Session 13 - Resist Satan And He Will Flee - Zac Poonen

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this song was born out of the revelation that the secret of godliness his Jesus came in the flesh like us and 1 timothy 3:15 says the church must be the pillar and support of this truth and when we look at churches today 2,000 years after that was written it's very difficult to find a church that is a pillar and support of this truth that not the doctrine of christ coming in the flesh i have met people who hold to the doctrine of christ coming in the flesh who are some of the most carnal worldly proud people i have met but the secret of godliness is in christ himself who came in the flesh so it's born out of that and if you understand this truth listen to each word each verse carefully it refers to sin sickness our relationship with jesus listen to it and sing it meaningful [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] but he did follow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is the what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can do [Music] [Music] if you can be gripped by that that what God did for Jesus he will do for me and as he cared for Jesus he will care for me but the reason why God did all that was Jesus because Jesus took the proper place that a man should take before God all through his life believe it or not he lived as a zero so that his father could be one and because he lived under his father the father was one and he was zero there was always a value in his life and he's given as an example he said as the father sent me so send I you where now he becomes the one in front of us and we remain as zeros till the end of our life then what you sang is right what God did for Jesus he'll do for you and if you find he's not doing it for you you know the reason you're no longer a zero you've become a one or two or three already that's why why doesn't he care for you as he cared for Jesus because you are no longer a zero every problem in the life of a Christian which is unsolved it's because he will not become a zero all the conflicts between husband and wife every home is because one of them is not a zero or both are not zeros it is impossible to fight with a zero show you a verse in the Old Testament which has been a great blessing to me second chronicles chapter 20 this is a picture of our battle against Satan and we want to think a little bit about our battle with Satan at this time second chronicles 20 the sons of Moab sons of Amon some of them unite came to make war against Jehoshaphat whenever you read about war against God's people in the Old Testament it is the battle against Satan for us and the report came to George but a great multitude is coming out against you and Joshua is afraid what did he do he didn't like some other kings go to Egypt and some other countries to come and help you know like we may go to man for help he sought the Lord he fasted and sought the Lord and he reminded god of his promises Lord you have said I'll never leave you nor forsake you that's what we say you're the same yesterday today and forever he said Lord God verse you're the God of our fathers didn't you drive out all the enemies didn't you defeat Satan on the cross verse 7 that's what we say today and you said if whenever you're in trouble come and seek me and I will answer you call upon me in the day of trouble and I will answer you Jeremiah 33 verse 3 call upon me in the day of trouble I will answer you and I show you great and mighty things which you do not know do you know that promise in Jeremiah 33 verse 3 well that's what he said you said that your helpers now Lord this is the prayer I want you to think of the prayer of a0 verse 12 middle of that verse we have zero power we have zero wisdom but we look at you you are the number one in front of us we are zeros we have no power we don't know what to do that means my power is zero my wisdom is zero depend on you that is the man who can live by faith who recognizes he has no power no wisdom e0 he's a nothing but Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever and if God be for us who can be against us that's how Jesus lived and to see Jesus having come in the flesh means that we can live like he lived recognizing that we are nothing but recognize that he's always there to support us and help us he's the same you know that verse in John 13 Mathew Hebrews 13 sorry verse 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever we look back to read you know that song we sing the God who lived in Moses time is just the same today that God will lived in Daniels time is just the same today the God who lived in the time of the Apostles is just the same today and when it says Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever that's one of the subjects on which I base that book God's work done in God's Way which also I've encouraged all of you to get a copy and read to understand about God's work should be done essentially that if Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever and like he was in the days of the Apostles and that's described for us in the New Testament how the Apostles did God's work their attitude to money etc if he's the same then he can do the same thing today he can help his servants to serve Him without ever asking anybody for money if he's the same yesterday today and forever but if he's not then we have to modify his methods like David modified the method of carrying the ark and followed the example of the Philistines