September 9, 2020 Seminar Module #3 PQ Monitoring Overview

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okay hello everyone uh my name is ross signal i'm the director of product management and marketing with dranitz uh i'm joined here in the room by thurman bridgers uh thurman did our last uh presentation so we're here in our factory in edison new jersey socially distant and talking about power monitoring and this is the third module of our power monitoring seminar series um uh as we as uh you know mentioned before we've had several other modules our first module was an introduction to power monitoring which talked about some of the basics you know what is power monitoring what are wiring concerns what are transducer concerns things like that um our last presentation i believe that was on the 26th of august uh thurman covered energy monitoring you know how do we compare and contrast that to power quality what are the issues with energy monitoring what are the basics what are some of the energy monitoring standards what's demand what's energy different things like that uh today's focus is going to be uh power quality monitoring so we're gonna do an introductory uh introduction to power quality you know what is a power power quality problem is one of the first things we're going to talk about then we're going to get a little geek and talk about standards we have a couple of uh slides on standards uh we're going to look at the ieee versus the iec standards uh you know in regards to power quality monitoring and sort of discuss which applies to you and uh and where you live and what you should be concerned about then we're going to look at some of the most common terms when we uh when we speak about power quality so what is a sag or a dip they're the same thing just different regional terminologies what's a swell what's a transient we're going to give you some rules of thumb as well on power quality directivity when i have an event how do i know whether it occurred upstream or downstream so we can provide that information for you and we're going to wrap up today's session with a case study um here in the northeast in new jersey where we're located we had hurricane sandy come through a little while ago and it provided some very good data it came through effect that our factory affected us personally but we of course have our monitoring instrumentation um you know measuring uh our facility so we have some very very good data and we still recite that data because it relates to everything that we're going to speak about today in the definition of terms and we have real life information our next presentation will be uh one week from today on september 16th where we continue our our power monitoring seminar and um it's going to be on harmonics we're going to really define what harmonics are why you should be concerned about harmonics both measurement wise and the effects on the power system what are some of the monitoring standards for harmonics both domestically here in the united states and also outside of the united states so in other words iec maybe versus ieee standards and more appropriately recommended practices for harmonics and rules of thumb so we're going to talk all about that next week our last web meeting in this series will be the following wednesday after that i believe that's the 23rd well we'll wrap up our complete power monitoring seminar and do our last module and that'll be how to do a power survey so wraps everything together that we've spoken about before and i've just summarized into a the systematic steps on how to do a power survey and so you know whether it be energy whether it be power quality what are the steps that you need to follow so you know if you haven't registered for next week's or the final web meeting please go visit the uh the website that you registered for this presentation and feel free to do so and we'll also be sending out reminders as you probably know so um just a couple rules of thumb here before we get started i have thurman here again in the room is going to help me um this morning um so please chat up any questions uh i've muted you all because uh having you know 70 people speak at one time is kind of a little bit of an issue so if you do have any questions during the presentation or after we're done with the formal presentation just drop them in the chat and chat to everyone and thurman's going to help moderate them here and we'll try to stop during the meeting if we see some questions that we can address but certainly at the end we're going to address all of your questions that come in on the chat regarding this presentation or or anything else related to our products or the industry so and again today's presentation is being recorded right now um our prior presentations are posted on our webcast page on our website and this one by the end of the week maybe sooner will also be posted as will be the the subsequent presentations that we're going to talk about so for those of you who are new to our web meetings here may be new to dranetz uh just a little bit about granite's technologies we are located in edison new jersey which is where thurman and i are right now you can see we're very close to new york city where stones throw from new york city less than an hour by train 45 50 minutes something like that we have a lot of visitors who come in and pre-pandemic of course and you know have a trip to new york or the area and stop by our facility we're right near the main train line so hopefully soon we'll get back to normal and be able to see you folks again in person feel free to stop by just give us a holler we're in a very very good location here to come visit so just a little bit about our products and services we make a line of portable three-phase power quality demand and energy instruments that's primarily our drainage hdpq family these are portable instrumentation we also have a new uh energy logger and power quality detector called drain expert which we'll see a picture of uh shortly uh thurman introduced that at last at the um the last presentation that we had on the 26th we also make permanent versions of our products and permanent power quality demanded energy systems so um instrumentation that's capable of power quality demand and energy uh demanded energy only instruments and anything in between all of our products whether to be portable or fixed systems are permanent have their own related software on the portable side it's strandview on the fixed side it's either our pq view de or pq view software and we do work very closely with our sister company electrotech concepts who is a developer of pq view and also pq view de this is their business uh developing and consulting to the uh to the power industry you may not be aware but we are the u.s master distributor for our parent company's products and that company is gas and metrowatt they make precision multimeters and testers electrical safety testers insulation installation testers we have another sister company who manufactures light meters that's gas and photo uh both industrial and exposure meters and things and uh we sell these products in north america and there's a separate website called gossip metrowatt usa for that but it's all managed by dranits here in new jersey uh it's part of the service portfolio where we take great pride in our technical support uh we have free technical support so we really want you to be very happy with the products both on you know getting up and running and understanding them but should you have questions along the way uh however you know there is training available for our products that's beyond the free technical support so we do remote and also on-site in and not in pandemic times i could say for training and product commissioning this is paid for uh mostly via zoom today or any other remote web service where we can help you folks on understanding how to properly connect configure and then apply our products and get them set up and use them and understand the software um feel free to check out our website uh it's a continual evolving library of our products and industrial education um the information as i mentioned before today's recording or the recording of today's presentation will be posted on our website on our webcast page i think it's in the support area as as we have the prior um presentations that we've done in this series and also we're proud to say that we are made in the usa products that are designed by dranitz on the literally the second floor of our building are manufactured in the same facility on the first floor of our building in edison new jersey so we take great great pride in that and that really helps us and helps our customers and providing a very prominent or prompt delivery and quality control so before we get started here just a few of the products here our portable products are hdpq plus family with the sp behind it this is that new drain expert product that we spoke about that was announced roughly two weeks ago uh dranview software the drainview software works with both of these products there's different versions of drainview depending upon what product you're working with and then we have our fixed products where we have our our hdpq data node our 61000 family and a line of energy meters the am series meters and a line of power quality and energy meters our pq 3k and our pq 5k all work with