Session 3 Q&A with Ron, Wes and Dr. Hugh Ross

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well I'm gonna listen to this guy for 30 years or more now cassette tapes where were we started and and so I'm gonna sell your books here because I I love this why the universe is the way it is fascinating book I mean just phenomenal things you've never thought about of how God put things together the one he doesn't have with him was the one of the most recent I've read is is the improbable planet which just blows your mind makes god so much bigger than you can ever imagine I mean that had to happen to you too right as you're studying all this the yeah blew me away to some possibility of all of this of everything you know we're standing in the greenroom today just going there's nothing should be here you know this should be nothing and it's just like you said it's all about Redemption which is what this book is about really it's his testimony but it's this is one of the best books on evangelism I've ever read I mean it's just you give so many great ideas for evangels I hope you guys will read it and take advantage of these and come at us and say let's do some of this stuff because he gives so many good ideas this is the one I used to listen to you on cassette tape talking about the Bible talking about Genesis and I mean some of you were asking the little questions about the nough phillium and all the stuff in the Bible that you know you've always wondered about here you go this is it this will explain more about creation than any book you'll ever pick up I guarantee you and then the one I want to talk to you about today is this one which is lights in the sky and little green men which is you have to say that title one more time this is yeah what an interesting title for lights in the sky and little green men so right now I heard you've had this out for a long time yeah it's just been repackaged yes because I heard you talking about this years ago how did you get even involved in the whole UFO phenomenon I mean it goes all the way back the beginning right well it was quite by accident I was 16 and I was in charge of the astronomy club in Vancouver I said we need to have an exhibit at the Pacific National Exhibition so we had an exhibit there but they put us right next to the Flying Saucer Club so people would visit their booths and come to our booth and well what do you think of what they're saying over there and so since I knew the night sky pretty well it says well that's not really a UFO that's the planet Venus or you saw a fireball or you know a number of other phenomena and that was a time when our military was having some secret aircraft that they weren't telling people about but I knew about it so I said that's what's going on but from that point onward every University I was associated with they had me deal with all the UFO reports so quite by accident I wound up becoming an expert on UFOs and the thing that people will realize most astronomers professional astronomers don't know the night sky they just plugged in the coordinates and off the telescope goes but since I knew the night sky cuz I was an amateur astronomer first they made me feel all these reports and I even wound up going to Russia in the 1980s and 1990s and speaking on UFOs over there because at that time during the Soviet era they were having many more encounters with UFOs than those of us in the US that's a lot of what I write about in this book is that number one UFOs only 1% really qualify as what I call residual UFOs as opposed to natural phenomena telling the story about the guy that called in he was chasing a UFO oh this is the California Highway Patrol they called and said we're chasing a UFO and can you help us figure out what's going on here I said we're gaining on it and so as they described it to me I said I don't think you're gonna catch it you're chasing the planet Venus now explaining that because but most of us never have seen Venus in its full well yeah I mean Venus in the morning sky is about ten times twelve times brighter than it is when you see in the evening sky so if you're not in the habit of getting up at 4:00 in the morning and going for a run outside you probably have never seen Venus as a bright morning star it can be so bright you can read a newspaper by it as one of the most frequently reported UFOs and here you had a fireball a couple of days ago here right we did all of us how many of you saw that that was a mile that's the second most frequently reported UFO fireballs and I've actually personally seen fireballs there were four times the diameter of the moon so and they could make sounds they can leave a smoke trail and often that gets reported as a UFO and I'd Carl Sagan as a professor when I was at the University of Toronto briefly Wow and he said there's no such thing as UFOs they're impossible but his worldview would not permit the existence of non-physical reality as a Christian I do believe that there is things that are real and yet non-physical and when you look at this UFO phenomena in detail that's the category you can prove that they're real but you can also prove they're not physical entity okay let's drag this hell because I wanna I like this cuz you know this is getting so much press right now I mean Tucker Carlson's even got a little segment in his show now every week on the whole UFO thing and they're showing videos of these things well you can watch me talk about it on the History Channel but really they edited it to make me believe the opposite of what I was really sharing with them so I'm not too happy with ya yeah but so do you think there are things in area 51 that we need to know about not area 51 not Roswell no point going there I know they're trying to make a lot of money off of you but nothing's happening there on the other hand there is in the literature over 2,000 documented cases of UFOs coming through the atmosphere and crashing into the earth and when you go to the crash sites you'll see a crater there's snow the snow will be melted the vegetation will be damaged but as you investigate the crater site there's no debris there's no artifacts if it was a physical craft there would be artifacts there would be debris moreover when they go through the atmosphere and sometimes you've got enough observers we can triangulate and calculate the velocities the velocities come in at about 18 to 25,000 miles per hour and yet the witnesses never hear a sonic boom nor do they see heat friction as the UFO goes through the atmosphere if it was a physical object you would get heat friction you would get a sonic boom that's not been recorded at any of these places but the fact that you see a crater where you got damaged vegetation melted snow tells you something real happened but the fact that there's no debris no artifacts no sonic boom no heat friction tells you it's not a physical object now I'm not the only one claiming this I know books written by six other physicists and the other six none of them are Christians but they all agree with me we're looking at what they claim is an interdimensional phenomena real objects coming from dimensions outside a length width height and time and as a Christian I read the Bible and it says that God created two different species of intelligent beings one species us humans that are physical and constrained by the physics of the universe and other species angels that are not physical but have the power to come into our realm we can't go into their realm that they can come into our realm and they can leave and so I'm persuaded that these residual UFOs those that don't have a natural explanation are indeed angelic beings manifesting themselves in our dimensional realm and we're by far not the first generation to have