Sermons - Matt Chandler - Behold the Lamb

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hi Pastor Matt listen thank you for downloading or streaming this sermon pray that it blesses your heart two quick things that I want to lay before you before we get started in the proclamation of God's Word the first is and I love that you're dialing in to hear what the Lord's put on our heart here at TVC but I ask that you would only consume these messages as supplemental and in no way replacing your commitment and your listening to your local church pastor these are good gifts of God's grace for the people of God to grow in and yet they are not to replace ever meant to replace our belonging to a covenant community of faith where we are the the second thing want to lay before you is is that there are a lot of man-hours that men and women here at the village church put behind not just the creation of this but the creation of all kinds of resources that are meant to help you grow and develop as a disciple of Jesus Christ and so if this blesses you or the other resources that have been created have blessed you would you consider giving back to the village church to support not just these things but the creation of even more resources for you and really for anyone who wants to indulge in them now I pray that God stirs your affections for Jesus Christ as you listen now to the proclamation of God's Word [Music] [Music] good morning if you have your Bibles go ahead and grab those John chapter one is where we're going to be before we dive in to John chapter one I just want to read this I'm reading this we group of elders and exact staff kind of wrote this out so we could communicate what we're allowed to communicate not communicate any more any less so I need to take a few moments before the sermon today to address a difficult situation that we believe you should be aware of based on a formal investigation that's in process the investigation is regarding information that has come to light about the 2012 Mount Lebanon kids camp that the village church attended the Cedar Hill Police Department under the direction of detective Michael Hernandez is investigating a report of sexual assault by an adult against a minor at that camp earlier this year the minor came to a place where it was possible to verbalize the memory of what happened for the first time through ongoing therapy detective Hernandez has been investigating the case since that time if you are the mom or dad of a kid that was at the 2012 camp we had a meeting Monday night with detective Hernandez to inform you of this if somehow you slipped through the cracks of that will you please accept my apologies on that we did all we could with a database trying to go back six years and find you and inform you and we've already realized even when we had another meeting Wednesday night we don't want you to send your kids to focus without knowing this information wanted parents to to not hear it so we had to do you know just try to get into a database and go a long way back to find and so if we missed you I just hate that you're hearing about this right now in this space so please forgive me for that no we we did the best we could to try to loop you into that Monday meeting we want oh let me finish reading this it took courage and strength for the child and the family to share this and we want to support them in any way possible we have been working directly with the family and detective Hernandez to do all that we can to bring healing and the light of justice to this situation including the decision to make this investigation public now we only have one reported incident at this particular camp and year so no other camp or event is under investigation at this time we want to state clearly that there are no persons of interest in this investigation that have access to children at the village church we would not let someone who is under investigation for a crime like this be near any of our children at TBC we have strong child safety security and safety practices in place through an ongoing training provided by an outside consultant called ministry safe we require all staff and any volunteers that work with children to complete this training we are committed to doing all that we can to protect our children on Monday night when detective Hernandez met with the parents from the 2012 camp he noted that our child safety practices and training were strong in 2012 and have only gotten stronger since 2012 in light of our own going relationship with ministry safe this is heartbreaking news to deliver the weight of it leads us all to pleading with Christ to bring healing and justice to this situation over the course of two meetings that we've had this week with parents we were able with the detectives help to distill a little bit of fa cues that we can answer and so I want to answer some of those all of this will be posted online later today can parents be confident in the safety of their children at TVC in light of this news yes we are very serious intentional and committed to the safety of our children we have strong safety and security procedures and practices in place and they have only increased over the last few years as we continue to work with ministry safe to train us in child safety and the protection that we require all staff and any volunteers that work with our children to go through the training that ministry safe provides what prompted sharing this information now simply put detective Hernandez asked us not to share the news of this investigation any earlier as it could have hindered his work we have been working closely with the family and Hernandez on the best time to make this news public and everyone agreed this is the proper time later today we'll post this statement along with these fa Q's to our website we will continue to stay in close contact with the family and detective Hernandez and provide timely updates as we have them so it's just important to note we're not driving this process I am a pastor I am NOT an investigator you don't want me driving this