Selfish Mom DITCHES Kids To Survive ALONE! - 60 Seconds Reatomized Update

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happy damn and the scary thing about the apocalypse is we don't know when it's gonna happen it could happen tomorrow it could happen a week from now it could happen five years from now but the only thing that matters is that we're ready no matter what that day is so today we are doing an apocalyptic drill the Doomsday alarm is sounded you would hope that we lived in this house they probably have a nice stocked up bunker but now we live here this is uh speaking out I don't think it looks like we have a nice bunker I don't think it looks like the supplies are stocked up I don't think this car looks like it worked and I don't think we've checked the mail in weeks but we're going in three two one go gotta get the axe gonna go in the very back here get the soup gonna get this squatter we need food and water for the shelter otherwise we're not gonna make it Timmy Timmy I need Timmy can I fit my wife too I can fit my wife okay so I got Timmy and my wife all I need is my my big beautiful daughter and we got this gas mask please this lab I hate when stuff gets in the way can I get the splash like yes I can't please grab it oh my goodness he just wasted so much precious valuable time I need the daughter in my map please let me go I can only grab one more thing I need a med kit I don't have an axe I don't have anything useful I just have a whole family my daughter my daughter where is she where is she oh I already got her oh my goodness oh this doesn't look good for me this does not look good for me yikes I was so confused that whole time that I didn't realize that I grabbed my whole stupid family and I didn't get enough stuff everyone's going to eat every ten days everyone's going to drink every five days because we're trying to survive in here although mary-jane here she really likes to eat a lot of soup so I'm gonna try to make it so she doesn't run away from me she's in a very rebellious stage in her life and she's definitely going to get super mad at me if I don't feed her more often we only have two cans of soup though so somebody's gonna have to go out immediately I'm nervous that somebody has to go out when it's this radioactive outside usually I like to wait until around day 10 day 15 20 ideally but we don't have the supplies and Mary Jane's gonna start eating she's hungry okay I'm gonna give her food and water right now just so she comes back please survive please live please let us prosper Mary Jane get out there bring us the supplies we knew Teddy boys already got his stubble in looking beautiful all right nobody else is eating or drinking we had the most curious visitors today one of them was making a sound of a galloping horse oh these guys want to borrow our map find these weird Monty Python guys gotta borrow our map it's the apocalypse and even though it's every man for himself we also gotta take care of each other and I know that they're not gonna steal it so I let them have it anyway they seemed friendly enough so we let them have a look at our map they thanked us and offered us some supplies in exchange we graciously accepted and wish them the best on their quest now we got this thing I don't know what this thing is this thing is new in the game and I really want to know what it is everybody drink some water we're not big fans of our strange smelling shelter but then we started to smell something burning we quickly realized how much we prefer that nothing is on fire scent it had before a fire we need to put it out and save our supplies we don't have time to save them all what do we save well in this situation we would only be able to save one of these things so maybe it's a good thing that we didn't bring anything because we're saving the only thing that we have not the best run in the world but you know what we're really trying our best out here day6 everyone eight everyone drink okay one week in the bunker hopefully things stay this sanitary the same everybody helping each other everybody thinking about their fond memories the harsh reality is awaiting us that is not what I like to see Mary Jane is back and she's not hurt but she broke the mask girl what's wrong with you she brought us one soup we needed more than that Mary two waters and one gas mask yikes how much food do we have not much we might have to send Timmy out no I'm gonna wait till day ten before I send somebody else on our way back through the last expedition we noticed some drawings on a half-ruined wall nearby it was a very crude map of our town and one place was marked with an X maybe it's someone's secret stash of soup shall we go and check we absolutely shall and since Mary went out last time we'll send me out this time day 9 one more day until we can eat and drink it looks like we found something a gun in the apocalypse it's a very dog-eat-dog world we're gonna need this gun because it's every man for himself out here there it goes again noises weird noises all the time are they coming from the pipes the walls is it something behind the door we don't know when it's driving us insane we should sit down and relax otherwise we might get paranoid let's just play checkers guys I brought the checkers so we don't go insane if you go insane in the bunker which is very easy to do because it is a tiny little enclosed space you're a goner okay so we're not gonna go insane day ten everyone eating everyone drinking poi fect and Timmy is gonna go outside we don't have a gas mask so let's just hope let's hope little Timmy comes back his afro has grown out so beautifully just three of us here what do you guys want to talk about yesterday during charades