these kind of visitations it goes back documented cases go back 3,000 years whoa now what's interesting is you look at the three thousand year history is that the manifestations actually keep pace with our technology so for example a hundred and fifty years ago it was not flying saucers it was slow-moving dirigible zin the atmosphere during World War two they were craft moving at 500 miles per hour now that we got spaceships I can go 18,000 miles per hour there are many fences in themselves as flying saucers going at that velocity the other thing you notice is that when you get the really close encounters with these UFOs many people claim to have messages being communicated to them by beings on board these craft and the messages keep pace with our technology so again if you go back a hundred years they were saying we're from the back side of the Moon but once the general public became educated enough to realize life's not possible on the back side of the Moon they said well we're from Venus and when people realize how hot it is on the surface of Venus they said were from Mars now they're claiming to be from another planetary system so I argue in licensed sky little green man this is the kind of messaging and the kind of pace with our technology you would expect from beings who have a mission to deceive us if you actually look at the messages in detail you can see the hallmarks of deception probably the best example of that is when people claim to have contact with these beings and they're put into a trance and they wind up doing automatic writing where they wind up recording what these beings want them to Kord the most dramatic example that is the Iran Tia book it's 4,000 pages of automatic writing from these UFO encounters a third of the content is denying the deity of Jesus Christ whoa so I kind of gives you a clue what's going on yeah totally the other clue you get from us going on the closer the encounter you have with UFOs you mean remember the American physicist Allen Hynek back in the 60s coin Close Encounters of the first kind second kind third kind now they have the fourth kind and these are were people of encounters that are closer than 500 feet now or were they get messages but in a hundred percent of these encounters it's always harmful it's never beneficial I tell people if you ever close probably ought to say that again it's always hard so always harmful the best you're gonna come away with with a close encounter is recurring terrifying nightmares you say what's the worst case scenario there's documented cases where people have been injured and killed by these UFO encounters so they're not meaning you good things so how do we stay out of fear that we're gonna be encountered I mean also I'd like for you to back up a second for context because when you say angels there's also good angels there's ministering angels that the Bible speaks of fallen angel yeah I explained that as we see deception the fact that it's always a harmful encounter tells us we're not encountering the righteous angels or encountering the Fallen Angels the demons the demons that's what we would call demons would be fallen angels well even people like as Jacque valets devoted his life to studying these UFOs he's a French physicist he says there's a one-to-one correspondence to what you see in these residual UFOs and what you see in demonology and the other five physicists would all concur they say we're not sure what this demonology is all about but there's a one-to-one correspondence and it's something else I'd document in this book the percentage of the population that are having these encounters is proportional to the percentage to the population that is open doors to occult activity so for example during Soviet Russia a very high percentage of the population was having these encounters they that you got a tongue so how you ended up in the middle of this because this is during the right at the end of the Cold War yeah actually before right well it's before perestroika I got a call from the Soviet government they wanted me to come and speak in Russia they said we'll pay all your expenses while you're in Russia and we want you to come and speak on science and the Christian faith now imagine this guys because some of you younger people don't remember this nobody was going into Russia I mean this is incredible so is the scientific while I went under severe restrictions they said we're only gonna allow you to speak to PhD scientists if we catch you talking to anyone a dozen of a PhD in science will immediately deport you and you'll never be allowed back into our country and so we're gonna be watching you so they did a KGB agent with me watching what I was doing and so why are you giving me permission to speak to these PhD scientists and you're saying I can speak on science and Christianity he says well these are scientists or go to scientific meetings they're outside of Russia all the time and we're basically bringing you in to appease them because we're worried that they're gonna defect and by having you come and speak on the subjects they want addressed on this way we think we can appease him and so I was giving these lectures and halls of scientific atheism and when I engage the scientists I said you know every Friday were required to go to a two-hour lecture on scientific atheism and there's nothing like being repeatedly required to go to those lectures to convince you that really must be a god so there was no God they wouldn't be making us go to all these lectures so he says we already believe in God but we're not sure what God's all about that's why we want you to speak on this subject and a young man who is part of the national basketball team he was my translator and the way he would introduce me is he would point to this 20 foot by twenty foot portrait of Lenin that was behind me says for 70 years this has been our God now we're gonna hear about the real God and four lectures later he gave his life to Christ okay always be ready there's a purpose in this because tell him what happens when you get up in that environment you start to lecture well I was aware that this was a time in the Soviet Union when they were concerned they were falling behind the West in terms of military capability and and so a lot of the universities there were doing funded research on all called physics because they thought that's a way they could get weaponry that they could use against the West consequently a lot of these Russian physicists wound up deep into the alcohol and many of them were demon-possessed and what was interesting is when I would give talks there at that time in Russia everybody believed in demons because I said we just see it all around us I didn't have to convince him of it they got to see it firsthand but they also got to see firsthand the power of God but just just real quick though just to help us with what you mean you they're exposed they believe in demons they're exposed to demon activity what's that mean like what were they exposed to exactly well for example I would walk into this lecture hall and there would be half a dozen of these physicists screaming and yelling and preventing me from speaking and they're screaming and yelling they were basically attributing to Jesus horrible moral problems for example accusing of being a homosexual rapist I mean I hear people taking the Lord's name in vain here in the US but they don't cross that line I mean and just these huge obscenities coming all directed and of course they were directing it to me as well screaming and yelling and the other fizz's was safe oh just ignore them they're demon-possessed but ever screaming and yelling to such a degree I couldn't give my talk and so I just went straight to Q&A and again the people