Selenium & Automation Interview Preparation - By Naveen AutomationLabs

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okay let me share this on my page okay so I can see 31 folks they're just joined let me share this on my diary's I'm gonna share it on my else can someone share this on telegram coupons sv or some other groups we'll start with the question guys to submit to can anyone share or let me share them okay good you know even our leisure okay find non money to share it's already shared rates so many times so it's fine okay and okay fly now stop sharing over there it's like unnecessary spamming over the just a minute okay okay let me show you the last thing on we have this automation give expert in whatsapp as well okay you okay let me keep my phone on silent mode cool guys how're you guys it's been a long time around more than one month I haven't come online I mean on live streaming so load testing key legal tutorial post eg okay we'll do it please ask question in English because a lot of people are joining from some different countries so that they can also understand so ok one quick question you can hear me and you can see me properly the video where it is good are you able to see you probably say yes or no and I mean the voice is quality is good right like I hope that the quality is good ok so we will sit like this and then today ok so guys today's session is all about how to you know prepare the questions and interviews for in you know interview questions for selenium interviews and if you are having any doubts with respect to the interviews and please don't ask such length equations because if I am NOT able to answer it I mean obviously over the chat I'm not able to I cannot make it possible so you can write a mail to me and then we'll have a look or you can also in question in telegram group as well and another thing is so you just tell me that what's your experience and how's it going the market and everything I think market is still pretty good a lot of people are getting lot of you know offers first of all congratulations to these days you guys are watching these videos and learning and sharing a knowledge on the group and discussing and all those things are happening and then it's really good and I'm really so glad that you guys are getting to do the office like I mean one candidate is saying five of us or six overs I was so amazed or talking about so that's really good and that's congratulations guys and this is really your hard work and I'm pretty much like sure that okay in next couple of months you all will be getting the jobs so the only key is that keep practicing and then keep watching the those videos if you really want to attend the training session or something like that for the personal training field you do you know feed you to come so with respect to guys training and all system that yes we have recently started two three four months back the personal online training where you guys can come to come and join and that's a paid training but it's not compulsory I'm not forcing you guys but it's still if you really want to learn at a very tip knowledge of maybe some different factor or daily visual you order does have a discussion with me or something like that that's what our training that we are recently started in June that will that was my fourth batch actually and the response is really good so if you really want that the registration for July batch will be open very soon so make sure that okay you guys are registering for that and then make sure that okay begins to at a quantity so this is all about the grading so another thing is that we can start some now regular basis doubt leading session the mock sessions in Bangalore because now I'm free actually actually after two three months like it's it was like really hectic from last two months and three months so now like now the work pressure is low and then I'm getting little time so we can make some mock sessions in Bangalore and then we can meet together and then we can start the actual meter plat for that okay so this particular session we will be discussing about if you have any specific question if you are facing some problem with respect to your career growth or you want to change your profile or any interview question you want to share with me you are not able to handle it properly and then if you want guidance or direction definitely we can definitely add relevance to give the answer for that but if you are slick code sorry you have not able to like I won't be able to do that because obviously it's not possible okay over the livestream jar cool so who is having the first question and I'm really sorry I'll be really sorry this will be the one-hour session and then if I'm not able to give the answers properly please and if I skip your question please don't feel bad because obviously I cannot give the access for each and every question right so cool so first question is about swear in do Mukerji how overall automation approaches decided what is automation leverage our automation time estimation done okay that's a very good question that yes will do so overall automation approach guy it's not like that automation thing of the start on the first day right it's not like you become automation engineer and then you just forget everything and then you just want to do automation it's not like that automation approach is always decided on the basis of the kind of regression that you have if you feel that of you know this particular application is really needed in future for automation and figuration point of view that again and again an edge in every build you have to execute your regulation test case manually then I can assume that okay thousand test cases okay I'll take another one week with one resource it's it will be a problematic situation in that case so better to automate those things so right so in that case guide is what we have to do we have to think about the automation you feel that okay this application quickly I can automate and then there is a great scope for automation because the application is not that complex it can be easily automated and start from the day one itself okay but never start automation when nothing is there only very few basic pages