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My stomach hurts. - No, my love, you have to cover your nose. - You're going to get water... - Have you already eaten, Hugo? - Spectacular food. - How's the fish? Ayy, I want to jump into the water. - Let's see if the wave comes... - How beautiful they are... How are you? How are they? Lisanna's life... A girl from another continent who has never tried exotic fruits... Here we are, back in bed... - We arrived in Bocas del Toro. - And we were touring, there are chickens, a bit of everything. - And we found a plant of this fruit. Because on the cacao tour the guy cut us a piece and we ate the white part. And it was rich, so, we saw it and "umm." "It's on the tree, let's eat it." The fruit is called "aki", something like that. - I ate two. - It comes with three, Lisanna ate one. - And soon after he began to feel very, very bad. My stomach hurts. As if it was swollen and hot. I mean, I went to the internet and then I read what it is. I sat on a toxic tree... Now, a toxic fruit... Because only this white part can be eaten. - That. The rest is toxic. - There we bought Lisannita in the Chinese supermarket - a little something there, for the stomach. - And we're going to wait for him to get better. - Because tomorrow we are going to do the tour in Bocas del Toro. Throw it outside... - I'm going to eat it. No! Now it's been a while and I feel almost fine. But it started to itch. It gave me as if it were an allergy. Look at the allergy that gave me... My goodness... Good morning. Where are you going? Aaa... They escape you... Good morning. All the symptoms went away overnight. I'm fine. As if nothing had happened. Today we are going to do the tour that takes us by boat to see dolphins. To snorkel. To see the stars of the sea. And the Slipper Island. As you hear, there's like a chicken zoo in there. But before we start the tour, I wanted to comment on something. Yesterday we were looking for agencies and a guy approached us and very kindly introduced us to the tour he offers. Who much does it cost. We ask for contact. Because what we always do is see the recommendations. There we put in 'search' and almost all the agencies have recommendations like this: there are people who loved it and there are people who put 1 star and say "don't go, it's very bad". The agency we are going to go with today also has very low recommendations. So, today we're going to kind of go on a "find the truth" journey. If it is true that it is bad or it is really a good tour. Here comes the traffic. No. - It wasn't... Well, they were going to come looking for us and we waited there on the road and no one came. - The company didn't come to look for us... - So... Even if they tell us "they came by and didn't see us", I don't think... No one came by. So, really, we didn't even start the tour and we already found the truth... So we're going to look for another agency. It seems to me that... Let's see what's there... Let's go. uh. Have me. Careful with that. - Does it slip? - Yes. - Wow, look, Lisannita! Look. Here we are in another day. In the end, we paid for the most expensive tour there was... - Yes. - 40 USD each person. - The one with the best stars on Google. Clear. From going to the worst, to the best. So let's see how it's going to be. - Lisanna, and I wanted to explain something to you. - In this tour there will be a part that we go diving. Yes. - Do you know that to dive in a boat you have to throw yourself on your back? - Did you know why? - No. - You have to sit here and lie on your back. - Backwards. - Oh really? - Yes, when you dive, do you know why? - Because if you jump forward, you fall into the boat. - In other words, you have to throw yourself backwards. - Ooh. - Oooh. - Woohoo! - A little excitement. - Before leaving... - Those are the little houses that you can rent that are on the water. - Look how cute. - Look. - Woow... - Woohoo! - A. - You wanted to go ahead. - ooh. What waves... Aah! Oh, God... - Oh... - Oh... Oh, God... - I see the title of this video. - "I felt bad on the boat." - Lisanna, did you see? - He always happens something to her. - Oh... It's so... - It looks like we're riding a horse. Aa... The stone man... We got to see the dolphins. - Eh... I already saw one. - Look at the number of boats following the dolphins... Look, there they are. - There they are, yes. - They are there. We know that Hugo QPA is also doing the tour today. - Exact. But we don't know what boat it's on... - It must be somewhere. - Let's go see him... - Instead of looking for the dolphin, let's look for Hugo, Lisanna. Yes. - Hugo! No this. - Hugo is not here. There is. - There it is, there it is! Yay! - There it is, there it is, look. Wait, it's raining in my camera... - Uh... - Look how it's starting to rain now... - There, others came out there. - There is. - They are there. - Look how