Sermon: Look on the Bright Side

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By your example, could you  persuade someone to be a Christian?   Do your friends, and coworkers,  even extended family members   see how you live your life and  think, "Boy, I want some of that"?   Remember what God told Ancient Israel?   "If the other nations see how you're blessed  by keeping My commandments, they'll want to do   the same." Unfortunately, Ancient Israel didn't  live up to the task as we know in many instances. In the book of Acts 25 and 26,  the apostle Paul appeals to Caesar   for freedom. I'm going to quote you a  verse from Acts 26 here in a minute.   He appealed to Caesar to be released from the  chains of which Governor Felix had him shackled.   Paul gets to tell his whole life story, and  that's told throughout chapters 25 and 26. He talked about his path to  conversion to King Agrippa.   So there he is before King Agrippa in Acts  26:27. At the very end of this whole story of his   life and call to conversion, the apostle  Paul says, "King Agrippa, do you believe   the prophets? Do you believe what I've just been  telling you?" He said, " I know you believe."   And then, Agrippa said to Paul, "You  almost persuade me to become a Christian." If you were brought before your country's  president or prime minister, before   the King Agrippa's of our  day, before the king or queen,   could you persuade him or her to keep the  commandments, to keep the Sabbaths of God?   Or will they look at your Facebook  feed and figure otherwise? How positive is your outlook on life?   Are you filled with hope and joy that comes  from being filled with the Spirit of God?   Do people see your attitude of hopefulness  and wonder, "How can I be like that?   Why are they so joyful and hopeful?"  Are you a joy to be around?   Do people wish they could be as happy as you?  Do you exude positivity about your future   or, on the contrary, do you show  negativity and hopelessness? In the sermon today, we're going to look at the  hopefulness that comes from knowing God's truth,   from being called to salvation,   having chosen God's way of life. We must  never forget what God has offered us,   never lose sight of the vision of the Kingdom.  Every day, we look forward to our resurrection   to eternal life to immortality to never die  and that would be in the spirit family of God. So the title of today's sermon is “Look on  the Bright Side.” “Look on the Bright Side.”   I've put together five main  points for this sermon.   And they build from negativity at  first, because I'm making a point,   and move towards hope at the end. And I  want to begin with a focus on negativity   and how so many people just don't focus  on the bright side of their calling. And so, point one is simply titled, “Negativity  All the Time.” “Negativity All the Time.”   You wake up and instantly think about  everything that needs to get done.   You walk into your kitchen, your  office, your living room, your garage   and see only what's out of place. You believe  you can always do more and so should your family.   You're not looking on the bright side. You  hyper-focus on unchecked tasks, problems, flaws,   mistakes, rainy days, health  problems, COVID-19, dust, dirt. You can't help but be negative, and many times,  you don't even notice it. It's just how you are,   how you live. You don't even realize you're doing  it. You're grateful for what you do have, yes,   your loved ones, your family, your life,   but you're just not climbing  out of the negative mindset. What is a negative person and why are they  negative? Here's a definition of negativity from   the Web Dictionary, "Negativity is a tendency  to be downbeat, disagreeable, and skeptical."   There are a lot of skeptics out there, aren't  there? “It's a pessimistic attitude that always   expects the worst, negative outcomes,  or bad outcomes like losing a game,   getting a disease, suffering injury, or getting  something stolen.” So that's the negative   definition from the Web Dictionary. This description of negativity  sounds very much like the sadness,   irritability, hopelessness, and catastrophic  thinking that are part of depression and anxiety.   All you have to do is visit Facebook   or your favorite social media platform, and  you know who to go to for a negative spin   on almost any issue, don't you?  And when you go to their feed,   you know what they're going to be saying,  what they're going to be complaining about,   what the issues will be. And we can be  so quick to judge the motives of others. The most negative, confrontational, and hurtful  messages we get at are from   our own membership, not from our  general readership or TV viewers,   those are normally very cordial and courteous  when they write to us. But for some reason,   our members feel like they get a  right to vent to the home office.   