were demon-possessed were screaming and yelling it was interfering so I told him look how about if I come back but can I bring a colleague with me when I come back so I had another American a scholar come with me and I said I want you to sit at the back and pray that the demons will be silenced he did that and for two hours not a peep out of any of those people you were doing this to gain an advantage over us militarily they were they were in while they said people in the West aren't doing this we'll do this and see if we can come up with some kind of super halt weapon and that never happened but a lot of physicists wound up getting very deeply involved in y'all call they were seeing UFOs all the time and some of them even got demon-possessed so it wasn't good now now the perestroika came in the Soviet Union has gone the incidence of UFOs has gone way down in Russia mainly because there isn't anywhere near the involvement of the occult but there was before however it's still quite prevalent in France equatorial Brazil and that's our write about in the book is that the degree of these UFO encounters is proportional to the percentage of the population that's involved in the occult but I basically tell people what we're arguing here is a scientific model on UFOs namely if you open the doors of the Ark oh don't be surprised if you get these encounters but if you close the doors that'll be the end of it so I basically end the book by saying these are the ways that you can open the doors of the occult get all of this out of your life that'll be the end of our UFO encounters they'll never happen again with one important caveat you can get visitations if you've got a close relative that's into the are called and you've not agreed with God in prayer that what they're doing displeases him that's how you cut the intergenerational links if you've got a grandfather or an uncle that's into this stuff simply agreeing with God in prayer that what they're doing displeases him and is wrong that cuts the link between that relative and you and protects your children and your grandchildren you you had an incident I mean you get pulled into a lot of this stuff I mean basically after that that little science club thing you ended up being one of the top investigators right in the country on UFO sightings and that kind of stuff well what would happen is if say the University of Toronto or Caltech they would say we don't want to deal with this stuff you know the night sky this is your job so you'd be the one so how was the one and you found you found links to a lot of those scenarios a lot of the people well this is when you run into this demonic stuff deal with it but don't chase it because keep in mind the demons can divert virtue for meaningful ministry so yeah this comes across you deal with it otherwise that don't go after it so it expanded a little bit tell him the story I this was one of the most fascinating of the couple who had moved into a new home it was a couple in our church they just bought this home and then they called me on the phone and said you know there's a room in her house that's colder than all the other rooms and a room where we see stuff floating in the air we think there's a demon in there and we think the previous owners left some article we've looked for we can't find it could you come over and let's see if we can find because they knew enough from taking my classes there had to be some invitation in the house that was permitting the demon to stay so I went over there we had about a 15-minute prayer time and I said well I said we've already searched houses let's search it again so he went through the whole house I especially went into that room and I notice it have been repainted so he found a spot where the paint hadn't covered it midnight blue I said well midnight blue is a favorite color for people holding seances so we talked to the neighbors they said yes there was two teenage boys that was their bedroom and they were holding seances in there and then we looked on the wall and we found a very faint octagonal outline that had been painted over and said we need to find that article that's probably what's causing the demon to stay so he searched through the house and finally women another garage and there was a pile of junk lumber and the rafters of the top part of the garage and I said if you looked there is it no it's just junk lumber because we're gonna pull it all down we pulled on all the junk lumber and there was an octagonal astrological forecaster so we destroyed that the room he turned to normal everything's fine the demons gone Wow very interesting okay so in you think that's what's literally taking place is that we are being visited by extraterrestrials but not of the there really are extraterrestrials but they're not beings like us they're not constrained by the laws of physics they transcend the laws of physics and keep in mind in Hebrews 13 it says many of us have entertained the righteous angels unawares and in Hebrews 1 it talks about how God sends his angels to assist us of ministry and you see this in the book of Acts you know or an angel comes and rescues Peter and I believe that kind of thing is happening to this day but often in ways that were not aware of it at all so the the UFO phenomena is really aimed at creating fear yes really harming us well I think the goal of these demons is to scare you and divert you so that you don't submit to the claims of Jesus Christ or let the Bible say it was basically trying to divert you where people get killed they're trying to have your life end before you give your life to Christ so we could really say then that the fruits of what we would call demonic activity is very Antichrist it's very anti Jesus very much fear driven and proving that Jesus is not real that he doesn't exist that's what it's all about an evening look in the United States we can see there's a correlation between UFO encounters and the percentage of the population there into New Age stuff and spiritualism and the all code Wow by the way Missouri ranks quite low hallelujah yeah however I may ask you questions I'm just imagine you know slays somebody has a neighbor or a friend or even a relative and they're saying oh yeah they I've seen them do some of the you know the cult activity but maybe not call it a cult activity they're just you know seances or participating in this kind of because it'll a big term these days I'm just spiritual you know I'm not Jesus senator and I'm not even really any established religion specific but I'm spiritual and they're engaging and quote-unquote spiritual activity but they're a good person they're really kind they're really nice what's wrong with that it's innocent surely how would you respond to well a lot of people think that everything spiritual is good so there's no harm and whatever spiritual thing you'd pursue but if you look at first John for one us as tests the spirits to see where they're from so there's a warning there that not every angelic being is there to do your good you need to put them to the test and the whole of that chapter tells you how to put them to the test so I'd recommend in fact you know one of things I participate to people in our church is they've you just given your life to Christ you want to read and better yet memorize the First Epistle of John I believe John wrote that first epistle as an introduction for brand-new Christians first charm just to let you know if you're dealing with demons I don't know they other way to say it we have a ministry here call is it steps to freedom skills in the name of it that would help you enormously I mean we just took a whole crowd of people through that and that would be an you know introduction to finding freedom here so they've