to put it on a bullock cart and that's how calamity came you read in 1 Samuel sorryyou 2nd Samuel so how shall we prove that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today for our in our churches we will prove particularly in the area of money and making our needs known to others that we say Jesus made his no-knead known only to the father you know today all these people pleading with people come and support me support me can you imagine Jesus picture this in your mind Jesus going to people and saying can you please give me some money my heavenly father has let me down and so I have to trust you folks now that's an attitude of a beggar my heavenly father let me down he says if I he owns the cattle on a Thousand Hills and if I'm hungry I will not let you know it says in the Psalms but it hasn't worked Jesus says for me so can you give me money can you imagine it Jesus like that that is another Jesus and that is another Jesus that is being preached in Christendom today by all these preachers who say please give us money because I have to do this and I've got to do that and you you people have to help me no apostle did it Jesus did not do it and we we wanted to prove that right from the beginning of CFC and we approved it now for 43 years and that's why I wrote I waited 43 years to write that book because I didn't want to write unproven theories 40 years is enough to prove something like we read again and again in the wilderness mister lights proved God so take that challenge brothers and sisters when you are in need go to God instead of going to man it says in Jeremiah 17 verse 5 to 8 cursed said is the man who depends on man blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord the man who trusts in the Lord will be like a tree planted by the rivers of water jeremiah 17 verse 5 to 8 and always green always bearing fruit in its season but if you don't trust in the lord it says you'll be like a barren tree in the wilderness and that's how a lot of so-called Christian churches are and that's how a lot of Christians are we are not meant to be like that I was greatly challenged some years ago by this verse in 1 John in chapter 4 and I want to pass it on to you 1 John chapter chapter 4 it's a little phrase and I think we have it on a plaque downstairs of our building 1 John 4 verse 18 sorry verse 17 1 John 4:17 the last part of that verse as Jesus is so also are we in this world meditate on that there's a it's a deep well from which you can draw water for the rest of your life as Jesus is so also are we in this world he's not talking about the future he's talking about this world right now that right now I can be as Jesus is what he did for Jesus will do for me as the father cared for Jesus he'll care for me as he is also our we and I thought of it like this demons were scared of Jesus in a synagogue we read when Jesus spoke the demon-possessed man erupted but that guy sat quietly when all the Pharisees were speaking there for years but the moment Jesus came they erupted and wherever Jesus went the demons would warn them hey he's coming here he's coming here be careful they were scared of Jesus as Jesus is so are we in this world do you have faith to believe that that you never first of all that you never need to be afraid of the devil all of your children never never to be afraid of the devil resist the devil James 4:7 he will flee from you but before you resist the devil before you resist the devil it says in James in chapter 4 and the just before that James 4:7 is a resist the devil but previous to that it says submit to God as the full verse don't just resist the devil don't begin in the middle of the words submit 100% to God which means you become a zero and let God be everything in your life then resist the devil and he will flee from you he will flee that's God's promise what God has prepared for those who love him this is one of the things he has prepared for us which they did not have in the Old Covenant no Old Covenant person could resist the devil the devil is mentioned only in two or three places in the entire Old Testament one is in Genesis 3 once it says Satan tempted David to number the people and then you read about Satan and zechariah chapter 3 accusing Joshua the high priest there's only a few places and no person in the Old Testament was called to fight Satan or resist Satan we never read of Satan coming against anyone in the Old Testament why because God does not allow us to be tempted beyond our ability so you know you don't let the children to your old children go out into the world all by themselves they're not ready when they are 20 years old you'll send them because now they're ready so God did not allow any whole test not even Elijah or John the Baptist to face the devil directly the first person who confronted the devil directly was Jesus Christ and after that the Apostles after that we I can submit to God and resist the devil and he will flee from us any believer can cast out a demon if his conscience is clear he's walking in the light he believes that Satan was defeated on the cross by Jesus Christ he's convinced about it no doubt in his mind every demon every and the devil and all his were all defeated on the cross by my Savior and Jesus Christ is the head of my life he dwells in my heart and as Jesus is so am I in this world so am i when I confront this demon-possessed person you can tell that demon in the name of Jesus get out of her get out of him it'll go you don't have to repeat it you know in many churches