process we're taking our cues from the experts in this field and and so we can't drum up updates we have to receive them and be cleared to share them and so we will update as we are given information and are allowed to update you do I need I mean I'm not going to read this question do I need to keep an extra eye on my children at church because an alleged perpetrators at our church know the clear and emphatic answer is no we would never allow anyone under investigation for a crime like this be near children at TBC how should we talk with our children about this every family and child will be different so we encourage you to share what you feel is best and wise for your situation our main encouragement would be to Center their hearts and minds on the power and justice and goodness of God he is ruling and reigning over the universe in the midst of this as hard as it can be for us to believe and understand and trust this truth at times like these well we have overnight events for elementary middle school and high school students in the future we have decided to no longer do overnight events for elementary children based on counsel from ministry safe reflection and prayer we will continue to do overnight camps for middle school and high school students based on their ages and the safety and security guidelines and procedures we have in place through our ongoing work with ministry safe how are the child and family doing and how are we supporting them the family asks actually asked if they could write this section of the statement and so here's their statement we believe that the Lord is giving a voice to the voiceless in this situation he cares deeply for those who carry the false shame that a victim often bears and calls us to cast this false shame at the foot of the cross where the healing love of Christ awaits the Lord exposes what has been done in the darkness and he has faithfully brought it to light as parents our heart have at times been angered and grieved beyond measure but we know we have never been left without hope our children and our family have seen the Lord's abounding love in this through the listening ears and tangible hands of loved ones our church leadership and staff we ask for continued prayer for our church leaders who desire to serve us also well we clearly see that they are just as heartbroken and angered over this as we are they deeply care about our church body and desire justice and truth finally we ask for your continued prayers for healing on our family please pray that the justice process that is ahead that we would continue to exercise patience and trust in the Lord and that we will all steady our hearts on Christ alone so let's just breathe for a second they there is nothing that I know of that invokes more primal emotion in us than our kids as we've looked at this I find myself wanting to start a last chapter of Nehemiah ministry here at the village I don't know if you know what happens in that chapter but Nehemiah finally loses his mind and he pulls the beard out of phases and beats men with sticks and and I I like I would maybe we'll look at starting one of those ministries here and then I have found in myself just an immense sadness and so I I don't know how this is striking you what your background I know many of you have come out of family backgrounds where there's been abuse I can only imagine what this might be triggering in you this morning so I find myself really bouncing back and forth between righteous anger not sinful anger righteous anger because the Lord will bring this to light and there will be justice and a deep sadness justice and healing is what I find in my heart because I'm I'm reading this not just as one of the lead pastors and elders of the village church but I'm reading this as a daddy whose daughter was in a hundred two hundred yards of the and and by the grace of God alone I got to ask we've had these meetings this week and as we've been trying to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit in the detective in the family and and do what's right before the Lord I've been by the Providence of God been steeping in John chapter 1 which in the goodness of God this week is behold of the Lamb of God that takes away the sense of the world and the hope that's found in that text and and the healing that is found in that text and the justice that can be seen in this text and so my prayer for us all week as the Spirit has been ministering to me trying to get me into a place where I could even do this that maybe the word this morning might encourage you might if you've got a wound deep in your soul cuz a wound and a scar aren't the same things right a scar shows where things have healed a wound hurts to touch and so if you've got a wound that maybe the Word of God might in in the miraculous way that only the Holy Spirit can do kameen us in that wound and heal it and put some things back together and and so I'm hopeful as we behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world that the Spirit of God might comfort us wherever we are today in the midst of this news and so if you have your Bibles open I want us to just look at this I will not be going long today but I do just want to point out a couple of things and and then want us to by the mercy of God just kind of settle into God's goodness and grace John chapter 1 starting in verse 29 the next day he saw this is John the Baptist saw Jesus coming towards him and said behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world this is he of whom I said after me comes a man who ranks before me because he was before me I myself did not know him but for this purpose I came baptizing with water that he might be revealed to Israel and John bore witness I saw the Spirit descend from heaven like a dove and it remained on him I myself did not know him but he who sent me to baptize with water said to me he on whom you see the spirit descend and remain this is he who baptizes with the Holy Spirit and I have seen and I have bore witness that this is the son of God the first part of this passage