Sepbox V8 Is The DARKEST Mod Of The Whole Series...

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what's good everybody my name is n here welcome back to incredible so today I am here with one of the biggest Deeds one of the biggest boys one of the biggest bitching boys of all time I'm genuinely just losing my mind at this point Lads this is one of the most highly anticipated mods practically ever made I would I would put it up there in terms of myability this is set box 8 lights out by the homeboy sa so this is another giant mod that came out made by a bunch of like professional people in the whole mod making game not only that but we also got lore for each character which we're going to do five at a time just we can keep it nice Pace going as well as two bonuses up top that don't even have what the hell are you what the [ __ ] okay hang on we we're we're we're going to worry about that later so let's not waste any more time let's get straight into this [ __ ] come on let's go oh wait a minute hold up sorry sorry sorry hang on look at the fa oh well that was this guy knows what he's about to be doing this one's [ __ ] sply Jack yeah let's go oh oh my days that's a rough little boy you know that's the most intense first beat that I've ever heard like in terms of just like the noise of it whoa okay hold on no I got to be honest with you bro the little secondary motion I forgot what that's called like meshing or something like that on the [ __ ] clock hands right there is actually amazing this is a lot harder than I thought it' be you know we got like an underground Vibe bit Industrial okay Lads I haven't even taken a Peak at the lore yet my my biggest fear is that like it's just going to be kind of generic and simple like I swear to God if the [ __ ] says corrupted yes no I'm going to get [Music] pissed what my God hey okay let's [ __ ] yo these are the hardest [ __ ] imaginable [Music] dude if you Ain bouncing beautiful First Impressions beautiful absolutely gorgeous First Impressions hang on wait a second wait a second let let me try to make something just a bit more simple chill so that when we do move on it doesn't sound like garbage that fastpaced [ __ ] blackout incident files okay so it's just another incident dude dude I I'm telling I'm noticing such a pattern here every every single time that we play a mod that's like this scale and this hype literally every time it's just this incident that went down bro tell me that it hang on hang on I'm calling it right now I'm going to flip this [ __ ] thing this is kind of cool how it's like a phone but like on their little character thing it's going to say corrupted it yes or no I'm calling it ready boom oh well it says alive hang on other people say dead they they say dead you know what [ __ ] it close enough I'm going to count that same thing need a brain for once who the [ __ ] F said that that quiet ass voice Eric Payne when the blackout occurred Eric was the was Eric was one of the first people to exit the containment area after unfortunately encountering some of the fakers himself like fake what do you mean what do you mean fakers like faking it he finally realized he wasn't a prisoner of war and began to see the real picture he's with us now since they were on opposite sides of the war of Embers back when that whole Fiasco was happening Tam thatman what a great name oh I got to be honest with you I love the art big cuckoo man get it cuckoo cuz he's a Glock no okay whoever's idea was to have the little quips in there I hope you stub your toe Damen Zayn Damen never actually got out of his cell since he was strapped down onto his bed this is [ __ ] this was because his dangerously High paranoia made him a threat to himself this backfired when the blackout occurred he ended up playing dead after hearing several fakers outside this ended up working as every Faker who wandered in had automatically assumed he was was already dead and moved on okay so we literally all right I'm not saying this to be an [ __ ] right but we are literally just doing the same type of lore which is a bit disappointing actually on like an extreme level kind of the more I think about it it kind of makes me want to cry I [ __ ] love how nobody knows how to make a [ __ ] incredibox mod that isn't about some incident that occurred like like the music side so far this kicks ass so at least it's got that for us so we don't have like a color or excuse me a like a corrupt box situation but like literally every [ __ ] mod with lore is is just this is a boy who was injured in this massive incident that injured everybody else will you remember a single person's lore probably not I'm being too negative I'm being too negative let's just try to have fun with this I'm being an [ __ ] maybe I'm grumpy this guy for some reason I can't hear that guy [ __ ] at all can they like raise his voice a faker that took the appearance of con Ethan an Explorer of the depths who was killed this was one of the fakers bludgeon to death by eigor Sweet this one freaky bastard I gotta be honest the voice lines are a bit cringe but it's still fun I'm still having to I'm being super negative today aren't I I am so terribly sorry what has gotten into me you know a faker that took the appearance of Alex B he had a high kill count of several