they fast and pray and yell and some people pull the woman's hair and all that I saw that happen once somebody doing and I said who's got the demon here this father his pastor or this woman no I've cast out many demons in my life always with one word I'll tell you another thing I never did it before I was baptized in the Holy Spirit the baptism the Holy Spirit not only revealed Jesus in the new way to me he not only gave me revelation on the life of victory but it's almost like transported me into a realm of the Spirit see we're all living in the realm of reason and we all like college students and all in the ruler of reason but then the Lord lifts us into the realm of the Spirit and then we see things which other people can't see and people won't even be able to understand us why we do things in a certain way a carnal person will always misunderstand a spiritual person even a soulish person who's not carnal he's not living in sin but he lives in his reason he lives in his emotions he will not understand a spiritual man turn with me to 1 Corinthians in Chapter 2 in 1 Corinthians chapter 2 verse 14 onwards to chapter 3 and verse 3 he read about three types of people and that is natural man means the soulish man verse 14 that is a real translation of it the soulish man who lives by his soul 1 Corinthians 2:14 a soulish man who lives in his mind and his emotions cannot understand the things of the Spirit of God they are foolishness to him because they had to be spiritually appraised inside the veil in the presence of God but he who has gone inside the veil and has become spiritual he can appraise appraise means evaluate everything what is this and what is this what is the value of this and what is the value of that relatively and you can evaluate people he can discern people's one of the greatest needs for elders to be able to discern go beyond the words they say to discern his spirit but the spiritual man cannot be discerned by others he cannot be he appraises everybody but people cannot appraise him no you cannot appraise a spiritual man unless you spurgeon yourself and that's why you see so many really spiritually minded people are criticized by soulish people and you say that man who is criticizing is living an upright life I know he's not carnal but he's evaluating by his mind and emotions he studied the Bible his mind and emotions he is not spiritual he's not taking up the cross he's not denied his will he hasn't become a zero before God and said I will do nothing mine by myself while wait on the Father he doesn't do that he's very clever so he cannot discern spiritual things and he cannot discern a spiritual man and that's why the truly spiritual people in the world are always misunderstood by a whole lot of clever believers who versus and this and that neither why is this wise like that I don't waste my time arguing with people about versus because I say these things are spiritually discerned what's used is like explaining to a blind man who says this wall is black here's a blind man who tells me brothers a cube you don't realize this wall is black he's really sincere but he's blind how in the world can I convince him this wall is not black there's no way except his eyes are opened that's how it is a spiritual man it's impossible to explain these things to a soulish person but then he goes on in verse chapter three verse one to speak about carnal people those are the people who live according to the flesh they have a verse three jealousy strife and all those other things so there are three types of people mentioned in these verses the carnal person the lowest level chapter 3 verse 1 2 3 they live according to the flesh the soul each person chapter 2 verse 14 who lives in his mind and emotions and the spiritual person the spiritual person is the only one who can accomplish the will of God a spiritual person is the one who always considers himself as zero the carnal person doesn't consider himself a zero the soul each person definitely does not consider mrs. Errol he's pretty clever maybe he knows the Bible the truly spiritual person is the one who recognize he he's a zero and remains there consistently day after day after day after day putting God in front of him he's not just 0 . no 0 but I have the Lord in front of me I said the Lord always before me always I from the day I moment I wake up in the morning this one Christ is in front of me then only I have any value otherwise I'll go through that all day as is zero and accomplish nothing but if I start the day with Christ in front of me I become valuable and if I can keep him in front of me in every decision he will protect me preserve me as he cared for Jesus the father will care for me that's how you're supposed to live we live by the word of God that we receive every day God speaks to us all the time man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from God's mouth and when we do that you'll find the devil is very quick to come and whisper unbelief into our heart can you just pick up those slides which I gave you and put the first one of them up there receiving God's Word daily this is a humble person who's laid down his sword and his equipment and saying God like me say give us this day our daily bread Lord give me my food today give me my your world to me this is how we must begin every day even if you're not physically on your knees spiritually bowing before God I cannot go through this day without receiving your word and when we do that the devil's quick to do something else go to