he is such a life possible every Christian around me said impossible Paul said possible he had it and he said again I say to you rejoice so I said Lord at least as one man who lived like that and I'm sure there are others whom I don't know but I want to live that life I don't care what it costs I want to come to a life and I is a very discouraged person frequently discouraged Google me and I said Lord I want you to so fill me with the Holy Spirit that I will experience this kingdom of God righteousness and joy in the Holy Spirit always in the Lord now I want to tell you very humbly God did it in me he did a miracle and it's possible my circumstances are always not very convenient it doesn't make a difference to me it will not alter my rejoicing in the Lord and I believe that is God's will for all of you I remember a time you know I seek to do something to earn my own living I've been doing that for 40 years I'm not supported by any church support myself but in my little business I do once I lost a huge amount of money and I said Lord why did that happen and the Lord said well if a few days ago you prayed that you wanted to be free from the love of money oh that's the case fine thank you lord I got an answer and I said no that's fine if I've if I live you took it away from me because you wanted to answer my prayer to free me from the love might do it again so yes no Christian would pray that right do it again I said Lord I want to be free it's more important to me to be free from the love of money than to have a large bank account to really believe that I stand before God and I say for me to be free from the love of money is more important than I have a large bank account I hope all of you will be able to say that I tell you your life will change your life will be useful to God on this earth you will stand before the Lord one day without regret that instead of drifting along as a church member you accomplish something for God you learn to rejoice not in money but in the Lord always and that's just one part of it and peace freedom from anxiety I want to say one more thing before I close we'll continue tomorrow you know one of the things that John the Baptist said I like John the Baptist he's been one of my great heroes for many many years and the more I meditated on in the wonderful things he said saying he must increase but I must decrease things like that amazing statements one of the things he said when the Pharisees came to him for baptism in Matthew chapter 3 he said to them in verse 9 don't suppose that you can say we have Abraham for our father I will not baptize you you Pharisees however much you may say Abraham is your father you need a glory in their connection to a great man of God Abraham and it's very easy for people to glory in their connection or their relationship to a man of God today I belong to this church which was founded by so-and-so I mean you may be a carnal person but you glory in belonging to a particular group of people associated with holiness or fullest in spirit or a man of God but I want to say to you John the Baptist would say to you don't glory in that it means nothing if you don't have I see a lot of people I've seen a lot of people you know I remember the early days when we started preaching these things in India a lot of people despised us they thought we were heretics and all that this they thought we were preaching an impossible standard and I I said well I'm not here to argue with anybody time will show God will shut their mouths when they see the results after many years now after 40 years and people have seen the results in a number of believers and a number of churches in India some of their mouths as beans have been shut because they've seen some of the results of churches that live by an altogether different standard than many churches around but then what happens with what's happened even in our churches people come in and become a part of that church because they say hey there's a good church to go to and as we're preaching here and the good brothers and sisters will care for us and etc etc and then they glory that they belong to see a see oh we're connected with Christian Fellowship Church it's exactly the same thing there God is no value for that God wants to see whether you personally are having your mind set on things above I tell people this don't glory that you know me personally or you're connected with me it means nothing it has no value before God don't glory in it what is your personal life like can you honestly say before God that your mind is set on the things above then you're okay whichever church you may belong to don't glory that Abraham is your father in your connection with a man of God and yet I see there are many many people even today and some even in the United States they glory in their connection to a group or to a man of God that's carnality it's 100 percent carnality if you went to John the Baptist he would not baptize you he's I don't care who you're connected with what about your personal life have you turned around from seeking the kingdom of this earth if you haven't I don't care if you're connected to fall or Abraham or Peter or anybody that's what John the Baptist would say that's what I would say to so don't get discouraged because in the locality where you live you don't find a good church nothing can stop you from setting your mind on the things above personally and say Lord I want to have my mind set on the things above I don't want ever glory that I'm belong to a church that preaches holiness or a church connected to this person or that person or this other group of that group if you think like that it's carnality John the Baptist would reject you for Baptist he would say if you can repent from seeking the things of Earth start seeking the things of heaven then you're okay otherwise your connections mean nothing so let's remember that as we go to bed tonight think about the things we have heard will continue tomorrow morning let's bow our heads now our heavenly father as we bow before you and think of the many things you've said to us today help us to take it seriously longer because if you're approaching the end of time and time is so short we don't want to spend our days for that which is worthless you pray in Jesus name
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Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Zac Poonen
Id: _VPxCfVG33E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 2sec (2342 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2017
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