contained subjects before he was bludging to okay so same [ __ ] he he just got also obliterated by the main man eagle kiawa happppy or Opie [ __ ] it I don't know apparently kioa can still actually talk it just took him a while to figure out how he's like a regular human now just skeletal but everything else is still working perfectly fine about him can he piss can everything else is working fine can he still piss in this state can he take shits kiawa survived the outbreak because of all the fakers just saw him as a pile of bones I am so bad at reading it's not even the game's fault okay so so far the lore is uh is turning out to be like a massive [ __ ] disappointment just because it's the same [ __ ] that we've already seen just told in a different way literally the plot of this mod is the same plot of like 16 other mods that we've done just with you know variations and whatnot it's just that instead of corrupted now they're fakers and instead of the blackening now we have the blackout oh my God but the music bro the the [ __ ] sound part of this is nuts dude literally everything about this is a 10 except for the lore the animations are great the designs are great the sound is [ __ ] awesome this might be one of the hardest sounding mods of all time th this might be that dude this is awesome you can tell that this was made by professionals I love it can I just ignore the lore for the rest of the game and just actually play the music bro oh I'm having so much fun with this dude if you ain't dancing to this oh my God you got major issues okay Lads break it down what wait a minute hang on hang on oh that sounds amazing yo everything about this dude I love so much I love his design too that's the most demented [ __ ] of all time and not only that but he also sounds like a [ __ ] can of juice oh I love it not as hard as me but it's still hard hang on ladar I can't tell what you're doing at all do you work hang on wait a second wait a second what the [ __ ] okay that was the scariest thing on the planet hang on I wanted to I want to just try something weird I want to have just you two [ __ ] in the mix how well do you sound that sounds lovely dude whoever did the animations in this like needs to be like gassed up dude like they need to be goated for their work oh God man the the designs the animation the music holy [ __ ] every single piece of that is done in suedes what's that song that just goes like like nicotine how we more what if that was just the what if that was the L just the lyrics to that entire song I don't even know why that's not funny like that's that's not like a funny joke compar it's just dumb that's just brain rot humor that just comes to my mind I don't know why easily one of the most dangerous [ __ ] encountered during the what if they were called [ __ ] easily one of the most dangerous [ __ ] encountered during the blackout this bastard's mouth can stretch far beyond that of a normal human and is cramed full of jagged and deadly teeth on top of that this thing can emit Bassy Bassy is that Bassy or Bassy signals that trigger senses in the human brain which can cause cognitive discomfort and paranoia because of everything he was one of the few [ __ ] we were not able to terminate before we had to evacuate that rhymed hey that rhymed you know hey get bonus man to the right or this he he he let out a doctor s near the end The Watcher I'll be the guard dog it stood perched on the Rocks outside stalking us through the windows the watch was never an immediate threat The Watcher evolves based on what it sees we never fought it before because it's always too busy learning about us just shoot it in the head or just like take a laser pointer and just go to town like it can't be that hard to defeat this bastard he does look chiseled though so that might be kind of tough and grew armor plates oh never mind it grew armor plates after watching Tam blast a [ __ ] with a shotgun all right so never mind so all right there goes my whole strategy all right um well the laser point would still work we will have to fight this Watcher eventually and when that time comes it's not going to Pleasant yes John or looks like a [ __ ] that fused itself with a flip switch Android we were using as our alarm system yeah this dude was an [ __ ] he kept blasting the alarm at an impossible volume and locked down entire areas of the facility because the alarms were so loud it cause ear and brain damage can that happen can a noise be so loud it causes brain damage that's not even a disc that's just a genuine can that happen nothing that pair of ear plugs and a shotgun can't fix though [ __ ] let me just say this if it's loud enough to cause brain damage I don't think earplugs are going to do a lick a [ __ ] deal fake Damian a [ __ ] who has taken the appearance of Damen Zayn this [ __ ] was killed by Tam in the Eastern Wing hallway I I I want to be so mean about this because I just have to be honest with you lad is the point of this to remember these because these are all just so Bland and boring to the point where it's just like like this is just all in one ear not the other I mean I'm having fun like I'm I'm not saying this because like I'm having a bad time or I think that the mod is bad I think I'm just so burnt out on hearing the same [ __ ] copy and