the next slide there are demons who come to us after we have heard God's word who will whisper unbelief no no no it won't happen like that accusations against others very common whispers whenever you find negative thoughts in your mind about other people remember this picture it's not coming from your mind the devil is whispering your wife did this so your husband did this are you going to listen to those demons lot of misunderstandings between husband and wife or because these demons come and whisper and that's foolish husband or the foolish wife listens to them and the distance comes between believers when the demons whisper accuse ations against somebody else and canceling out the word of God that we got earlier please remember this picture whenever you hear whispers of unbelief no no no it won't happen like that he's going to send a whisperings of some terrible that'll happen to you or your family don't listen to it resist the devil and he will flee from you so here's a scary picture the next one of the devil himself the next slide can you go to that the devil coming at you Satan attacks but he's not afraid he doesn't turn his back we never turn up back to Satan never never never never never please we got the Word of God which is the sword of the Spirit in our hand and let the devil come at us and go to the next slide and he will flee he doesn't walk away he runs because we've taken the Word of God like Jesus every time when he was tempted he said it is written and the devil fled he came with another temptation Jesus and it is written he went away again he came he said it is written there is no better way to conquer Satan where did Eve fail when God had said it is written or it is spoken you shall not eat of that tree the devil said but it'll make you like God it'll make you clever do it there's some benefits in it she should have said eight God has spoken I shall not eat it he would have fled see the contrast between how even Adam went towards Satan and how Jesus went see the devil is always sometimes he comes attacking us like this the Bible says the devil is also like a roaring lion you know the roar of a lion itself is so frightening and the Bible says in 1 Peter 5 the devil's like a roaring lion whom you must resist in the faith the same thing that James says 1 Peter 5 you read that he says that there also and I want you to show you the next slide of two lions on either side and the way is a very narrow way and the roar of the lion scares this Christian who say how can I get through this one line this side one line that side trying to grab me it could be the love of money you think of that as a lion trying to grab you how many believers it is grabbed swallowed them up completely or destroyed their effectiveness or it could be a gossiping spirit think of these two easily money on one side and gossiping on the other side with gossiping the devil has destroyed so many Christians and they are there to grab you you could think whatever is your says about the sin that that's so easily beset us think of what is the sin by setting you pornography waning to grab you but if you were trust in God he says he will not allow you to be tested beyond your ability do you see the chain on that lion on the right and there is a chain on the line on the other side also which you can't see both are chained and they cannot reach the narrow way they can only reach up to that edge they cannot come into that way so if you walk that way the lion will not be able to touch you it says in Isaiah let me turn with your verse in Isaiah in chapter 35 Isaiah 35 it speaks about this narrow way like this verse 8 a highway will be there a roadway it'll be called the highway of holiness Isaiah 35 verse 8 Jesus called it the narrow way that leads to life and the devil is there it's a very narrow way you can see it here danger this side danger that side that leads to life it's a very narrow way but the Lord will help us along it the unclean will not travel on it it'll be for him who walks that way and fools will not wander on it no lion will be there so can you go back to that one on the lion no lion can come into the way he'll be stopped he will not allow you to be tested beyond your ability no lion will be there on the way you may come right up to the edge of the way but he cannot touch you but the redeemed verse nine will walk there and the ransomed of the Lord will return with joyful shouting we are called to a life of triumph brothers and sisters to always overcome we go to the next slide see this demon trying to attack this Christian trying to push him to one side or the other side there's always a balance you know sometimes think of Christianity on one side are the legalists who go by the letter of the law this this this this this this this they fall over one side and the others who react against that are those who become worldly they follower the other side worldly people and legalists they've fallen over the other side but the narrow ways between the two in many areas there are some people who go overboard on kindness and some people who over go overboard on severity of God God is kind and God is severe if you major only on one you fall over the cliff whether it is kindness or severe sometimes you would think oh that brother is so kind he's so godly but this other brother is so strict well if his only strict he's ungodly if he's only kind he's also ungodly God is both kind and strict a good father is kind and strict and if a man cannot be kind of strict then God has to give