got a relative that they wanted yeah had somebody else that you want to help that would be the redemption truth in all of this with the reality I just appreciate you from a scientific point say no no that there's reality in these you know spiritual beings that are not physical and yes some calls harassment but this is the power of the gospel the power of the gospel is that we don't have to be harassed and live in the fear that these invisible or these non-physical beings can can you know and inflict upon us in the name of Jesus as a born-again Christian we can live free of that firs that's what I hear you saying right that's one of the tests you see in first John God has not given us a spirit of fear that's right but with this demonic you can expect that there will be something there just a growing anxiety in our culture today just the growing of fear and we may not see our tables floating around or anything or even any real clear occult activity but even with that invisible influence or I always call it harassment you know of demons there is freedom that can really be found in the gospel of Jesus by and you're saying first John four right first John four is a go to chapter to grow in that right that's good okay let's change channels cuz you said something last night well you've said this I've heard you say numerous times that the two big obstacles especially for our young people right now are that in church they have not been equipped with science and they they have not gotten their questions answered now you have a way better a clearer way to say that say say it again those are the two this is a barn a survey done about young people who've been raised in the church they got Christian parents and once they hit the late teens or college years they leave the church and never return so they surveyed thousands of them to find out why did you not go back and the number one reason was a science faith issues number two no freedom to ask questions or engage in debates and challenging discussions in the church and hey if you look at the book of Acts that's what it was all about I mean the Apostles invited questions and debates and challenges and so that's what a love about grace church here you're wide open to people coming with their toughest questions and it's something I'm trying to encourage in all churches through reasons to believe is you need to have regular venues where people can ask their toughest questions after all take a page from King David you read the Psalms he was always pestering God with really tough questions and sometimes God made him wait for the answer and sometimes God made him research the answer and I think we can use that as an example that's all we should operate in the church one thing I can share with you haven't spoken in hundreds of churches in America every church I know where they follow the message with an open mic Q&A is a church that grows by adult converts so just if you have that opportunity people will come I've watched Hugh not not just in situations settings like this but even back in the beginning debate some of the you know brilliant minds not just in the nation but in the world and so he's just been in an environment that is so totally opposite of the way most the insular way the church has been you know we just finding eQuest or criticism so you've developed this ability to just clarify things and I've watched you you know just in a debate just well the doors off that was you know coming at you with all these arguments I would encourage you guys to go out a lot of that's still on the web Brian I didn't either watch sees it on the web so one of the recent ones was a guy who a brilliant guy in in England what was that we have Peter Atkins if you've ever taken chemistry you've been forced to study his textbooks I had to go through his textbooks I did not know that he was an atheist and turns out he's a leader in the british humanist movement but i was in london a few months back i got to do a debate with him it's it was video recorded you can watch it online ross versus atkins will pop it right up and remember that yeah i mean it was quite a dramatic debate in that for a whole hour peter atkins was saying you have to base your belief on hard scientific evidence and so I was giving the hard scientific evidence he wasn't really coming up with anything for his atheism and finally the moderator the debate said Peter how well first he asked me he said Hugh what scientific discoveries would cause you to abandon your Christian faith and become an atheist like Peter so I rattled off a whole bunch I said you know if we could prove beyond any shadow of doubt the universe didn't have a beginning that would be catastrophic to the Christian faith and we could prove we human beings are just like the animals there's nothing special or distinct about us that would be catastrophic to the Christian faith then the moderator turned to Peter and said okay Peter what scientific evidences would have cause you to abandon atheism and become a theist or a Christian like you they said there's nothing and then he pressed him and said well what if God were to appear right before you in this room but that be adequate evidence he says I would think I was having an elucidation in other words evidence didn't count and yet for a whole hour that was his message you've got a base your belief but when push came to shove it didn't apply to him this this book navigating Genesis really will just I mean for your for the sake of your young people in your families about there with Peter actors yeah so please read this book just man time evaporates with you I I don't I think we're gonna have time to go through all kinds of things and now it's you know I want to give everybody a chance to be a part of this just as simply as you can this this was a major turning point for me understanding the global flood that was a huge huge difficulty in talking to people outside the church because there's one of the first things you know that a unbeliever will bring up is how in the world and you know and there's no proof on Mount Everest that there was a flood that for the world just give us a I get that from atheists all the time they say how can you possibly believe in this book that teaches a global flood and I said well where did you get that from and turns out they really haven't read and with people in the church that think that I say well the flood is not just described in Genesis 6 7 & 8 there's many places in the Bible it talks about the flood and before you draw a conclusion you need to read all the Bible passages that address the flood so for example in 2nd Peter 2:5 it says that God flooded the world of ungodly people and second Peter 3 it says he flooded the world that existed at that time the very fact that the Greek word cosmos translated world in both cases is qualified with an adjective tells us it's not the whole globe it's the world of ungodly people that was flooded and we know that ungodly people had not yet inhabited Greenland in Antarctica so there's no need to flood Greenland and Antarctica but if you go into the poetic books Psalms Job and proverbs you'll see seven places there where it talks about creation day three and that's when God transforms our planet from a water world into world with oceans and continents probably the most detailed passage is Psalm 104 verse six seven and eight talks about creation day three when God puts these continents in place verse nine which immediately follows says never again will water cover the whole face of the earth basically making the point once you got continents we're never going back to a water world that's repeated six times in the wedeck books and so just reading all those texts we realize oh it's the world oven