paste [ __ ] in every [ __ ] mod like this is literally no different if you changed Faker to corrupted this would literally belong in or that is the fattest insult that I can give this and it's also the truest insult that I can give this Bond have separated from us from a very long time at the start of the blackout since when the Transformers blew Alex was the one who investigated he didn't come back for a while so Dallas went to go get it Alex was about to be killed by a [ __ ] before Dallas drew his gun and fired multiple times at the [ __ ] killing it Alex contributed many times during the blackout But ultimately he decided the chaos was too much to save the facility it's even about a facility like dude change facility to laboratory change dead to corrupted and then change blackout to like I don't know ferof fluid or something bro it's it's like they're not even trying to hide it he suggested to round up our surviving subjects and evacuate and look for somewhere else to hunker down the depths will work just fine I know a good place but I may have to call in a favor ooh interesting all right now we're back to the fun [ __ ] all right let's make some actual fire now that we're with the Melodies so let's let's slowly build this up let's slowly build this up honestly do thank the Lord Almighty himself that this side of the game is great oh my God bro cuz if it wasn't we would have another corrupt box three situation all right so far my favorite dudes in here are these Five Guys these are like the cool dudes in my opinion all right now is when Shay gets weird all right Lads breaking down like can't really hear him that much honestly lad what are you doing oh he's just he's just a little background boy yeah yeah okay he he's just a little background boy he's not meant to like be crazy on his own just got to be honest with you just got to be honest with you that it do sound juice I love the character designs in this man they're so well [Music] done oh it's one of these little crossover dudes this is so well done I love all of this oh dude this is great oh I wish that there were more people here I don't want to get rid of these guys but I want to hear them all a Mr the whistle Mr whistle coming in clutch dude it is like 110 degrees in here I think that might be why I'm so angry right now I'm I'm so uncomfortable I'm literally just sweating my [ __ ] cheeks off playing this what if I I just had background noise the entire like I just had a fan just pointed at me the entire just didn't even care just imagine I played the game the entire time it sounds like this just just completely not even giving a [ __ ] just it just sounds like this call it a [Music] day yo this guy's crazy dude this guy's like wild as [ __ ] on his own this feels like opening credits to like a TV show eigor kis man's insane okay eigor had wandered out of his C soon after the lights went out and all the automatic doors unlocked he came across Carter's room and stayed there for some time maybe they were talking two [ __ ] had descended on the two soon after but eagor refused and abandoned Carter yet again by the time Tam stumbled upon Him Eagle had already beat the first one to death why is like every s bro see that's another thing that I'm telling you every single death in this is all by the same [ __ ] like there there's no variety at all there's it's not like one person was like I can't say the word cuz YouTube hates it but one person was Ki double LED in a certain way while one person was done in this way like it's literally all just the same this character beat this man to death and then this other character beat this guy to death eigor had already beat the first one to death and was punching the second one to death while they were were pinned to the ground he was also holding his own intestines in as he was slightly disemboweled from the attack keep in mind he was completely unarmed and only this this this sucks and he took down two [ __ ] eigor soon entered a pain induced coma it's unknown if he'll wake up he probably will Alex is planning on telling Carter the news Neato Carter aith that's my face right there when the [ __ ] pizza rolls are done Carter had survive the overall outbreak of [ __ ] although rescuing him had proven difficult since we had to scrape him off the wall floor and ceiling again what do you mean again you know what incredibox lore reminds me of you ever seen the bedroom scene in terier 2 that's like that's the vibe that I get with every incredibox lore where it's just like this overthe toop goofy as [ __ ] edgy as [ __ ] that's just what I get every time I play these [ __ ] lore mods adex suggested a proposition where we use surgery to properly connect the nerves in the extra hands with Carter's brain stem this is morbid actually this this part's kind of sick which would give him some control over the hands that's kind of fire actually I got to be honest with you I myself I'm question the morality behind this decision as it means Carter would be forced to be a disfigured hand Abomination for the rest of his life I mean he looks like he's having a bad time so I probably wouldn't have went for that also by the way beautifully drawn hands that looks amazing especially that one over there the hive mind one of the three monsters created by mass W