Sermon on 1 John 5:13-21 by Dr. Bob Utley

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I'm here for two reasons I just love to be with James and Wendy they're just good friends it's good to see them and now that I see where y'all worship I can pray better for you I'm excited about that the passion of my life has been helping Christians to do two things be motivated to read and study the Bible for themselves and to help them have the tools and processes to do that and so this seminar I developed years ago I was so passionate about this as a pastor in West Texas that I would take my library not all of it but a lot of it take out an ad in a local newspaper rent a hotel room and teach anybody how to interpret the Bible that would come and very few people came because God's church is lazy and she thinks she knows everything and she's willing to take what somebody else said on television or some famous preacher in a book but not spent time in God's Word itself and it's caused us to have a church on every third corner that don't like each other and never fellowship together there's something really sad about that and it seems like we split churches over the most minor issues that has nothing to do with the Bible at all that's not to do with American culture in the 21st century I think God is here today I know he's empowered and led me to speak I hope you can receive what I say I'm not sure you can but I really want to speak to you I want to talk to you about some principles for interpreting the Bible I'm going to illustrate those principles in a few verses in 1st John 5 but I don't think you can understand a part of first John 5 unless you have done something about reading the whole book and here's one of my pet peeves if you've got a letter let's say you got a letter from your mother five pages would you read half of the fourth page and yet that's exactly what we do to God over and over and over just take it out of context read to find the words pick out the part we like ignore the part we don't like and say God said it's just not right and yet we're so used to it we've become accepting no you have to realize that the key to a proper understanding of the Bible is not your day but the day of the author the only inspired person in Bible study is the original author now we are illumined by the Holy Spirit yes but friends in this room there are many things we would not agree on so the key is not what I think I've been in Bible studies they say now what do you think who cares what you think really if the original author is the only inspired person it is absolutely crucial not optional crucial that I understand this writing in why he wrote who he wrote to when he wrote what caused the problem and how the people received it that's the only way to do it and that way I can give you evidence I can say here it's why I believe that here's the historical setting here's the literary context here's the grammatical features here's the contemporary meaning of words here's the type of literature it is here's the relevant parallel passages now you you take this see people say to me well I've never heard that before so you're a weird no you may be weird just cuz you haven't heard it doesn't make it true or false amen we have one source of authority and that's Scripture so we've got to go back and check the scriptural evidence I don't think we're gonna agree we're not gonna agree our differences may be the will of God for how to reach different personality types in the world but if you ask me why do you believe that I think it's important that I can show you from the Bible not from my seminary notes for my denominational training not from my personal experience not from my mother but from Scripture it is fair to ask any Christian can you show me in the Bible where you got that that's not an ugly statement that's a statement saying show me your evidence then I got to pray through it I got to check it and then I have to walk in the light that I have we're not asking for agreement I think the church has confused unity with uniformity it's not that we're all going to have the same same views on this but we all need to go back to the original inspired author and the text as the source of our rational discussion of why we believe or don't believe this so let me take first John just for a minute and go over how this impacts some of the things I just talked about I'm sure you've already covered this but it's just important that I kind of show you how this this is relevant you did notice when you start reading first John oh by the way since your church has studied every chapter in 1st John you did read it right wrong I would do a show of hands but I don't want embarrass you or me we come to church and say yeah bless me I'll decide later and we haven't prayed we haven't studied we had no preparation it said come and sit down no no no no friend if we're gonna study a part of the Bible it's important that we pray about it and read it right and read the whole thing not just part of it did you know there were no personal greetings and no personal goodbyes did you know the author was not named how unusual is that this this is not just like a normal letter from Paul kind of thing this is and who is the author of this it doesn't say now there are vocabulary reasons and similarities in theology that most of us think it's John the aged apostle but it doesn't say that but here we have a of office memo we'll be a modern equivalent there is trouble in this church what is the trouble false teachers now I'm going to be so bold and absolutely tacky to say if you never heard of these false teachers Gnostics we call them from the Greek word gnosis - no you cannot properly interpret the Gospel of John the book of Colossians Ephesians are the book of first John if you never heard of Judaizers you can't properly interpret Galatians because that's the historical setting you can't just pop in this like the Bible was a morning newspaper written directly to you it isn't it had its own historical setting so