has to do with the relieving work of Jesus Christ in the hearts of those who trust in him you have this statement that might not resonate with us in 2018 but would have certainly resonated with the audience that's gathered around John the Baptist as he preaches this sermon he says behold the lamb of god so Lamb of God probably doesn't resonate with us but to those who were hearing this who were Jews that the Lamb meant everything and so if I could walk you through some of that you had the Passover lamb in Exodus if you remember that story that had put the blood on the door and the Angel of Death passed over their homes sparing them from death and then you had the lamb in Exodus 29 that was lamb a mourning and II mean sacrifice is taking away the guilt of God's people you've got the suffering servant lamb of Isaiah 53 you hear about that most often around Christmas time you've got the gentle lamb of Jeremiah 11 you've got the triumphal lamb in Revelation ruling and reigning and John sees Jesus his cousin walking up and says the lamb is a man that the lamb was a shadow and here is the substance the Lamb of God and and he says about this Lamb of God that he's going to take away the sins of the world so that the darkness and brokenness in creation and in us is not some unnamed [Music] principality it's sin its brokenness it is falling short of the glory of God and Jesus has come to take away the sins of the world now what's interesting to notice is I think that you and I more than likely have a sad kind of theological understanding of the complexities of sin like most of us think about sin in regards to behaviors which I which I don't and would never say that there aren't sinful behaviors but rather we are sinners and therefore we sin not that we sin therefore we are sinners are you tracking with me on that no are you with me because if sin is merely behavioral and not something more insidious and complex then all we've done is set up a new system of law by which we can walk in self-sufficiency and self-righteousness judging others but the Bible's gonna talk a lot differently about sin than just mere actions in fact I love Colossians 1 21 and 22 the Apostle Paul's he tries to explain the the complexities of sin to those of us who who just go kind of know what sinful actions are I want to stay away from those and I want to do good things stay away from bad things as though that would cure what's wrong in us look at Colossians 1:20 1 through 22 and you and and so I that that is and y'all so as Texans we should appreciate that text right so he's saying you all as in all of humankind so this isn't hey you like this particular niche group this is series of you new Koine Greek this is y'all all of y'all or if you're from California all you guys like all of us right all were once alienated and hostile in mind doing evil deeds and he Jesus has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death in order to present you or y'all as holy and blameless and above reproach before him now let's talk about this you were alienated so when it talks about sinfulness we're alienated from God now let me tell you why that's so huge let's plug it back into what we've already covered in this gospel if you have been made by Jesus for Jesus right that's why you exist that's what you were created for you're not made by your spouse for your spouse by your job for your job by your kids for your kids by your money for your money by your house for your house by your right that's not you have been created by Jesus for Jesus and therefore if you are alienated from that well then you're stuck pretty bad and then on top of that I thought JT English just did an exceptional job last week of saying that by seeing Jesus rightly we understand who we are and who we are not and so if we are alienated because of sin which is not a behavior but a state of heart that leads to behavior then we can never step into what we were created for and we can never see who we clearly are and who we clearly are not so now you've got all sorts of dysfunction and all sorts of confusion driving human existence and the Bible saying sin is alienated you from the one you've been made by and been made for and sin has alienated you from being able to know who you are and know who you're not and that leads to a hostility of mind that leads to evil deeds so there are two directions you can go with your hostility of mind and evil deeds the the first is I'll use this language it's psychology but I believe in common grace which means you can see the handwriting God all over the place you've got this this idea of ideal cell it's a projection of yourself as strong and together and I know what I'm doing I want everybody to know there's no weakness in me you know I got I got things locked down right and and if if you are alienated and you respond that way what you'll do is you'll use a lot of religion to justify how good you are right so your your hostility of mind and bad deeds actually gonna be in the world of religion right you're gonna self justify by I go to church i tithe I only use made-up cuss words not real ones I rarely watch the rated-r movie and if I do it's just violence it's nothing perverted or anything like that I only listen to worship music I only write we start to create these categories that in God's eyes and mind don't exist you don't get to tilt scales that don't exist in your favor and so this is why I've been saying in this series that to bring morality to God as though that's currency that he accepts is a fool's errand because it's not just not accepted it's called in the Bible filthy rags like not only you're trying to present him something they think you think buys your way in but it's offensive to the whole like nobody talks about their goodness in front of God and in the same way that nobody's proud of their degree in front of the Grand Canyon now you don't bring up your paltry little successes at the base of Mount Everest I mean like this is impressive but I got a PhD in rhetoric right like you just don't do that right what you do in light