are available or mock pages are available don't start automation unnecessary that'll don't create that hype in your company don't create that expectation in your company with respect I mean in front of your managers in the lead other they will think that okay yes you can start automation at any time and you can do any automation because they don't understand your problem the situation and then you let's talk somewhere that working for a single desk is you are taking to decay sometimes and then they will have that level of expectation in that case it will be a problematic situation for you what is automation leverage automation leverage is all about return of investment that we can leverage our automation to find the works to find it effects to find the coverage of the test execution that 70 80 percent things I have automated and rest 20 30 percent things I am doing I am testing okay using manual testing or something like that so 70 percent thing my automation will take care about it I just need to sit and then I'll check my manual testing stuff or some scenario which can not be automated or some scenario which could not be automated because of some reason so I'll be just concentrating on those those work the rest of the things that we are leveraging our automation suite automation will take in about the formation estimation time estimation done guys there is no faster in fast food it depends what your application you have it depends what kind of firm the framework you are designing what kind of data you are using how many use cases test cases you have so on the basis of that it will be decided there is no orphan formula for that or some estimation formula that okay this multiplied by 2 or divided by 2 a number of art and multiplied by no resources or something like that no just like we have in manual test cases some time what happens or don't give one a single method sometimes it takes two days sometimes also right or maybe four or five test cases you can write within one are also so it depends right so we can never estimate automation properly that's the myth that okay there is a formula about that I have tell me for that formula I'll I'll make that formula wrong we cannot make it but still you can decide some factors that how many how much time it will take for designing the frame the basic is skeleton then the basic library that we have to create let's see page liability or functions or Chandhok functions utility non-genetic function application dependent functions and then there's cases then here and there is a maintenance like report generation also study have to do test data management and then and of the framework on the basis of that number of resources are there if you are only resort them on the basis of that you will plan and then you will calibrate so with your gut feeling you will give some calculation you will do some calculation keep the estimations make sure the bookie you are giving some proper buffer time all right cool videos on setup APM guys APM series I'm going to start with a lot of people are I know behind me start APM start 80 and seriously like I have to know just so this is a time that we have I have to study theme don't worry we will we will do that who meshed partitioning what is the role of AWS for testing perspective see testing point of view AWS is not that great there was AWS is what AWS provides infrastructure that is Amazon Web Services they provide the cloud on which this is a cloud available right and this is your company and they will give all the api's where you setup the entire infrastructure over the infrastructure means your servers your database servers your instances your you know each and every tomcat hardware and everything will be deployed over here so in this particular organization excellent this is one part they have given the contract to AWS by Amazon Web Services like Amazon Web Services they will take care about the entire infrastructure care Walmart they don't need to take care about that what will happen during the production release what will happen the server is down so in server is down and that will be a huge impact on the business so what might they don't want to take the responsibility they wanted ok we will just want to concentrate on our e-commerce business rest of the things these guys they will take care about it so how to test all those basic Amazon Web Services on the cloud or the infrastructure cloud services in all system in that case you may you might need or sometime what happens now there is an automation team is also over here in this in this company they are also executing the test issues over here so not on the local machine no everything is posted over there so for that purpose through selenium grid or whatever the more prep driver you are executing your test case to the over here so how to do that that level of understand that level of DevOps Jenkins and also stuff you have to endure otherwise I mean not more than that how will you do the deployment and build process that kind of knowledge that is more than more than enough once you get the QA built homie you deploy let's say you're getting a possible tree somewhere here your double number is sitting over here and your destard is sitting over here and this is the eight of us and this is good monetary so you have to connect with the git repository git repository connect to the AWS either places checking the code from the git repository and running the test is over here like that so this is the kind of you know things that you have to learn that is more than enough for AWS in testing project I hope I explained properly Oh chi-su from Nepal cool thanks for joining vd on threads multi-threading guys we can start very couple of videos because thread is are very important not for automation but it's really important for Java point don't you definitely continue it on thread also that we'll see yeah I mean couple of videos in Java as part of Java we can create new your office asking kind of in which framework is the most widely used in the industry today see first of all forget about keyword rivet keyword-driven is seriously gone like hardly you will see keyword revenge like is the maintenance and the header unnecessary hadn't you