setTimeout + Closures Interview Question πŸ”₯ | Namaste πŸ™ JavaScript Ep. 11

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now we will cover very important interview questions related to closures which is asked a lot of times in interviews and you know even very senior developers they pull their hairs right when they see like things are not working as expected and you know that is because we don't understand what happens behind the scenes so now let us see these examples and you will be better in your interviews i'm telling you just keep watching so suppose we have a function over here okay let's call it x and we have a where i is equals to let's say one over here okay and we have a set timeout let's create a set timeout okay it takes a callback function and we are just trying to access this i right this i inside set timeout nothing else and we are just logging this and it also takes a timer right and let us give one second timer that is 1000 millisecond over here so what do you expect if i run this program if i run this function what do you expect to see in the console so many of you already know that it is easy right it prints i value of i one after one second right so if we run this code so see after one second it prints one if i do it three over here three thousand okay it will print after three seconds one two and three so it will print after three seconds the value of i many people think that this set timeout runs over here itself no you will pull your hairs if i show you something so even if i show you okay even if i show you suppose if i print namaste javascript over here right so what will happen okay so yep so what do we expect to see now so many developers will think that javascript will wait for 3000 milliseconds over here and then we'll print i and then the value of namaste javascript no man see if i run this code if i run this code it prints namaste javascript then waits for 3000 milliseconds and run that function and prints the value of i right so you know many people think that javascript set timeout will wait over here no javascript does not wait for anyone okay so just like we say right time and tide waits for none just like javascript also waits for none okay nice code right time tied and javascript waits for none i know that's a bad joke but yeah so what set timeout actually does is how and why this is printing like this is because these see this function first of all let me tell you an important thing this function forms a closure okay so this function remembers the reference to i okay this reference to i and it is like forms a closure so wherever this function goes it takes the reference of i along with it okay that's what closure is right and what does the set timeout do is it takes this callback function and stores it into some place okay and attaches a timer to it let me tell you that it takes this callback function and it attaches a timer of 3000 milliseconds to it and it stores it somewhere and the javascript proceeds right it does not wait for anything it just goes to the next line and prints namaste javascript okay that's how javascript works and once that timer expires once that 3000 millisecond is done right that timer expires it takes that function okay puts it again to the call stack and runs it that's how set timeout work okay and we will go into more details in event loop callback queue those things come into picture but we'll go dive deep into it later but for now just understand set timeouts takes this callback function attaches a timer and when the timer expires it like calls that function that's how and javascript does not wait at that point of time itself right while you see this set timeout statement it does not wait there actually okay it just goes on and runs the whole code so it just prints the namaste javascript and goes on that's it that's it and it's it's somehow somewhere else stores and waits for the timer to expire something like that now this is also many developers understand and can crack but now what i will show you will like you will pull your hairs okay literally you will pull your hairs because that most developers are confused about so suppose we are given a problem to print in the console one two three four five after each and every second okay something like that okay one after one second two after two seconds three after three seconds four after four seconds some like this till five how would you do it so i know many of you cool developers who are watching right now what they will do is they will just quickly write a for loop right that is what we use right i'll tell you and you will just write where is equals to 1 and you will run this from 1 to 5 right 1 to less than equal to 5 and you will do a i plus plus and what you will do inside the loop you will put this set time out right okay it's easy right we can just do it like this let me just remove this i now we no longer need this i and then what you will do so over here i i value will be one two three four five so it will print one two three four five and two like print it after each and every second what generally developers will do they will just put a i into one thousand easy right done we are done with our code right it will it will and how this will behave it will print namaste javascript then it will like go on and uh this when the value of i will be 2 it will set the timer of 2000 and it will like log 2 then 3 then 4 then 5 and that's how it is and that's how it is not okay it does not behave that way it behaves very differently okay and i if i'll show you the output of this code you will like pull your hairs so i'll show you the output of this code that will be very interesting okay so let me just run this code now so if i run this code so it prints namaste javascript and then six and then six and then six and why why it is printing 6 it printed in the correct order right it printed after one second it printed 6 after 2 seconds 6 6 6 like this after seeing javascript behave like this many developers want to like crash their screens but that's not the case let us see let us find out and let us see why this is working this way right so it is working this way because of the closure okay so if you understand closures properly you will be able to understand why it is printing six over here like this so remember what happens when a closure is formed a closure is like function along with its lexical environments right so even when function is taken out from its original scope right if it is executed in some other scope still it remembers its lexical environment right it can access to those variables uh of its lexical scope right so what will happen when the set timeout takes this function and stores it somewhere and attaches a timer so that function remembers the reference to i so let me make things clear i have told you in the closure video also that it remembers the reference to i not the value of i it reference to i many developers get confused here so when the loop runs the first time so it like kind of makes a copy of this function attaches a timer and also remembers the reference of i and similarly these five copy of this functions all of them are pointing to same reference of i right they are pointing to same reference of i because the environment for all of these functions are same right all of these copy of set timeout callback functions the reference to that i right it it refers to the same memory space right so that was the first thing the second thing is that javascript does not wait for anything remember so it does not wait for anything it will run the loop again and again okay it will just quickly uh push that like