cute... - Oh, this water is warm. - Oh... - Yummy. - The water is warm. - Yeah. - Wow. - There is! Oh. - There are many! - There are several here. - Wow. - Now yes. Look. - How cute! We are now in Cayo Coral. There, where the boats are, we are going to snorkel. But first, we must reserve what we are going to eat. - This is the only restaurant here. - Let's see how the prices are. - And make a reservation to eat after snorkeling. It rains a lot... It rains a lot today. - We had a pretty difficult day. - But it's hot and the water is very hot. Where we are going to snorkel, the water is 2 meters/2.5 meters. - Look, Lisanna, the gas siphon is also going to snorkel later. good. - "Chicken with coconut sauce, 15 USD." We made the reservation, two coconut chicken dishes. It's the most expensive dish we're going to eat in a long time. But after this there is like 3 more hours of the tour. Otherwise we're going to cry like skeletons... - We're going to be malnourished. - Ready, Lisanna? Very cold... Oh... the water is warmer than the air... - Maybe we should all hook up from the boat through the water. - Which is warmer, did you see? It would be good. - Are the Ticos ready? - Whoa! - Tuanis mae, pure life? - Pure Life! - Pure life, tuanis mae. The color of the water is spectacular. - No, the place is incredibly beautiful... The color is not very noticeable, but it is very beautiful. - Crystal clear water, crystal clear. - Look, there you can see all the people snorkelling. - There it is, my love. - Do you know how to put it? - I never used. - You have to put it in your eyes and mouth. Yes, but... - "Yes"... - Did you see what a good explanation I gave? - Very good! - I am a practical man. - Yes. - I am a practical man. - No, but it's okay. - I am the man of the 21st century. - Practical, updated. - The one that all women want, but only one has... - Exactly! Exactly. There is a "fire coral", if you touch it, it will burn your skin. - There's fire coral, brain coral... You can't touch them. - And you can't step on it, my love. - Do not try. - Pull back, remember. - Backwards. Well. - Ah, isn't it on your back that you have to throw yourself, captain? - No, we don't have tanks. - Oh. - Of course... there are no tanks... - Without the tank, when diving we throw ourselves on our backs. - So, we move forward. - Forward, yes. - Oh. - We load tanks, yes. - Of fat. - Ah, che... It gives me... - It makes you gag... - Do you have one without gagging? - If you want, you can just the glasses. - If it can be. - As? - Don't you want the tube? No... - But, Lisanna, are you going to know how to breathe through your mouth? Yes, I mean, I see a little bit and go by air. - Well. - Can't! - I can't throw myself like that. - It scares me... - No, my love, you have to cover your nose. - You're going to get water... No... - You can't go like this, water is going to get into your mask. - That's right there. - That. good. - That's how it is. - Pure Life. Duck in the water - I'm afraid... - Don't be afraid. - I do have one too, but it doesn't matter... - Are you going to jump? - Yes. - Long live Messi! - Wow. - Wow. - Lisanna, did you see it? - It didn't come in... Now it's recording. - Did I cut my foot? That? - Did I cut myself? No. - What you see below is very very good. - I've never seen him in my life. - It's the first time I do snorkelling. - I got water in the tube! - To me in the mouth. - It has to blow hard. - Blow out? - Yes. - Blow hard and the water will come out. - Perfect, now yes. - AHA. Well, we're back. Let's see. Oh! - Don't fall, my love. - I thought this was incredible. - I've never done it before in my life. - Is incredible. I went without the tube, and guy taking a little air and looking a little. Because I'm not good with that breathing underwater thing. - At first it gave me a little despair. - But then I got used to it. - And it's really good because you can stay under the water for about half an hour - looking at everything that's incredible below. Yes. - I scraped my fingers. Look. - You see? - With a coral. - But it was very good. I saw fish. - How incredible... - Well, you're going to see here the... - Is it left, Lisanna? - Yes. - Did it go out? Well. - It's fascinating, people. I would have to take some swimming lessons, I realized... - Yes, my love? To strengthen the lungs. - Strengthen the lungs. - The only thing that scared me is that the corals are low. Yes. - I mean, you touch them with your feet, and I cut myself a little here. - I don't know if it's going to infect me. - You are Ticos, right? - Yes. - Yes. - And they take Balboa, but Balboa is from here. - She's Panamanian. - Is the beer more, let's say, "Panama popular"? - Balboa, the best known? - The best known, yes. - I mean, there's also Panama, but it's too soft for me, let's say. - Delicious. - It is very bitter, strong. - Yes, good. Hugo! - What