Session 5 : DataWeave 2.0 | Mule 4 | MuleSoft For Absolute Beginners
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Channel: MuleSoft-TechZone
Views: 101,200
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Keywords: MuleSoft, mule4, mulesoft for beginners, muleys, anypoint studio, raml, runtime manager, api manager, design center, Sravan Lingam, Dataweave, Dataweave 2.0, mulesoft videos, data weave, dw 2.0, scatter gather, for each, mulesoft training, mulesoft tutorial for beginners, mulesoft introduction, map and mapobject in mule 4, flatten in mule 4, filter, if else in mule 4, if else in mule 4 dataweave, pluck in mule 4, map and mapo, difference between map and map object in mule 4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 28sec (7288 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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