here is a book a small book written to a church or a group of churches it may be a cyclical letter just like the book of Ephesians or James written to many churches who are facing this problem it was obvious if this started in Colossians and Ephesians in Western Asia Minor but John writing later now decades later this probably has spread and this was the aged apostle I always get kind of tickled where it's not from the Bible but tradition says you know Jesus gave Mary his mother into John's care on the cross tradition says that John stayed in Jerusalem until Mary died and then he went to Western what we would call Turkey or Asia Minor particularly Ephesus and we have traditions in the church that says the elders of the church at Ephesus said to the old man John please write down your memories of Jesus before you die because the death of the Apostles the rise of heresies and the delayed Second Coming caused the church to realize we need something written about who Jesus was and what he said and how we should listen to these apostles and here we have a perfect example of that I'm going to talk about the false teachers in just a minute people say to me well what do you think first John is all about well it's really about the person of Christ and it's really it's a warning and an encouragement to believers there were people in the church that used Christian vocabulary but had an intellectual Greek philosophical agenda and these believers were not prepared and so John writes members remember in Chapter 219 it says they went out from us because they were not of us that's the false teachers so John's preparing these believers to know for certain not the secret knowledge of the false teachers not the intellectual elite Nisour the false teachers but he's saying to them this apostolic truth that you've heard that Jesus is the Son of God that he is the Christ that he died for you you can know this did you know there are two Greek words for no Oh a DA and Ginosar are the two most common ones they are used 27 times in five chapters this is a book about no no what no truth doctrinal no truth relational and no truth in the way that we trust and live with one another it's the powerful book for the church today people often say to me well I wish I knew the Bible better if you knew the Bible better you'd have to live differently most Christians just want to know enough to go to church every now and then spend all their money on themselves and have a great Christian funeral not I'm over it I want to mention a little bit about the author I mentioned to you to say that he's not named here we have five books we think come from the Apostle John at least I do because of their vocabulary and similarities of theology we have the gospel did you know that John is never named in any gospel in the list of the Apostles there are about three lists of apostles John is never listed shocking he's called the Beloved Disciple in the Gospels in when you come to first John he's not named but he's one of the followers when you come to second and third John he's the elder and when you come to the book of the revelation he's a bond servant of Jesus Christ he never names himself is that humility well it may be because that's very unusual in some of this the books of this time so I think it is John I want to make a couple more points about this heresy let me quickly describe this heresy reason I'm gonna do this I remember in the movie The Da Vinci Code came out which is based on a heretic aghast Baal a gnostic gospel called the Gospel of Thomas which we have only found in Coptic from Egypt and this is this has Gnostic theology Gnostic theology was basically Greek intellectuals trying to make the gospel relevant to Greek culture when anybody tells you I'm gonna make the gospel relevant rod the gospel does not need to be made relevant by you my friend it's made riveted by the Holy Spirit right and he doesn't need you thank you to make it relevant so here we had these Greek philosophers taking vocabulary from the Bible and changing the meaning of the words so they believed in an ontological dualism and what that means is there are two eternal things God and Adams spirit and stuff and God is good but atoms are evil if you ever read any Greek literature the body is the prison-house of a soul and you can't wait to let the eternal spirited man go back as a drop into the empty ocean oh my and maybe I didn't sound too bad to you but you want you know what that just does person of Christ who John for one through three says is fully God and fully man as a matter of fact John forth one through three says if you don't believe that year of the little a Antichrist spirit this is the this is the Incarnate deity emphasis this is the god man thrust and these these these false teachers denied that way they did not is it they would say he really is God but he really isn't them a man when he walked along the seashore he didn't leave footprints the Spirit of Christ came upon the man Jesus at his baptism and left the man Jesus just before he died on the cross they're separating the humanity and deity of Christ it's really really bad theology the other thing they do is how is someone saved they saved by trusting Christ who died for them oh no not in this system between a good god and a and atoms or stuff because a good God can't form or create evil matter they're both cut both Co eternal there's a series of angelic levels or eons or lesser gods and they said Jesus was one of these lesser gods that was far enough away for Yahweh of the Old Testament to create matter but the way you're saved is not by Jesus dying for you but by secret knowledge that only we have and if you join our group will tell you the secret tradition that comes from Jesus and nobody else knows it but us anytime someone wants to play this exclusive istic game whether it's Scientology or guru spit emitter run there is no secret knowledge everything God has for you he's laid out for whosoever will I think the Bible is like a smuggest Board of all the