either our pq view or pq view d e software i mentioned before that um we are the master distributor in north america for the goss and metrowatt products and here's just an example of some of those products some of their testers this is a light meter this is a multimeter and this is a a safety tester that they also sell so okay without further ado let's get started so again today's web presentation is focusing on power quality and reliability so what is power quality what are the terms what are the standards and uh how do i define what a sag is what an interruption is what a transient is just note that a continuation of this will be our next presentation on focusing on harmonics harmonics are are certainly power quality issues but uh they're they're a little bit different and so we've separated that into a separate module so we can just focus on those so the full power quality introduction will be over this week and then next week's presentation so the first thing is to find well really what is a power quality problem uh different people have different interpretations of what a power quality problem is so really for the sake of this do any of these voltage waveforms present a problem to your equipment or systems these can be detected by our products very easily but really it boils down to do you have susceptibility to these problems so does this cause or can this have the potential for your systems to misoperate based upon this and what we see here and we'll get a further definition of these things in the coming slides this happens to be a sag or a dip this is a transient maybe caused by a power factor correction capacitor which we discussed at thurman's presentation last week this is a peak transient a positive transient this is waveform distortion here maybe the harmonics that we spoke about and and we're going to cover in our next presentation this is a swell or an increase in voltage and this is a long duration sort of sag maybe a a brown out or something like that so again it's not the fact that these things occurred it's the fact that you have susceptibility to these particular problems you can drive yourself nuts looking for these but you have to really look at your equipment and systems to see if you will be negatively affected by them so again what does that mean it's really up to your susceptibility given the quality of supply do you have to worry about problems with your equipment and systems okay so that's on a case-by-case basis as an example a data center may have higher susceptibility than a simple um office environment or something like that same thing for high-end manufacturing semiconductor manufacturing anything with maybe plc's or other electronics that are controlling your manufacturing process tends to have a pretty high susceptibility to power problems and what that usually means is that shorter duration power problems can negatively affect your system so these are the things of course our instruments can capture for you but again the more you know loosely called high tech you are and computer and electronic you are those computers and electronics uh adjustable speed drives things like that have a high susceptibility to these power glitches and these power problems so that's really where you need to be concerned but the most important thing is what's your economic exposure to those problems and so do you have a high economic exposure where it can cost you thousands or hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars in some potential cases if you should go down or do you have a low exposure and the reason why that's important it's not as much that i had a problem it's also maybe not the most important thing that i'm susceptible to it or you are it's but it's going to cost me money either direct money and downtime or issues with my customers my relationships whatever it could be so you have a dollar kind of figure on that and one of the reasons why that's important that helps you understand how to mitigate or correct those problems and whether it's worth doing it if i have a simple plant and yes i go down once a day but it doesn't really cost me anything i press a reset button or do whatever i have to do there's no loss involved it's hard to justify economically to your management to your accounting that it's worth investing in mitigating that problem however in a similar situation if it costs me a thousand dollars every time i go down again this is very hypothetical um and but um it'll cost me you know five hundred dollars to fix it or two thousand dollars to fix it as a better example well that's two occurrences it's paid for itself at a two thousand dollar mitigation for a thousand dollar problem so it's simple math and you're you'll probably or potentially add zeroes to those things but i hope you get the point in that economic exposure there are i've been to industry conferences where they have talks on this on how folks technical folks like us and engineers and technicians and electricians can present this to management in financial perspective so they can justify um the release of the dollars or whatever currency that you're in to mitigate these problems so really what are the benefits of the power monitoring and this is just in general even though we're focusing on power quality here so certainly problem avoidance uh case studies have shown that proactive power monitoring uh can increase reliability and prevent failures from occurring by seeing problems before they result into failures and i think in one of my prior web presentations i shared that we work with a large government organization who uses a particular brand of ups's and they happen to know when the output is starting to fail on those it throws transients out on the line so they pick them up with our fixed system and they see they start seeing these transients they immediately schedule a service call with that ups module so they can take it offline in a proactive or structured basis because they know if they let it go it's going to just shut off one day and you don't know if their protection will kick in properly so that's the problem avoidance they are preventing the problem by proactively maintaining their systems using the power monitoring to detect these problems so also knowledge if you don't moderate you can't measure it so really you're running blind you may you may have power quality issues that are near the susceptibility of your system the limits that we may you know be sharing with you later on during this presentation yet it hasn't crossed that limit so you're you know you're running on borrowed time um and uh so it helps to understand what this is of course from a power quality perspective but also when you talk about energy monitoring as well so people turn to power quality things to get answers really quickly and um so the first two are proactive meaning that these are fixed systems usually which tend to act like a dvr in modern terms for your power system so you can rewind the tape and see what it's done over the last 30 days 60 days 90 days even longer depending upon how long your system is but you know sometimes things happen and and systems fail so the ability on the third bullet hit to here to quickly react to those problems is key to power monitoring and fixed monitoring is extremely important so something goes down you need to know a was it a power problem because sometimes it isn't um it could be an i.t issue a server issue or something else unrelated to power just equipment failure and if it is a power problem it gives you that information to understand uh what happened and possibly where it originated so this is the key stuff lets you get back up and running much quicker so when you're proactively power monitoring usually on a fixed basis you can rewind that dvr and go look at this information if you're not monitoring and you pull out one of our portable tools like our hdp cloud hd pq plus you're going to connect it hope the problem happens again this time you'll capture it so you're in effect using your systems as an alarm for your power problems you don't want to necessarily be there if you don't have to so being proactive can save you money save you downtime and prevent a lot of these problems from occurring potentially so okay excuse me as an introduction to power quality first we're going to talk about two sources of problems and we're going to lead up to directivity of power problems so when we talk about directivity it's going to be no matter where we are we're monitoring we're going to give you some tools to understand how to determine if a power problem an rms measure power problem is upstream or downstream from your monitoring point but conceptually it's very easy to look at the point of common coupling with the utility to understand that and one of the reasons are that's where the utilities responsibility ends and the facility owner's responsibility begins that's a good line of demarcation because upstream from that point is the utilities responsibility downstream is the facilities responsibility so the facility manager the contractor managing it whoever manages that facility that's their responsibility at that point so if i'm measuring at this particular point which is one of the most common points to measure for power problems certainly if you don't understand its source i can easily know and i can easily detect upstream or