godly people and if you look at Genesis chapter 10 it talks about when humanity went from being in one locale to filling all the landmasses of the world and the flood takes place before that global spreading event and so it's not necessary so God Babel was after the flood right Babel was after the flood so but as one said they're all yeah they're all in one place effect what you see in Genesis 11 as God is basically rebuking humanity for their failure to Phyllis command multiply and fill the earth he gave that command to Adam Adams the sentence did not obey that command he gave it again to Noah and once again we see that Noah's descendants did not obey that command and so in Genesis 11 God steps in and forcibly scatters humanity over the whole face of the earth why because God knew that if you got one nation and one government that government will oppress all the world citizens but if you got multiple nations and multiple governments there's gonna be competition for citizens and that's gonna lower the degree of oppression one eliminated I mean every government tends to do things that are not best for his population however United States for example is hugely benefited from nations that were oppressing their citizens and we were not so they left their nations and came here and that's also why you see the text saying multiple languages the different languages the different nations the geographical barriers actually establish a free market competition for citizens which is not possible if you got one nation and one government and that was God's goal he did not want evil to multiply again and then people also say well what about all the animals being destroyed well if you look at the Book of Leviticus that makes it clear the only animals that can be damaged by human sin are the nephesh animals that are bonded to human beings and in the flood account at Genesis chapter 7 it uses a special word for the animals that were destroyed by the flood and that word means the nephesh animals of soulish animals that are bonded to human beings so I don't think they're any polar bears on board the ark I don't think there any emperor penguins or kangaroos on board the ark because none of them had contact with human beings at that time amazing but it's the Book of Leviticus says says if a cows got the habit of goring other animals and other people the owner is to be spoken to have the cow persistent at behavior the cow is to be killed and the owner killed along with it basically making the point the reason why that cows behaving that way is because of its evil owner keep in mind the soulish animals are motivated to bring pleasure to their human owners and agit bringing pleasure is to be vicious and attack other things that's what the animal will do so vicious dogs are not sinful they're simply doing what makes their owner happy I mean vicious dogs are owned by vicious people next time you're out there in a neighborhood keep that in mind that's interesting okay so I got one more question but while I'm doing that why don't you first get about it let's have our to microphone guys go ahead and get in place all right so Eric had a question in earlier that I don't think I had answered I wanna I wanna answer I want you to answer for me he was asking if Adam and Eve were in the garden and they were given the option of eating the tree of life forever if they hadn't sinned being on a planet that has a time cutoff point cut-off point how does that work Sam is that accurate is that more what you were asking yeah I was well I guess it goes along with you know the Lamb that was slain before the foundation or like Jesus died when the world was founded because we were going to fall into sin I guess I feel like that's where you're coming from like theologically saying that God knew we were gonna slip up you know God knew that but I think this is an interesting speculation what've Adam and Eve had not eaten of the tree of good evil but had eaten of the tree of life they would have lived forever they would have been without sin and evil and because the universe is temporal and the earth is temporal God at some point would have to take them from this universe and take him into the new creation now he's gonna do that with us because he's promised there's a new creation coming however God knew ahead of time that Adam and Eve would rebel in the Garden of Eden and I believe on purpose God invited Satan to come into the Garden of Eden and he knew the Satan being the most powerful and most intelligent creature he ever created that Adam and Eve would be no match for Satan so in one sense God caused the fall by exposing Adam and Eve to the temptation of the most powerful being he created but that opened up an opportunity for us to be eternally redeemed because we were now being exposed to evil in the greatest context possible in God's creation and if you can pass the test of the greatest possible exposure to evil then nothing else is going to dissuade you and so no human being gets to the new creation without being tested by the temptation from Satan then would you back that up with the scripture where it says God has bound all men over to disobedience so he might have mercy on all that's correct okay I mean an analogy I shared the last time I was he is those of us who have a PhD we have a guarantee that never again will we have to be tested for the competency in our discipline on the idea that we've already been exposed to the most difficult tests that's conceivable within our discipline so it's pointless to test us again likewise god is exposing all of us to the most difficult tests and get past that test there's no point testing you against that so we become eternally secure but here's a big difference God says there's no way you can pass that test without my help but if you come to me for help I guarantee you'll pass the test that's good okay here's what we're gonna do it's it's almost the top of the hour we're gonna go to 12:10 just so you know and complain ahead we're gonna begin to if you have questions go ahead and line up behind each of the questions here we also have many that have texted in we're not gonna be able to get to all of them however dr. Ross is always on his Facebook page you interacting with people and answering questions and we also have a reasons to believe chapter that meets here on Monday nights as well always going through dr. Ross's stuff and engaging some of these questions so we do ask that if you do have questions to keep them to brief so that we can get through as many as possible then at 10 after we'll do a formal dismissal we have grace kids going on you got to get your kids but we will continue with Q&A probably till about 12:30 but at 12:10 we're gonna have a formal dismissal just so you know how many of you would be interested in having him back more than one time a year yeah that's okay you got an option for that bad in here I have a quick question to number one what answer do you have to your Jewish friend who says who Sam who's angry with God he said where was he when he loud did all those things to the Jewish people number two the same person says my religion does not believe God has a son okay can you help me turn this monitor upward is not here in that 2 question 1 yes two questions one your friend who is angry with God saying where was he when Allah did all those things to the Jewish people during the time of yeah well that's a actually part of my conversion was looking at the Bible what it said about the Jewish people and how the Jews rebelled against God because God had set them up to be missionaries to all the nations of the world he purposely put them at the juncture of three continents where people be forced to go through the Land of Israel in their trading