wonderful food this Earth's can provide and God says to us come eat eat all you want eat as much as you want eat every kind you want and for whatever reason in modern America God's people aren't coming to eat these false teachers said it's secret knowledge and this secret knowledge got into the passwords or levels of heaven back God so they just they just distorted the person of Christ and the work of Christ this Gnosticism was the main enemy of the church for the first 300 years and all the phone calls I got from people about that movie shows the church has no clue I've written something here and I want you to think what I'm saying is this heresy is alive today I hope you can hear me what I'm really saying to you this heresy is alive today the spirit of this heresy is present with us a day when people try to combine Christian truth with other systems of thought I had a teacher at one of the churches I was interim at in in Louisiana he was a professor at a State University and he believed in reincarnation plus Jesus and his view was you don't trust Jesus in this life you get to come back and try again he was a very popular teacher yuck you cannot mix Christianity with your current worldview or pet peeve this spirit of the heresy is present with us today when people emphasize correct doctrine to the exclusion of personal relationship and lifestyle faith these Gnostics said we have knowledge and we're saved by what we know not how we live as they separated the person of Christ they tried to separate justification from sanctification anybody who tells you it's not how you live but only what you believe is a liar because you can't know him and live like that because if you love the world the things in the world you don't know him this heresy the spirit of this heresy is present with us today when people turn Christianity into an exclusive intellectual elite miss my denomination is better than yours my experience is better than yours no Jesus is better than all the hearts the spirit of this heresy is president of today when religious people turned to asceticism and antinomianism when people say well you know I love Jesus because I don't drink diet coke I I you know I I don't play cards give me a break what is the matter with you so Christianity is the abundance of things you don't do or do you commend yourself to God by what you don't do there's two extremes here if the body wants it give it to it if the body wants it don't give it to it that's where celibacy comes from you know in the Middle evil church they monks used to put a pig skins with the bristles in around their body bind it tightly to show how much they love God Oh give me flannel underwear as the monks walk past you know the one who's most holy because the the most lice who fall off the monk shows the most holy what is the matter with us it's this asceticism or antinomianism would come from two groups of these Gnostic false teachers it's still active in the church today well I think you get the gist of that now I want to turn to Chapter five they're gonna be putting the verses on the screen behind me I hope you brought your Bible this is Church you need to bring your Bible you say well that's it I don't have the right color to match my shoes by another color well I can't understand my Bible by one you can't understand it is important that Christians need to learn to sell feed and learn how to use the wonderful materials available to them and study Bibles if you're serious about Bible study you need a Study Bible period in a story I'm going to start at verse 13 I'm going to try to use these at least five or six areas of how to go to a text to pull out the information that I can share with another human being to show them why I believe this is what it means now here it starts out these things I have written to you boy doesn't that sound like the end of the Gospel of John these things I've written to you that you may believe here's here's the same author these things I've written to you what the book he's trying to sum this thing these things I have written to you who believe in the name now this more in the early service I did a word study but I want to do it again for you because most Christians have never done a word study on some of the most important words in the Christian faith I get so tickle when I hear a sermon and they say Webster says please who cares what Webster says about biblical words this is not the morning newspaper this is not English what did this word mean to those who wrote it and heard it I want to remind you that the writers of the New Testament are Hebrew thinkers riding in street Greek Hebrew thinkers riding in street Greek so where do we go to find the meaning of biblical words well for the New Testament we don't go to Greek philosophers or Greek poets we go to the Greek translation of the Old Testament the Septuagint which was the early Bibles early church's Bible and we find that these Greek words go back to Hebrew meanings so the Hebrew word behind the word believe' is the word EEMA we get the word Amen from it it originally referred to somebody in a stable stance with their feet apart matter of fact just follow a minute the opposite of a stable stance in the Old Testament is my feet were in the miry clay I slipped on the road because the road is a metaphor for life style so a clear straight smooth road is the way of a healthy faithful life if there's obstructions if it's not even if you slip that's the imagery of not living the Christian life so here we have the picture of a person in a stable stance now all words start out with one meaning and then a metaphorical extension so this stable stance came to be used for dependable loyal trustworthy faithful people no wait a minute are you right with God because you're dependable loyal trustworthy and faithful is that where your hope is I hope not it's not our trustworthiness and faithfulness issue here I believe in his trustworthiness I faith his faithfulness when I stand before God I'm gonna say you said your son did you promised