And they get very demanding when something's  not fixed immediately or a feed doesn't work. They don't seem to understand that our limited  team of technical workers is stretched very thin.   They want a fix right away.   And it seems that our members feel it's  okay to vent to our home office receptionist   and, you know, berate her on the phone. And, of  course, our personal correspondence staff as well. So you look around at the whirlwind of  life, recently defined by crazy politics,   racial injustice, COVID-19. You see lawlessness  increasing in our cities, evil being called good,   people getting married, having babies,   slicing and dicing each other on  social media and in the actual streets,   and pretty much living as in the days of  Noah. What's not to get negative about, right? Look at Matthew 24 with me, verses 4-6.   Jesus gives us an overview of what to expect in  the last days, kind of like how we're living now.   And He says it isn't going to be  pretty, easy to get negative about.   And He tells us that when we  see these things happening,   we are not to become troubled or anxious. Matthew 24:4, "Jesus answered and said  to them: ‘Take heed that no one deceives   you. For many will come in My name, saying,  “I'm the Christ,” and will deceive many.'"   He's talking about the end time, right, and a  list of other things as well in the chapter. Verse 6, "And you will hear of wars and  rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled;   for all these things must come  to pass, but the end is not yet."   He says, "Don't be troubled by the world."  He's saying have faith in a higher calling,   see the vision of the Kingdom.  Look on the bright side.   Don't be negative all the time. Some things  must come to pass but the end is not yet. Turn with me to Philippians 4 for a moment and  look at the solution to negativity all the time.   In Philippians 4, let's read  verses 4-7. Philippians 4:4,   "Rejoice in the Lord always. Again,  I will say, rejoice!” He didn't say   be negative. He says rejoice. "Let  your gentleness be known to all men."   Let people see how you live your  life and say, "I want some of that." “The Lord is at hand.” And in  verse 6, "Be anxious for nothing.   Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by  prayer and supplication with thanksgiving,   let your requests be made known to God."  Remember, Christ said that His yoke is light,   put our burdens upon Him. “Let your requests  be made known to God, and the peace of God,   which surpasses all understanding, will guard  your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." That's the solution to negativity, isn't it,   that we see around us in the world  and that can so easily get us down?   “Be anxious for nothing,” rejoice in what God  has given you, and then, you'll have peace. Let me list a few simple ideas for  you to consider. If you see a lot of   negativity in your life. What are some of  the practical things you can do that is in   addition to letting God know how you feel and  making your request known to Him in prayer? Firstly, practice gratitude. Remind yourself of  what is good in your life. Practice gratitude.   Also, stop complaining. Where does complaining  get you? Nowhere, usually, it doesn't help. How about telling someone you'd love  them? You know, go to a higher plane.   Don't gossip or listen to gossiping because  gossiping is toxic. You don't want to get   wrapped up in it or involved with other  people who enjoy this negative activity. Say thank you. If someone  does something nice for you,   say thank you, no matter how small it is.  Show them that you are grateful. It makes you   feel better and it makes the other person  feel better. It's a true win-win, right? Stop mind reading.   You know, we like to make assumptions and  try to read other people's minds. But that   only increases the negativity in your mind.  Never assume that someone is doing or not   doing something because it's something  you did or you said. It's so easy to do. How about this one? Take a  break from watching the news.   There's way too much negativity in the news.  Spend your time watching something more uplifting   or better yet, get involved in a hobby that  makes you happy, gives you a sense of purpose.   We do have to keep up on the news, obviously,  but you don't have to go overboard. How about reducing your social media time?   A lot of time is being wasted  on social media, as you know.   But what happens on social media is people  compare themselves among themselves.   And the other person's life always looks better.   