downstream all right so you know what happens on the upstream side in this case for the utility what hap what can happen well you know you can have just equipment failure but you have lightning those power factor correction caps we spoke about it are less of our last presentation faults switching impact from other customers can be a severe uh issue that you can potentially have well conversely what can happen downstream well virtually anything can happen downstream in the facility you have indeed but you tend to have individual load characteristics motors adjustable speed drives computers microprocessor control things wiring changing loads so any type of load that you have down downstream or wiring can become the potential for an issue so it's important to understand this these references here because we're going to be referencing them later so we're going to do our first poll question and let me pop up the poll just bear with me a second here so the question to you folks is who's responsible for most power quality problems is it the electrical utility or the end user so we're just going to give you folks a couple seconds to respond so i put in my own vote there because i have my phone connected here as well so we've got about 43 responses we'll just give it another couple seconds here we'll cap it out at a total 30 seconds for the poll and which is right now so thank you let's end the polling let's share the results so here the results so 92 percent of you thought that it was the end user and 8 thought it was electric utility well those who said end user are correct let me stop sharing the results here and let me close the poll so it is the end user typically about 70 of all power quality events are generated within the facility or by the end user now that of course means that the other 30 percent are the utilities responsibility but statistically speaking it is the end user that's responsible for most of the problems it doesn't mean the utilities you know is infallible and they won't have issues uh but utilities often spent a lot of time working with their customers on first of all identifying the source as being the utility or the end user and other some utilities are very proactive and in fact own our equipment uh for customer management in the marketing aspect of their their company so and they will even go in sometimes even free of charge and assist their customers in their facilities to help understand the problems so you need to contact your your utility in such situations to see what type of support should you have issues okay so what are the power monitoring references and terms as i mentioned before i use the term geek uh this is going to probably be the the geekest that we're going to get here as far as um the slides and the technical nature of these but it is important to to look at this so we're going to actually divide this up regionally a little bit but in you know first we'll talk about the two different standards bodies that are the uh the the root of a lot of these standards and we have the ieee uh the institute of electrical and electronic engineers uh ironically one of their main campuses here is uh about 15 minutes from where we're sitting in piscataway new jersey just bordering rutgers university engineering campus so the ieee defines recommended practices for use mostly in the united states there is some application in canada in latin america and in other parts of the world but it is mostly a u.s series of recommended practices then there's the iec the international electro technical commission uh it's european-based swiss-based i think but their standards are are mostly applied in europe asia they're in canada now they're in latin america they're being followed in mexico uh as well we we see a lot of purchases of our of our portable products because they're class a and we'll speak about that uh in a few minutes in in latin america for that so um so you when you compare and contrast the two again there's a regional aspect with the us um following the ieee and then internationally outside the borders of the u.s there's a lot of following for the iec so what are these standards that we're going to talk about so they're in the ieee there's 1159 which is a power quality standard um it is basically a definition of terms some of those terms that we're going to discuss later on during this presentation come from the ieee so what is a sag what is a transient um there's harmonics there's ieee 519 2014 what that 2014 means is that was its last major revision was in 2014 for harmonics so primarily we'll focus that on the next presentation a week from today on the harmonics but that does come from the ieee we have a voltage flicker standard ieee 1453 that was done in 2014 voltage flicker is not like a sag or a swell or an increase it's a perturbation almost like a modulation if you picture am modulation from our school days um in ancient radio now uh that's what voltage flicker uh looks like and there's also a new a fairly new power standard called ieee 1250 which kind of takes this these this terminology implies them for usage and standards together with applications almost as a reference document so now the iec is interesting and i'm going to fold this back into the ieee stuff the iec came out with a standard called iec 61000-4-30 i was roughly about 17 years ago and one of the big differences is that when we talk about the ieee they are recommended practices no one's telling us in the united states or other places that we have to follow these things it's just good practice to do it well the iec came out with their standard that's actually uh it's required in in a lot of applications within europe and in other places so it's not it's not optional it's built into government regulations well 61000-4-30 is now in its third major release which was done in i think around 2014 2015 and it really defines you know what is a power quality problem how you measure for power quality so unlike the ieee up until that point it says not only you know what do i have to do but here's how we have to do it so these are the algorithms the the windowing the bandwidth the math behind how manufacturers like dranitz would measure power quality issues so and there are a couple sub standards involved with that one is 61000-4-7 for harmonics and another was 61 000-4-15 for flicker or voltage fluctuation so they not only defined what these things are they said here are the guidelines on how to build an instrument to do it now they don't tell us you know what our ics are how to do the measurements they just give us the math requirements behind it and other aspects of it behind the uh the requirement the latest version also has a separate testing standard that actually tests instrumentation to the requirements of edition 3 of 61000-4-30 now what class a means it means it's in full compliance with this standard means you have repeatability of measurement that's the base um sort of uh need for 61000-4-30 as identified is that there was an age-old problem in the power monitoring industry where you didn't know who to trust you put two instruments in parallel measuring the same thing and they can potentially give you two different answers from different manufacturers so this leveled the playing field and it defined the techniques but the last edition edition three of this standard has a parallel testing standard that not only looks at the techniques but says here's how you test to that so you get a certification as a result and if you look at our website are our drainits hdpq data node our hdbq plus family our pq 3k and our pq5k have test certifications that we are compliant with edition 3 of this monitoring standard okay so that's very important the ieee is catching up to this and what they've been doing is harmonizing to this so you can see the iec has been creating the standard and evolving the standard for 17 years and so the ieee basically said i think is well you know the iec does things right in regards to the measurements so we're going to harmonize to a lot of that so if you look at this flicker standard ieee 1453 it is based upon the uh the iec voltage flicker standard the harmonic standard 1150 i'm sorry 519 2014 its measurement requirements are based upon iec 61000-4 again we're going to discuss this at our next week's presentation but what the ieee did is they add some added some other parameters to that basic measurement uh where they departed a little bit but the foundation of the measurements are the same it's the results and the statistical analysis is where it's a little bit different so so that's really the two standards that we that we tend to follow so as a rule of thumb in the u.s you're looking towards the ieee recommended practices in europe asia and other parts of the world it's typically the iec or some derivative of the iec and or the ieee standards you'll find as an example in china i believe it's called the gbt standards which are derivative of the iec a lot of them and that's a lot in common with the measurements sometimes it's differences in compliance uh just some as a point of reference for the folks from europe who are joining us uh you may be aware of en 5160 50160 so that's a compliance standard looking at the quality of supply specifically in europe which you know it's a little country dependent now but it really means that um it's a utility-based standard