Set up Autoposting on your Channel/Group using a Telegram Bot

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hello everyone my name is Sydney from the ignited and this is a tutorial that is going to show you how to create an automated telegram but to post your telegram channel the process is quite simple so to begin with we're going to create a channel alright so you click your hamburger menu click on new channel we give it a name let's call it ignited channel description let's say curated news and reviews and we created the link the link will collect the ignited channel ok link is available we save you don't need to invite anyone at this point so let's keep this and done that is step 1 created the telegram channel they ignite a telegram channel so after this we are going to go to to the telegram but which is both father if you don't find any of these but it's just such in the search box so there is but father what can this bought to what father Ralph is the one bought to roll them all use it to create new birth account and manage your existing words so start all right you can walk on games you have put settings edit boats but what I want to do is to create a new boat so click on that and write a new boat what are we going to call it so let's call it the ignited um let's see dig knighted fandom all right ok let's choose a username Ford ignited fandom it must end with pot so let's call it dig nighted Fembots all right dig knighted fun but congratulations on your new boat all right there it is you can't find it that so now at this point we're going to just take the API token and go to another but this time we're going to go we'll come back to port father so don't worry about it so we're going to go to many boats many boats is a very interesting but it lets you create your own boats and send messages subscribers create custom menus and submenus auto posts from RSS Twitter VK and YouTube so let's click start right so create new boat if we hadn't done the boat father um procedure already we would have it would have taken us there but now we are done with that so let's create see we have you seen success support father but you've done that already so I've copied the API token alright so we passed it okay so now you're done the token has been accepted so now right if you want about the ignited fun but let's uh let's keep this so we're done your butt is ready invite your audience to that I can send updates to your subscribers using the new post command and all that stuff okay so let's take a step back and go back to our dignity channel and then we have to add our newly created but see remember then add its it was the dig night head fun but I think right there it is got it we invited we're going to make it admin that is very important so make it min and I think this is fine where it is what the admin can do so now we save saying it has two members okay so we're done with that step so once you've reached this step you go back to many boats so now want to send new post subscribers let's see what I just will do so we're going to use our dignity ed fun board okay there it is so they say you open it and then you see what it can do so there it is the ignited fandom so let's start it okay so when you start it you see all these features you can create a new post you can trade you you can see how many subscribers you have and all that stuff but what we want is to automate posting from your boat to a telegram channel so there it is so now we have to add channels so let's see you have to enter the channel name and ours was us first go back and have a look at it it was a dig knighted channel so that we've copied it so go back to the ignited fund on and past it there it is so now we need to send a message to the channel to check if itself on to check its availability so let's send just message there yeah we've got it see powered by many but so it works fine and now it's connected status active so now that we're done with that we want to auto post so go back then click auto posting and now you choose the feed you want you can choose between Twitter VK YouTube and RSS if it was jasoh see we can choose to give you an example Kim Kardashian but become for example just ignited and when you enter it will add it see oh we could choose al Jazeera so this would be AJ English I think that's their Twitter handle AJ English yeah I think so okay there yeah see that's how is it is case you want RSS feed they give you the example of the next web thing so you can choose that can actually copy this as it is and put it down see that's how you add channels to your boat myself you add okay so we're done with the auto posting once you're done with this step your model is done okay so that was a tutorial on how to to create an automated um telegram boat to post your channel I hope you liked it alright see you bye
Channel: Dignited
Views: 111,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Telegram, Telegram Channels, Pavel Durov, Autoposting on Telegram Channel
Id: bgFAgZCP7yQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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