the other two being The Watcher and The Eradicator I don't know why I choked on that so heavily this damn thing managed to somehow sneak inside our facility this is the hive mind [ __ ] the thing that keeps produc producing more [ __ ] if this thing dies every other [ __ ] dies with it it caused the blackout it got so out of hand that we had to evacuate and we're searching for another temporary Hideout lovely fake T oh [ __ ] here comes fake t a [ __ ] that took the appearance of Tam fatan this [ __ ] is one of the few very perfect [ __ ] in existence this is so overly vulgar on my end dude all right I'm going to stop I'm going to stop saying the f word that this Faker is one of the very few perfect fakers in existence looking physically perfect in every way this how ever made him obvious as a faker since the real Tam isn't actually that normal looking that's [ __ ] up man despite this fake Tam proved to be an elusive threat who constantly sabotage our efforts in restoring the facility it was eventually killed by Edgar when the blackening occurred we all had to leave our main Lounge to deal with the problem I had Edgar hide into a locker and told him not to come out until I told him to big mistake I shouldn't have left him alone yeah he's done about an hour into the incident the fake version of me that ass hole lured Edgar out by mimicking my voice with my face and tried to attack Edgar there was a serious struggle based on the furniture in the room but it's possible that Edgar fought back and bashed the faker's face in with a printer killing it okay so he also got bludgeon to De lovely Edgar had been seriously traumatized since and hasn't been responding to anything I still think he's trying to process the fact he actually killed something I'm sorry little man my yo my man's having a time of his [Music] life the run through the halls and make your monk horses or in the night wait a [Music] minute bro we're making mixes oh I love it I want to hear all the voices by themselves cuz I want to give them their own little time in the spotlight I don't want them to just get drowned out by another [Music] one oh yeah you were the coolest bastard on the planet also can we just like real fast talk about this [ __ ] what the what the [ __ ] is this like like dude that's another thing that I [ __ ] can't stand when it comes to these mods like this is when they give you these hints to unlock bonus characters literally in what [ __ ] scenario am I supposed to know what this is without just asking someone who knows it like what what is this [ __ ] thing I harm things both biotic and abiotic you don't know I'm there until I start I can change the style inside of my current host what am I uh cancer no tumor no STD no disease just as a whole no you don't know I'm there until I start acting Leonardo DiCaprio no I can change the style inside of my current host hormones I love how the voices in this are actually voices as well that is a giant plus you wouldn't think that that'd be something to compliment but it really is when you get voices who are voices it's a big deal boom hey [ __ ] [ __ ] oh this guy's all Pixy okay Lads break it down light ooh oh I love that little error sign that was beautiful this guy's kind of cool you know I could probably keep him up here for this last guy oh man this guy just looks simple as hell all right break it down wait a minute oh wait no no no no I think this guy might be [ __ ] crazy bring it down l oh it sounds great it sounds so [Music] nice Tam Fatman Tam is the Scout and brute force of the vital force vital reference The Cure that was used on him seems to have given him enhanced endurance strength and speed as well as minor abilities strangely affiliated with Abyssal he was overall a big hand in attempting to take back the facility during the blackout lovely good to know then we have Jon's off okay yeah so it turns out that JN was one of the Abyssal the whole time uh his real name is just aith he told us this after we saw him obliterating a faker with capabilities that are for lack of a better word inhuman at this point I I'm now I'm curious John is also the older sibling of the master which is why they know each other he used his shape-shifting capabilities as a Pisces to make himself look hum to blend right in John said he kept this information hidden because he was worried about what we would do but we were chill about it I mean what does he take us for racist not to mention me and Alex already sort of figured it out anyway before he told us Dallas was the only one genuinely shocked I think what a great secret Elliot Riot why are you making me write this why did you do that Elliot why did you make me do that I'm sorry forgive me Dallas Texas ooh the main man himself ha holographic assistant ooh that's kind of cool you know that's a that's a that's a bit of an interesting take ha was a big hand for navigating the overall facility and was able to pinpoint the exact locations of threats and survivors through their vital signals Alex has managed to fix them entirely except that ha was extremely laggy during the facility's blackout since he was forced to use lower power backup batteries since he couldn't use the building's power oh [ __ ] Dallas Texas himself Dallas helped out very well with the ferof fluid incident