is the utility within limits 95 of the time and there's like i believe seven parameter groups and it's a pass fail uh kind of analysis that occurs over one week um again focused on europe um but it is does have a following and there are derivatives of that within europe and also other parts of the world so what does this boil down to and really it boils down to why should you care i mean that's the whole thing we talked about the the the kind of the geek stuff as i said and you know these standards but really why do i care about these standards so again i mentioned the industry challenge the consistency and the repeatability of measurements so when you have a class a certainly edition three class a compliant instrument you can have confidence that it's going to appropriately detect and report the issues basically can i trust the data okay it implies that you're getting the data from a reputable manufacturer and their products have repeatability of measurements so um the folks in the united states would say well how does that apply to me well there are two ways how it applies in the united states or quite frankly any other uh country or region that follows the ieee standards well you get the whole industry repeatability of measurements but the iec measurement methods are applicable in the us without any compromises so you're not taking away you are adding however as i mentioned on the previous slide the iec is i'm sorry the ieee is harmonizing with these ieee standards i see standards i apologize so you have that future proofing of the capability so as the ieee evolves in their recommended practices which does happen at a slower pace you know you can rest assured that for the most part they're being based upon industry standards that have been used by the iec for many many years okay and we of course will adapt as these things evolve but it's very simple for a manufacturer provides iec compliant instruments to adapt to these ieee requirements if they update their instruments and that's a big if okay so as an example in the united states when you look at the compliance standards are starting to call out iec compliant monitoring instrumentation so a big example in the united states is ieee 1547 which revolve involves ders or distributed energy resources and this is the interconnection of ders which are wind farms solar farms any other alternative energy the interconnection of those to the grid and they already referred to monitoring based upon iec 61000-4 and we understand future revisions will become more ingrained with the measurement capabilities of the instrumentation being used to monitor so there's a whole thing of interconnecting to the grid to make sure that's a reliable power source and it's not creating power issues for the utility or vice versa actually so they're defining standards to monitor and we're referring to industry standards to monitor for these things so hopefully that was understood i know it takes a little bit of time to get through that but hopefully everything's clear and again chat up your questions if you have any questions during here and chat to everyone and we'll we'll try to address them as we speak here or certainly no later than the end of the presentation so now to the uh the meat and potatoes of this so let's look at the types of power quality disturbances that we have these are as per 1159 and these terms have been defined many years ago and by the way the ieee the one thing the major thing that they're lacking is the overriding standard like 61000-4-30 which has several sub-standards to define harmonics and flicker and other aspects to give you a well-rounded picture of a power quality uh measurement concern where the ieee has basically broken it down into sub-standards but they don't have a top-level standard 1159 started as that and far in in in so far as terms and and conditions of power problems but they haven't called out those other measurement standards as the ieee has so using the 1159 uh references and names and these are pretty much a renowned worldwide you have transients rms variations waveform distortion which are harmonics voltage fluctuations which is that flicker that i talked about and power frequency variations these are these are the main issues that most people are looking for there are other things like imbalance im imbalance unbalance meaning un unbalanced and different uh power parameters but for the most part we're looking for these issues when we talk about power monitoring what we're going to focus on today are the first two are transients and rms variations and as i've mentioned several times we'll speak about the harmonics in our next presentation there it's a big enough discussion or long enough discussion that it made sense just to separate that into its own presentation so okay so our second poll question here which of these pq problems are curse mode occurs most frequently so just give me a moment to to put that up let me just choose our second poll questions and launch the poll here so you folks should see this so which of these power quality problems occurs most frequently is it transients a voltage swell which is an increase in voltage a voltage sag or a dip which is a temporary decrease in voltage or interruption where voltage just does not occur anymore so it's basically at or near zero and we're going to define these terms in a few minutes if you're unaware of them so again we'll clip it at 30 seconds we're at 25 or so right now we've got about 50 of you are responding okay so we'll share the results we'll get a last couple in there we are ending polling and let's go share the results so okay so 69 percent of you said it was the under voltage or voltage sag or dip the next highest was transients at um 26 and uh no one thought it was a voltage swell which is good and um interruptions was at six percent so let's go see what is the right answer so it is a voltage sag or a dip all right so statistically speaking around two-thirds of the power problems out there are under-voltage situations a voltage sag or a depth which is the same thing just different regional terminologies so these are the things that you know of course occur most frequently but the other things like the transients and the harmonics are certainly a concern for us so let's go through this list and we're starting with transients and then we're going to go to what we call rms events and we're going to start from those that occur the fastest in time or over the shortest duration which is a transient and then we'll go along and talk about the rms variation so what is a transient we'll see a picture of this in a few minutes but it is a um a momentary and of course undesirable high frequency event so um excuse me second uh i'm going to mute you one second here okay i apologize folks i see the polls still up here so we want to uh want to turn off the poll so let me go look um stop sharing results okay i apologize i just happened to notice on my phone that the poll was still there okay all right so what is a transient it's a momentary high frequency subcycle event and what we mean by subcycle it is less than one ac cycle usually we're talking a quarter of a cycle or less and of course a cycle is 16 milliseconds here in the united states and 20 milliseconds in europe or whatever the terminology is but it's usually 50 or 60 hertz so it's usually measured in microseconds or a flu a few milliseconds you may also hear terms like a spike or surge or impulse but i officially call this a transient but you'll you'll see it under some other name so instead of going through these characteristics it's much easier to just see a picture of it so so what are transients again they're just changes in the voltage um and so there's there's kind of several terms involved in this so we're going to go through some basic terms so the first term is what is a positive transient versus a negative transient so let me first start by what it is not a positive transient is not a transient that occurs in the positive half of the waveform and a negative transient is not one that's in the negative half of the waveform so positive transients add energy to the waveform negative transients take away energy from the waveform okay so they can be just as effective or can affect your systems negative transients just as much but they're not going to blow something up so a positive transient may blow something up a negative transient for lack of a better term may lock something up so you can see here is a negative positive transient rather but also here's a negative transient that happens to be on the positive half of the waveform and again another positive transient here that's on the negative half of the waveform so the next thing is what's the difference between a unipolar and a bipolar transient so a unipolar transit goes one way it either goes up or it goes down that could be negative that could be positive a bipolar transient goes goes up and down so it goes both ways so it'll go up and down and maybe it may oscillate so this is a a oscillatory transient here so you can see it goes down slightly goes up and then it oscillates here this is probably from a power factor correction capacitor switching in which officially is called a negative going bipolar oscillatory transient that's the official kind of geek term for it so you also have notching maybe from a pulse rectifier you