Session 5 - Azure DevOps for QA Tester | Azure DevOps for Beginners | Intro to STLC in Azure DevOps

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all right so how do we access the tool right um so we'll go from there I don't want you to touch your computer yet I'll give you plenty of chance to work through it okay let's pay attention here it's not a rocket science learning this tool is very straightforward as long as you understood the concept uh earlier that I talked about for agile in different terminologies so I'm going to go to again this is where we start and if you are already logged in I think if you sailed login then it will directly take you to this page otherwise you might have to if you are logged out here see if I can log out um okay different account otherwise it will prompt you for login okay we'll go sign out you can see it in here so let me log out I'll just show you quickly here okay um so if you are logged out and um you will end up on the screen and you will click on start free again just in case if you forgot so let's click on start free and looks like it's logging me again because I have cookie saved on my machine I should have closed the browser but anyway it will prompt you for login you will be on this project now in the real life if you are working on generally qas will work on multiple projects so each project you will see on your dashboard this is more like your home page for their devops okay so you will see second project listed here third project listed below and so forth so we are talking about our phone for us so I'm going to go into the our flow I'll click on the project and you will see this View now remember everybody works on this tool so developers starting with the developers business analyst everybody right yeah qas based now there are so many things here so let me just quickly explain what these things are so generally you will have a dashboard so this is your dashboard and if you have configured the dashboard properly right now this is brand new we haven't configured anything here so it's more like a empty empty dashboard but generally you will see your burn down chart uh project or scrum Master will configure it you if that if you are a developer you might see you want to see uh how many check-in checkouts how many code deployments are done and so forth so again this is configurable okay but you will see different things it's just a dashboard it doesn't have any anything else but most of the time you will work on the this section as a query so this is boards and there are a bunch of things here so I already explained you what is a backlog this is a running list of all the requirements or the stories okay so if I if I go to the just hover over it it go to the backlogs right now I'm not going to see anything because we have not created any user stories okay so it's uh it's an empty item okay I'll show you how to create it because you have to create it generally business analysts or product owners they will create it but here I'll show you how you can create it so that you can create your quality assurance type of things afterwards okay uh so that's the backlog uh there is a Sprint so generally uh scrum master or the teams will configure the Sprints so I have the way you can do it is uh you can add a new Sprint so I have this particular Sprint configured it says current okay so if I click on it if I can see it um let me just go and do the new screen so that you can see what what it takes but somebody has to configure it basically this prints every two weeks right so somebody like a scrum Master will go in and click on newsprint and they will say our flown Sprint 2. and they will put the dates remember this is a configurable item right so if I start the Sprint 6 basically Monday to I will add it on 17. that's how they can configure through Sprint and they can configure um well in advance or for the next six months somebody will go in and configure all the Sprints basically so you're not gonna be doing this activity uh as a QA I'm just gonna leave it out but if you wanna play around you can do it on your own time okay there is a repository so I I mentioned to you guys uh the developers they work with this repository this is the coding related items when they are developing the code on their machine they can check out and check check in the code okay everybody deploys puts their code in the repository all the developers if there are multiple Developers when they are developing on their machine they will pull the code from the repository and then they will check it check it in after and end of the day every day they will check in and check out basically that's how they will manage the code here you as a QA will not have anything to do with it okay but this is where they will do it's called code repositories or reports This Is How They will manage their code this is the pipeline okay this is where they'll be deploying the code in the tool so if I have to deploy the development server right they will create a pipeline here and they will say deploy to development server deploy to server deploy to user accepted testing server and so forth or deploy to production but they will this is also managed by Developers okay so you will not be managing these things on your own um there are two more items test plan now generally when when you are working in the companies right um so since we are in the free tool right you we do not have access to test plan but essentially you will work here create your test cases in the test plan area or there is a different we will take a look at it different ways but since we do not have access we need some additional license here okay um so it says upgrade to test manager extension to go get full test plan capabilities so we don't do not have access so we will not be creating the test related activities here but I'll show you where we go and created different ways okay and our defects are artifacts any documents that you create you want to share with the team that's where you will do it the artifacts okay so anything any thoughts you will not be touching it you can play it out I'll send you a few videos if you want to learn further how the test plan date pipeline Works how the reports work but again stop no use from your standpoint okay so what what are we doing as a q a so we will be working with this area and let me go to the boards here this is where you will do most of yours in the boards area okay now this view probably should sound familiar this is the dashboard right scrum dashboard this is what it is now right now it's empty because we don't have any stories so how do we we will