The grass is always greener on the  other side of the fence, isn't it? Let me just give you one more. Live your life, not  theirs. Don't worry what other people are doing,   what they have in their lives. Live your life the  best you can and don't compare yourself to others. So anyway, point number one, don't be negative all  the time. Watch out for that in today's society.   See that you're not troubled, as Christ  said. Be anxious for nothing, as we read,   and look on the bright side. The second point I've titled, “Are You on the Path   or in the Ditch? Are You on the Path or in the  Ditch?” As you go through your day through your   week from Sabbath to Sabbath, what is your general  path or trail? Are you skating on thin ice?   What detours does Satan put on your  way? Are you on the straight and narrow? There's a good description of the  straight and narrow in Matthew 7.   I'm going to turn to Matthew 7, read  verses 13 and 14 for you. Matthew 7:13,   what is the straight and narrow? Matthew  7:13, "Enter by the narrow gate."   That's how the New King James puts it, the  narrow gate. The Authorized Version or the   King James Version says, "Enter by the strait  gate," S-T-R-A-I-T, the strait gate. You've   heard of the Strait of Gibraltar, right? It's  like a narrow entrance, a strait. "Enter by the   strait or the narrow gate; for wide is the gate  and broad is the way that leads to destruction." You don't want to go that way. And  there are many who do go that way,   is what it says at the end of verse  13. Many who go in by it. Verse 14,   "Because narrow or strait is the gate and  difficult is the way which leads to life,   and there are a few who find it." So we're  told the easy way leads to destruction.   By contrast, the narrow way leads to life.  It leads to eternal life, eternal life.   Yes, it's more difficult,  but the reward is so great. Listen to this 1828 dictionary definition  of strait. Strait is an old English word,   not use much today. Strait means narrow. It  means close. It means strict. It means difficult   or distressful. And it can mean straight not  crooked, as in S-T-R-A-I-G-H-T, not crooked.   Narrow or strait is the gate  that leads to eternal life. In speaking of our need to live a narrow,  straight, righteous life, notice Hebrews 12:12,   Hebrews 12:12. The writer of Hebrews says in  Hebrews 12:12, "Therefore strengthen the hands   which hang down, and the feeble knees,  and make straight paths for your feet,”   make straight paths for your feet “so that what is  lame may not be dislocated, but rather be healed." So we have to ask ourselves, where do my feet  take me? Where do your feet take you? Who do   you follow? Who do you respect? What is their  perspective on life? Are they leading you on the   straight and narrow to God? Or into the ditch?  Are you making straight paths for your feet? Going into the ditch is mentioned in Luke 6, among  other places, but let me read to you from Luke   6:39-40. Here's where Jesus spoke  a parable to those gathered.   And in Luke 6:39, he said,  “Can the blind lead the blind?   Will they not both fall into the ditch?"  Won't they both walk off the cliff? He says verse 40, "A disciple is not above his  teacher, but everyone who is perfectly trained   will be like his teacher." And by extension,  we must be like our teacher, Jesus Christ.   We must receive that perfect training. That  is how we see. That is how we avoid the ditch.   We cannot follow the blind of this world. Then,  it's just the blind leading the blind. That's   not looking on the bright side that's going to  the dark side, that's being on the dark side. The gate to the Kingdom of God is narrow.  And it has a requirement for entrance, faith,   and obedience in Jesus Christ. Salvation is  found only in Christ. He is the only way.   Jesus made an astounding statement when He  was here on earth. He said, "I am the way,   the truth, and the life. No one… No one comes to  the Father except through Me." It's in John 14.   Christ is the only way. That  is the path we have to follow. And when faced with the choice between a  narrow, bumpy road and a wide paved freeway,   most of humanity chooses the easier road.   Human nature gravitates toward comfort and  pleasure. Many people are not willing to pay   the price to follow God, and they're  not willing to obey Him completely.   God will eventually offer salvation  to everyone, but on His terms,   not on our terms. We must follow the way He has  provided, the path He has given us to follow.   We cannot create our own paths or  come to God based on our own ideas. Eternal life cannot be found off the path.  Eternal Life will not be found in the ditch.   And in our self-centered, literally, sin-saturated  world, there are not many who desire the truth of   God enough to obey Him on His terms. Satan  has paved the highway with temptation,   worldly attractions, and moral compromise.  