store that function set timeout will store that function all these five functions and javascript will move on right it does not wait for those timer to expire right so it will print namaste javascript and when the timer expires it is too late it is too late and the value of i because the loop was constantly running right it was one two three four five six so the i value became six okay this i value became six and when this callback function runs by that time the value of i this where i is six okay in the memory location it is six so that is why it prints six every time because all of these callback functions all of these copy of these functions all of these five functions are referring this i is referring to the same spot in memory and that is the same variable this variable which has now run five times and its value because of this increment has gone to six so if we try to retrospect that why it is behaving this way then we get to know that it is because this i for each and every copy of the function is referring to the same spot in memory that is i this i okay which has now become six right because the loop was continuously running by the time this callback function gets a chance to execute right by that time this i value has been changed because of this loop to 6 right so the problem lies over here in this i so how we can fix this how we can fix this a very quick and very easy way to fix this is to use let over here okay so if i use a let over here you already know what let will do let has a what block scope right so when i say let has a block scope that means for each and every loop iteration right so whenever every time loop runs this i is a new variable altogether okay it is a new copy of i altogether and each time set timeout is run this callback function has a new copy of i with it its own identity of i with it let me first run you run and show it to you that it works okay many of you might not believe it so see it runs why you know because these let variables are block scoped right so each and every this time this loop is called right each and every time the set timeout method is called this function forms a closure with a new variable itself okay that means this copy of i in each iteration is new okay so that means if we do a i plus plus here so i is equals to 2 is a new copy of variable which forms a closure with this function okay set timeout what it will do set timeout will take this function now this function has a new copy of i bound to it which has value 2 and send it okay and saves it and similarly when the i goes to three it it forms a closure with i is equals to three which is a fresh variable in itself okay fresh new copy of i and it like saves it and similarly it like keeps on doing it keeps on doing it and it makes five copies of this variable i and they form closure with each and every function so in simple term you can assume that each and every time this function is called it is it is referring to different memory location which is their individual i uh separate copy of i which were in the scope okay so why was it not working with var and why it is working with lead the only difference is that let is block scope and it creates a new copy every time this loop is executed but you know some of these smart interviewers very smart interviewers they will say that no you can't use lit you have to use web now you are confused right now what you will do now again only closures will help you okay closures will help you with this and you can like without even writing let you can do and perform the same thing because you already know why this is happening so it is hap it was happening like it was not working with var just because this the copy of this i right this copy of this i refers to the same memory location so somehow we have to give a new copy of i every time right to this set timeout and forms a closure with it okay so for that what we can do if we want to fix it with using where over here so what we can do we can form a closure okay so clearly see this pay very attention you like it it might be confusing for you initially but i'll show you so what we will do is we will create a function okay let's call it close let's call it close okay we will enclose this set timeout inside this function okay let us take this so what we have to do is we want to kind of have a new copy of i each and every time this loop is executed like that is what was working with let right so what we will do is we wrap this wrap this sept time out inside this close function pay attention very carefully so we wrap this set timeout inside this closed function and we somehow have to supply this i every time with a new copy of i right how we can do that we can just call this close function with an i okay so if i do a i over here okay and if i pass in i here and if i run it like this so it works why it will work because every time you call this close function with this i it creates a new copy of i for itself over here okay uh i know these are these are a lot of eyes that might be confusing to you but you can assume this to be like this somewhat like this okay so these are like this so these two code have no difference it's like this okay so basically what we did is so we just identified that problem that that problem was because it was referring to the same memory space now using closures using this close function we kind of created a new copy of i or a new copy of x every time this set timeout was called okay so every time the set timeout callback function is like stored in a separate memory and like attach the timer right it stores so it remembers a new copy of x every time this close function is called it like has a new copy of i in it okay so uh that is how it is and that is how you can make this work so next time if you find something like this so don't just pull your head and hate javascript but understand how it beautifully works behind the scenes okay how you can make closures work for you not against you you know while coding how you can make closures work for you like understanding how these things are working you don't get into this this is a very corner case you don't get run into these problems very often but this is important to know okay how things are working behind the scenes if you know internally you won't hate javascript but you will love it i know it is too much for this video so that's all in this video and in the next video we will be covering an important example of closures you know i saw in the comment somebody wrote that if suppose an interviewer is asking for a good example of closure what can we give so in the next video i will show you a good example of closures which will make your foundations more strong you will remember closures for your life before moving on to that video give this video a thumbs up it motivates me a lot and till next time thank you for watching namaste javascript [Music] foreign
Channel: Akshay Saini
Views: 138,799
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Keywords: Javascript course, Namaste javascript, akshay saini, akshay saini javascript, javascript tutorials, best javascript course, javascript video series, javascript fundamentals, namaste js, javascript core concepts, advanced javascript, js interview question, settimeout javascript, settimeout interview question, closures interview question, settimeout in loop interview question, interviews, frontend interview questions, top interview questions, web developer interview questions
Id: eBTBG4nda2A
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Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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