of Everest did you shut your mouth in it like nobody stands in front of something awe-inspiring and brags about themselves you know go into the holiness of God with your good deeds but some of us alienated and hostile camp out here and then others of us in what again psychologists would probably call the shadow self or guilt and shame and I'm not lovely and there's nothing good at me and there's no way if there's a God he could ever accept me then give ourselves over to licentiousness since I'm already worthless I might as well treat myself cheaply and so these are two ways that this can play out in our lives but one of the things that I want to read this as I wrote it sinful actions don't make you a sinner but rather because we're sinners there are sinful actions to think about sin in terms of just behaviors is to create a new law by which we can grow in self righteousness and self-sufficiency while judging those whose struggles are different than ours I love the way that Chuck DeGroat puts this he says more often than not we see sin reduced to bad behavior / action sin is something we did wrong we do not see sin as a complex matrix of motivations attitudes and actions that are rooted in hiding self-protection and self-preservation a same sin as far more complex than just your outward moral behaviors which is why spending all your energy at managing outward moral life lessons isn't the pathway to freedom more on that in a minute lest you think I'm over selling the mercy of God he says here then that this Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world the thing that Stutz took out to me stuck out to me as I studied this was the fact that this was had a part of a participle in it that makes it present ongoing action which if you think about it in its context that doesn't make a ton of sense or at least it didn't to me at first had to do some digging here's what I mean like it would make more sense if if John the Baptist said behold the lamb of God who's going to take away the sins of the world right Jesus and died on the cross he hasn't resurrected he hasn't ascended so so John doesn't use the future and then it would make sense if it was past tense because John the Apostle has seen Jesus resurrected ascended and he can look back at the cross in the resurrection and said who did take away the sin of the world but here he's like present tense like Jesus right now he's taking away the sins of the world so what is that what does that mean I think the present tense participle here is meant to incur the church to keep on telling the truth of truths and not drift away from it and to double down on it and to make it our message over and over and over again behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world and the more that we point to Jesus as the only hope of salvation the more men and women will hear the good news will be drawn to Jesus and will move away from sin and into life in Christ I also think it's important to note I don't have time to build this out all the more but maybe in the weeks to come not only when Jesus takes away the sin of the world does he just take away sins in regards to those who have rebelled against him who are alien and hostile towards mine all suffering is in one of kind of four streams we suffer because the world's broken we read about this in Genesis 3 like Florence slamming into these coasts that's at Genesis 3 world the Bible says all of creation groans and longs to be fixed and so we understand the buck we understand all the physics behind hurricanes but there's something underneath it and it's the brokenness of the universe God's not ideal where it where his creations been affected by sin we we know that suffering occurs because we have behaved in such a way that we reap what we sow anybody would testify man some of my suffering has been self-inflicted anybody I like my hands up on that I have done some things to myself there are sometimes suffering is Todd kind of demonic principalities and spirits but I know we're too enlightened for that some more on that at another time and then fourthly sometimes suffering is because other people are sinners and when Jesus takes away the sins of the world he not only grants forgiveness to those alienated and hostile in mind but he steps into broken spaces and he heals them he steps into broken spaces where people have been harmed abused broken and he heals but one of my favorite parts of celebration services at the village church where we baptized is the stories of how Jesus does this now and how Jesus used to do this and how Jesus maybe one day will do this but how he does it now it continues to do it so in October and we're gonna baptize a ton of men and women who would just testify hey I was broken in Jesus met me and since then Jesus not only met me and saved me but he has healed me and he's allowing me to walk in greater and greater victory as I submit to him and lean into the promise that I am welcome in his presence I also well let me read this quote first by Frederic Bruner churches that leave this vivifying Center for what are thought to be more contemporary or relevant or gripping centers or issues sooner or later wither away as history has shown us again and again churches that obscure this life-giving center behold the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world churches that obscure that life-giving center with one hundred and one spiritual disciplines or social political enthusiasms are eventually overwhelmed with activities and guilt Church is that like the Baptist not the Baptist denomination like John the Baptist you with me I just don't want there to be confusion although I'm happily a Baptist 90% of the time like the Baptist keep pointing to the victorious lamb that's continuing to take away the sins of the world this creates joyful Christians who advance the mission ever farther and farther into a social and spiritual world that longs to hear the believable news and to experience loving care I heard many years ago and often that I only have one sermon and I just preached it out