It seems to be a much easier way, doesn't it? Most people allow their passions and desires  to dictate the course of their lives.   They choose temporary, earthly pleasure over  the self-sacrifice required to follow God,   and the narrow gate is ignored. Most people  would rather create their own religions and   design their own gods and do it their way. So  don't be let off the path of righteousness.   Don't follow the darkness of this world.  Look to the light, the bright side. So point number two, and think carefully about  this, are you on the path or in the ditch?   And only you can answer it, only you know  your heart. Are you on the straight and   narrow path of true righteousness or you're  compromising and heading towards the ditch? And so those first two points are more on the  negative side. I'm trying to make a point here.   But now, let's move on with point three,  have a daily vision of the Kingdom of God.   So here's the antidote to all of this,  have a daily vision of the Kingdom of God. Do you have that?   Or are you mired down in the cares of this  life? What do people see of your life?   How are you representing the family of God?   If you're filled with the Spirit of God, you are  a son, a daughter of the Father in that family.   Jesus Christ is your elder Brother.   You know, I think of or you  can think of your family name. So, Eddington. So my dad is  living his life in Australia,   how am I representing the  Eddington family name over here in   the United States of America? How are my  kids representing the Eddington family name?   How are you representing the God  family name? When people see how   you live realize you're living differently  and here is, you represent something else.   You represent the family of God. How are  you living up to the ideals of the family? You know, many of us have siblings. A few are  an only child, but many of us have siblings.   So, who's the eldest sibling that you have?   Jesus Christ is your elder  Brother. You're part of His family.   You have an older Brother that you  can be proud of, be thankful for,   you can look up to. He's part of the  family that you've been grafted into. Go to Romans 8:14-17. Romans 8:14,   "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God,  these are sons of God," in other places we read,   daughters of God, "If you're led by the Spirit  of God, the Spirit of God is dwelling in you, you   are part of the family." Verse 16 of  Romans 8, "The Spirit… the Holy Spirit   itself bears witness with our spirit," the  human spirit, "that we are children of God."   We've already received a down payment on  that inheritance into the family. We are   children of God, “and if children, then  heirs—” Heirs of what? “Heirs of God.” So I'm an heir of my mom and dad in the  family, right? If they have anything left   one day, I'm an heir. We are heirs of  God's promises “and joint heirs with   Christ,” that says “if indeed we suffer with  Him, that we may also be glorified together.” We read elsewhere that it doesn't yet  appear exactly what we'll look like   upon the resurrection, but it says, but we  will look like our older Brother Jesus Christ.   We'll be glorified like Him.   What a future. It's so different  than this physical world.   What a vision of where we're  headed, a vision of the Kingdom. We must live each day as a citizen of  the Kingdom of God, first and foremost.   We must project a daily vision of that Kingdom  as we go about our lives. We must project a   bright side of life that gives others hope of a  better way to live and a better world to come.   Like I said at the beginning, by your example,  because of your vision of your future,   could you persuade someone to be a Christian?  Do your friends and coworkers see how   you live your life and think,  "Boy, I want some of that"? If we don't act like a Christian if we  don't act like we're part of God's family,   why would anyone follow what we do?   Listen to this fact, this is becoming more  and more apparent, as each day goes by.   While not yet able to accept the truth of  Christianity, more and more atheists are   passionately defending Christianity as necessary  for the survival of the world as we know it. Even atheist, Richard Dawkins has  now admitted that Christianity may   be preferable to all the alternatives. He  once called for Christianity to be destroyed.   Now, he begrudgingly sees the  good effects it has on society. Charles Murray is an American social scientist and   sociologist and he's an agnostic. He  doesn't even know if God exists at all.   Yet he believes the American Republic will not  survive without a resurgence of Christianity.   