him a wife we'll give them make the balance there so the narrow way is something as we see in Scripture that we seek to follow and then when we come to the end of life and we look at this way go to the next one we'll see how we look back at the end of our life and if you remained here in humility as a zero you will look back and you'll discover that God protected you from stumbling and falling on either side of that narrow way the secret of walking this narrow way is to remain a zero all your life God's got a wonderful plan for your life to every one of you sitting here I would say brothers sister God's got a wonderful plan for your life and he wants to fulfill that plan and he will definitely fulfill it if you remain as a zero before God and remain as a zero before other people and let God be everything in your life he will fulfill that plan turn with me to Jeremiah in chapter 29 Jeremiah 29 it's a wonderful promise Jeremiah 29 and verse 11 God says I know the plans I've got for you plans to do you good for your welfare never to hurt you to give you a future and a hope just the plans God has for us and if you want to walk in that plan call upon me pray to me I will listen to you seek me and find me and you will find me where is 13 when you search for me with all your heart otherwise you won't find that plan turn to Psalm 139 this is a passage I love to quote because it's always been a blessing to me Psalm 139 it says Lord verse 13 you formed me inside my mother's womb and while I was still in my mother's womb verse 16 you saw your eyes saw me as a little embryo or a fetus small little thing inside my mother's womb isn't it I think of that sometimes Lord when I was in my mother's womb you had your eye on me it blesses me to know that please use your imagination it's true when you were in your mother's womb was it teeny weeny thing that only could be seen in a microscope God saw you and he had a plan for you because in his book that means in his mind all the days that he had planned for you were already planned before you were born and I say Lord I want to walk in that plan so many years I wasted not seeking for your plan I couldn't fulfill your plan because I thought I was a one or a ten or a fifty or a hundred or a thousand now I want to be a zero so that every time I say Lord what do you want me to do I don't want to do my own will the man who's a zero says I never want to do my own will Jesus said it throughout his life throughout your life you say Lord I never want to do my own will you'll never fall over on either side you fall on to other side when you just want to do your own will you can do your own will this way or that way and you fall but if I say Lord I don't want to do my own will I'll only do your will you will walk this narrow way until the end of your life and he says in verse 17 how precious are your thoughts about me you're always thinking about me when I'm awake were 13 you're still with you he's always thinking about you how to help you to understand that his plan is the best for you I remember when I wanted to get married I said lord I don't have a choice if you want me to be single I'll be single and for a long time I thought I would be single but I'll never marry someone outside of your will I want to I am zero there I have no choice I'm not looking at a pretty woman and saying oh that's the one I wants a lot of foolish believers they only look for beauty you know this well-known verse that I quote two young people from Proverbs I like to quote it in all of you young men please remember this verse all your life in Proverbs it talks about a pretty woman who has no understanding proverbs 11 and verse 22 a beautiful woman I'd say who's not spiritual here's a very attractive woman and there are pretty women in the world it's all in chemistry they call it molecules molecules arranged in a certain way are pretty molecules arranged in another way or ugly it's all molecules basically so if these molecules if you understand chemistry you know that molecules are arranged in a certain way and these molecules are arranged in a wonderful way in this girl okay the men call her pretty I just say it's molecules arranged in a certain way that's all if they were slightly differently arranged they would be ugly the nose is a little up or something finished so but this pretty woman it's got no spirituality and the Bible says that's like a big the character is a big the beauty is a golden ring in the nose of that pig imagine a pig with a golden ring on its nose and the beauty is that golden ring the character is the pig and this stupid brother oh wow this golden ring is the best golden ring I've ever seen I want to marry you and marries the pig don't do that look for character even if there's no golden ring Beauty is inward finally that will remain forever this golden ring will fade through the years and then you'll be looking at other golden rings in other pigs so be careful look for character otherwise you'll be deceived yeah I want to turn to the next the last slide it's about how Satan is always pouring water on God's fire the Lord is lit a fire in your heart he's always seeking to pour water to quench it but if you open yourself to the Holy Spirit every day see there the hand pouring oil the fire will never be quenched never the power of the Holy Spirit let's Satan keep on pouring any amount of water the fire in my heart will never die out for Jesus Christ I praise God I've experienced a little bit of that I want to live in that all my life