need story first okay so I'm going to go and create a story by clicking on this Plus and I'll say new product backlog item now remember you can create a bug or a story because this is a scrum project it will allow us to create a bug and product background so I'm going to create a product backlog item and it's as simple as that you just type it in whatever it is so let's say um super user I'm just going to create a super user login um as a super user I can log in to our flow so that I can access my super user homepage okay this is as simple as that this is one story created now remember 2.1 2.2 whatever it is you can just create all those things like that now generally stories are created by business analysts or product owners right um and they put a little bit more details other than just a title okay so how do I access more details I'll just simply click on this link and it will open up a more details page detail View so here they can add a bit more description uh what the story error any business rules that they have they can attach and type it in here any acceptance criteria they have it they can put it here now priority wise right I was saying that priority four number one it's a high priority low priority they can assign the priority like this remember as a Sprint planning meeting we're gonna look at all the higher priority items Priority One basically it's high priority priority four is lower priority and so forth again everything is configurable so you can actually say high medium low here I can configure this tool in the real company where it says high medium low instead of one two three four okay all right so but for our purpose this is our requirement right and this is our story but you can attach a screenshot here so screenshot meaning I can actually have mock-up screen right and I can actually put that in in the story so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to simulate something some dummy screenshot okay so let's assume this is my screenshot for the story so I can put it in and put it right in the story this is a mock-up screen it can be a drawing board exercise or it can be anything okay um but again you can do document the stories as detailed as you can you meaning business analyst not you guys are cute okay so that it gives you complete picture how this thing supposed to work how the story is supposed to flow um I was showing you the notes part similar to the test case they have a discussion so if you provide a feedback as a qn you can say please clarify requirement for that or whatever question you have okay and you can save it and it will show right here right at the below uh since I am logged in on the screen is myself but otherwise you will see all the team member names whoever puts the comment their name will be there instead of intellect software okay so this is how you can communicate and they can respond the QA will be able to take a look at it and they will add one more comment okay this is the clarification and it will show up right there chronological order okay um they can put always put more attachments uh to the story uh screenshots any if they are documenting a credit application uh story so they can actually attach the PDF file these are all the fields for credit application and so forth I'm not gonna go into more detail other than title for the stories because that's not what we are trying to do right our goal is how do we um create the things from the testing standpoint okay so once you review it now our job is to create the actual testing so how do we do it what is your so once you review it it comes to you right what is your next step so scenarios you cannot document here scenario is something you will look at the story and it's more like a mental process these are five things but you since you got a learning you have paper-based exercise that's how you're gonna be doing you will analyze this story and come up with the five scenarios the tool will allow you to document detailed test cases but not the synonyms okay so let's say you have this is a story for Superuser login right and it has a one scenario right uh super user can log in you have positive scenario negative scenario to two scenarios right so how you can document the test case here this is where you hover over sorry you see these three dots and you will do add test what is this added task remember there are development items that goes along with the stone the developers will document by creating added thousand okay you will do add test q a as a q a let me just show you what developers do right so it makes a little bit visual for you I so in order to implement the story when developer is reviewing it they will say oh okay I need to build a login page create login page so they will document one task they will say right um user validate user ID and password store procedure in the in the database okay so they will document second tasks for them they might say build business logic to call store procedure so they will have three tasks they can document okay so these will be done by the Developers and if let me open up one of the tasks here they can put the estimate of the work so they will say this remaining work is eight hours it takes me eight hours to implement this web page okay and they will save and close they'll say it's creating a store procedure it will take me four hours to create a procedure they will do save and close business logic it takes me another four hour to call the procedure and be done with it so now this development task is eight plus four plus four total two days they can implement this feature in the code okay while they are doing that you have to document your things right so you will come here as a QA and you will click on ADD test I wanted to show you so that you can see the difference between the test versus task okay because a lot of people as a beginner you will create a task and you will know you will not see what you need to do I have seen that mistake a lot of people do it in the class okay not in the real life in the class you will click on the task and say oh I can't document anything from the qs10 point because you are in the wrong place and it has a different icon here okay so I'm coming here clicking on ADD test and this is where my scenario title goes in or scenario summary whatever you want so validate super user login with valid credential this is your title right super user okay so I made a typing mistake right um but it will correct it and I'll have their second scenario um super user cell C error message while it well login with invalid credential screenwrit password okay as simple as that right so I