and this is supposed to be the missionary mission of the Jews but they didn't fulfill it and he says and what's happening is the Gentile nations are blaspheming me because of your behavior towards me so he's because I in fact Moses warned them if that happens to you your God will scatter you throughout all the nations of the world and that happened but the Roman army coming in and 70 AD the Jews got sold as slaves to all the nations of the world but Moses also said there will come a time after a long time that Hosea says you'll be a day and another day you'll be without a king and then your king will come and their day is used for a thousand years was basically saying that the dispersion of the Jews swalla nations of the world will be roughly two thousand years but Moses himself in Deuteronomy predicted God would bring him back maybe go to the Book of Ezekiel starting in chapter 32 it gives you details about the second return of the Jews of the Land of Israel and the second rebirth of the nation of Israel I remember reading that when I was 18 and I actually went to the library and dug up microfiche of old newspapers to see if everything in the Book of Ezekiel about the rebirth of Israel actually happened exactly like the Bible predicted in Ezekiel I was able to confirm everything it says happen you know just look up those old newspapers published in 1947 and 48 one thing I know says that Isaiah said the name and the new nation will be Israel but have you read the newspapers of 47 everybody wanted to call it Zion that the Jewish nessip wanted to call it Zion at the last minute just before independence David ben-gurion stood up in the neset and said no more debate we're calling it Israel and he sat down and for some reason they called it Israel now David ben-gurion did not read Isaiah he was an atheist he had no idea that this was prophesied but the nation was called Israel and I think what especially impressed me was Ezekiel 37 where it says there will come a time when the nations will see enormous valleys filled with the dry bones of dead Jews and when they see those valleys they will say Israel as a nation will never happen it's done it's finished and again if you read the newspapers of 46 and 47 that's when people became aware of the Holocaust and photos were published in newspapers in one case showing a valley with over a hundred thousand Jewish skeletons in it and people were figured out okay Zionism was basically centered in Poland and yet Poland had four and a half million Jews slaughtered and they were being slaughtered not just in Germany but in Russia and people were saying Zionism has been there will be no nation and yet within weeks the nation was born what you see in the Psalms is when the nation is born ten surrounding nations will join together to exterminate the nation it actually names a 10 and they were the 10 that fought the war of independence against Israel and I think what really impressed me was seeing the prophet Isaiah saying that this nation would be at a crisis but what would happen is that people living in the distant coastlands a reference to distance continents will provide the gold and the silver that this new nation would need to be able to purchase the arms they needed to be able to fight off their enemies and if you can read the history of Israel gold of my year was sent by David ben-gurion with ten dollars in her purse to New York a one-way ticket to New York she gets to New York and she raises a couple of million dollars they send her on to Chicago she raises more money on the Los Angeles she returns to Israel three weeks later with fifty million dollars in her purse and it was those fifty million dollars that turned the tide of the war Israel was being wiped out but with that 50 million dollars they were able to purchase surplus arms from Czechoslovakia and that turned the tide and established a nation I mean that's just a little bit and incidentally you can go on our reasons dollar website and you're gonna get a list from it's just scriptureless I give you all the scriptures in the Bible of the entire Bible the prophecy what will happen to the new nation of Israel some of which have been fulfilled some of which will be fulfilled the next few years so that's a free item you can get from reasons to believe yours I want to jump right down here let's go on over here so during the when Satan fell he brought angels with him whenever he caused even Adam to fall it began the tests you were talking about is that test and the reason that evil exists in our world to prepare us for eventually ruling over the angels and eventually joining in Jesus in ruling over creation yes you are correct I mean because we're being exposed to this test and because we're going to God for the help to pass this test that we can't pass by ourselves as it says throughout the old New Testament we are experiencing the grace of God undeserved favor from God to help us do we can't do for ourselves and keep in mind God could have kept Satan and the demons away from planet Earth for all of eternity but if he had done that we would not have an eternally secure relationship with our Creator eternal security requires that we be exposed to the most challenging tests so we were gaining something that Adam and Eve did not possess before they were exposed to Satan they did not have eternal security through that exposure we get to be eternally secure in a relationship moreover what you see in Paul and Peter's writings is that the righteous angels are watching the grace of God in action it tells us that the angels are intently observing us to learn about the mystery of this grace but they only get to watch it we get to experience it directly and it's through that experience or being trained and equipped to do something the angels are not able to do and so this is why a day will come thanks to the grace of God that we're experiencing where we'll be ruling over the angels and teaching the angels and judging the angels and ruling and teaching over everything else that God creates new creation which is why use here Paul and Peter saying he's few decades you have here on earth as a believer run the race with every bit of energy you got because you're being prepared for a future career and you know it's just like going to college you want to take courses that are gonna prepare you for a really good career you know if you're a follower of Jesus Christ you will get to the new creation but we're gonna have different careers this is a time to really prepare for the career you want in the new creation so run the race with every bit of energy you've got and I really like what the Apostle Paul says when you get towards the end of your life you want to give it a kick just like a miler saves the best for the last we need to do the same so for those of you that are up in years like I am go for all you want you want to cross that finish line totally exhausted awesome okay here's what we're gonna do and I just need you a little help with this number one I want to remind you the resources that reasons to believe and you have and right outside the sanctuary in that corner we're gonna go ahead and have an official dismissal you need to get your kids and grace kits just ask you to if you could do it quietly cuz we're gonna continue with some more questions until the 12:30 mark so god bless you thank you for being a part of this this weekend again thank you dr. Ross we're gonna continue with this right here okay so before we jump back over here to this line I would just like for you to you know most people want to think of science a lot of questions coming in about just simply science disproves the Bible yeah as an established scientist it was the Bible that led you to Jesus so how do you how