we learned that Mary Jane doesn't know how to spell antidisestablishmentarianism and it has left Delores sorely disappointed she insists on home or rather shelter schooling Mary Jane a little I do know that homeschooling Mary Jane is going to exhaust her but I feel like it'll be good for her to not go insane maybe if she's a little bit smarter it'll be okay but she's gonna be exhausted she's gonna be moody so I'm gonna give her a little portion of soup so she doesn't get too mad Delores doesn't mess around what started out as a spelling exercise has quickly found its way to math revision followed by a short physics course and ending on tinkering with random objects in the shelter Mary Jane looks exhausted but we can't deny the state of her shelter has improved today she fixed our gas mask yeah if only we sent to me out with the gas masks that would have been great here have some food Mary we really appreciate everything you've done for us day 13 is Timmy coming home that is the question says here Dolores barely has any string clicks I'm so sorry two days two days girl two days we felt that we should do something about our interior decor the Fung Shui is really off in our fallout shelter while we were moving things around we found a secret door what's behind it there's only one way to find it I'm gonna take a flashlight because last time I took a gun in there I was shooting the wall that crazy and nothing wasn't in there so I'm just gonna use something that you can't break while you're in there without a radio we are the radio lady oh man we got a radio we were admiring the radioactive landscape when we saw a young woman dressed and ragged camo clothing she had a nasty looking rifle but she hailed us in a polite enough manner she claims to be a hunter tracking a big mutated spider she ran out of ammo and told us that if we were to help her out she would pay us back in a while I'm gonna help her out because I need good karma I need good karma so badly day 15 the phone has rung however I have a sneaking suspicion it's the twins and I don't want to get the twin ending because I've gotten it before Timmy's back please don't be hurt please don't be hurt please over here please please please please oh he's sick and look at that afro on that boy a band of kids was playing war in nearby ruins they had plenty of real guns and ammunition it's very encouraging to see that kids are making the best of this terrible terrible situation they even shared some ammunition with us so the ammunition we gave away we got back this is why it's good to give a little sometimes you get a little even though it's entirely unrelated day 16 timmy is sick and I feel like timmy is going to die anyway so I'm not sure if I should feed him we only have one can of soup I really I don't know about this I'm gonna send one of the adults out on an expedition and we're gonna start listening to the radio so we don't go insane we really need a med kit like bad uh Timmy needs food I have to die I can't let him die I just can't do it maybe I should get Mary Jane some but no we only have one cat left okay let's see how let's check her status Mary Jane is quite hungry okay that's not starving she can wait and we're gonna send Dolores out with a gas mask don't get sick girl what goes I just gotta cheat oh no oh no no no no Ted is sick Ted looks very weak if he doesn't eat today he might it might end up really badly oh no no this is not good this is not good lack of water drove Timmy insane he open the shelter door and ran away without looking back he is not likely to return Timmy it's gone that's okay because he was sick and I didn't want Mary Jane to get sick because we need her everyone drinks and eats today every new smell attacks our noses in this little shelter instantly there isn't much we can miss so when a single brick fell out from the wall revealing a tight opening our senses were immediately invaded by a terrible stench we should probably check that hole out and see what the source of that smell is I think we should ted is already sick we have nothing to lose you really need to lure us to come home like now we got one kind of soup from it this is bleak I just want my little wifey poo to come home and give me a medkit then we can fix everything and it's really not that bleak anymore also um I really like your hair let down Mary Jane that's great I think she's going through a little emo phase right now she's back please Meg hit please please PLEASE medkit Megan like no she brought back two waters and broke the gas mask very disappointing we have one can of soup left yikes we're gonna have to send Mary Jane out again our last expedition brought in use of a vehicle parked just down the street it sure looked unique but we never got close enough to get a good look we're almost certain it's not a bandit trap perhaps we should send someone over to check it out I think we absolutely should and I think it should be Dolores a shocking discovery it was a rusty tank it was a little crispy around the edges and it was also missing wheels and some other crucial parts but the seats were fairly comfortable wouldn't it be amazing to just drive away and leave this radioactive hell behind us I think so one more day guys are you hungry Mary Jane keeps fainting Oh can you wait one more leave enough water some of us are keener to go outside than others either way it's time to choose the most able and responsible person to take this quest on he might die he's gonna have to be Mary Jane oh this is bleak this is goalie Ted has been sick for a very very long time you're so low on soup I'm so nervous I'm so nervous Ted can't die it's just a flu right you're gonna get better a sleazy looking trader carrying