however the other Riot brother Elliot had breached containment along with everything else Elliot had unfortunately reached one of the last stages of not even going to try that and had entered delusional episodes of blind and murderous intent during one of these episodes he had put Tam in a choke hold and was threatening to kill him with a Shard of glass Dallas was forced to shoot and okay and kungle his own brother to save Tam I do not think he's taking it well yeah same I would go with that as well what the hell what is this I have no idea because I don't know how to unlock them oh wait a minute is it just a virus there we go it's a virus all right lovely that that still doesn't tell me the [ __ ] calculus equation oh that's kind of cool hey look at that he kind of morphs all around a bit okay Lads oh I kind of like that a lot you know that's that's [ __ ] clean I love the text on the screen that is amazing yeah this guy's cool as [ __ ] the virus a sensient computer virus that was uploaded onto the main facility's control room by an unknown individual because of this thing it made it impossible getting automatic security measures back online which made evacuation the only other option highly likely it was made by Mr aror but also not really since Dr mass winth is a bioengineer not a programmer we'll investigate more soon lovely yeah th this whole [ __ ] thing right here literally what how in God's name like in what world am I just supposed to figure that out all right lad let's make some actual heat now see this is why I love setbox man because it's such a guaranteed good time in terms of the like just the the music side of it whenever you play a setbox mod you are pretty much guaranteed to have some kind of bump and beat in the mix but final thoughts right here Lads now I would say that with this mod just as a singular project not counting anything lore related not counting anything about like Back stories and whatnot I think that this mod genuinely is an S tier 10 out of 10 I kind of wish that they had more variety in the colors you know what I mean kind of do wish that they all had a bit more of like just their own color coordination that's really the only nitpick that I have in terms of like the actual game part of it aside from that everything is great the animations are phenomenal the designs are great this is one of the best music sides of it that I've ever seen just aesthetically this is just phenomenal with the static and all that but where this mod shits the bed in all my days does [ __ ] the bed is the [ __ ] lore dude the lore in this I I hate to be such a Negative [ __ ] but the lore in this genuinely feels like the most uninspired unoriginal paint by numbers [ __ ] that I've ever read in my life I'm not trying to like discredit anyone's like hard work I mean like if the Riders did genuinely bust their ass making the lore for this then hey fair play but really it just seems like another horror mod just told in a slightly different way it doesn't matter what it is it doesn't matter if it's [ __ ] refer to as the blackening or the pharaoh's curse or Pharaoh fluid or a blackout it is literally the same [ __ ] just slightly changed like you know what it's kind of like it's kind of like a Mad Lib it it genuinely feels like whenever someone makes a mod where the story is about some kind of tragic incident for some insane reason has to follow this same recipe and this same template of just laboratory SL facility there is a corrupted virus or plague or liquid that's going around that is corrupting and killing people like it's just it's the same thing and what pisses me off as well is that this is [ __ ] setbox man this is literally one of the biggest deal series franchises whatever you want to call it this is one of the most biggest respectable ones and to see it from a lore standpoint kind of stoop down to the level of who gives a [ __ ] that kind of disappoints me a lot I think that whoever wrote this mod like yeah got to do something new man let me also just say this for the record that I don't hate lore I love it when mods have a lore in it because it actually makes you connected to the characters and connected to the world itself but when it's just the same goddamn thing again and again and again that's what pisses me off about it but completely ignoring the lore completely just disregarding all of that [ __ ] this mod is an S tier 10 out of 10 but since you now have to include the lore as part of the package deal the lore kind of ruins this mod and takes it from like an S to at least like a B minus get rid of the lore and it's a [ __ ] clear s tier all day no hesitation 10 out of 10 so I'm end it off right there so if you enjoy this kind of content then the buttons are down there you know what to do and uh have a good one so go bye see you now through your mind
Channel: NeesterHere
Views: 24,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NeesterHere, neester, neaster, anime, animated, cartoon, incredibox, music, vevo, rap, beat, instrumental, mod, scratch, sepbox, mix, lights out, scary, horror, analog horror, game, gaming, lets play, review, ranking, retrospective, react, reaction, tik tok, comedy
Id: 9hQuifUWp40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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