have two scenarios I just created two scenarios right here now remember these two symbols you will see it uh decremented by two here this one is three so these are three tasks I can click on it I'll see the task I'll if I click on it I'll see my test cases here now you haven't really documented right these are just a title so you put a placehold you create a placeholder for this scenario now how do I go correct this title as well as document the actual steps because these are your test case right so let me go click on validate Superior login with bad credential and I can correct here super user login with current credential okay so I collected my title now let's take a look at what we have here okay so now uh here so what do we have in our test case let me pull up our one of the test case here uh let's see where we're in February 2023 okay so I'm just going to pull up what I have all right so this is how we were documenting right and this is what we were saying this is precondition this is summary inside admin valid login right okay so it's good so I'm gonna go back to the tool here how do I document the important part precondition right that's now I do start documenting this thing in the tool then I have test steps expected result uh test data post condition and so forth okay so in the tool uh let me just show you one thing quickly so steps are in the step section so if I hover over put my mouse on this symbol it says in such step this one is insert sad step we'll talk about set step a little bit later but this is important this is how you can start working on it uh other things are pretty like a text type of things bold italics and other things same as a Word document right so let me just click on insert step and it says okay what is my first step so what is our first step I'll come here I'll show you every condition where you can document it but let me just go ahead and enter this I'm going to copy this guy and I'm just simply going to paste it this is my first step right here get now let's come back here and see what what else we have so we have expected result our floor home page is displayed okay so how do I document that so you will see the expected result Next Step so you basically click here it doesn't show any like a grid line so you don't know where that one is but it's it's right here get there is a scroll bar here and there is an attachment here okay but you work on it second so my step is documented here okay let's come back here let me quickly go here document the Second Step quickly okay and let me just go quickly document this guy so if you have everything written down all you are doing is inputting is here cool this is not an automated testing this is of all manual testing it's a quality assurance documentation part toll doesn't have any brain okay what what it means that you still have to come up with all these test cases stuffs in steps proper steps and so forth all you are doing is documenting in the tube that's all you are doing here okay all right so I have document test data so I don't have any place to put the test data here uh it there is no section called test data in the tool okay so I am under steps if I go to the summary I can put my test summary here right this is where the test summary goes but I don't have anywhere else to put the test data so typically what I do is I copy the URL and I document as part of the step itself okay and you just document it right there for this step same thing you have user ID password you copy and paste it right here so you have the user ID password and so forth now if you have uh test data in the file you can attach it here basically add attachment you can do it so you can go to the browser file and I can say ARF page is document and attach it right with the step so it's attached okay um but if you don't have it you can just simply put it copy paste it right there within the steps okay now let's come back here um where does our precondition move now again in the tool this uh Azure you don't have any place to put precondition okay so what do you do typically all right okay I might computer got stuck here okay all right let's wait and repeat hopefully I don't have to copy this again but it's a tool so you don't know what what it will do all right crash my page let's see if it's saved so I'll go back to the project go back to the boards and I'll go to the boards hopefully my information is saved here okay I see three and two well it is super user this is where I was and I don't think it's sailing okay all right so I need to so that that's why you need to click keep saving right that's why you have this save button as soon as something changes make sure you save it all right so I'm going to quick so that is in the sale and close this one will close out the window but this one will save the items okay all right let me just quickly go and paste these things um foreign [Music] good thing I didn't have many steps so all right so that's the second one expected result expected result here okay and I'm this time I'm going to save it hopefully I can save it okay so it's saved this time um now as I was showing uh where do I enter precondition right so precondition in this devops you typically enter as a first step okay so you select the first app click insert step it will insert it before that and you put it as recognition and you type that in okay so when you are running it it will show right there so that they have to basically complete the precondition before that precondition does not have expected result right there is no expected result qualification and it's good so at this point I am good um now what I missed was my test data so let me see if I can put that in quickly so that goes in my second step and this part goes in my glass tab okay all right so these two and then this one so at this point I'm going to save it uh this is a separate attachment as well right so you get familiar with it when you get a chance to work through that tool so here if you have additional information you can always attach it here but the issue with this attachment is when you are executing running your test case this attachment does not show up with your when you are executing it okay we which I'll show you shortly how do you execute the test case so all we have done is we documented our test case that's all we have done we have not executed anything any question so far it's a straightforward process right it's a documentation it's a no-brainer this is uh you are just documenting instead of piece of paper you are documenting it here okay so how do I go and execute so I have these test cases and if you are here this is