an equally scruffy bag on his shoulder paid us a visit he offered us a simple one-time deal for just one kind of soup we get the bag in all of its contents we can't see what's inside and the trader gives us angry glances every time we take a step towards in the serious bag should we make a deal this is our last can of soup can we afford to trade our last can of soup for a mysterious bag I think we have to there was a cat in the bag Oh Mary Jane please come back please come back with soup this cat need to get out of here please Mary Mary's back what did you get girl it does look like you got anything one water and cards that's it we don't have any food we're screwed we're screwed we're so screwed I need a miracle Ted is dead and Delores is sick I need a miracle please I'm setting Delores out while she's sick she might come back I would've got a game over she wasn't coming back Mary Jane was injured on her last expedition she didn't mention it to us and we didn't notice it wasn't a problem until now it seems her injury got infected and she's in bad shape we must help her the medkit or chopping her leg off with an axe we might as well just chop it leg off with an axe to be honest the axe broke perfect so this is what it's come down to sitting idly in the shelter with very few supplies and a growing sense of impending doom if there's only something we could do about it like breaking into our neighbours shelter we know the lock is broken and we saw her restocking the shelter before the bomb fell the rich guys next door we're robbing them we have to we have to I don't care I don't care anymore we need this we need this we got the blood on the wall what did we get an axe that's it this waistline is full of surprises like this man on the other side of the door knocking and claiming he's willing to offer a lot for decent ammunition shall we trade we're desperate we are desperate please please Oh Mary Jane's going mad guys okay we got one kind of soup that means Mary can eat Mary can eat yes open in the name of freedom came a shout from outside the door onal is a raider we're not gonna Dolores come back please this is the most bleak thing ever Mary Jane eats so much soon the moms back one soup in one water that's it Dolores we really really really need okay Mary Jane can go outside Jericho found a tiny wire sticking out from the ceiling okay share a Cobb let's examine the wire we followed the wire outside and found a half burned-out truck with two super-sized gentlemen inside surrounded by an array of blinking bulbs that's some space Tech right there we're they listening in on us in our very own shelter their feeble excuse for a roadside picnic didn't convince us even Timmy knows you can't have picnics there even though Timmy is dead day 39 come on guys you can make it one more time guys last man standing oh no that means Mary's not coming back disaster one soup for the checkerboard you know what I'm gonna have to take that trade the agents who were spying on us are now at the door wanting to explain themselves should we hear them out you know what we're gonna die anyway we might as well it didn't kill us they briefly waived some sort of ID cards in front of our faces and told us they're on a top-secret government mission the wiretap wasn't a spy on us but rather on the cat okay the radios broken no we played a game of list of things you hate the most in her neighbor's name kept coming up for some reason that reminded us that little weasel had a safe in his living room we always wondered what's inside maybe now's the time to finally find out I think so too we need this we need something we need a medkit please please did we find anything ammo that's it's ammo whoever designed this fallout shelter was a genius but we can't really tell if that green stuff dripping from the pipe is an included feature we should probably try doing something about with all Boy Scout book come on please we need to get fixed we need to get healthy we're gonna die it's been 46 days this is the worst apocalypse ever Oh Mary's dead using a high-tech setup involving paper cuts and yards of string the agents ring in with our next top-secret mission that will surely latinus and the VIP bunker very soon they want us to go on one successful expedition and write down what we saw in the journal easy peasy lemon squeezy right I mean it's all we can do she came back Dolores is on her way to the surface okay we graciously agreed to fulfill the request they thanked us for doing our civic duty and promised to be back with more information soon that recon mission was risky business we had to visit neighborhoods that were dicey even in the best of times the area was full of mutated cats and dogs fighting each other in gangs all of them armed to the teeth we barely made it out of there alive the agents seemed to appreciate our efforts well hopefully they appreciate it enough to save us because we are running out of food we are running out of water as we were looking through our map we came across a few markings that were not original someone has added a pointer to a location near us what would we find there we need a med kit bad bad no med kits today during breakfast we were startled when our map slid off the wall we checked the nails holding it but they were all firmly in place it could be a poltergeist maybe we need to perform an exorcism to get rid of it anyway in the wall behind the map we discovered some sort of safe we have to open it oh yes I hear roar Oh Dolores got hurt we got a checkerboard and that's it for an isolated fallout shelter we sure have a lot of disturbances something has been making a lot of noise since dawn and we couldn't sleep it seems to be coming from under the floor