of different texts and every time someone says that about me I just feel like I'm winning and I just don't want it to be a secret if you end up here you're going to hear this message every week and how it applies to other things because what I want for us is to be joyful Christians and that joy spill out of us and on to the world around us it is not easy in 2018 to love like Jesus commanded us to love our own brothers and sisters like to devour us and cannibalize us for that but what it would it be like to just love like Jesus love show grace like Jesus show grape walk in hospitality like Jesus walked in hospitality what might God do with a group of people that were committed to that I'm eager to find out with you eager to find out with you so you have now sinned continually being removed from the believer and for those drawn into relationship with Christ but it's not just that that we are relieved of sin but then we are empowered by the holy spirit so look at verse 32 and John bore witness I saw the Spirit descend from heaven like a dove and it remained on him if you like to write in your Bible I would just circle that remained I myself did not know him but he who sent me to baptize with water said to me he on whom you see the spirit descend and remain you can circle that remain again this is he who baptizes with the Holy Spirit now again when the early Christians would have read their Bible what you and I call the Old Testament they would have seen that the coming Messiah was going to be baptized or immersed in the Holy Spirit right I mean over and over again the promise that the Davidic King that would come and make all things new we would be immersed in the Holy Spirit probably the verse that you you you most are most familiar with would be the spirit of the sovereign Lord is upon me because the Lord has appointed me to preach good news to the poor that's Isaiah 61 that Messianic prophecy right the the Spirit of the Lord is upon me so there's two things that I that I want to point out one is not only is that kind of behold the lamb of God who's continuing to take away the sins of the world not only is that present ongoing action but so is the remaining power of the Holy Spirit on Jesus as Jesus then baptizes us in the Holy Spirit at our conversion so that you begin to get a sense of what the Christian life is here's what I mean Jesus continuing to take away the sins of the world as the Holy Spirit fills us and reminds us that Jesus is the Lamb of God that that takes away the sins of the world as the spirit reminds us as we believe the truth as the spirit reminds us we believe the truth as the spirit so that the gospel becomes the focal point of our entire existence so the gospel isn't something I walk through to get to something else the gospel isn't something that I just listen to and I'm saved by and then move on to more in-depth things the gospel is the thing period just what we're about that we're about the Lamb of God who is taking away the sins of the world and I'm prone to forget that because I'm tend to blow it so the Holy Spirit reminds me that the Lamb of God has taken away the sins of the world which emboldened me to be in the presence of God you're getting a picture of the Christian life the spirit reminding you of the truth that Jesus loves you despite you over and over and over and over and over and over again the other thing that I think is profound in this text is that that word remain that I I just just gave you a little option to circle in your Bible or highlight in your role it's the exact same word that Jesus is going to use in John 15 when he talks about the invitation to always be in the presence of God let me read this to you and then we'll we'll close out our time together John 15 verses 4 through 11 abide remain in me and I in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine neither can you unless you abide in the vine now you can the redundancy of that remain abide word I am the vine you are the branches whoever abides in me and I in him he it is that bears much fruit for apart from me you can do nothing if anyone does not abide in me he has thrown away like a branch and withers and the branches are gathered thrown into the fire and burned if you abide in me and my words abide in you ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you by this my father is glorified that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples now pay attention about to ask a question as the father has loved me so have I loved you abide in my love if you keep my Commandments you will abide in my love so you cannot pull if you obey my Commandments out of its framework and what's its framework what bookends if you keep my Commandments you see it so I want to walk you back because it's so hard for us to get as the father has loved me as God the Father has loved God the Son so I the son have loved you sons and daughters of God so abide in my love and therefore obey my commands if you abide in my love just as I have kept my father's Commandments and abide in his love these things I have spoken to you that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be full confession I want the joy of Jesus like not kind of spirit sprinkled weak happiness I'm talking about ridiculously rigid thick joy betrayed by a close friend disowned by his disciples lied about mocked beaten spit upon Hebrews says whom but the joy set before him indoor lacrosse an immovable joy in who I am and who I'm not abiding in the presence of the one I was made by and for in the Father's love I want you to notice that yet again you will not pay for salvation with moral deeds you'll pay for it with the grace of God given to you freely because there's no other currency he accepts again I know this is hard for us we're achievers we're gonna at least do something you get to do something you get to receive it's awesome he says here that abiding in the presence of God helps us bear fruit right according to Galatians what are the fruit of the Spirit love joy peace patience kindness goodness gentleness faithfulness