Sell Your "Property Now"!

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[Music] now selling your own property can be a very daunting task but it can save you tens of thousands of dollars by doing it yourself now Emily and I have sold our own properties over the last few years and I'm going to share with you my thoughts and insights of how you can do this too and again save yourself thousands now last year Emily and I worked on a flip project in asley on the north side of Brisbane and we sold that property completely ourselves now even though I run a buyers agency we sold that as owners as homeowners and we've actually just sold the baby queenslander which is our investment property on the north side of Brisbane so I'm going to walk you through exactly how we listed the property online the steps we took to maximize the sale price and give you some tips and tricks along the way all right let's get selling so the first step you need to do is research and prepare your property for sale now for Emily and I with 25 lead Street at Evon Park which is our investment property and the baby queenslander up here on the YouTube series we had tenants in our property now we wanted to vacate those tenants at the end of their lease to Stage the home for sale if we'd sold the property tenanted we would have reduced our buyer pull significantly because roughly around 70% of buyers are owner occupies and 30% of buyers are investors in the Australian market so to appeal to 100% of buyers out there we wanted to Stage the property for sale had the property vacant so we took vacant possession from the current tenants and then put the property on the market and that's exactly what we did we actually initially offered to the tenants to get them to vacate earlier than their current lease date we offered them several th000 to vacate earlier and that would allow us to put the property on the market earlier and then receive the funds from sale quicker in our case they actually denied our requests for them to leave early and decided to stay to their end of the lease which they're well entitled to do but once the lease is up you're able to take the property back and then essentially prepare it for sale so once the tenants had vacated let's get ready for staging now we used a company called sell in style and for $2700 or $2,700 we were able to Stage the home completely in preparation for sale now the great thing about selling style is they come out to the property they walk through the home with you they take a bunch of photos and then they do all the design work for you you don't have to think about it thank goodness cuz I'm I definitely wouldn't haveen be the best person to design the place for staging but they did all the hard work they went through they brought all the furniture in and to allow them to do that we actually just put a lock box on site so this is something you can do when you're selling once the property is vacant and you're ready to have trades and stages come through the home put a lock box on site and they can get access anytime the other thing we did to prepare for sale is we had the full exterior of the property pressure washed now we used a pressure high company called the pressure clean guys I found them by scaring a bunch of Google reviews and getting a couple of quotes now their pricing was spot on they charg us $660 to pressure clean the exterior of the home and the pathways around the property so the pressure cleaning guys were nice and affordable I left them a fivestar review because we were really happy with the property and it made the home look a lot better in preparation for sale so you vacated the property you've got it stage for sale you've cleaned it up as much as you need to in our case we didn't want to spend too much money renovating the property we knew other people who were going to buy the home were going to knock it down they were going to extend it they were going to do some major Renovations in the near future from our point of view it didn't make sense to spend more money so look at your own property and do your analysis as to whether it makes sense to do some minor cosmetic Renovations now there are some circumstances where it does make sense to give the property a lick of paint and update the carpets and update the kitchens and bathrooms but you've got to look at it on a caseby casee basis and this leads me into your next point which is your analysis on pricing the property now Emily and I used a property website called property now to sell the property ourselves homeowners and so what you can do is you can jump onto this website and you can log into your own account and put up your very own listing so I'm going to walk you through ours now now this is the home screen you're going to see when you've got a property listed up on property now's website you can see here it's 25 lead Street in Evan Park we've confirmed by giving a rates notice that this is our property and it's actually under offer at the moment and I'm excited to share with you guys the detailed numbers of what we sold the property for all of the expenses and the net profit that we've made in selling the investment property including the tax effect as well for Emily and I and how we're going to use the funds going forward so make sure you subscribe to see that in a future video but we paid $829 as you can see here to set up this listing online and it's listed on domain andreal so I'm going to walk you through the listing process with property now so you can see at the top here that it gives you an order of process to list the property you need to provide the details the features the price photos description contact inspections and listing enhancements so we've listed this property as a house on 607 squ M we didn't provide the house area because it is a two-bedroom home and we didn't want to put that up online so we decided to leave that blank it is a two-bedroom home with a living area two barrooms no on Suites and two toilets and one garage spot it's an established property and this is all you need to do throughout the process is fill out the form tick the things that apply now when it comes to pricing strategy this is a really interesting thing to look at for us we listed without a price so you can put a hidden price up here in this first section and then you can put no price in the second section now for us we were willing to sell the property to the highest buyer essentially and so we wanted as many people who were looking in EV and park to see the home so we were willing to look at any offers over $800,000 now there was no point putting the price on the property because we might have capped the limit the property would have sold for say we put the prices $850,000 will take that then we might have capped getting prices in the 900,000 or the even the mid to high 900,000 where the property had a large number of offers so for us we put a low listing price anything that we were willing to accept so people who were looking at 800k plus we in the ballpark to look at the property and we listed the property as best offers by a closing date now we actually closed a lot earlier than that closing day because we got an unconditional offer and there were some tricks around how we were able to achieve that now once the property did go under offer we changed this to under offer so that updated online on the real estate and domain listings now it's really important to get great photos once you've gone to the effort of vacating the property staging it tidying it up now it's time to pay $300 for a professional photographer to go through and give you some fantastic photos we used a company called four walls photography really great guy really easy to work with couple hundred for you to get your photos and he actually did the flip project for us in asley last year now it's important to pick a hero shot that gives a really good look and feel of your property and then we ordered the photos in chronological order as we saw fit based on what we liked in terms of the photos we received it's then important to put a relevant description for your property so for us we put a Charming postwar home right