had to take care about that okay how many keywords we are going to create maintain those keywords are married next resource like excel file or something and give it to the manual test these days that that that that era is gone these are manual testers although they want to become automation engineers and they want to pick up an extra engineer so forget about that thing and today we have we are working in a giant or a giant keyword-driven is not at all a proper solution for that we use data-driven we use hybrid with page object model if you are designing any UI framework okay these are the most widely used page object model design pattern is not a frame well design pattern with hybrid approach or data-driven approach we can use that and hybrid doesn't mean that um it's a combination of data driven plus keyword-driven it's not like that okay in the bookish knowledge of you see keyword-driven equal to hybrid no hybrid it can be anything it can be the mixture of multiple things with a different design patterns with a different approaches is quite hybrid approach right that's why we call hybrid so keyword-driven is the least priority if you're working on keyword-driven you can suggest you can advise that ok we have two over to either hybrid approach or maybe with proper design patterns like factory patterns or page object model patterns they chaining models such random ones you have to use for that mobile automation in a test of yes we will be doing Sharkey shake to you also going to prepare a video and machine learning machine learning yeah that is like not know because I was I was studying machine learning Python and everything so I like I have covered couple of files and at least I created my own such projects in basically of machine learning in passing but yeah I mean maybe it will take some time to learn properly I recently started actually and then we will see we can do some things with respect to mush Reaper sown into Mukherjee saying web element is interface then how using web element reference we use get each method or other web element related functions yeah so through reference you can access those functions is right in the implemented classes these functions are already defined get H method on whatever send is method and all those things are already defined in the implemented classes not inside the the method body is not available inside the rabbit image so that's why we are able to use cat takes in everything over there if you see the implemented trusses those methods are already defined over there ok the things she's saying that I wanna be in one question I want to perform right click ok and after that I want to select third row right click and third row how will you select like how can you do that if possible overrated session or the device create one video ok rightly we have contacts link is available in using the action class so you can do the right click and then what even were third row third row in the web table can you please explain or you want to select the third option okay you tell me that third row means there is a vegetable number of rows aren't there then no need to do the right click so tell me the exact problem what exactly the scenario after I click the it will be it will block the block the red round now you cannot move so either you have to remove this after I click there is a small pop-up will come so you want to remove that and then third row you can surrender ectly by TR TD concept work is using the web table one so you can do that just please like write down the question once again that I will definitely and try to explain now is there is no whatsapp group what sebelum is in the limit is already exhausted and I'm not like really active over there so matter to join that any grambo not the whatsapp group Furnas is asking that for us you from telegram group the same person okay about CDC cell tree drawn from previous company in an interview can be declined to comment or it's considered rude yeah you have to tell first of all let's see one QA engineer or Commission engineer is taking your interview if this guy is asking your celery or about your CPC or something like that simple say that again I have already shaved my CDs you to the HR ok well you should not tell to these things ok at the time of interview to these automation engineers or manual tester or team lead or something because they are not supposed to know what kind of cell read ok you are having and what kind of expectation you are have so never share these things because they they intentionally they just want to know and then once they get that fear me then I'm gonna reject this day okay so you have a very smart and this is not but professionally also you have to take care about a little the saying hi can we use maven dependency for chromedriver while running a java gen is yes you can do that why not yes you can do that that's not an issue for each and everything dependencies available you can do that otherwise you can download the dot exe and it will be part of that it will be part of that the workspace Jenkins will take that works way from there and then you can execute with the directory path has been deep is asking deep tease asking lot of questions on sequel testing with selenium if we could get a video on this it will be helpful okay sequel testing fine that I'll try okay if we can make some sequel testing or something like that definitely we will see if we can get something on sequel testing okay enter the preparation for API automation using extra short okay yeah this is finding that I'll definitely upload on my both the channels on beep you and your video as well as YouTube maybe by tomorrow you will get some video on API a discussion or maybe build all the web services you know all the web services labeled testing point of view and automation point of view into the equation that everything we will go over [Music] okay so far now is saying what question can we expect if we design a hybrid framework from scratch so please watch that page object model hybrid series I have discussed a lot of integrations over there what kind of approach they will be majorly asking about the approach the design the architecture how exactly you're acting in test cases that