see it's carving out little sections of the waveform here on a periodic basis every wave shape would look just like this then you have multiple zero crossings now multiple zero crossings are interesting because it's a transient but it can also affect other measurements that are done or other things that are done within the facility and what i mean is that there's still a lot of basic circuits out there that clock that count time or clock based upon um zero crossings or transitions so they're counting your frequency so what i mean here is that and a lot of times it's positive going negative to positive so i have one zero crossing right over here okay i have another one i have another one i have another one here but you see i counted an extra here i counted an extra here so if i'm counting time certainly here in the united states 60 hertz works out well for time i've just counted two more clock pulses here so my circuitry is going to miscount because of these transients so it sounds basic but it still is a real problem and i know i did a a seminar um several years ago and one of the power quality engineers from the utility had a digital clock next to this next to uh an air ionizer and so that digital clock if you can imagine an old digital clock has that colon that blinks in between the hours and the minutes and it was blinking at a second rate which was counting the seconds when that air ionizer was turned on it was going nuts and it was blinking at a much faster rate because that air ionizer was creating these multiple zero crosstains which was counting the clock or causing the clock to count faster so you could see that as a as a visual difference now one thing that i that i did not point out before this is does not add up to a real this is not a real survey here this is just us putting things together so we can define these terms okay so what are the causes and effects of transients um well they can be caused by power factor correction capacitors lightning strikes are a very common cause loose connections just that vibration from a loose connection can cause transients and other problems you could have loads sourcing or switching things turning on things turning off rf burst then there's multiple other causes for transients what are the effects well data corruption equipment damage data transmission errors intermittent equipment operation reducing equipment life most importantly irreproducible problems sometimes trans transients are very intermittent so it's hard to predict when they're going to happen sometimes they are very predictable but other times they're like ghosts so you need power quality instrumentation that's continually monitoring to kind of capture these things because you may see the effects on your power systems but it may take a little bit longer to capture the cause of those effects so continuing along what is an rms variation so we're slowing down here now we're talking about one cycle typically even though iec 61000-4-30 and some of the other standards say we increment on a half cycle so what we do is we look at one ac cycle and we increment one ac cycles with but we advanced by one half of a cycle and then we advance again by half of a cycle but we're still looking at one cycle just the measurements by the instrument are incrementing one half cycle at the time or at a time that's the resolution of the measurements that you're getting but what is an rms variation well it's a change in the rms voltage again what we were looking at before showed the ac white waveform so we're not talking about the peaks we're talking about the rms of one ac waveform and it's typically beyond 10 of nominal and we'll give you some rules of thumb for that in a few minutes but basically a reduction in voltage is a sag or an interruption in u.s terms it would also become or be classified as a dip in in some of our european or other international country terms so a sag is a reduction in voltage and interruption is voltage no longer exists or is very low and an increase in voltage is a swell so again we are talking about the rms you take all the samples from one ac waveform whether it be 60 hertz or 50 hertz and you compute the rms from that so the example that i give here in the united states it's 120 volts rms when i plug into the wall in europe and other parts of the world it's 230 volts rms it's not the peak of that let's use it's a reference so here's some pictures here um this is again even though we're referencing the peaks we're computing based upon the rms so we have a sag or a dip which is a reduction in voltage a swell which is an increase in voltage and an interruption basically voltage doesn't exist anymore or is extremely low so this is a three cycle sag or dip this is a three cycle swell and this is a three cycle interruption so this is what the metering or the instrumentation is doing for you it's looking to see that it crossed a limit that either the in the drainage terms that the instrument automatically set up for itself um so it's looking to see if it crossed the limit a higher low limit and it's measuring the amount of time that it's been out of limits until it returns back to normal so what are those limits and what's the references that we're talking about and this is defined by the ieee but a lot of people use these uh rules of thumb and references so what the ieee does is they have a table and a standard and it defines the time range for an event as instantaneous momentary temporary and long duration and what that means is that instantaneous is one half cycle to 30 cycles in duration momentary is 30 cycles to three seconds in duration temporary is three seconds to one minute in duration long duration is beyond one minute i don't know when it's gonna restore back to normal okay um and a sag is anywhere from 10 to 90 percent of what it should be or 0.1 to 0.9 of per unit so as an example on an arbitrary 100 volt system a sag is from 90 volts down to 10 volts from 90 down to 10 of the nominal and that nominal is 100 volts in this example so what is a swell it's the opposite sort of case so it it's 1.1 times the per unit or 110 percent of what it should be so in my arbitrary 100 volt system here a swell starts at 10 percent above nominal or 110 volts and higher so what is an interruption that is in ieee terms it's less than 10 percent of nominal okay so it's basically um i go down a sag is to 10 of nominal when i go less than 10 of nominal that's characterized as an interruption and for all all intents and purposes voltage does not exist anymore so the ieee basically says that you know the instrumentation and you should report on the duration of an event and a magnitude of the event so as an example um on my 100 volt system here if i have a reduction in voltage to 75 volts for i'll call it one second that would be called a momentary sag and the reason being is one second falls into this momentary category between 30 cycles and 3 seconds excuse me and a sag is it's 75 percent of nominal which falls it was what i gave his example which falls in this 10 percent to 90 percent of nominal so if you don't remember this the instrumentation provides this information for you um as a summary on the event detail pages certainly when we're talking about our hdbq plus and sp family it's provided for you automatically so really um that's a good rule of thumb however what i said before doesn't apply to you and your application specifically so how do you set up your power monitoring instrumentation so the first thing as a point of reference for your limits a high limit and a low limit well you should really look at your equipment specs and what i mean by that the ieee's rule of thumb is plus or minus 10 of nominal so let's say hypothetically i have a ups system and my ups system regulates my voltage output to five percent plus or minus five percent of nominal well if i set up my monitor plus or minus ten percent of nominal it's not going to trigger a record until i've exceeded the specs that plus or minus five percent specs of my ups system so that's probably not a good thing to do so what we recommend is you set your power quality instrument your hdpq plus or whatever it is to the uh the weakest link in your chain so in this case the um the you set it to the tolerance in our hypothetical ups system so you set the output set the triggering of plus or minus five percent of nominal if you have a vfd on making these limits up that is out of specs at plus five and minus ten percent of nominal we would recommend that you set up your power monitoring instrumentation to match that so you know the power monitor is going to trigger at that same point you are out of specs for whatever system or or items that you are monitoring there however if you don't have those specifications available then certainly use this plus or minus 10 that the ieee recommends and quite frankly our instrumentation automatically sets itself up with those limits so in our portable http plus when you choose the automatic setup as an example in 120 volt system here it'll automatically set it up to 108 volts as the low limit and 132 volts is the high limit which is 120 volts plus or minus 10 however with our hdpq plus you can also manually enter these things so when you go into the manual wizard setup it'll automatically still choose the plus or minus 10 of the nominal that the instrument automatically