He said, and he said this just in  April of this year, on April 8,   to the National Review, he said,  "You cannot have a free society   with a constitution…” he's talking about  the American Constitution. "You cannot   have a free society with a constitution unless  you're trying to govern a religious people." So these are atheists and agnostics   that are like King Agrippa believers, right?  As King Agrippa told Paul, "You almost persuade   me to become a Christian. I'm an atheist,  but you almost persuade me to believe you.   Because I see how you're living your life. I  see what difference you're in making society." These unbelievers almost believe it.  They believe Christianity is good. And   somebody who believes it's necessary, even though  they're not believers. As Charles Murray put it,   he “believes in belief.” You  have to believe in something. Not only did the faith of Christ's  followers transform the world,   but without it, the Western World  as we know it would not exist.   This would be a very, very different place  without the Judeo-Christian values that many   countries and many societies follow, nor would  its values of love, sanctity of human life,   fidelity and marriage, tolerance,  compassion, and justice. Quite honestly,   wokeness would not exist without Christianity.  Those who make arguments based on love,   tolerance, and compassion are borrowing  fundamental, godly Christian arguments.   If the West had not become Christian,  no one would have gotten woke.   These values are Judeo-Christian values, they do  not exist outside of our religious foundation. Just look at a history of the world without God in  the Bible. You can study it and find places that…   and how that it's worked out without any belief in  God at all. This is the realization that atheists   are coming to in a world that is fast destroying  the values that make civilization possible. And so, are you and I promoting these  values ourselves? Are we setting   the preeminent example of it? Are we imparting  a daily vision of the Kingdom of God?   Do others see the bright side of life  through us? Do we walk worthy of our calling? That's in 1 Thessalonians 2. I read it to you 1  Thessalonians 2:12, "You would walk worthy of God   who calls you into His own kingdom and glory."  Listen to those words there, “walk worthy of God   who calls you into His own kingdom and to glory.”  There's a lot packed in 1 Thessalonians 2:12. And we're called to be the salt of the  earth, to be the lights in the world,   Philippians 2:14. Let's turn there, Philippians  2:14. We're called to be lights, to show the   bright side of life. We must show the vision  of that kingdom into which we have been called.   As Paul said, we are to project love, joy, peace,  patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,   gentleness, and self-control. Philippians 2:14,  "Do all things without complaining and disputing,”   right off the bat, he says  get rid of the negativity. Then verse 15, "that you may be blameless and  harmless, children of God without fault in the   midst of a crooked and perverse generation,  among whom you shine as lights in the world."   And so, we must be different. We must shine  as lights. We have to show the bright side   of the future for this world. So point number three, have a daily  vision of the Kingdom of God. Grasp   onto what you've been given and promised. Shine  as a light in this world and be different. Point four, think on these  things. Think on these things.   What do you think mostly about? What  are you filling your mind with each day?   Is it the negativity? Do you remember the cartoons and graphics  shown in our church literature many decades   ago of the funnels in the heads of  schoolchildren? In the cartoons,   the teacher is pouring all kinds of thoughts  through the funnel into the heads of our children.   What is the funnel effect in your life?  What is being poured into your brain? Of course, the danger in our educational system  today, especially in higher education, is that the   professors and teachers are mostly anti-Bible,  anti-God, and even atheists. So what are they   pouring into the funnel? There is a definite bias  in what our young adults and teenagers are taught,   especially philosophically. Universities have  more than 90% of their professors with very   liberal values. And they funnel all kinds  of questionable ideas into their students'   minds. What are you filling your mind  with, day after day, hour after hour?   It doesn't only affect high school  students and college classes. Go forward to Philippians 4, look at verses  8 and 9. Philippians 4:8, "Finally, brethren,   whatever things are true, whatever things  are noble, whatever things are just,   whatever things are pure, whatever things are  lovely, whatever things are of good report,   if there's any virtue, if  there's anything praiseworthy—   meditate on these things." That's  what you pour into your mind. And verse 9 in Philippians 4, "The things  which you learned and received and heard   and saw, these do, and the God  of peace will be with you."   