recreation report generation log generation everything I have explained over there if you cover that series I think most of the questions automatically you can easily it will be covered and you can handle any kind of interview and most of the guys are getting it offers because of those those page object model series so page object model C is very is watching our series on my channel it's freely available and I'm sure that okay in selenium easily you can connect any other interview I'm sure there are so many success stories people are daily I'm getting around 10 to 15 mails okay and news that OKs people are getting offers because of this series on linkedin on telegram a person will over the call a lot of people are saying same thanks because just because of these videos I'm talking about the page object models in his video okay so please complete that series I'm sure a lot of a lot of things and the level of confidence you will be getting that is amazing so you can easily get I can enter say us we saying that how to motivate ourself in testing field in testing field eyes how to motivate okay to motivate yourself guys first thing that keep learning first of all it's not like that okay yes I got 10 like a package and then now I'm so cool and then I'm happy and enjoying my life and make money and cool no it's not like that you have done your hard work or something like that in that case you have to is you have to be like proactive in all the cases not okay yes that this is the next target I can no no no I have learned the function testing now I want to learn something with respect to performance testing or the security testing or something like that in that case you have to be proactive now I want Doosan certification I want to do some you know security testing I want to learn I want to learn a new programming language so keep learning the things I want to learn some more open source I want to design some more complex frameworks or something like that okay all these things you can you can learn you can contribute keep motivating keep a list put it on your wall okay this is the thing in next two months I have to learn okay either through YouTube videos or training or whatever or self learning just do it by your own this is the kind of thing that Toki you have to in every six months you have to have valuate they're talking about the kind of things I have done can I work on these technologies once more keep the revising on those things okay whatever you have known from now six months and then you see it okay no there is like I think now whatever things I'm doing in my current company these things are totally out put it in that case then definitely you can move move on and then you can you can go to some different something infini okay where whatever new things that you have learned lets you learn from performance engineering and security so you can you want to set your domain in that you can move to secure a domain with that case that's that's a whole point that you have learned these things and obviously there should be some justification okay off you're learning so much later is saying hi enemy because of you I have cleared for companies interviews the HR on were still I didn't get off a letter now I cannot help you so much sugar in that case because if now you have to discuss with HR gays and maybe because of your notice period or maybe because of your salary expectation or maybe they have some other candidate in pipeline it could be any reason so please wait for some time I'm sure if you can clear for companies and wdh around definitely you you are gonna you are gonna get a very good offer don't worry about that just wait for the right thing exception handling is you will do that move on automation yes guys we will start could you please let me know how can we proceed with Vernon is asking testing an application when we have very limited time and automation is not an option so automation is not an option first of all automation needs some time it's not like within one or two days you can finish automation and then so first of all you should not send that level of expectation with your managers that don't give us see and the automation engineer and I can do some magic because these managers and in the industry from last 15 or any 15 20 years and most of the managers they are not aware about it what is automation they don't know how to write the whole work not a single line of code they can write 80% route is like that ok where managers are like that the generation like we have although I would say I'm not a young generation I'm like around 1012 exps there and the manager but I don't consider myself as a manager because I am a technical guy and then I always look into what kind of things mighty is doing actually I always suggest I still write I still write the for daily basis you wouldn't believe that what kind of code I'm writing so it's not like that ok once you become the manager and then you just technical things that you are not taking about here I just go here to keep a management when you have this habit of the people management that's yes I am the manager and the boss then it will be a problem so you should not give such level of expectation to your managers that ok yes because they don't understand automation and they will say they don't even always force you to do manual testing and then quickly just finish your automation work within within couple of days that is not possible so what I'm saying is that how can you start the way the limit is there simple say or okay no I cannot do automation there is a proper plan should be there because it's automation is ultimately finding the issues ultimately covering your regression test coverage that is the point of automation automation is not like magically you're opening the Google Chrome browser or see it's clicking one button and something magic is happening in Wow automation is not ok it's not about getting the wow factor Automation is about the power factory with respect to finding the bugs that matters are not right ultimately we have to perform a testing if the more any more efficient issue is coming and you are saying that ok see we have done automation lot of automation but your automation is