self-control against these things there is no law right so you want to grow in these areas you don't do it by willpower you do it by beam and the presence of got abiding in the president you ever just tried to be more patient or made that promise to yourself anybody do that just like I'm gonna be more patient today only to find out that the entire universe said you're not yeah so how do you go do you ever you ever just decided you know what I'm gonna love from my heart these people that I really don't and how well does that work out what happens is you're like hey and you're doing well all the while you know just wanting bad things maybe I'm just talking about myself maybe you're just hitting godly ER than I am no so how does this inward transformation occur by stepping into what you have been welcomed into the presence of God how do we abide with Jesus then since this is the invitation right the son of God this this this this man that we have been talking about these saying hey abide remain don't leave hang out stay with me so how do you get in there nod I think it has a lot to do with positioning yourself under the waterfall of God's grace I think the reason we study the Bible is not so that we might know to the Bible we study the Bible so that we might know Jesus I think the reason we get in classes and we come to service and we do these things is so that our hearts might be encouraged to know and love and walk with Jesus now where does Jesus reveal himself Moores most fully and the Word of God and the sufficient and errant scriptures but but the question I've been asking you for 15 years and I'm just such a big believer in answering these questions in a way that that you'll find yourself I think you've got to ask her what stirs your affections for Jesus Christ and what robs you of those affections that's just old school been talking about this for 15 years because you can't hyper spiritual eyes that just I don't think you can so like for me like 5:30 5:45 a.m. that stirs my affections for Jesus Christ I know some of you like nope exact opposite for me so maybe 11:00 p.m. does that for you 11:00 p.m. puts me in my flesh there's something about getting up early the quietness of the morning making a good French press cup of coffee and sitting in the quiet by myself with just myself that sets an edge on the day that helps me remember who I am and who I'm not and allows me to be with the one who made me for himself but I'm not pulling that from the Bible I can't like stand up here right now and go you know what if you're sleeping in and you're drinking cured coffee you're in trouble I'm not saying that I mean I would say that but I'm not saying that I'm saying what stirs up your affection and then if you would pay attention if you're a parent you pay attention to your children like I've got three and I'm tell you this my son he he is all about way too loud worship music right now and it's doing something in his heart that I'm just like crank it up bro and that's not normally I like quiet I thrive in quiet and so I don't usually want while I'm trying to have a conversation with my wife we're trying to have conversations my daughter blaring worship music coming down from upstairs and yet this is a season where I'm going okay from Doug this is how the Lord is kind of moon moving in him right now so crank that thing up bro no in a cold today what stirs our affections what robs us of affections and then to be serious about cultivating those things and understand what's a means to an end and what's an end in itself the end in itself is to know Jesus and make him known everything else is a means to that end and if you make anything else the end it becomes idolatry and it creates things that are ultimately harmful for you and harmful for us as the people of God get yourself under the waterfall of God's grace we get in the word to see Jesus to know Jesus to love Jesus to worship Jesus to make much of Jesus to have our inward character formed by Jesus as he continually forgives our sins and the spirit reamer tsa's us in this truth over and over and over again that's not second baptism language you're filled once and for all by the Holy Spirit at Salvation but the ghost likes to flare up the ghost likes to turn up the volume sometimes right so we position ourselves under the waterfall of God's grace we are serious about cultivating a relationship with Jesus not just facts and numbers but presence and power because the Lamb of God is taking away the sins of the world and the Holy Spirit dwells in us remains in us and extends the invitation to be where we were created to be with who we were created to be with as we are not our ideal self projecting strength and like we've got it all together and not our shadows of wallowing and shame and self-pity but resting and the triumphant grace of Jesus in his present enough just as we are eager for us to know that all the more let's pray father minister to our hearts this morning again I'm I know across the spectrum here today is hitting us in different ways but we turn our eyes to you the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world the sender of the spirit that dwells in us as believers in you Jesus remind our hearts today of things that were prone to forget the one thing we need to remember today is not this moral code it's not this right or wrong but that we are secure and your love that you have invited us in and then you are transforming us from one degree of glory to the next we thank you that truth and justice are yours that healing and grace are yours and we cry out that you would lavish all that you are on us for the sake of your name we love you help us for your beautiful name I pray amen
Channel: The Village Church Resources
Views: 12,230
Rating: 4.826087 out of 5
Keywords: Matt Chandler, The Village Church, Behold the Lamb, Heaven on Earth, The Gospel of John
Id: 6pdnyXkOgVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 7sec (2527 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 17 2018
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