detected or you programmed into it but you can override these you just simply touch any one of these fields and you enter in any number that you'd like and if you're going to do the same for a b and c you do a and then you copy them over to b and c it's very easy to do so again the moral of the story here is set the instrumentation up to match the tolerances of the equipment that you're monitoring and you'll get the best results so we have two pq rules here before we get into our case study um now this is on the directivity of the sag that we're going to talk about and if you go back to the beginning of our pq discussion here we talked about the point of common coupling with the utility so measuring at that point is very easy um because it's that line of responsibility where we're determining so if something goes wrong in your facility you don't know whether it originated you may not know whether it originated within your facility or came from the utility so monitoring on that point of common coupling gives you that information so you need to determine whether the problem occurred upstream from that point or downstream certainly here but any place that you're monitoring it's important to know that so if you're monitoring at the terminals of your motor or device knowing that it's downstream or upstream is important but when it's upstream you still may not know it's within your facility or it came from the utility so if you monitor at your point of common coupling you'll have that information so what are the basics in determining the directivity so for a source generated or upstream sag the current usually decreases or goes to zero so think of it this way no voltage no current if you don't have voltage you have nothing to draw current on okay so think of protection opening up you know permanently or temporarily as we'll give in our case study here as an example so you can see both the voltage and the current are going down with all the slope of these waveforms it could be permanent down to zero or it could be something temporary like a an instantaneous sag or dip or a momentary sag or dip so when you see them both go down at the same time that is an upstream event it happened for the source of supply so in our example at the point of common coupling with the utility that is a utility-sourced issue you look upstream there if it's at the terminals of your motor deep in your facility while it's still upstream you just don't know if it's your responsibility or the uh the utility so the opposite situation for a generated sag the current usually increases significantly so you will see the voltage go down you can see the voltage going down but the current going up in this example you can see the current goes from zero and has a relatively high inrush and if we fall this down you can see it's reaching its steady-state situation so when you see the voltage and current inversely proportional to each other that is typically a load-generated sag so in this case think of a motor turning on maybe this was a chiller we have the air conditioner running on our roof today because it's a very humid day here in new jersey so think of that compressor turning on or the fan or whatever the combination of the both you'll go to a very large current which pulls down the voltage so they're opposite directions okay so again if it's a source generated sag the voltage and current go down at the same time if it's a load generated sag the voltage goes down the current goes up they're inversely proportional to each other so good news bad news here the bad news is that you may forget all this by the time we're done with our web presentation today the good news is that on our hdbq plus family that the our guide level our explore and explore 400 level instruments have what's called answer modules and we have a sag directivity answer module in there so everything but our visa level instrument will automatically detect this directivity for you so if you're monitoring both voltage and current in this case it would say this is a a downstream sag and give you the details of the sag how long it was out in its magnitude or an upstream so it'll put it in right in the data stream so you don't have to remember uh you know these rules of thumb okay if you're using our visa level instrument that's entry level you have to remember these rules guide and above it'll provide that and we also have these abilities with the sag directivity answer module in our fixed systems in our pq view de and our pq view software okay let's wrap up here we're just about on schedule for a five five after end time which is when we started um now we'll take questions at the ntherm because we're almost done here i see uh thurman asked if we wanted to take questions now so uh if you don't mind let's roll through this this will be a couple slides and then we'll we'll grab all the questions so we mentioned hurricane sandy um this is 2012 about eight years ago and you could just see some of the destruction this is a before of the new jersey shore very nice beach line and this is the after so this is a big event for the entire northeast but specifically new jersey and there's a picture of a roller coaster that used to have a pier underneath it that dropped into the water so it's pretty devastating so why are we talking about this you can see this track go right through the southern part of new jersey if you're familiar with the united states this is around the atlantic city new jersey area and we are north of that we're i don't know 75 to 100 miles north of the atlantic city area kind of in the middle of the state okay so it did affect us it affected us personally at our homes but this is the power results that we have this was taken by our encore series and we've got other instrumentation that measure this and again we're looking at the pseg public service electric and gas utility feed to our building during this time so just to set this up a little bit we are looking at the voltage on phase a the red phase a here we could adjust as easily uh overlaid b and c looked at the currents or any of the other power parameters that we're talking about so what you're looking at here is the minimum the maximum in the average the thin lines are the min and the max the thick line is the average these markers over here on the bottom are event markers and what it means is that at that point in time the system recorded event or this instrument this monitoring instrument recorded an event you may or may not see it here because it may not be an event that you're displaying at the moment but you could see it recorded events at that period of time and you can see there's a plethora of data that was recorded here so this is a monday morning when uh when data went out when the power went out two days later on the 31st this halloween for us in the united states power was restored so let's look at that there's two times that we're going to look at we're going to look at this this uh interruption that occurred earlier in the day i think it was 2 2 30 in the afternoon and this is the long duration interruption that we saw when power went out i believe about 6 30 p.m on that day so when we zoom in a little bit you can see this is at um right over here we had an interruption you can see the voltage go down to zero and then later on in the day which we'll focus on two is where we lost power permanently for for the next two days so at that um in that interruption that short duration interruption it was at 202 pm okay you can see on top here let me set this up this is the rms trend of the data being recorded so each point here is the rms of one cycle that was monitored by the instrument down below here are the is the oscillography these are the waveforms that were recorded just note that the waveforms in this rms trend are not synchronized here so they don't line up because there's different amount of data that's recorded but what you can see here you can see a a sag or an interruption in the c phase and a corresponding swell in the a and the b phase so you can see c goes down and you can see it's open it's kind of floating there and a and b increase at that time that's the rms trend and these horizontal lines here that's the high limit that the instrument's monitoring and that's the low limit which i believe is plus or minus 10 percent of nominal and you can see right here where it was before that event particularly happened so you can see here's the wave shapes before it happened this vertical line marks the point in time the trigger point so you could see c shorted or opened up or probably shorted in this case no not probably it did short in this case you could see a and b swelled at that particular time this is a very typical for a reclosure operation or a utility reclosure operation here in the united states where one phase shorts and the corresponding two phases swell so what you see here is you could see the short happen on c a and b swell for about two to three seconds then the reclosure opens up and says hey i got a problem here for safety reasons i'm opening up about 10 seconds later it closes all these foreclosures out on the line do the same thing so those that can close and and stay closed are fine their circuits were doing normal activity those that close in the short remains those open back up and they clear that fault from the system that that that way that's