not finding the issues then what is the point Automation in that case so you are not doing it ahem you are not doing manual testing properly your automation is also not finding the issues that what is the point of having you in the company in that case right so do automation but properly do some validation ok so not for the sake of just like yes I'm learning 100 tools and then see I have become automation expert now and then now I can do anything I can make the impression in in my entire campaign went at ECM the automation through respect me and the boss no it's not like that you have to write automation properly if you don't have time just don't write it do manual testing I think when the testing is important to us you have to find the issues ultimately at the end of the day you are the tester you are the QA ok ok consider end of equation document for API testing on every image and yeah we will do that multi-threading is yes yes yes oh my god so many questions is okay so here is asking quickly could you please suggest which tool and framework is the best for automation complete react yes application currently with JavaScript Nightwatch framework Nightwatch is really good now you can drive with the projector you can drive with or product of adjustment and watch a ton of APH spatial design for rages and angularjs application protector all the JavaScript framework are available in the market on top of selenium only but Cypress is not of of selenium it's amazingly but it's very fast currently I'm using Cypress for my react.js application automation it's amazingly fast I can give you an example for 10 test cases there any webdriver with Java which is taking around let's see 20 minutes Cypress is taking only 5 to 7 minutes only it's so fast synchronization no need to take it about it accurately we must achieve it automatically it will handle everything so for Regis application I press these days is like really good but currently it's freely available in the market you never know ones it's getting the hyper popularity maybe it will become paid version also so we'll see and only supporting crew but you can use night participant protector also you can use that with Ruby Java yes you can do that why not it's not like that okay with ring angularjs and all such stuff you can not do that yes you can do that in fact I have designed a couple of frameworks from last three years in Java only with the driver for react.js and the angularjs and absolutely working fine it back better than protector sometimes so it's up to you how exactly you are adding the code it's up to you how exactly you're writing the locators and strategies everything you are following if you don't want to learn JavaScript you don't know with the product you can go with simple Ruby in Java webdriver also it's absolutely fine there is no harm in that you can do that race okay complete video frame were using Python we will see okay thanks I mean I got much concept clear which I was lacking here in time so watching those videos will be was is saying can you please cover OTB validation using selenium automation OTP validation guy is like okay but I have to check because it in the real-time application have to register something and through otbi I cannot do throughout selenium or TB requires some back invalidation maybe only B we have to check with the application that okay they are saving this OTP immediately after generating and once a user has entered the OTP and then they're storing inside a database or somewhere inside the cache I'm only or somewhere inside that in the session only and after that they are deleting it so it is not that easy scenario with the OTP and it's not recommended for automation maybe some people are saying that okay you can check into the database and get OTP details over there what if what if they are not getting into the they are not saving that OTP into database now thousands of users are generating notability Squiggy is there sweetie is there on although online application comms are available they are generating the OTP while making the payment through Bay TM or pay your you know you PR you are aware everything so every time millions of users are generating OTP they're storing inside a database do you really think so they have written that mechanism to store into database so for architectural design point of view also that's a bad approach so you can first of all I because I have seen in meinem in a previous company also they are using the RTD pod set but then they never store inside the DB so forget about UD first of all and do read also they have to again hit the Select query over there so again they have to make the connection with a database get the Select query then send it to the customer and then they will very litigate put it away that correct OTP he has entered a market so so many database transactions are happening in that case it will be huge impact on the performance of the application so that's a bad approach so forget about AV maybe they are storing somewhere in the cache a server or maybe proxy server or maybe somewhere in the session and immediately after that they are deleting from the session like that maybe some external ap they are using for that if you get that X and a PA gandered obv OTP happen during for that one through a username and then get the ODB through API and then do that in the response you can check the OTP number four digit or five digit or six digit and get that number and then enter it that's the only big okay otherwise you can not automate using selenium selenium does not provide any APA then it will get into your mobile phone or maybe your email already or something like that no that is not a good solution for that exception should non-supe and i saying some exceptions coming but for watson are you unsupported command exception because you are not using the proper method or maybe come on in that case you are getting this unsupported command for action trust sustain tell me the modality you know what exactly it is sonar related question guys so many are you like a word all the videos are based on scenarios only so please watch the entire all the series more than 60 videos are there in selenium everything is based on said are used only