Self-Hypnosis The Betty Erickson Technique

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hi there my name is Michael Carroll I'm the founder and the course director of the NLP Academy and one of the things that we do here at the LP Academy which is associated with NLP is hypnosis you know a lot of people ask me what is hypnosis and what is soffit dosis you know now some people say they're all hypnosis in many ways is self-hypnosis through a permissive relationship that you enter into with the hypnotist you know but this video is about what do you do when there isn't a hypnotist in the vicinity and you'll want to go into trance what you do is you employ yourself as the hypnotist and you begin by focusing your attention on a spot on the wall ahead of you so wherever you are now on the basis that you're not driving or operating and machinery if you're sitting down in a comfortable place put your hands in your lap back against the chair relax your body relax your breathing and then just focus your attention on a spot on the wall and once you've got your attention focused on a spot on the wall just say to yourself in a hypnotic voice that's a nice calm and relaxed voice three things that you can see we'll have to move your eyes so your eyes going to soft focus as you stay focus in your attention soft focus on the wall you can see the colors around the spot the house the shades any furniture or pictures or anything else that's on the wall as you say to yourself in a hypnotic voice three things you can hear and having said those three things that you can hear I'd like to turn your attention now to the auditory field attune into three things you can hear so you could say to yourself I can hear tapping sound Michaels make it you can hear perhaps any the sound of any equipment where you are perhaps traffic or noises outside as you say to yourself three things you can hear and now I'd like you to turn your attention to your kinesthetic representational system the tactile part of that system which is where your body meets the outside world and save yourself three things that you can fill for example your back against a chair your feet on the floor or the rim of a chair and your hands resting in your lap saying to yourself three things that you can feel where your body meets the outside world now your eyes may or may not be closed by now your eyes are closed just describes yourself now choose things in your visual field that you have when your eyes are closed sometimes it's darkness shapes different color lights in your eyes in the visual field your eyes are open say two things that you can feel see if your eyes are open say two things that you can see they're different from a four in the hip nanak voice and now two things you can hear but different from last time and there are two things that you can feel say to yourself in your hypnotic voice this time sensations in the body so I can feel the rhythms of a sensation in the upper part of my body and the feelings in my legs and now you will be in pretty nice trance as you reduce for number two one thing you can see that's different from what you saw before one thing you can hear that is different from what you heard before and one thing that you can feel and you can now enjoy this trance giving yourself a suggestion now how long you want to stay in trance for say I would like to stay in this state for another ten minutes or so and then push the pause button and enjoy ten minutes in trance noticing you can push the pause button and stay in trance okay welcome back I hope you enjoyed that State of Trance that is known as the Betty Eriksen technique Betty Eriksen self hypnosis technique developed by Milton Erickson's wife who was a master of hypnosis in her own right helping Milton Erickson every day go into quite deep trances and initiating the state of anesthesia in Milton so he could be pain-free when working or analgesia so how do you do this hypnosis self hypnosis it's pretty easy as I say you find a nice place to sit it's useful you give yourself a suggestion just before trance actually as to how long you'd like to stay in transform and then as you just get rid of any tension you might have in your body take your breath take a stretch and then sitting down in the chair looking ahead you say three things that you can see there in your visual field and then three things that you can hear in your visual field then I don't know vomiting then three things that you can hear in an environment around you and then three things that you can film where your body meets the outside world so that's three things that you can see three things that you can hear and three things that you can feel next where I want you go reduce it to two so it's two things that you can see two things that you can feel so two things that you can hear and two things that you can feel and the minute you'll feel yourself going into a trance just let your eyes closed so the visual suggestion with what it is you can see with your eyes closed and now you're going to reduce it down to one thing in a system so it's one thing that you can see one thing that you can hear and one thing that you can feel so it's a simple three things that you can see in a hypnotic voice three things that you can hear three things that you can feel two things you can see two things you can hear and two things you can feel than one one one and enjoy the trance the next video in this series is going to be on deepening trance experiences thank you very much for watching this video my name is Michael Carroll I'm the founder and the course director of the NLP Academy I'd like to thank you very much personally for watching the video that you just did watch and please remember to subscribe to our channel for the latest content we load and if you click the bell icon you'll be notified every time we upload some new content so thank you again for watching stay tuned for more brilliant NLP content on the NLP Academy YouTube channel
Channel: NLP Academy
Views: 161,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hypnosis, NLP, NLPAcademy, Michael Carroll, John Grinder, Self Hypnosis, Trance, Neuro Linguistic Programming
Id: 2Bkc6Hr6FR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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