believe in the same Greek root is used for the word believed faith and trust three of the most important words that we use in the faith and I wonder if you ever realize the background to them now believe here it's an error it's a a present tense which means continue to believe it's not a belief that's isolated from the rest of our lives it's not some past that we believe and continue to believe and what does what does belief look like what's what John's been all about belief is a doctrinal content and that's trusting in the Apostolic preaching belief is loving one another belief is not living like the world we know exactly what belief belief is not I believe Jesus name is Jesus I believe he lives in Palestine I believe he died on the cross I believe his mother's name that is not believe there is an intellectual factor but it's a volitional factor it's I want to be like you I want to know you believe in the name not the word name is simply an Old Testament imagery for the person we believe in Jesus and we continue to believe in Jesus that you may know now here's here's one of those twenty-seven knows I've tried to make a list here from this context what are the seven things that believers should know look look at your Bibles look at the text this Bob's not making this up here's the seven things that if you're a believer you should know this is important stuff number one believers have eternal life this is the word Zoe which means God's kind of life eternal life life of the new way this is not by us which means physical life we have eternal life we we live in two ages we live in the noun and the not yet what do you mean Bob I have resurrection life yet my body is dying I have forgiveness of sin but I still struggle with sin we live in the already but the not yet of the kingdom of God and so here we have you know you have eternal life when things are bad when things are rough when things are confusing the world view is God is with me and for me and sit his son and died in my place and I have eternal life that'll make you day whether a prison cell or a work space or a marriage that's in trouble God hears believers prayers he says no to some and wait to some but God hears all prayers of believers number three God answers believers prayers I have to talk about that because that's got some turns in it believers are born of God believers are out of God believers know the Messiah has come and given them understanding not the false teachers the Messiah believers know the true one I see that the father or the son will talk about that these are thing believers know so we've got a mental content this is the Apostolic truth and we're called on to live that out in daily life now I want to say this and I hope you hear what I'm saying eternal life has observable characteristics put it another way don't tell me you love Jesus show me you love Jesus I was kidding with James's money there are some kind of students that drive me nuts I mean just nuts James wasn't one of them but you know you see them and you almost want to go to the other side of the street I mean really but because I love Jesus and because Jesus loves them I can't say to Jesus in a more powerful way I love you than spending time with them because the goal of Christianity is the health and growth of the body of Christ we are saved to serve not save to get it's not about our comfort it's not about our abundance it's not about our happiness we are saved to serve you think America needs to hear that verse 14 the confidence is a powerful word usually needed by Paul this is the idea of boldly approaching someone if you want to see the governor of the state could you just go knock on the door today no Jesus has given us a personal introduction into the presence of God I grew up in a divorced home and I used to you know when I had to go see my daddy for a week in the summer but he was somebody I didn't know but I remember my daddy had this hair on his chest I don't know what happened to me but man he had herds of him and I used to love to sit on his lap and make curls out of them with my finger it was so cool and it hurt like crazy but he let me do it and what I'm afraid and lonely and confused I picture in my mind that I when I go into the presence of God he doesn't say to me what do you want why are you here back again huh didn't get enough last time he doesn't say that to me he says Bob I am so glad to see you come and get on my lap and talk to me and God lets me make little curls with the hairs on his chest I know it's grossly overstated and physical but to me there's an intimacy there that comes with my relationship I can go him and the creator of the universe bids me come why because I've trusted Christ Jesus is welcome I'm welcome these false teachers are trying to separate the father from the son if you don't have the son you can't have the father period this confidence which we have before hims recurrent theme over and over in John we ask anything according to his will like that I don't know about you but that has not been my experience they submit to be a joke but it's really not a joke the worst thing God could do to most of us is answer our prayers because we are praying for all the selfish wrong stuff I do believe that if we ask according to his will without doubting not seeking our own lust and not being two-faced that many of our prayers and most of our prayers if not all of our prayers would be answered but really the worst thing God could do is answer that which is not good for us because I just look at me for a minute things that happen in my life that I thought were so good and so what yeah yeah yeah it hadn't been three weeks or six weeks I've realized that's the worst thing that ever happened to me that is pull my heart away from God has caused all kind of problems in my life but things that I thought were so bad and God why this why me why now it hadn't been three weeks or six weeks that I finally realized that those things that look bad are the very things that have caused me to grow and