are you doing? - Did you snorkel? - Yeah? - Yes really? A question. - This is Hugo QPA. - If you don't know me on this channel, you don't know me on any... One question. Did you go with the company we were going to go with yesterday? - Yes. - And he didn't pick us up. - How are you? - All good, no problem. - All good? - Very good captain, all good. - I talked to them, I talked to them today. - All good. - Now, in theory, when I come back, they will give me the ticket to go. - All good. - Ah, well, Hugo! - You have to be attentive, nothing more. Well. - Che, Hugo, did you like snorkelling? - I loved. Were they just there? - Yes. Did you see how good it is? - Great. - Eh... - Have you tried the Balboa yet? - Yes, I tried it. - You like me? - Give me a little more. - I didn't try it very well, I want to try it now. - I want to try it again. The meal arrived. Chicken, coconut sauce, rice, plantain, salad. - Me too, we asked for it because it was the cheapest there was. - So you do what you can. Isn't that right Hugo? - If you want, I'll lend you 1 USD so you can ask for a little fish. No problem. - "1 USD"... - One more dollar... - 1 USD, a fish. - Mmm... It's delicious... - Yes? - You, Hugo, what did you ask for? - We put 1 USD more and we put the filet. - But we only ask for one. - In other words, we were really poorer than you. - Because you spent 30 USD, we spent 16 USD... - Did you see, Lisanna? - Lisanna gave the idea. - But I was afraid of being hungry. - No, it's that we brought a banana. - We brought food. - Oh. - And to save money, we're going to walk back. - Yeah? - Yes. - You, my love, do you want to try? - Yes. - Try, my love. - Try before Hugo eats it. - What's left over, I keep. Mmm... The chicken is delicious. - Very good, isn't it? Yes. - And try the coconut rice, my love. - Which is your favourite. The taste is a little softer. that in Colombia - AHA. It's kind of soft here. - Have you already eaten, Hugo? - Spectacular food. - How's the fish? - The fish is very good, I tell you more. - For those who don't know, Milly is the new wife of... - No. - The new... - The new, that is... - She was Hugo's old and new wife. - Yes, the new and the old, both. - The new and the old, there was always only one woman in his heart. - Oh... thank you... - Only she went and came back. - But he never left. - No? - No. - I always had it here. - And what did you guys try? - Little fish for 1 USD more. - For me, the richest thing here is the octopus. - Yes. - Oh, yes? - Very tasty octopus. - Yes. - Yesterday I ate octopus, it's the best thing I ever ate. - We ate octopus ceviche apart. - As well as acid and everything, very rich. - Delicious. - All right, guys, bon appetit. - Thank you, Matthew! - Thank you. Look at all the little fish there are. They are all in a group. Wow. - Woohoo! - Speed ​​up! What beauty is this! - The color of the water is amazing... I loved that palm tree alone there. Look at the color of the water. A paradise. - The color of the water, what it is... We arrived in paradise. Look. Slipper Island. Ayy, I want to jump into the water. - Wow. - What a place... - Omg... Now you understand why I told you a thousand times "I want to go to this island". - It's true, Lisanna was right. I insisted a lot... - Lisanna was absolutely right, as always, she is always right. He is cuter in real life than in the photo. Wow. Is the sand soft? - Yes. - Very soft and very white. - Look at the color of the water. It is spectacular. - What an incredible place... And it was far away huh. It's not close. - It's far away, but this place is a dream. - It's a dream. Like an island paradise. Wow. And there are some giant waves. Because it is open sea. But it's very quiet here. Look there, look, Mateo. Different colors. Wow... - Because there are reefs. How cute. - What place is this? For God's sake... I feel like I'm dreaming. I don't know if all the colors are noticeable in the camera. Now the sun has gone a bit, but when the sun comes, the colors there are... Wonderful... - The water is super crystalline. And it's warm. - And it's hot. - The water is hot. - First impressions in Panama couldn't be better. - And it must also be said that it is difficult - to surpass the beauty of the beaches of Central America. - And the Caribbean. And getting here is also... Did you see those movies when it's a desert island? - When you are shipwrecked. - Clear. - Your boat broke and you're with your girl. Aw... - How cute che... I loved it. Let's see the water... Wow. - Is she pretty? - The color of the water is but beautiful... - It's also pretty... - Oops! - I almost put the camera in the water... - There are also quite a few corals here. - Look. - There is enough coral, my love. - Dresses? Oh. - Dresses? - Come on, my love, I'll take your picture. Let's see. - Let's see if the wave comes. - Lisanna wants to take the picture, but