the way it would happen in the united states so you could see the data from this you could see this going out two or three seconds later and resuming normal about 10 seconds later so it was about 12.73 seconds this was an upstream temporary interruption was the category again it happened a little after two 202 in the afternoon so the final event that happened and this is very interesting here this happened at about 6 30 6 31 and 56 x's was our long duration interruption so you could see here the limits of the instrument a b and c are within nominal you can see here's the trigger and you can see b and c go away but phase a does not so you could see that in the oscillography here you can see everything's fine everything's normal b and c sag and then ultimately go away this is the beginning of them go away the post trigger was not long enough in the instrument to see that but phase a remains we got single phase by the utility and what that could mean is either they had a protection problem or maybe only two out of the three wires disconnected you know from a utility pole and phase a remain connected to us all right so this is this could be very damaging for equipment and motors and stuff that are still operating we have we of course knew the hurricane was counting so we shut down our plant that day so we didn't run a risk of single phasing a motor but this could be very damaging for a motor this could be a safety issue as well so think of in your facility if maybe your lights and other systems are powered from b and c and you think that they're off but you have other devices that were powered by a and they're still energized if you didn't take proper precautions and and you thought you were you you had power disengaged and someone touched that without wearing gloves or turned off the breakers or the protection there could be a safety issue that was introduced as a result of this so um again summarizing our our voltage variations and sags and swells so what are the causes and effects well you can have a sudden change in load current that can cause a sag or a dip again when the current goes up the voltage tends to go down the power the power source is not stiff enough and we see those sags so picture maybe a lot of things turn on at one time you could have a very deep sag that can create problems and reset equipment and and cause other problems so you could have a fault on a feeder a fault on a parallel feeder this is kind of what we saw before in our hurricane case study and a whole bunch of other stuff those loose connections can cause voltage variations and different things like that well what are the possible effects a lot of them overlap with the transients that we spoke about process interruption data loss data transmission errors plc or computers to miss operate in um both in an office but of course a manufacturing and type of environment and they can just damage products by this that are unprepared to handle this so these can be very bad situations that can occur so we're going to wrap things up here and if you recall um the last the presentation we had an energy savings light bulb or energy savings lighting side by side comparison where we compared the energy consumption of a 60 watt incandescent bulb to its equivalent 60 watt light output it's compact fluorescent and led bulbs and we we demonstrated the cost savings or the energy consumption savings but we left you with a little cliffhanger so are there any pq concerns over that and we're going to leave you with another one to some extent here so the answer you can only answer these questions here okay so let's just look at the wave shapes taken recorded by these devices so here's the incandescent bulb in red and this distortion here is just probably stuff on the power line that's in the lab that we did these measurements it's probably well it's not caused by that light bulb it's just power or noise on that power system in green is the compact fluorescent bulb and in blue is the led bulb so really the question is and we're going to ask that in a second are there any pq concerns and if there are what is the concern so let's do our last poll here just bear with me okay so the question is are there any power quality concerns with this so we'll give it a couple seconds that you can uh you guys can you can answer this question okay so it's a yes or no simple yes no question we'll give it a couple seconds okay and then the second question that you'll see um when you answer the first what are the concerns are the concerns harmonics neutral currents overheating or all of the above or none of the above okay so we'll give it a couple more seconds this time because we have a two-part question here okay we'll cut it off at 45 seconds we're at 40 seconds here so if you haven't answered please do so okie doke so let's end polling here we'll share the results okay so are there power quality concerns yes there are okay the level of concern is a little subjective here but yes there aren't a little more 90 of you 91 percent of you got that right well if they are what are the the concerns well the the correct answer is really all of the above yes harmonics are certainly a concern and that's the basis of it but the results of those harmonics can be neutral currents can be overheating um and uh i misspelled none so it should be none of the above i apologize so all the above is the correct answer but anything above this is correct okay and the the harmonics caused so if i just um stop sharing these results and i close my pole if i go back one slide you can see that even with led bulbs there are some harmonics involved and we'll give you the specifics at our harmonic um uh web meeting a week from tomorrow a week from today rather on the 13th i believe and we'll share the actual details of these harmonics to wrap this up but you can see there are harmonics concerns the concern may not be one light bulb maybe the concern is multiple light bulbs connected in parallel so are there concerns yes we'll get into the details of that during our next presentation so just as a summary here we are we're basically all done the drainits products that do power quality monitoring we have our um our hdp club hdbq plus family here with its sp also another http family our new drain expert it's primarily an energy and power logger but is it is also a pq detector as well as our fixed systems from our hdbq data node our 61000 series to our pq 3k and 5k and even our am series energy meters have basic power quality detection capabilities so so that's about it thank you so much um we're gonna go look at the chats here thurman and i are gonna just work in the background and i'm gonna go kind of bottom up here start looking at the chats again if you have not chatted a question and you would like to please do so and we're going to stay tuned here just to go answer the questions so let's see the first one here are there a lot of harmonics interconnection to the utilities scale and solar and because of the change from ac to dc and jay asked that question i'm going to honestly answer i don't know for sure but there is certainly a potential for that with the use of the inverters i think a lot of that depends upon the quality of the inverter and how and how it compensates for any uh noise on that from the switching and the high speed on the uh on the creating the ac re recreating that ac at the interconnection point but that's why um um ieee 1547 was interested in harmonics because it is certainly a concern at the point of common coupling so okay benjamin gonna just mute all you um just bear with me someone muted here so i apologize was that you thurman okay thurman you can okay okay okay that's fine thank you okay so benjamin asks the magnitude is more dangerous if it's at the peak of the waveform and of course okay so thank you benjamin for for tossing that in there um and then trent uh i don't think this is a question just a comment i would i would say that a spike at the peak would be more dangerous typically of course but i can't add that a spike no matter where it occurs you may not blow something up but you have the potential to lock something up so certainly with a positive transient at or near the peak or something that exceeds greatly exceeds the peak uh can be not only damaging but trip uh breakers blow fuses different things like that but again negative transients that's a an advantage of the dranits products is that we have the ability to use our wave shape triggers to detect negative transients and what i mean is it's fairly easy to detect positive transients because you're looking for a positive peak negative transients are more difficult because you're digitizing a regular waveform and when that value gets reduced it's hard to separate that from just a normal rms measurement so our our wave shape triggers compare cycle to cycle so we could see that this cycle does not have a a change in wave shape and the next cycle does and maybe that was a negative transient that occurred so we can detect that so we have some other comments about constant power loads we have the navy the current increases when the voltage decreases yes certainly we have a question from uh jamie if i'm pronouncing that right um opened everyone how do you handle an open delta pt setup on medium and high voltage systems do you connect it's an ungrounded delta there's some other details