my documented if you want let's say you got a software after uh and then after one week in the agile world and you need to execute so you come back to your story and you will click here on this three dots for the test case and you will start running the test okay so you run the test and it will pop up a new box now if your test data is documented along with this tab then you will see your test data right here your precondition is the first step right then you have second step third step and then you follow your own instruction so this is do you happen this happens during the testing phase right this is now you have to follow your own instruction and type it in so let's see what we do when somebody as part of the test execution so I'm going to come here a valid user account with a specified in the admin data section exists in the system with site admin privileged okay so I have valid admin um best trading and training which is good then I move on to the second step right in the browser navigate to the outflow by typing in the URL and so forth so if I copy the URL now I open a different browser window and I'll start typing in okay our flow whatever follow your instruction now I know it's not a right URL okay so you might have to correct the step okay let's show so how do I correct it I go back I stop my execution and get a new URL from the developer and I'll correct my URL here I think most of you have to you you guys don't have a right URL so I'm gonna give you the right URL to put that in right and I'll put it in the chat as well for the folks and so forth okay so I I'll give you that I'll give you that don't worry I'll put that in so let me go back to the execution side so you might have to come back and correct your test cases during the testing because now you have correct URL and so forth you update your test case so it's documented uh and properly in the steps now you run the test delete the execution phase so I have valid URL I'm going to click on pass you have to see for every step okay password fail so I'm going to say pass my precondition is met I have your that password so which is good now I'll copy this URL and I'll try to access our float dot Azure websites .net site follow my old instruction okay so might take a second for first time this is uh what happens here when you get a new bill or new software it has to compile a lot of things so for the first time when you are accessing it it might take probably 20 seconds or something to load the page which is not okay so now I am on the airflow site so I have my desktop this particular step is passed because I am on the airflow home page I'm following my own instruction okay so I'm going to say past type in user ID password so I have S training and training I'm gonna follow my own instruction right and see if I am able to log in what is my expected result side administer success we log into system and home page for the site administrator is displayed okay so while I'm executing following my instruction so I'm I'm on the home page now how do I know it's just site admin home page all the Privileges right I see admin home page uh if I log in as a different user dealer they might see different things so you need to visually verify whether you are right on the page right homepage or not right so here I see admin home page maybe that's what in detail means I am on the admin home page and I have access to all the functionality okay so at this point I'm going to pass this thing and at this point my execution part is done for this test case and I'm going to save and close okay so let's go back to the tool okay so here I am going to see what happens right now there is nothing here right it doesn't say anything um Let me refresh the page foreign this is a get basically button right so you go back to your test case now you see Green Arrow it says it's passed basically okay so but raise requirement validation is not complete because you have two test case in both needs to pass then only it will be markers complete and you can move it to the nut at the point okay I'm just dragging dropping Okay then if both are passed then I can move that to user story is complete that function is working as expected and I can move it to the at that point okay but I'm just putting it back here you document the second test case right uh basically and follow repeat the process okay now let me go and execute so what happens is that the second test case let's say it failed you did not see developer gives you this uh a new version of the software and you go and execute this particular test case again right this part of the regression because you are you there was some error with the error scenario invalid scenario so they gave you a new software you have to execute the other test case that is part of the regression test so I'm just going to run it again okay so this time I'm following the instruction this thing passed this thing pass but I'm unable to login something happened they broke something right that's why you do the regression so as soon as I failed the step I see the comment box right there so you need to basically document why it failed or what whatever reason you see on the screen maybe you enter the credential right but they broke the functionality just to simulate here let's say login field you are start seeing the login friend so what you can typically do is you take the screenshot of the error okay so all all of your machine Windows computer has a Snipping Tool and you type in snip and it pops up this Snipping tool okay it's a nice tool it can do the screen capture for you okay you click on new and then you take the screenshot of whatever is there for the error you copy it and paste it paste it in the tool as well okay it doesn't allow here in this particular comment section so you say error encounter with the failed login using user IDs same username and password using username and password mentioned in step 3. Okay so you document this and what you can do is you can also create a bug right from here so there is a if you see it's save and close this is saved so let's save it first okay then your job is to create a bug because you cannot proceed further with your test case right so what you need to do is create a bug right from the top what is the next next let's say you could not create a you forgot to create a bug from here where did you go to create a bug there was another place right for trading a bug I showed you earlier um but good thing about if you create a bug from the test case it will pull in all the steps and it will say what step it filled and why it failed so it says you it has your comment as well