So yes, if you want true peace in life, the peace  of God, you have to meditate on these things.   That we've all been taught through  Scripture and by godly men.   We have to fill our minds with  truth, noble thoughts, just things,   pure motives, lovely expressions, good reports,  virtuous activities, and praiseworthy behavior. We must not live like the rest of the world.   We must think differently. We must  meditate on the things of Philippians 4.   And when we do think higher, when we do think on  the things above, on the things of heaven, we gain   a different perspective on life. And  then, our worries are not so overwhelming.   Then we're not negative all the time. Then we  are focusing on our vision of the Kingdom of   God. Then we're not falling into the ditch.  Then we're able to look on the bright side. Remember, we read earlier in Matthew 24:6,  "You'll hear of wars and rumors of wars. See   that you are not troubled. For all these things  must come to pass, but the end is not yet."   Here's how some other translations render,   "See that you are not troubled." The  NIV says, "See that you're not alarmed."   See, you're not alarmed. Amplified Bible says,  "See that you're not frightened or troubled."   The Message Bible says, "Keep your head and  don't panic when you see all these things." Amid the hot mess of society, Jesus is telling us  to intentionally respond differently than the rest   of the world. He says don't panic, don't be overly  anxious, because you know the end of the story.   We must think on a higher plane. We must  think, meditate on different things. Let's turn to 1 Peter 2 for a moment, 1 Peter 2.   And remember, we are expected with our godly,  Judeo-Christian values to calmly act and be   different than the rest of this crazy world. And  we, above all Christians, having God's Holy Spirit   should truly act differently than  the rest of Satan's insane world. 1 Peter 2:11, "Beloved, I beg you as  sojourners and pilgrims…" You see were   citizens of another kingdom, right? “…abstain  from fleshly lusts which war against the soul,"   Verse 12, "having your conduct honorable among  the unbelievers… honorable among the Gentiles,   that when they speak against you as  evildoers, they may, by your good works   which they observe, glorify God in the day of  visitation." Glorify God when Christ returns. So, yes, our good conduct should glorify God.   That's the goal. “God help me glorify You and  everything I do this day.” Others, even as they   speak evil of your beliefs, pooh-pooh you keeping  the Sabbath, make fun of you for not eating pork,   will come to realize in the end that they  want some of that, just like King Agrippa. Because others are truly looking to us   for answers. They're looking to us to not be  anxious. They're looking to us to hold steady.   And we are looking to our elder Brother,  our eldest sibling, who is our Savior,   and soon-coming King, Jesus Christ. And  when He returns, when He revisits the earth   in that day of visitation, as it says here,  will your life have given glory to God   and your conduct of being honorable  among the unbelievers or the Gentiles? And so point number four, think  on these things. Keep your head.   Don't be frightened, alarmed,  troubled, or panicked   by the birth pains of the end of this age. Look on  the brighter side of God's ultimate plan for you. And then, finally, point five, I have  simply called Look on the Bright Side.   Back in the 1970s, there was a very popular song  published by Monty Python. Those of you who have   been around long enough will remember Monty Python  was one of the most successful British television   comedy shows of all time. The famous song was  titled, "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life."   Even now, as I mentioned, the tune jumps  into my head. It's stuck there again.   Always look on the bright side of  life. Who's heard that? Good 50%.   One kid heard it, that's good. His  parents must watch Monty Python. Okay. And so, look on the bright side   and that's our sermon title today and  what I've been trying to get across.   Do we exude hopefulness and joy? Do others see  the light of God in us? Do we shine brightly?   Romans 15:13 is a good verse to  read in this regard. Romans 15:13,   Paul tells the Romans, "May the God of hope  fill you with all joy and peace in believing,   that you may abound in hope by the power of the  Holy Spirit." By the power of the Holy Spirit,   it's the Holy Spirit dwelling in  us that makes all this possible. Yes, it makes us sons and daughters in God's  family. And it gives us joy and hope and peace and   the other fruits of the Spirit. That's where the  brightness comes from. It's not our brightness.   