Self Introduction Video for Virtual Assistants | Upwork Video | 1 minute Video Introduction

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hey everyone welcome back to another  episode of confessions of a va   and in this episode i will share with  you tips on how to create your video   introduction if this is something that excites you  please stick around until the end of this video   okay so one of you requested me to  create a video on how to create a   video introduction or my tips on how to create  the perfect video introduction so here it goes before i share with you two sample video  introductions allow me first to share with   you five tips or things you need to keep in  mind before you create your video introduction   are you ready tip number one don't repeat  what's already on your profile or on your resume   which means it's best to share some of  the things that your potential clients   are not seeing on your profile or resume  such as your qualities or your interests   why because clients are not interested to hear  what they've already read so it's best not   to mention again your full name your age your  location and even your educational background   tip number two show your personality  adding you more won't hurt   tip number three look directly to the camera when  recording or filming your video introduction why   because when clients view your video they would  somehow feel you're speaking or talking directly   to them it's like having eye to eye contact  but virtually you see what i'm doing right now tip number four more than the skills share  what you can bring in the table your value   your results the results that you can bring  because number five tip number five clients hire   virtual assistants for two reasons to save time   and to generate revenue or sales so it's up to you  how you want to position yourself the time saver   or the sales machine so those are the two video  introductions that i will be sharing with you hey there you've probably checked my profile  that's why you're here so allow me to share a few   more things about me i am resourceful i actually  married google years ago because i want to find   answers to certain questions and i never stop  until i find those answers i love conversations   and i am committed to provide quality work output  to all my clients but you're probably here because   you want to know what it looks like working with  me well when you work with me i will help you   save 10 to 20 hours of your week or roughly  40 to 80 hours a month of your time from doing   admin tasks preparing content and even customer  service i understand that as a business owner you   want extra time to plan more about the revenue  generating strategies so with you working with   me you can have that extra time if this is just  exactly what you need book that call talk soon see how specific and how straightforward i am  in that video introduction it's very important   to tell your clients exactly what you can bring  in the table and if you are the time saver type   of girl telling them how many hours they can save  when working with you is actually very interesting   so allow me to share again another video the sales  machine video introduction and yep here it goes hey you've probably checked on my profile  that's why you're here so allow me to share   a few more things about myself i  am resourceful i love conversation   and i am fully committed to provide  quality work output to all my clients   but i know you're here because you want to hear  more about what i can actually help you with when   you work with me i will help you increase your  leads by 20 through my seo strategies i have   been applying all the strategies that i've  learned from all the courses i enrolled too   and guess what i have seen massive results on  my own website so i want to help you have the   same results i had so if you're ready to increase  your leads book that call and let's discuss more   so in that sales machine video  introduction i actually gave us data   to encourage the potential clients to hire me  but don't just create stories right make sure   that whatever you share is really out of true  or real results that you've made but yep anyway   when you give data to support your skills then the  clients would most likely want to speak with you   so i guess that's all for today everyone i hope  you enjoyed this episode and if you have your own   video introductions and if you want to share it  with me drop the links below so i can cheer you on   if you like this episode please subscribe and like  and share this with your friends till next episode encourage or so in that video  introduction i actually shared a data   because you know clients  would like would like to know how specific you are and how  straightforward you are in that video probably check my profile that's  why you're here so allow me to share   some few things some more things pala hey  there you've probably watched watch my video hey there you've probably seen   output to all my potential quality i am  committed so allow me to share me my notepad you
Channel: Freelance with Coach Z
Views: 203,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Self Introduction Video for Virtual Assistants, upwork video, 1 minute Video Introduction, self introduction video, virtual assistant introduction, video introduction, introduction video sample, introduction video for job application, introduction video ideas, self introduction video sample, how to give self introduction, how to introduce yourself, best way to introduce yourself, confessions of a virtual assistant
Id: BdwpDeuTPe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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