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Bradlee in the building brought the vlog is miss you when's the last time you're here I swear people been tweeting me like where's Brad it's been too long okay you know you are starting school soon you're almost done with school so as a little congratulations make school a little easier I know you can see it I got you this this is the new T Fox school supplies that are available right now guys if you're going back to school you want to be swagged out you gotta get that but hey cannot forget you need some pens everybody needs some pencils so we got the T Fox pencils me and maverick are gonna go to the dentist right now so we will be back you got you and Bobby can go have some fun and then we'll finish the vlog we get back right seems like the past two vlogs I've been going over schools that I used to go to this is the school that I got kicked out of it's like it's like a private school and I actually got kicked out of it for posting a YouTube video that I filmed in the classroom four years ago kind of ironic yo I just realized bro I'm fitted right now I am so fitted right now oh you're fit - this is absolutely I know these shirts aren't anymore but like this is seriously one my most famous face we've made you already know I'm here to remind you guys only two days left to get the new T Fox brand short shirt and the new hat literally two days to get like these shorts are like my absolute favorite thing I've ever made two more days and then we're not there for that so link in the description all right guys I got going the dentist now so I'm average gonna fill me here we go is it just me or did this office always have the same smell I always probably [Music] and I'm also perfect always put like a description alright guys finally back from the dish my teeth are all white and they're really sensitive now but we're having a sesh in the backyard Bobby's also here you didn't even see the vlog yet and he's over here I got that on film Bobby's over here being way better at skate tramp within many of us what is that how do you do that can't he impossible again Bobby's just one of those one of those people that just like really good in like it's clean at everything he does maverick was all excited he came back he's like I learned Cody's and then he didn't have he didn't really learn them fanny packs coming off I don't know about that maverick he's a little sketchy he's a little sketchy little boy with his little pants oh no you could do it the man of the hour can he do it no still no no maybe next vlog what the heck bring me a copyrighted real-time hi it's a prank you're gonna go in and go right in here you're gonna have to go right Brad you have to this way in this lane guys where youtubers moved the camouflage excuse me excuse me I'm a vlogger thank you so much I'm a vlogger it's all good she said go ahead she heard me she wasn't gonna let us but then I let her know I'm a youtuber and she was like I said my hand on the camera thank you so much main objective we have to acquire helium and some balloons everybody we have some pretty serious stuff going on right now I'm about to become the first youtuber what is up with playing on my doors not closed okay like I was saying I'm about to become the first youtuber in the world to send merch to the moon we got it head into this party store right sorry I'm a youtuber thank you so much youtuber hi youtuber awesome cool people just move out of it thank you see you Thank You youtuber sorry about that like I was saying I'm gonna become the first Hubert okay just watch just watch come on I can't leave you kids anywhere what are you getting yourself into now Smarties guys come on we got we have to get balloon hey do you guys recommend we get a tank of helium and do it ourselves or should we just get a bunch of balloons and show the car and I win one of these why doesn't this work this isn't fair and we need the string also where do we get string only there was workers here that can help us matter what's the best balloon okay guys so the new merch just dropped if you guys want the limited edition cars um I don't know what I'm doing yo are these giant balloons I think so yes Borah balloons 24 inches how big our little ones 12 inches these are double this size we should keep big ones you found strength what else color should we get this great sure your good things you just grab that for us maverick remember you have to do whatever it takes in order to get that string right there because we're gonna need that before what we're about to do I mean how else would anyone get it you're good first thing yeah all right we're ready that up to you to hell and lookout Lulu said move what was her deal did you hey some old lady just yelled at us for standing looking at stuff watch this who invented this and why don't I have them on my website are you gonna do Brad give this nice man a piece of candy and gotta give it to him how are you gonna give it to him out the window piece of candy I don't have any change [Music] yeah hope you like it god bless see man Bradley's a good guy you want a piece of candy go all right guys we just got to the park or at some random grass field in the middle of I don't even know your boys got some merch some clothes hangers a tank of helium big balloons let's head up there oh this space just for you learn those for God we got all the supplies we're never bring those supplies over with this supplies what did I throw my phone was my phone in that bunch Wow I'm irresponsible so today is a super big day gonna ask