That's the bright side of our life is God  living in us, His Spirit dwelling in us. And so each day, we must be mission-driven.   What is your mission in life? You should  ask yourself, what is your mission in life?   Ultimately, my mission is to be  granted eternal life in God's Kingdom.   That's truly where I'm headed. That's what I'm  working towards. That's what I think about.   That's why I try to live my life the way I do.   I try to stay out of the negativity. I try to  stay out of arguments about masks or no masks.   Ultimately, that's not part of my mission in life. Look at 1 Peter 1. I want to read  about nine verses here in 1 Peter 1.   The apostle Peter outlined in chapter 1 hereof his  first epistle, how to rejoice and shine brightly   on our path to salvation, how to  look on the bright side of life. 1 Peter 1:3 and listen to the verbiage here,  "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord   Jesus Christ, according to His abundant mercy  has begotten us again to a living hope, through   the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,"  Okay, so our God is alive, our Savior is alive.   And we have a living hope. Verse  4, "to an inheritance incorruptible   and undefiled that does not fade  away, reserved in heaven for you." So we talked about our family inheritance.  Here's our family inheritance in the family of   God mentioned here. A reservation is there in your  name at the front desk already, reserved in heaven   for you. Of course, you've got to show up for  it right? You can't just live however you want. Verse 5, "You who are kept by the power of God   through faith for salvation…" This  is what salvation is all about.   “…ready to be revealed in the last  time." So we will receive that salvation   at the last, at the end time when Christ  returns. Verse 6, "In this you greatly rejoice,"   you don't walk around sad and negative all the  time. No, because of this, “you greatly rejoice,   though now even for a little while, if you have  been grieved by various trials,” and COVID-19. Verse 7, "that the genuineness of your faith,   being even more precious than gold, which can  perish, though it is tested by fire, may be found   to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation  of Jesus Christ," when Christ returns.   Of course, Christ, verse 8, "whom having not  seen, you love." You love your elder Brother,   your Savior. "Though now you do not  see Him, yet believing, you rejoice."   And Peter says, "You rejoice with joy  inexpressible and full of glory.” The kind   of joy that should be hard to explain  to people, when you see your future,   “receiving the end of your faith—”  verse 9, "the salvation of your souls." So these first eight verses here  explain this in such a magnificent way,   our future, our glorious future. And look what  it says in verses 10-12, "Of this salvation   the prophets inquired and searched carefully,"  they wish they understood it like we do,   "who prophesied of the grace  that would come to you." So the prophets wrote things  that only now we understand,   "searching what, or what manner of time, the  Spirit of Christ who was in them was indicating   when He testified beforehand the sufferings of  Christ and the glories that would follow." So   they prophesied of Jesus Christ, and the suffering  and then the glory that He would receive back. Verse 12, "To them it was  revealed that, not to themselves,   but to us…" We have a much more complete  understanding than even they did.   "But to us, they were ministering the thing which  now have been reported to you through those who   have preached the gospel to you…” We've learned  through the Scripture, those who have taught us,   we've learned from the leaders in the  Church who have taught us upon Scripture,   and it’s all “by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven—   things which angels wish they understood… things  which the angels desire to look into," it says. Nowhere in Scripture are the angels offered  to be sons and daughters in God's family.   They have a different responsibility. And this  looked into and marvel at what God is offering us,   things which angels desire to look into  and excited to see happening in our lives. This here in 1 Peter 1 expresses  beautifully what we have been granted,   what we are seeking, what  we are looking forward to.   