cling to him more and have a more steadied happy life so we just we just can't tell about that I wish I had time to go over this I don't the special topics that you've heard from the website it's the second red box if you look a prayer limited yet unlimited I've given all the verses John loved to say whatever you ask I'll give you as an evidence that the father knows you but it has to be clarified with other parallel passages so just real quickly another principle I do not have the right as a Bible believing Christian to let one text damage or depreciate an another inspired text I don't have that right I've got to somehow put them together and live in the tension of those two truths because this is Eastern literature not Western and Eastern people present truth in tension pitiful pairs and in stories so different from the way that Greek thinkers and that's what we are we're logical Greek thinkers major premise minor premise conclusion propositional truth that's all Western but the Bible is not Western it's Eastern now let me drop down a bit verse 15 you see verse 15 you see the word if there if we know now friends I don't want to get too technical with you but I want to show you the wealth of available information there in English we just have the word s that means something is conditional and maybe but in Greek there this is not my opinion these are textual forms these are textual markers there are four kinds of sentences there's first class which is assumed to be true second class which is a false statement is made to reinforce a false conclusion third class meaning potential action and fourth class omitting a wish or a prayer this is a first class conditional now I guess where that starting to help me the most let's just take Romans 8:31 if God is for you who can be against you that's the thing that James quoted about from separators from God texts I don't know about you but the devil just beats me up saying Bob you thought you did you said you neglected why I am I'm a terrible person why should I think I'm saved that's what that if an English does but that if is not in Greek and what it means is since God is for you hallelujah he knows I'm a jerk and still loves me he knows we're made of dust and still part of his family God wants broken wounded damaged people to be a part of his eternal family Wow G ha what a what a statement and if you think you're perfect getting on get in none of us are perfect none of us are complete thank God for first-class conditional sentences so we know what do we know it's another one of these emphasis go back and see with it we know that he hears us in whatever we asks and we know that we have the request that we have asked of him so I think you got to qualify that son but I think that's the context here now for verse 16 if it's a third class potential action you see your brother committing a sin that leads to death now this means basically not all Christians commit this but some do now if I was to say to you what is the sin unto death boy that is something that theologians have argued about I do have a perspective I was kidding people during the seminar you know students come at me and say Bob what do you think about this and so I share with him and a five-minute summary of 50 years of studying the Bible crying weeping reading everything I can find praying on these things and the student goes oh that's that's really nice I want to slap him in Jesus name I'm telling you the problem is he hadn't paid the price he hadn't struggled with this tension he hasn't really he just wants to know information no no the Bible is not information its information to be lived out so what is the sin unto death well I would say to you that is parallel to the unpardonable sin of the Gospels so here it is in this case it's it's Gnostic false teachers in the church who have heard apostolic preaching but prefers the false doctrine and the false teachers theology they've heard the truth they've heard the Apostles they've heard the witness of real Christians and they've chosen to an objective the unpardonable sin can only happen in the presence of great light you can't fall into it by accident I I don't know if you know this but when the when the moon is full people call their pastor with strange questions it's the world wolf effect it always happens and whenever somebody calls me in the middle of night says Bob I think I committed the unpardonable sin here's my standard answer if you think you have you hadn't called me at 9:30 if you think you've done it there's an evidence it's not the unpardonable sin or the Senate of the death because this is willful rejection of light in the presence of great light you some people say well I said a bad word to Jesus of the Holy Spirit no no friends that's that's not what we're talking about you can't do this accidentally or one time or no no this is calling light dark this is calling Jesus power the power of Satan this is the sin of the Pharisees and the sin of these false teachers I meet so many sitting I don't want to call them weak but I want to call them weak they're just so they're just so chatter about they're just so tense oh I said something bad and I know I know I'm going to hell you try to encourage them you try to give them assurance but there's a perfectionist mentality you can't not assure but John 27 knows says that assurance is one of the inheritances of the People of God God wants you to know you belong to him God wants you to have confidence that you're in the faith it's not meant to be a struggle do you know Jesus is there anything the Bible says you haven't done then why are you doubting what in the south I asked congregations if you've ever doubted your salvation would you raise your hand 3/4 of the congregation raised their hand could see we think it's the sacrament listview that I say the rate right thing in the right language to the right person in the right place friends Jesus is the right person in the right place if you say help me it's over if you claim to know him you're my brother