to move in extend raise or redevelop so with our marketing campaign we were looking to get as many people interested in the property as possible people who wanted to buy in a great area in everon park just 7 km north of Brisbane CBD people who wanted to do an extension down the track or maybe wanted to raise the property in the near future or knock it down and rebuild because the property was built in the 1950s we also used gemini or AI to help us write some of this description and then tidied it up as we needed to and put that in place so we were happy with how the property was listed for sale we then put our contact details on here so I used my company details at purpose property for access to emails and things like that we then had the open home inspection times you uploaded onto this website and then they updated onto real estate and domain now finally you can pay for a whole heap of extra features but for us we just took the basic online listing paid the $890 ended up on real estate in domain which we're super happy with the big things you can pay for are features you can pay for these ones down here like a feature listing or a highlight or Premier listing for $65,000 in my opinion everyone's going to look at prop properties from new EST State listed and it doesn't matter whether it's a big icon or a little icon people are still going to be looking for those properties in my opinion so it didn't make sense for us to spend that extra money you know $1 to $6,000 to get a bigger listing or a bigger photo on domain and real so we just went with the standard listing for our sale now you've done all the hard work you've listed it online you've used all the steps in property now to bring your property up and prepare it for sale let's show you the end product and what it looked like on real estate so here's what the property looks like online you can see here it's 25 Le Street at everon Park Queensland 4053 it's a two bed two bath one car home on 607 sare M and we can quickly go through the photos together here so this was the living space well staged using the right Furniture to make the space feel big but also cozy at the same time we've got a front shot of the home with it's nice couple of Gables and a very basic yard the kitchen which we' renovated ourselves you've got that living space shot which makes it feel a bit larger as well by Looking Back across the room again another shot of the living space with a nice cornes up high the bedroom is oversized in this home that that master bedroom is very large with the closet and then the second bedroom as well and the bathroom which we updated and if you want to see a walk through we did a recent video walking through the property so you can see it in a lot more detail if you click the card over here we also put a floor plan up online which I think's critical because a lot of people do their research based on floor plans and what they want to do with the property down the track now you can see here the property has a laundry room and an extra toilet which is under the one roof line but a step down it's a multi level at the property but a lot of people were looking this for future development extensions Renovations so it made sense to provide a nice clear floor plan so this is exactly what you end up with the end product online and then people can see your inspection times a little bit down below if you do have inspection times available or Open Homes then people can come and register for those and essentially come through the property based on the times that you said so for our circumstances we decided to set Open Homes at 10:15 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. the reason we picked those times on a Saturday was because we thought the most people would come through around that time on a Saturday morning 10:15 is a good time because if you do get some early birds they'll try and come through the property at 10:00 a.m. on the dot and if you do get some late people they'll rock up around 10:45 and you can wrap up and close the property by 11:00 now this is where a lot of people get scared and want to pay a selling agent to do the work it's the contracts it's the negotiations now this stuff isn't rocket science what you really need to do is have a chat with a solicitor who does property sales all the time get a basic contract drafting in Queensland the reiq contract is the gold standard and so get a basic contract drafted by a solicitor with your details as the as the seller and essentially preparing the property for sale make sure you've got smoke in place make sure you've done your other checks and balances and then your contract is all drafted for us we actually used a Google Drive the great thing about the Google Drive is we were able to share a building and pest report which removed Clauses from the contracts when people were making offers to add in an extra building and pest Clause we also gave a copy of the contract for sale we gave a flood report a development report a few other reports in there that would allow people to make a quick decision and a strong decision on wanting to offer on our inv investment property so essentially what I did is I stood at the front door welcomed people through the home took their name and mobile number and then sent them the Google Drive link to make an offer on the property when they were ready we also had the Flyers at the property which had a QR code set up by bitly which is an online website as well as some Basic Marketing and all of that was done in canva now when it comes to negotiating we were looking the best offers So based on the offers we received we started to give price feedback to people on the ground and that was somewhere in the $900,000 mark based on the office we received after we listed the property up online for sale so as people came through the open home we gave them a Rough Guide that we had received some offers in the 900s and that's where we were looking to sell the property we essentially received a large amount of offers in the first week and we able to close the property after that point in terms of the sale now the great thing about this process and this strategy is you can follow this too you can go back to the start of the video and follow the steps when it comes to selling your own home or your own investment property it doesn't have to be scary it doesn't have to be hard negotiating people will want to ask questions and who knows the property better than you if you're the owner rather than a selling agent who's just come in at the final hurdle and tried to take a 203 Grand fee out of you for selling the property online in my opinion I think more people should potentially cut out selling agents I think they get paid probably a bit too much money you know 2030 grand for having one open home and closing it that weekend is a lot of money I mean you can do this let's look at it this way if you try and sell the property yourself and you're unsuccessful you can hand the listing over to a local selling agent who can then sell the property for you and you can pay their commission so I've actually sold four to five properties using this method over the last 5 years and I encourage you to give it a go let me know your thoughts in the comments below would you ever not use a selling agent to sell a property I can't wait to share with you the final episode in this series for the baby queenslander breaking down the sale and what we put to do with the funds next I'm excited to show you all the numbers so make sure you subscribe to the channel drop a like on this video and head over to purpos if you're looking for a brisman based buyers agent to help you buy your own home or an investment property thanks for sticking around I'll see you in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Luke Wiles
Views: 1,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real estate, property, investing, Luke Wiles, Purpose Property, Buyers agent, Brisbane, buyers advocate, australian real estate, financial freedom, renovating, renovation
Id: lR4i66bVdao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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