We, of all people, have to see the bright  side of life, even when suffering trials   when we have this vision of our future, it says,  the salvation of our souls. And so, we press on. I'd like to read Hebrews 12, the first  two verses to you. Hebrews 12:1-2,   here the writer of Hebrews says, "Therefore   we also, since we are surrounded by so great a  cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight,   and the sin which easily ensnares us, and let  us run with endurance the race that is set   before us," now let's get out there and hit the  track. Let's start doing those laps. "Looking,"   of course, "to Jesus, the author and finisher  of our faith, who for the joy that was set   before Him," when He saw the salvation of  His soul, so to speak, "endured the cross,   despising the shame, and has now sat down  at the right hand of the throne of God." Can you imagine having that kind  of vision that Jesus Christ had,   seeing the joy to come while being crucified?   Christ knew of the restoration of His glory  that would come. And He had 100% belief and   faith and trust in that, knowing He would  be back at the right hand of God's throne.   We too have glory to look forward to.   We too will see the Father. We too  will see His throne and be glorified. Our physical lives, what we're going through here  right now with masks on, will be a faint memory,   a distant memory, especially in comparison. So  point number five, we must look on the bright   side of life that God has given us now, and  which He's offering us at the resurrection. So let's conclude with this. Where your path  takes you is such a glorious destination.   Think daily on what you and I have to look forward  to. Think on what a different world that will be   with justice for all, true peace, joy, hope,  and love. Don't be negative all the time.   Stay on the straight and narrow path  of righteousness, have a daily vision   of the Kingdom of God, think on the  things of God, look on the bright side. Why? Despite every precaution we take physically,   life is fleeting. You don't  know what's coming tomorrow.   There are far greater risks in life than even  COVID-19 or whatever may be worrying us the most   right now. But we are paralyzed by them. Fear and  discouragement are abounding in our world today,   and they have one source. Where  does fear come from? The devil. During this most recent crisis, have  you found yourself in a bad mood,   fearful about the future or wondering what is  going to come next, or when it will all end,   when is this going to be over with? Well,  here's our best defense in Ephesians 6,   my final passage here today. I just want  to read three verses or four verses. Ephesians 6, starting in verse 10.   Paul tells the church at Ephesus, "Finally, my  brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power   of His might." So our strength comes from the  power of God, right? "Put on the whole armor   of God, that you may be able to stand against the  wiles of the devil" so that you won't be fearful. Verse 12. And here's the truth of the matter,  right? "We do not wrestle against flesh and blood,   but against principalities, against powers,  against the rulers of the darkness of this age,   against spiritual beings of wickedness in the  heavenly places." That's the true battle, isn't   it? It's a spiritual battle. Even when you look at  around the world today, you know, there's a spirit   at work. This is not normal. There's a spirit  at work, “wickedness in the heavenly places.” "Therefore," verse 13, "take up the armor  of God, that you may be able to withstand   in the evil day, and having done all, to stand."  Our real enemy in this and most other crisis in   the world is not man or virus, it's the devil.  That's the biggest virus for us to look out for,   that spiritual virus. And his strategies  include discouragement and division. The apostle Paul here encourages  the empowerment of a defense system   and armor that cannot be stopped. It  includes the truth of God's Word listed here   to guide our daily living. This helps us to  activate righteous living, walking in the truth,   believing the good news of God's coming Kingdom,   in faith, being able to render the fiery darts of  the devil to no effect through the armor of God. The use of God's Holy Word and our regular  effective prayer is the most powerful force   in all of creation. The negative forces  that compete for control of our minds   are many. Turn off the sources that  negatively affect your thinking and actions,   replace them with right thinking. Guided  by the Word of God, filled with His Spirit,   and allow His thoughts to fill your  mind, think on the bright side.
Channel: United Church of God Sermons
Views: 711
Rating: 4.7142859 out of 5
Keywords: United Church of God, sermon
Id: G6LHl8v7DkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 35sec (3455 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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