and here you can put the actual screenshot of the error okay and you have to document couple couple of things when you are creating a bug login credential fail for super user give some meaningful what's the issue is right and it's a new bug right and then you can assign to a specific developer if you have a developer if you know who can work on otherwise you can leave it unassigned in the scrum meeting this bugs will show show up on the dashboard okay so developers who is available they will work on it and they will say okay let me take a look at it and they will fix on it they'll start working so at this point I'm done with this test case and I closed out my test case and if I go back to the tool here right and it shows here as soon as I says failed it doesn't show here fill but if I refresh it again now it shows the bug here right on the dashboard because I just created so that's something next day scrub uh daily scrub meeting developers will say oh we we have a bug um and they say Okay war is working on it they will start working on it basically go through the phase okay but here it will show failed test is why it failed and so forth so this is this is the typical process you follow through okay um let me show you one more view here then I'll let you guys work through a couple of test cases and I'll show you again if you if you I understand there's a lot of information here so I'll we'll I'll let you guys work through if you are struggling we will go through the process again and I'll show you specific Parts okay okay um but in the backlog right so I was on the board board section right here I was on the board but if I go to the backlog I will see all my stories and the bugs and everything here as well just a different View okay just a different view so that you can see it here again it's the information doesn't change you can open it from here and modify it uh you will see everything right from there okay but generally we work with the Portugal all right any question on this uh or process so like where will be the quotes like because it's stored in this computer it puts the app from home page right yes if I'm into I'm doing it here in my computer that will be the course line code Codes for the home page I don't know oh you mean yeah no like if I put it in my computers in the homepage hoping because there won't be any codes for iPhone for airflow it's it's remember you are testing you are accessing develop uh test server I went through that development server test server uad server different computers right okay they all are Exposed on the internet okay so you are accessing the test server for your purpose and type it in that URL so it it knows where to go okay and it will pull up the home page I have to connect you with this server yeah because you have the URLs right so you just type it in because just like a CNN website yeah yeah so just like CNN website so you are accessing and you are testing on that for that server developer sales and develop they work on the development server they will have different URL when they are testing their unit testing integration they'll work on the development section production has a different URL production will have some different URL for the business users you will always work with the test server so when we type all the shortcut keys which we use for like a Word document will it work for this no it will work only those three itemized bold copy paste yes I showed you copy paste control C control V it will work yeah uh controllers may not work to click on the save icons to save just get familiar with the tool right um and so forth so let me just summarize what we did you need to create the stories first whatever DOT test case you are documenting so we gave you five requirements for the homework you should have at least one test kit for each what I would suggest is just create a new product backlog item for each Pi requirements if we work with I think total eight requirements total right eight or nine so you just create those uh titles on the stories um so lender search lender bind lender name right this is one story so he just created a story Second Story would be RF user can create dealer user and what is the second user um area manager can create dealer user in R5 okay so that's the second story you will have probably three test cases all the test cases this would have probably one or two same way you just create the stories first then you create come here three dots for initial Story add test you are not doing a detox just remember ADD test okay when you say ADD test put that test item and then you open that up okay and then you will basically yeah start adding the steps how many steps you have put the test data right within the step if you have a lot of test data you can always do attachment right you can do attachments and see here I cannot type in in the attachment section here I can type in attachment you have to do right click and it will show add attachment okay and where if you have credit application in Excel file then you can just do attachment for the step so when you execute this this thing will show um other things you can get you can navigate browse through make sure you click on Save if you do click on Save and close it will just close it out okay but if you do save and close if you do like this then you you can save it it will not close the window again these are tools there is no brain here right so you still have to think through your logical steps whatever and get family with the two okay I have a question yes so if you add an attachment in the step there with a show on the runway yes that's good um run reports or when you are running so let me just show you imagine that the other attachment will not show up but this one yes let me let me just attach it right choose a file just for testing we'll just attach some document okay save and close so now I have this test case I'm running it run test there you go I'm sorry it shows right here so you can just open it and uh basically it will open it up in a browser and work through it follow the step copy paste from there or summary right okay so that's a very helpful now jira tool Works a little bit differently they have precondition you can there's a section doesn't so how did we add the precondition Al step first step if your post condition add in the last step same way just like we did precondition you can copy paste Force condition in the last step okay so that's so that they can see what happens so very straightforward hopefully once you get to the one or two I think it you guys should be okay so here we are copy paste in the office cases yes