you why it's a big day why is it big day because I'm about to be the first youtuber to send my merch to the moon ever since I was in third grade I've wanted to be an astronaut and what better way to do it that just send my mercy to the moon so yeah we're gonna fill up these balloons we decided to buy balloons separate instead of having them fill it up that way it's kind of like a DIY I'm showing you guys once you guys make merch if you have March I'm gonna show you how scents hey guys wait yeah see it's not different you guys sound any ID I sound the same bro it doesn't work for me they all sound different for me ready oh we barnacles we got to figure out how to fill up these balloons maverick and then we're sending some merch to the moon we have to do this one first hey Bobby I know you're on the phone we'll put this ASAP stat that bag is rolling away we're gonna grab that guy's kids don't litter this is harder than look don't let it hit the grass little pop you don't on a table yeah I need liquid I mean food you do it Brad I just I don't want to hurt you can you do it try that don't let them hit the grass Brad no pop we're gonna send mercs to the moon we're gonna say Merce the moon this one's free Lance Armstrong is it his land starts from a biker or a astronaut who's the Armstrong who's the guy I'm thinking of Neil Armstrong wait no he's our the biker no okay okay Neil answer Neil Neil Armstrong oh you're pregnant calling you on a child what am i doing how does this work anybody know how this works we're all gonna get tangled that's enough yeah that's enough nobody lose your balloon hello oh you're it's a boy is it not floating what is this sorcery why is it not floating this is not gonna work rewrite I told you it's gonna okay well the bottom line is whether or not it floats I have pencils so regardless merch is going to the moon you need way bayar go big like afraid of pop how's the problem go wrong not very good I don't I don't I I can't say that I've been in business with balloons before Bobby has so you probably could not work at Party City I honestly probably would not qualify to work at Party City dang that's a big balloon you guys think I'm saying bad word but really I'm just saying this isn't working wait tie this on there I think we're only gonna get one shot at this because I don't think we bought enough helium oh we're good at this check that out we should just go all out for yeah justice you get some more balloons 30-below have to go up there make sure we we can pass up those trees this is exciting this is good I've you know I've waited a long time to do all right wait wait we gotta try it Bobby's trying to get it going like a jet plane go go go go much to the moon okay so I'm not really a scientist and we realized that we probably should have got a bigger amount of helium than this little tiny tank we probably should have gotten like four of these that way we could fill up all these balloons let's try to send this to the moon and see what happens and if not you know we got some smaller merch toss her up let see what happens but see what happens Bobby ready ready ready three two one okay um try again maverick get a shot get a shot you got this now he's gonna give us a nice little shot in the wind oh no all right guys let's attach some pencils it also sucks cuz it's super windy out here so the balloons that may I'm that's probably the reason or the fact that you know we don't have very much helium to be fair we read the box and it said it could feel like 15 balloons up and we do have big balls okay guys take number two if we got that Newtie fox school supplies it's just a way but we got to start up here be honest are you nice you ready eight smash the like button cuz I don't think we have enough helium and I really need your guys's support yo mates to the moon baby let's go you see that way it's right there it's right there rope it's a proud moment you guys find that pencil tweet me a picture of it somewhere in San Diego isn't the ocean that way yeah so could end up in Hawaii yo I'm actually very very pleased the fact that that actually floated hold up it's going up it's cuz the wind bro there's no window that thing is going to the moon I don't care and nobody says so if you live on the moon you find that pencil you DM me on Twitter and that felt so good I'm so proud of us high-five Bobbi give me a hug man we did that oh this is our life now we're astronauts we are astronaut cool guys well now we got to clean up all this next time we'll send some bigger merch well we're all gonna clean up now wow that felt good guys that felt so good I'd like to take a moment to thank my mom I'd like to thank the Fox fanfare believing in me and telling me that I could do it and guys drop a thumbs up first youtuber send merch to the moon good work guys good work fellas that was so fun okay everybody that is gonna do it for today's vlog wait maverick bro come here there's no meme oh how could we oh my gosh okay anyways Roli outro I wish [Music] [Music] shoes [Music]
Channel: Tanner Fox
Views: 648,557
Rating: 4.8338056 out of 5
Keywords: tanner fox, Scooter, scootering, funny, music, laugh, awesome, videos, skatepark, extreme, sports, insane, water, canon, 70d, video, vlog, vlogging, tanner, trampolines, sending, merch, to, the, moon, space, outer space, views from views, zero gravity, earth, sending merch to the moon, sending merch to space, 300000 feet, high, family, friendly
Id: hqwaojGhsZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2017
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