would you answer that question for somebody that says no no no science just proves the Bible it's you know foolishness whatsoever well I get that quite frequently especially from scientists they say well like no way can they give Christianity credibility science disproves it my first response is have you ever read the Bible for yourself or are you just listening to hearsay where in the Bible do you think it contradicts science and they'll say well Genesis teaches that the world is flat give me the chapter in verse nowhere does the Bible teach that the world is flat or they'll say well it teaches that there was this global flood where in the bible does it say that and so just you know calling their bluff and getting that actually look at the Bible when I do that that's often the first time they've never picked up a Bible and when they pick up a Bioman read it they're shocked by what they read and opens up a door so that's step one but step two is okay where do you think there's a problem and then I like to do a positive approach here's evidence that the Bible got all the science right not only got the science right hundreds of times predicted future scientific discoveries if you want to see that there is a debate I did with the religion editor of the skeptic Society Tim Callahan and we debated does the Bible have predictive power and basically I had a chance to lay out all the evidence of other by law accurately predicts future scientific discoveries and future historical events so that just takes away that argument and again the Bible repeatedly says go to the book of nature it will show you the evidence but a supernatural handiwork of God sciences are a lie it's not our enemy since so if demons can have physical effects on our bodies like causing sickness for example since their spiritual beings what do you think the mechanism might be by which they can interact with our spirit but still have physical effects on us if they're not physical okay angels of varying powers some are stronger than others but the stronger angels can appear in any physical form that they want so a lot of people say hey my grandfather came back from the dead and told me all these things there wasn't your grandfather it was an angel taking the form of your grandfather and if you read the Bible you'll see instances where the righteous angels took on form of a human being and were actually able to eat food so for example you've got Abraham feeding dinner to a nose so not only can they appear in physical form as a human being they can even operate in physical ways like a human being but unlike us they're not constrained by the physics of the universe so they can leave that physicality behind and return to their spiritual realm they can come in and out of our realm we cannot go into their realm so they have a power we don't have but yeah they appear as a leprechaun they can appear as a flying saucer they can appear as a talking snake they can take control of a donkey so when Balaam donkey was talking it wasn't a donkey it was an angel taking control of the donkey I I was in the earlier service and I think you claimed that humans are millions of years old and among humans humans liked human life-forms pardon me human life forms well we do have bipedal primates like a homo erectus and the australopithecines that lived a few million years ago okay but the bipedal primates were not human we humans have been around I mean as I mentioned I think in the first service when we looked at Genesis chapter 2 it says Adam and Eve were created in the Garden of Eden but it tells us at that time four rivers came together in the garden the Tigris Euphrates aggie on the pichon those are known rivers two are flowing today too or dry riverbeds the only place they come together as in the southeastern part of the Persian Gulf during the last ice age I was a hundred feet above sea level today is three hundred two hundred feet below sea level so that tells us that God created Adam II sometime during the last ice age the date range would be fifteen thousand to a hundred and thirty thousand years ago the best scientific date we got for the origin of humanity is a hundred and fifty thousand years ago plus or minus 150 thousand years so I have a question something in the order of a hundred thousand years or less for God creating human beings okay well my question is do you believe that Adam was the first man and if not and how do you reconcile that with the genealogy that claimed in Matthew that says that Adam was thousands of years old and then my second question is and Genesis you're claiming that the Bible is inerrant but you're saying that there are essentially mistakes in it so have you thought of just rewriting it so it's more accurate so be clear to be really clear I do believe that all of humanity is to send it from one man one woman namely Adam and Eve that God specially created sometime during the last ice age as to how you reconcile that with the genealogies in Genesis 5 and 11 if you look at all the biblical genealogies it's clear that they're all incomplete for example in you God and Luke a genealogy from Adam to Noah that's got 11 names whereas in Genesis 5 you just got 10 names I didn't hear you my question is whether or not you think Matthew the genealogy of Matthew is accurate because if it's not accurate then why would people believe on the Bible okay I'm claiming that the Bible is totally inherent in all disciplines science history geography science and practice there are no errors in the Bible and as far as the genealogies go you need to appreciate that the Hebrew word Ben for son can also mean grandson great grandson great grandson in English we got distinctions and Biblical Hebrew you don't same thing with the word father the word job can also mean grandfather great-grandfather etc so I think it's important we realize the Old Testament was written in Hebrew not in English and so we need to appreciate that the biblical hebrew vocabulary has only 3,000 words if you don't count the names of people and cities and therefore virtually every Hebrew noun has multiple literal definitions so we need to look at the context to see what this inerrant Bible the same now if you want to read some articles on this you'll find several articles at reasons org on the biblical genealogies and I think what a lot of people miss is the names that are included and the names that are dropped are making a theological point for example you'll see in the Old Testament genealogies that drop a lot of names but make it a point to include the names of Gentiles and women not just Jewish men basically making the point the Gospels for all people not just Jewish men women are included and the Gentiles are included and also some of the genealogies make a point of mentioning individuals in the genealogy including the genealogy ELISA Jesus a people that engage in rather terrible sinful acts so he got the prostitute mentioned basically making the point God can redeem people from their sin and he can bring righteousness out of an unrighteous line so look for the theological message and every biblical genealogy you know my kids when they first started reading the Bible said I'm just gonna skip the genealogies I said don't do that it's not just a list of names there's a theological message there you need to understand look for the names that are included look for the names that are not included I made a suggestion in the last service that probably what you're getting in Genesis by are the patriarchs that survived being murdered from their fellow man because as you'll see in navigating Genesis the murder rate in the days before Noah was north of 95% the vast majority humans did not live out a normal life their life was being terminated by being