here so i don't think anyone addressed that let's see if we can address that open delta oftentimes with our products can be considered very much like a split phase connection whether you you have grounded or not i think that's up to your wiring and what you have available to you depends upon where that ground is and if that's actually a ground so i think a lot of people have high impedance grounds or other things where that may not be an actual ground so you may need to do that so some people prefer to measure it as a split phase like other people like to look at it as a as a true delta and just consider it one open phase okay um so thurman's i think thurman's agreeing with me here um so trent asks or comments uh for me it's easier to plot kw or kva as a function of time as if the power source goes down during sag that's certainly a very good indicator trend so um the only difference in doing that i might add is that for very quick events you may not see a significant change in your kw or kva um the way the instrumentation works these days is that for what we'll call fast changing power quality events like rms voltage and current and transients we're looking at every ac cycle however the kw and kva uh in most instruments today are measured at 200 millisecond uh groups so it's averaged or measured over 200 milliseconds so very short-term things may not be reflected in your kw or kva um but longer term beyond that yes it's a very good reference to use so um okay um so uh benjamin included thurman did you look at this uh this image okay so i'm gonna ask thurman to open that image and have a look that benjamin uh sent up and then we'll benjamin we'll we'll answer your question then i think there's two images images from benjamin so let's just uh hang on for thurman here i'm gonna unmute thurman here as well okay i can't you have to admit yourself i can't do it all right i'm one muted let's open up file okay so our file shows uh your typical transient event and the the question what does the worst peak to peak being in the follow example and how should this information be interpreted so the the chart itself shows your typical transient with the positive peak being worse and so the question is what does the worst peak to peak mean well it depends on how you interpret it um some people will use the term peak some people will use the term peak to peak if you're if you're reviewing the overall amplitude of the transient thing you would refer to the peak-to-peak um so it just it's a matter of how it's interpreted some people again will refer to it as peak you know for example 120 volt rms has a peak value of about 170 volts but if you went from peak to peak then you could you could almost double that but it depends on how it's being interpreted how you interpret it i should say hope that answers your question okay thank you thurman i think benjamin you sent something else too uh let me let's go look at that so um i think the event can also be generated in another system node oh yeah so you want to open that as well yep opening that and asking thurman to do it just because i don't affect our meeting by doing that here on my computer okay so we see um i'm on muted so we see in this example here um here we're viewing uh transient data both from the voltage and from the current now obviously what's going on here is that you have the voltage basically reacting to what the current is doing nevertheless it causes this particular transient and so now the concern here with this particular event is this peak value because if you and we're looking at the positive portion of it so the concern is is this peak value is it harmful uh where it can let's say let's let's uh see if i can share the screen i'm trying i'm sharing it right now oh you have it yeah okay yeah i just downloaded it okay all right we're also downloaded i'll narrate it uh no let's see it's the next one okay when i went to do the share of course they they both look the so it is um i think with uh uh title captain that's the one is that it okay yep that's the one okay so in this example here this is obviously this voltage transient is basically reacting to what the current is doing so your bottom graph is showing your amps the top graph showing the volts you obviously see a transient and to ross's point just when you have a voltage transient that voltage transient is being caused by the current doing something so you know our instrumentation is capable of capturing voltage transients and current transients and those pq rules that you use to determine directivity for rms events such as sags and swells you can also use those same rules for sub-cycle events current transients as well as long as you have the instrumentation that is capable of recording capture and recording at that but getting back to this chart here the concern here is the peak value of this of the voltage transit you know whether or not that peak value is going to cause something to miss operate or lock up if this is a common occurrence and equipment is always seeing this transit then it can lead to premature failures because you're basically just wearing down the the front end of that particular device because it's always seeing that transient so yeah this would be a concern and again it depends on what ross alluded to earlier about susceptibility am i susceptible to events like this and you know obviously if you have the power monitoring instrumentation that's capable of recording this and the ideal thing that you look for is if you have what we called a consistent correlation to where you haven't recorded event and something happened within user equipment either something fell or it locked up and because your instrumentation records the time and date you can draw that correlation so if you have that consistent correlation then you know that is causing the problem then the next step obviously is to mitigate it very good thank you sir um as thurman mentioned a lot of the events are actually caused by current and you'll see when we even when we talk about harmonics next week um usually the voltage is not the products are not originating in the voltage um it's usually current based they're load-based i should say when you turn on those eight you know asymmetrical lows of those asynchronous loads they're generating the harmonics which is reflecting in the current so you know just like you see here this is some load turning on and you can see it's pulling it's affecting the voltage at that particular point so you'll see there's there's a relationship between voltage and current here and it's it's important to understand that um not for current but for voltage one of the big changes with iec 61000-4-30 with edition 3 is that current is treated the name as voltage and the in addition to and prior voltage was only monitored from a dranet's perspective we've always treated current just like voltage so it was no big deal for addition 3 for us but it officially says now on uh 61 000-40 edition 3 that you shall measure the current in the same way that you measure the voltage for situations like this it's for rms events but so because of that that relationship you're looking at a closed circuit here so you will see voltage affect the current and current affect the voltage and that's what we're looking at i should i should also add finally benjamin that uh yes you made a comment that it's not necessarily harmful well i you know again it depends on what i explained earlier but there's something that you should always keep in mind that you can have what we call incipient events and these are precursor events and precursor or sipping events and all can also be indicators of a pending more significant failure so for example if these waveforms that you're recording uh or worse in amplitude and record more frequently then that warns you should investigate why why that's occurred because very often it can be a sign of a more sinister problem waiting to cause downtime and economical impact so you know just keep an eye on that very good thurman thank you okay i think we've uh addressed all the questions um so please uh thurman and i'll hang here for a little bit if we missed your question i apologize please just re-ask it or if you have an additional question about uh this topic or any other topic um you know regarded to drown its products or the industry feel free to do so so i'll say thank you right now again thurman and i'll wait for a little bit um do we have people drop off to address your questions but thank you so much again a reminder uh our next session on harmonics is next wednesday um the uh the was it the 16th i'm doing a prank i'm going brain dead on that but either way go to our website uh register the same way that you registered for this this uh presentation and you'll be able to uh register for the next one and our last presentation at the end of the month uh of course we'll be sending out reminders so thank you so much everyone and we appreciate your attendance today and we'll see you next time hopefully
Channel: DranetzTech
Views: 370
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: pq meter, pq analyzer, power quality, pq, pq monitoring, sa, dip, swell, transient, harmonic
Id: m6whx6bZilo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 4sec (4744 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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