Septic Tank Locating

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hi this is Rodney with zero second comm providing videos for my customers or potential customers so that you can see what all is involved in locating digging up or pumping out a septic system this video will be a demonstration of how to locate a septic tank generally for a person who has experience somebody who knows how to do this line of work I've been doing it almost 10 years now but people who know how to do it it generally takes about 10 to 15 minutes to locate a tank a lot of times I'll walk into a yard and walk right to the tank it's just something that becomes almost intuitive if you've done it long enough so in this case this septic tank was pretty easy to locate and I'm just going to give you a few ideas about how we how we find out where septic tanks are right now if you'll follow me cameraman all of the plumbing in this house which I've already checked out all the plumbing in this house pretty much is coming to this bottom corner generally septic tank is 10 feet from whatever structure it's connected to it's a house or some kind of building the septic tank is generally 10 feet from the foundation in the state of Georgia it's a minimum has to be a minimum of 10 feet from a foundation if the house is on a slab then it can be 5 feet from the slab itself but in this case I'm expecting it to be 10 feet from the house from the structure itself so we're going to go this way all the plumbing as I said needs to come out of life here and this septic tank is pretty easy to locate I can actually see a bit of a depression over the tank and the grass is a little bit greener I hope you ever heard but they always say that the is saying that the grass is always greener over the septic tank I think it was a book by that title and also I can actually see the line the line that leaves the tank and goes out into the yard the absorption or the drain field it's a lot greener and there's a little bit of a depression over that as well should be right here if my instincts are correct I'm going to probable right here that is the sound of a septic tank for sure 100% positive now as far as recommendations for where to dig on a septic tank basically most septic tanks have at least two openings you have an inlet side and you have an outlet side if you are having a backup in your house you have to dig up the inlet sides I'm prepared to dig up the inside because usually when you're stopped up you're stopped up right where the pipe comes in from the house to the tank and inside what's called a key or a baffle so it's always good if you're backed up to dig up the inlet side of the septic tank most septic men will do this so in and also it's good to do it even if you're not stuffed up in the tank itself but you're stuffed up and your plumbing digging up the inlet side gives you an access to your plumbing lines in the case it has to be roto routed or a pressure jetted or in some ways leave from the plumbing you can access that farming through the inlet side of thing if you're just pumping your septic tank out for maintenance it's usually better to dig up the outlet side of the tank depending on what kind of and an experienced ethnic person will be able to tell you which would be better in this case because it is magnet who will be digging up the outlet side of this tank so here we go I'm gonna mark mark this out and it doesn't take any particular take like a metal detector or anything like that it's pretty primitive how we locate septic tanks and again an experienced septic person can find a tank in about ten minutes and usually when I go into York takes maybe five to ten minutes to locate a septic tank and the area that will that will be digging up came around you can focus down out here the area that we'll be digging up on this tank will either be an 18 inch square hole or in this case I'm expecting for the age of this house and older older homes about 20 to 23 years old it may have what's referred to as a slab lid it's about two and a half foot wide by five feet long and we'll just pop that up with a log roller to access this tank and again this will just be maintenance so you'll be able to see you know what a septic tank will look like from the inside and then you'll know how to clean it up thank you very much you can contact us at our metro atlanta number gets four oh four two nine one two six five one or metro Athens number which is seven oh six two two four five six nine thank you very much let us be your viewer
Channel: stupidsepticguy
Views: 190,820
Rating: 4.4471545 out of 5
Keywords: septic, tank, locating, finding, problems, pumping, atlanta, georgia
Id: cIF5v-nct5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 16sec (316 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 05 2008
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