murdered by their fellow man and so we see recorded in Genesis 5 are those patriarchs that actually died a normal death and hence lid to be eight or nine hundred years and yes I do believe those lifespans are real they really did live that long and there's new scientific discoveries that tell us why it was possible for humans living before the flood to live 800 years nine hundred years and why it's impossible for us to do that today what's what's horrifying is that as in the days of Noah so we'll be coming of Jesus well begin oh Lord okay what's the number one cause of death today in the United States it's not cancer it's not heart disease it's abortion oh yes we are getting back to what it was that I couldn't a decent knowing more people die from abortion and cancer and heart disease combined lots of questions are coming in about demonic activity and those that are exposed to it they're fearful of it several questions on if you're a believer and you have an unbelieving friend that it has fear because of bizarre things happening and you you hint that are you you have you think it's demonic activity what do you say to him what would you do if they came to you in fear how would you lead somebody to get rid of that well first of all there's someone who's far more powerful than all the demons combined so there's no need to be afraid there's something stronger and greater the ones I am concerned about are people who are dabbling in the occult or they got a relationship with a demon and they want the power that the demon gives him when I run into that I have to try to engage in a dialogue we're saying there's something more important for you to possess some power and that is truth what the demons will do is give you power to take away truth from you but what is more important in your life is it power or is it truth and so I try to motivate them to recognize the value of truth over power but one thing I've learned the hard way if they want the power don't cast a demon out because we cast a demon out and they still want that power they're gonna invite more demons to come back is there a way you could give us I'm not necessarily an exhaustive list but physical evidences of demonic possession in people just recognizing the physical symptoms and what we could do as warrior children of God to combat that okay I think I got your question what are the some ways you can recognize whether or not someone's demon possessed well I can tell you a personal story I was walking by the street near Cal Tech and there was this lady oh good eighty yards away from me I didn't even see her but she crawled up into the fetal position and started yelling obscenities at me but I never met her before she was on the opposite side of the street and she was terrified of my presence and I was all crawled up like then she started screaming and yelling ordinary people who are not demon-possessed don't behave that way and and you know she was a good 50 years of age so I was a clue to me and then as I got close to her she began to back away and suddenly the obscenities were not just being thrown at me they were being thrown at Jesus again that was a really good clue as I mentioned earlier you know a lot of people will say things about Jesus but they stopped short of accusing Jesus of vile immoral behavior demon-possessed people they won't stop at that line and then and then I look for the fear if the individual who's demon-possessed is showing am an ordinate amount of fear something's going on now did you have a second part because I didn't hear okay that's it okay dr. Ross thank you for your ministry to this church and to me I in regard to Scripture inerrancy the basis for my belief is that the fact that Jesus Christ never questioned the Word of God and regarding the Old Testament I have a lot of questions too but because he believed in the entire Old Testament that testified of him takes away all the questions that I have I just depend upon him totally and one final thing regarding little green men see my stature is rather small my last name is green that is awesome right well thank you for that he'll be signing my book afterwards so alright a couple months ago my son was ordained and I've seen the attack that's going on with him do I need to physically be there to bind the spirit and rebuke it or can it be done from afar because I can't find him right now and I sent this message in on I texted it and then I seen the light go on on my phone but it won't open now so I mean I'm just seeing something going on well if you're wanting to pray a prayer of protection over your son or daughter and there are thousands of miles away it still works you don't have to be there in person [Applause] you're gonna have to get a lot closer than what you hear what heroes for being here today i has to do with the children since they World War two and later what is causing birth defects in our children and I heard a doctor on TV say that antibiotics can cause first birth defects and children also so I'd kind of like to know because I have a Down syndrome grandson okay I've read some scientific literature on antibiotics what they can do to the unborn child what I can tell you is it's not a settled issue there are scientists saying the antibiotics have no effect on the newborn child others are saying it definitely does and a lot of them are trying to claim that things like dyslexia and attention deficit disorder and autism may be caused by giving young children antibiotics or giving a pregnant woman antibiotics again that's not proven I mean there's evidence but it's not yet proven that that's the case there may be other causes that are responsible for this and one of the reasons why there's some skepticism in the scientific literature we don't see an increase in these problems in the population after antibiotics began to be used and before antibiotics came it came to be used the problem was people thought they were seeing an increase though they realized as a hundred and fifty years ago before antibiotics were being used people weren't keeping the kind of records they are of dyslexia autism that they do today whereas today there's much better diagnosis and people think there's an increase and I think one of the evidences for that the ratio men and women having these disorders has not changed before antibiotics and after antibiotics on the other hand it I think is a really good idea to take as few antibiotics as you can get away with why because there's good scientific research showing antibiotics will damage your microbiome those are the microbes that are in your digestive tract and they're crucial for maintaining your health and incidentally they're also crucial for maintaining the health and operation of your brain if you want to really have a good sharp mind make sure you eat your vegetables so that you can feed that those bacteria in your digestive tract and incidentally those of you who got a really good microbiome if you go to Mass juices you can sell your feces because what they're now doing for people who've got a damaged microbiome you can get a fecal transplant so no not just before lunch right okay we're gonna have to call it there I apologize for those that didn't get there again you can interact with dr. Ross on his Facebook page guys on your way out hit the resource table get some resources let's give dr. Ross a big hand thank you for the weekend [Applause]
Channel: Grace Church St. Louis
Views: 14,573
Rating: 4.8083067 out of 5
Keywords: gracestl, grace, stl, saint, louis, hugh ross, doctor, wesmartin, rontucker, science
Id: 3293z5eumIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 34sec (4354 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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