and coincidentally we just found a manhole that we could use to go down and check what's going on I'm gonna take the flashlight because the axe can break the flashlight cannot what did we find a medkit we found a bad kid boom uh hopefully the medkit will fix both her sickness and her injury that would be so clutch today we met a bunch of people dressed in what looked like Halloween doctor outfits they claimed to be a field hospital moving from place to place and attempting to help those hurt by the hazards of the wasteland their problem is some of those supplies got eaten by something that looked like a sasquatch they're asking if we have any spare hydrogen peroxide we don't but we do have water to spare Dolores she's safe we're cooking now we're in business a group of people dressed in green pajamas walking on our hatch is not something we anticipated yet this is exactly what happened furthermore they insisted that their Merry Men and wished to take from the rich and give to the poor we're pretty poor so maybe we can make some new friends should we let them in no these guys are gonna rob me because I gonna look in here and think I'm rich when really it's just a bunch of empty soup cans we are surviving this apocalypse we were getting out of here if it's the last thing I ever do we didn't answer those peculiar calls and kept the door locked well I mean that's what I would do actually you're going out should I tell her to bring what is this I don't know what it is but you're taking it outside girl please leave please leave please look please look please please please please please please whoa she's been gone for a while we were glad to see Delores came back safely from the wasteland all she got was four waters I need food and she can't go out Oh No Delores might go crazy clearly were trustworthy after our last successful mission as the agents came back with another request we are to generously provide either a couple soup cans or some water bottles for an agent in the field they'll take care of the delivery in return will be given an encouraging pat on the back and the promise of a better future in a safe government shelter how much water do we have we don't have any food so I think we're gonna have to do it we've got bountiful amounts of water so this should be okay we graciously agreed to fulfill their request they thanked us for doing our civic duty and promised me back with more information soon now I think it's weird how this game keep saying us and we there's just one of us in here and unless I keep talking to my old husband skeleton sheriff seems to be fond of our checkerboard it's favorite game during stretches of extreme boredom and silence in the shelter is pushing the checker pieces off the table as it gazes intently at whoever happens to be sitting the closest aka just Dolores should we let Shere Khan play with the checkers no screw you share a cog Oh sounds like he messed up our board yep there goes the checkerboard what a jerk I hate share cough a radio for a medkits or a checkerboard for a map no I'm not gonna do it maybe I'll do it later sixty-six days by myself in this bunker I've got cabin fever spiders seem to be operating under the assumption that they have the same rights to the shelter is we do well you know what we're taking the Boy Scout book and we are getting rid of those spiders because I cannot afford to get sick countess nope a few precise hits and suddenly every spider is aware of what the word decimation means we also found a misplaced soup can I needed that soup so bad Delores has barely any strength left if she doesn't eat tonight she won't last till morning but what we have the soup girl I'll let you have some we're not alone there's a huge hairy bunny beast that seems to be hiding in one of the pipes it's been poking its head out eyeing our measly food stash we can't let it get to it we can't let it be here when we sleep grab the axe did we kill him our cans are saved too bad for the hairy mutant yes we're still top of the food chain good for us knock knock the sound always surprises and confuses us it could mean anything good or bad but we're always curious should we open the door I mean I did so much for those dudes like should I just open the door and see what happens or should I wait I've got like I really don't have enough food or water and I can't go outside oh I'm scared oh please please please please please please no what was it did I win did I lose what is this ending we were taken out of our home in the dark night and hastily transported to what the ancients call a presidential bunker it's amazing sure the walls are a similar shade of grave and now we have a whopping 20 square feet more to walk around while we die of boredom the extra bucket and newspaper supply is nothing to sneeze at either all in all it's definitely an upgrade life here will surely be worth all the trouble we went through finally we can sit and relax and let somebody else empty the bucket for a change we got a good ending VIP paradise we survived apocalypse whole family died except for me but you know what that's pretty good I hope you guys enjoyed this video and then Yuri atomized update I think it's a lot of fun I can't wait to see what other things that are in store and are new why is there a tank here now that's kind of weird
Channel: Gloom
Views: 1,414,340
Rating: 4.9009423 out of 5
Keywords: 60 seconds, 60 seconds gameplay, 60 seconds challenge, kassie, gloom, gloomgames, 60 seconds good ending, 60 seconds reatomized, 60 seconds new, 60 seconds walkthrough, lets play, survival, game, gaming, miracle run
Id: QXiaa-zNTig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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