you will be working in the tool directory yeah you will not have this type of templates then you if I think once you do view then you just say oh why do I want to write it you can do scenarios breakdown in a separate piece of paper but you will type it in here directly all the signals and their testings okay so let's get to work and I'll I'll let you guys pick at least three requirements and three test cases so document them first and then do the execution one by one okay and I'm gonna give you the URL so that you have um for execution you you know I'm going to put there in the chat window here for the online books all right and no question then let's work through the exercises hopefully you know how to get in right getting that tool and what is the link that you added yesterday yeah yep just log in click on the project so that you can get in the project foreign you log in again I mean hopefully you remember the password right I have to remember the password right yeah yeah you need to have the login credential right it will not let you otherwise log in so I have to uh okay so I have this requirement need ability to calculate monthly loan payments based on a predefined calculation which we clarified three percent of the loan amount okay so you guys know how to create this requirement this is a story right so this is what I created now I need to create the test cases now how many scenarios I have for the loan loan calculator you guys remember I'm gonna write down here on piece of paper file for loan calculator you have five tests files Chase cases right based on your test stream okay what is the first one with the positive number okay calculate loan uh amount uh monthly payment based on valid loan amount right calculate second one is monthly payment based on negative known amount calculate monthly payment based on Alpha lower amount okay then calculate uh what else was there numeric then no data and zero okay calculate monthly payment providing no data right and then calculate monthly payment zero zero numbers providing zero and we added decimal number to valid decimal amount okay that's a sixth one right decimal okay so now I have this six test cases I have this one user story so I need to go and add this test cases one by one so I'm going to copy paste because I wrote it down I'm going to say click add text that's my one scenario second one I'm going to copy and test second one third one I'm just going to show you completely here so that you understand how you what scenarios ties to what okay one other thing you can do it is like if you notice that there's a test link there right there yeah once you add one test case it'll yeah and then you can just yeah you can just do it here as well right um so here ADD test so this is my fifth and this is my six okay so now I have all these six it is six test cases try to here I have not provided any details okay now I need to add stuff for each of them so let me go to the first one click on first one my title is this now here I'm going to input step which says um we condition what is the precondition that you have dealer user exist which G training and training exist in the system okay because this is done by the dealer so valid dealer user with credential G Trading and training exist in the system this is my precondition okay excess are flown by providing our flown application by providing a TTP uh upload dot Azure URL okay now here I am on our flown homepage okay this is my first step Second Step log in with dealer credential G training and training okay I am on dealer homepage Access Loan calculator function I am on loan calculator page fifth step input dollar 1000 as a load amount okay what is my expected result okay a loan amount and click on calculate I shall see dollar 30 as monthly loan payment okay so at this point do I every condition I don't because I'm not changing anything in the system no precondition but I do have sorry post condition I don't have it but precondition I do so at this point I'm done so I'm going to click on Save and close so my first test case is done so I can go back and I I if I open it my everything is there so I can repeat the steps for all these five other ones okay I need to run each one by one when I get a software I will run every one by one and I'll follow the steps password failed and then capture the results if everything passes my story is complete and I can move that to the done section okay so this is the process if you have six stories you are working on you have to provide the test case for each six whatever exercise you do breakdowns stories into test case scenarios and lips document them here and execute all of them wherever they are ready and you open up a defect if something doesn't work you open a defect or send back to the developer does it make sense uh rohini is that does that answer your question yes but uh I have a question that popped up who does the status done like here like who brings it to yeah if you are a developer I mean if you are done with your testing right you can move it put it in the dirt because at this point um or if because this statuses are configurable so in the real life you might see analysis design development testing and done or you will have testing uat and that okay so as a team if you can put it in the scrum meeting if you are done with your testing you can communicate to them and democracia Pista and you move the story to the open um or anything you discuss in the team meetings I mean daily scrum meeting and uh you basically uh ask developer to fix it okay any other question if not then we can assign the priority for the story so priority generally assigned by the product owner right the server is right there if you open the story you will see the priority here but we are not doing that right you guys are not doing that it's done by the product owner working with the businesses okay um okay
Channel: IntelliX Software
Views: 15,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Azure DevOps for Beginners, Intro to STLC in Azure DevOps, Azure DevOps for QA Tester, Azure DevOps for QA, Azure DevOps for Tester, Azure DevOps introduction for Tester, Azure DevOps for Beginners QA, Azure DevOps in Testing, azure devops, azure devops tutorial for beginners, azure devops create defect, create test cases with azure, manual testing with azure devops, learn azure devops, azure devops create bug, create test with azure devops, create azure devops test case
Id: uqUrdl4gbrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 22sec (3502 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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