the wave comes and takes it away. - Look. - Well, now the wave is not coming. - Look, look, look. Everything I do for Instagram. follow me - Subscribe to the channel, people. - That Lisanna always tries to take a picture to be pretty. - For you. - Yeah! - But the wave always carries her... Yes... - Ma, poor devil... What is that? - A mini-crab. - ooh. - Look. film it. - How nice. - It moves so much that the camera can't reach it. There is. - Wow. How cute. I've only seen that in movies. - Wow. - Your new wig. Beautiful. Loveliness. They like? Leave in the comments. No! - It's algae. - Pure seaweed. - When you eat it in the sushi, did you see? No... Look at this palm tree. - Here you do have the palm trees. - Stop recording your videos! Hugo! - Hugo! What are you doing?! - What are you doing there? - I go with the current, it takes me. - Did I save you? - No, I'm fine, I love it! - I'm swimming so as not to pay. Bye! - Bye, Hugh! - See you. - How are you? How beautiful, isn't it? - Precious. - They like? - We love it, it's too cute. - We were just comparing the beaches we've been to in Panama - and I think this one takes it... - The top 1. - I think it takes it. - Yes. - It's very nice. Look, fruits. - Don't eat... Why? - Otherwise it hurts you. I loved that it's not like a full jungle. It's like flat here and there are palm trees. - It's not a dense jungle. Clear. From the boat you could see that the island is full of palm trees. - Look at the coconuts there. You have to be careful that a coconut doesn't fall on your head... What a forest... There's something moving... If it's a crocodile, I run... What is that? - Ah, it's there, it's there. But what is it? - I don't know. - It's really big. - But it's coming towards us. - What is it? - A lizard. - But where? - Here, look. Come. No no no no... I get scared... - No. And if a crocodile comes running? - It's not going to do anything to you. - I was there. No, I better go because... - Why? Because it gets more and more swampy... Well, the truth is, this island is paradisiacal. Come here, because you will not regret it. - It's unbelievably beautiful. Especially when the sun is out. A beauty. Bye! - I greet you as the queen of the sea. Look. - I love it, beautiful. - Just like the queen of the sea. - All my life I wanted to be a mermaid! - Bye! - And here we are on the island of starfish. - An island full of starfish. - Let's see if we can see them now from the boat. - Uh... I'm already seeing a lot here. - Che, my love, there are a lot. Where? - Here, look, here they are. - Look. How cute! - Wow. - Look at all the ones there. - What amount... Wow. - How cute they are. - Why are they all here? Why is the water warm? - Yes, it is warm and the sea is calm. - There is little swell. - Ah... I've never seen anything like this. - Me neither. - In real life. They are so pretty... What a pretty thing! - Do the stars eat that? - Stars feed on seaweed, on small crabs, - and then regenerate. - That is, they break their fingers and a new star comes out. - Wow... - Wow. - Once they are broken, they are born again. - Doesn't this water look like a mirror? Yes, it's beautiful... - How perfect the water... Wow. - So, they like to be here because the water is warm and calm. And to think that it is an animal, right? - And it's an animal. - I mean, how crazy. - Look my love. - Uh... How cute. They live from 10 to 20 years. - I find it incredible. - They have 3 stomachs, like cows. And they can't be touched. Because they have like a hole, and if oxygen gets in, they can't go under water anymore. - Of course, that is, if you take it out, oxygen enters it and then it floats. - And he can't go any lower and he dies. There we have pelicans, and there we have a party. - What's that? - Ah, is that the party you were talking about? - Yes. - That's it. - What goes with everything? - Full carton. - Yeah? - Is that where you guys are going? - We wanted to go. - Is it very expensive? - 40 USD for entry or 200 USD for VIP. Eh... - Yes, it's 40 USD, I think. Plus the drink. - It's really full... - Plus the drink. - Look at the party we have up here. - One two three! Come on! - Wo wo wo wo! Eeee! - Dj, put the track there! - That!
Channel: Mateo & Lisanna
Views: 470,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Isla zapatilla bocas del toro, bocas del toro, bocas del toro beaches, bocas del toro panama, bocas del toro panama 4k, bocas del toro panama fiesta, bocas del toro things to do, cayo zapatilla, hoteles en bocas del toro panama, isla colon bocas del toro, isla zapatilla, mateo y lisanna, panama, playa bluff bocas del toro, playa estrella bocas del toro, playas bocas del toro panama, que hacer en bocas del toro, que visitar en panama, travel vlog, vlog, zapatilla
Id: Fqn6egOPWtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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