I'm the bride of Jesus Christ and it's because of love for Christ that that fire burns I want you to turn with me the Song of Solomon Song of Solomon in chapter 8 for a Song of Solomon chapter 8 love is like a fire verse 6 love is the middle of that love is as strong as death it's flashes the flashes of love proverbs sorry Song of Solomon chapter 8 verse 6 last part the flashes of love are like flashes of fire the very fire of God I supported the Holy Spirit the fire of God the flame of God and many waters cannot quench this even if the devil sends a river into that fire it will not quench it ha what a wonderful thing brother sister to have a fire that even a river cannot put out that's the power of the Holy Spirit even if the devil sends a river at me it will not quench my fire maybe he can kill me physically kill Jesus he killed the Apostles that's ok he may make me starve or do a lot of physical difficulties but the fire inside the devil will not be able to put out and I hope that in these days as you've heard the Word of God a fire has been ignited in your heart make sure that you always receive the oil from the Holy Spirit so that it keeps burning and burning and burning God may take you through deep sufferings don't get discouraged when you go through suffering God has a plan even there turn with me to Psalm 66 psalm 66 and verse 10 and verse 10 you have tested us O God Psalm 6610 you have a refined us like silver is refined see the type of trials he went through you brought us into a net brought us into a net means I'm tied by my circumstances think of a housewife with a number of children she can't even get out of the house inside a net as it were or in some other situation you're in no believers around and you're in a net and and then the Lord puts you in the fire verse 12 he no sorry we brought to the net and oppressive burden is placed upon us and allowed men to write over our heads and we are put in the fire and taken out of the fire and put into icy cold water but at the end of it you brought us into a place of abundance by the way in the original Hebrew language that phrase a place of abundance is the same as in Psalm 23 where it says tops are running over so how do we get to the place where our cups run over with blessing to everywhere we go goodness and mercy we leave behind us it's and the Lord takes us through trials breaks us and humbles us so even in those trials seek God for the power of the Holy Spirit and resist the devil he will flee from you he was defeated on the cross he has no power over any of us we walk in triumph female oppress us in so many means God allows it the first book in the Bible the book of Job shows how the devil could attack job in so many ways but in the end job came out triumphant he got permitted him even to attack Jesus ultimately Jesus came out in resurrection and this is the one we follow we follow a savior who is conquered Satan conquered the world he said at the end of his life the Prince of the world comes against me he finds nothing in me that's my goal John 14 verse 30 the Prince of the world comes and he finds nothing in me and I say Lord when the devil comes at me he must find nothing in me my conscience is absolutely clear I've forgiven everybody who hurt me I've asked forgiveness from people I've wronged I live with a clear conscience every single day and I always want to see myself as a zero the moment I become a one the devil's got me and that's how the devil gets a lot of believers determine that you'll be a zero till the end of your life the devil cannot touch you because in front of zero is this one Christ I don't depend on myself I depend on Lord I lean upon him like a branch it's a branch is a zero but when it connects itself to the tree what beautiful mangoes come out it's no longer a zero once it's in the tree that's what Jesus said without me you can do zero john 15:5 without me you can do zero Philippians 4:13 with Christ you can do everything you can go ten hundred million any number of zeros if you put Christ in front let's never forget these lessons that God has given us seek God for the power of the Holy Spirit see God to be filled and immersed in the holy spirit every single day we don't need to pray for your lay hands on you go alone before God and say Lord I want to live a spirit-filled life and it will be so God's been good to us in these days and it's right for us to give thanks to him let us stand up let's not be like the nine lepers who never came back if the Lord has touched you with a loud voice praising you can raise your hands if you like but let's raise our voice and praise the Lord [Music] and for what the Lord has done for us has done for us it's done for us and for what the Lord has done for us we praise Him through eternity and for what the Lord you do for us will do for us will do for us and for what the Lord do for us we praise Him through eternity and above the rest this note shall swell this note shall swell this note shall swell and above the rest note shall swear my Jesus has done all things well praise the Lord shall we say hallelujah all together amen please be seated you have some announcements
Channel: CFC LiveStreams
Views: 7,939
Rating: 4.8536587 out of 5
Keywords: cfc, christ, christian, fellowship, church, zac poonen, satan, resist, flee, will, conference, 2018, bangalore
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 21sec (3021 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 21 2018
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