you may be weird but you're my brother we need to get over this because you can't serve the Lord if you're always doubt near you're his now you say well Bob I'd like some more information the website special topics assurance I've tried to lay it out for you first John says you're meant to have it many Christians I know don't I can remember sitting in the balcony of southwestern seminary I've been a pastor and I begin to doubt I was a Christian crying in the balcony of a seminary because I trusted Christ at 12 years old and I've forgotten everything about it I've forgotten walking down the aisle I forgot talking to the pastor I forgot being baptized got everything and the devil would say to me how do you know how you know you felt the right way how you know you said the right thing and they begin to sing a song and that's in that seminary that day how firm a foundation you Saints of the Lord is laid for your faith in his excellent word what more can I say than to you I have said to you who for ransom to Jesus have fled fear not I am with you be not dismay I am your God and I will give you 8 and I said Jesus I do not know what I did at 12 but I love you today and if that's not enough I'll just go to hell and suddenly I switched my assurance from past memory to an existential relationship I don't know what else to do but I've had peace since then if you're here today and you're struggling with doubt would you see one of us at the end don't leave this building afraid you're not a believer don't let the devil carry you and stop you and thought you see one of us let us talk to you letters tell you these promises because this to your inheritance they they the Bible wants you to know now on this thing about committing the unpardonable sin I want to read a theologian you probably know this guy have you heard him it's WT Connor and I want to say read just briefly what he said about this verse this does not mean however unbelief in the sense of a refusal to accept the doctrine or a Dogma it is unbelief in one's rejection of moral and spiritual light particularly as that light is embodied in Jesus Christ it is the rejection of God's final revelation of self as made in Christ when this rejection becomes definite and willful it becomes the sin unto death it bets thus becomes moral suicide it is putting out one's own spiritual eyes it does not take place except in connection with a high degree of enlightenment it is deliberate willful malicious rejection of Christ as God's revelation knowing that he is such a revelation it is deliberately calling white/black now that's true all those phone calls that come in the night are just a symptom of the fear amidst the body of Christ because they don't know Scripture they don't know who they are and they don't stand on the promises and the devil is quite happy for a confused doubting fearful Church and God will give him life now you see the word Zoe this is Zoe there two Greek words Oh a biology Zoe's o Allah G that mean life one is physical life one is spiritual life usually Zoe in John particularly means eternal life spiritual life but in this verse right here verse 16 it can't mean that no words only have meaning in sentences sentences only have meaning in context why do you think when you look in a dictionary it gives you all those numbers after a work that's the different ways those words are used you got to find the definition that fits this context it cannot mean eternal life here it's got to mean that when this spiritual thing happens we're talking about a restoration to health or forgiveness for sin the context demands it this is very similar James 5 that the elders in the church pray for him and they will save him that's the word Sozo that's the word for salvation used everywhere else but we're talking about people in the church and elders praying for people in the church it can't mean salvation it's gotta mean physical health as it as it does here the man here will be he'll be restored pray for anybody and everybody but you can't pray for the sin of unbelief those who refuse to believe you can't help them you can't pray for Miss poor it's putting pearls before swine for them you just got to get on with your life verse 17 all sin is serious but sin can be forgiven through repentance amen accept the sin of unbelief no one who is born of God sins now if you think that's a strong statement I hope you'll look back at chapter three verse six and nine anyone who sins is not of God anyone who sin is not born of God because the God seed abides in him and he cannot sin you take that literally you're doubting now because all of us continue to struggle with sin what does this got to me it's got to mean that there that John writes I hope you can hear me John writes in black and white he's writing in a or b but our lives are a continuum between those two John is trying to get everybody's attention and correct two errors of these false teachers two different kinds of them by making these strong statements that you must balance with other parts of the Bible you simply must well I see that my time is gone I hope that you will come back this afternoon and let me continue to try to talk to you about Bible interpretation I hope if you're here the Spirit of God has touched your life and something I've said I assure you if your heart has been warm to your mind has been touched it's not by Bob we have prayed for this service the Spirit of God is here we want you to lead happy healthy and knowing your Christian so if we can help you after the service please come talk to us we're here for you we prayed for this moment Shalom y'all [Applause]
Channel: Free Bible Commentary
Views: 2,282
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Keywords: bible, bible study, bible commentary, hermeneutics, historical-grammatical, new testament, old testament, bob utley
Id: ZhwcB6fm6mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 30sec (2550 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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