Sending Push Notifications with Supabase

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my name is William and I'm a developer Advocate at one signal and today I want to walk you through a sample application that I built that demonstrates how to integrate one signal and Super Bass first a little bit about one signal we're the market leading customer engagement platform for push email SMS and ni messaging we have over 30 platform Integrations and they're all open source let's jump into the demo so before I jump into the application there are a few things that I want to show that back this application triggers allow me to respond to events that happen on this particular table and do something database web hooks what it allows you to do is to send out web hook events based off of events that happen on your database whenever someone inserts data into the orders table send out a web hook of it but I have a basic application of all of the functionality is here though you can see that if I click here on Super Bass it pulls up my profile information this is actually stored on Super Bass first prompt for notification consent to make sure that I've done that I should have it so let's go ahead and click allow next I have a 1 one signal section in this loading data from one signal and let's go on to this order confirmation use case and initialize the payment make the payment what's really happening is I'm using the Super Bass client to insert data into the orders table let's come here and see if I have a notification and I do let's go to one signal select email as my Preferred channel now this time the expectation is that I'm going to get an email the rest of the stuff works the same it's going to the same function looks like I just got it with one signal you can get messaging across all of your supervised apps anything from SMS email web push and mobile push okay that was integration hopefully you were able to follow that if not that's okay I wrote a full guide that will walk you through all of this it's located on our GitHub page and you can also join our Discord Community where you can join and ask questions and just talk about one signal in general finally I want to say thank you it's been an awesome experience being part of this Super Bass launch suite and I'm looking forward to seeing what the community does so with that happy building peace
Channel: OneSignal
Views: 7,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mw0DLwItue4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 4sec (124 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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