in to be preparation for APA automation using distal short yes you will do that can be use automated web page having capture again that is not recommended rice for capturing the capture also you have to check where exactly those capture capture images are coming and that's so dynamic that so random so you cannot validate and it's very risky xinru lets you fifty test cases that only pays don't capture and somewhere the capture is not working properly the entire fifty testes will be gone untouched so you can ask your developer to remove the capture on that you environment to disable that capture image option on the URL I mean on the cue environment in the lower environment okay that's or maybe some standard only one capture image you can provide you win as a developer please I mean from the QA environment in the lower environment just only one uses one capture image which will be applicable for all the use cases all the test cases like that you can handle but automating and capture image or barcode is not at all recommended guys I'm just skipping those questions what is hybrid train work and all such things I'm skipping these questions because I've already given so many times answers for these will be was asking what are the things we should keep in mind while designing a flame work on you a most of the pages have addicts obviously Ajax elements will be there so how to be with these changes edges handling in all those things ice we have synchronization we have this thing implicitly wait synchronization explicitly wait is available fluent wait is available to handle that X component and how exactly the X part and CSS selectors and all system you are doing over so these things you have to take care about while designing the UI framework how exactly that you know you are using the functions and the libraries you are creating and make sure that okay that whenever you are designing any UI framework make sure that you are using the proper factory if I turn design pattern should be properly designed on the object repository or maintaining somewhere in the common location or the page vise location you are using so that after six months of a to three months if you are going to maintain your framework you should not feel any you know maintenance problem that okay where exactly the ticket is available now with exactly that function where exactly that line so make sure that okay that systematically you're designing the proper approach hybrid approach or proper folder structure you are defining over there the proper a proper code no duplicate code nothing like that proper generic functions libraries you are creating okay so these are the things that you have to take care about by designing any UI framework harpeia Chaudhary is asking that Hara Priya what are the set of steps followed by you after you witness a failure in testsuite execution okay that's a good question that once you see the failure in your execution immediately you will check it manually immediately check that okay yes why it is getting filled the moment you see that okay there is a failure check it manually in Naga book if you see that that's actual book that slog a bug in Zira immediately after that and if you see that okay no it's not a bug because of some your script issue or maybe some located issue or maybe timeout issue it got failed and then you can rewrite that okay Raja you can change your logic or maybe that's a script issue you can read on your script once again and then just check this is still getting filled or not so there could be due reason it may be it's an actual bug it's a neck I mean it's an actual book that you have to log it or maybe it's a script issue your automation script issue in that case you have to change the script the portion might think a part of selenium people are asking about our mobile automation is but how to tackle that do you have any plan to impact or editable by automation yes I mean you do have plan but these these days you have to be preferable according to your experience you have to be good in UI automation mobile automation back in automation front-end back-end both you have to don't talk of selenium Utley there is a rapper they have created so you can check that welcome because I know selenium very good so you can justify that thing over there but for back and you cannot just you if you have it worked or you haven't if you learn about those things so you have to tell that okay yes for back in you have to prepare back in as well so that you can cover all these three areas at a time of interview so if you are going for interview make sure or at least two things you are covering one different take one is packet if you they see them to be you are really good in selenium so then obviously you can learn automation in mobile also okay in a theme also you can learn but if you if they see them okay no you are not good and back-end you know only basics of selenium and now you're good at only in front end and that case you might get a reduction in Smith okay screen shown attachment guys I have already explained how to edit screen short please watch that page object model series it's already explained over there I have already I've already explained those things in exchange report docker yeah I can prepare one video on that on docker install set of APM okay Matt is asking that kinda be Neifi you selenium for all UI websites why do we need selenium for C shock how do we determine if we should use C Shabazz Leonie for Java or etcetera see it's it's there is no rule for that that doesn't matter the application is built up upon Java C sharp eye on PHP Ruby pearl whatever for us it doesn't matter what matters to me is that I'm in which language I'm comfortable I'm compatible in Java then I'll start with M driver which our that a lot of some communities of what is available online it doesn't matter what kind of application okay they are using and whatever application okay it is like the technology where they are using for that okay C shop you are using because you know C shop okay that's the only reason right it's not like C Shan I'm using just because I have to use eShop it's not like that or maybe C sure I'm using because that company is already using seizure okay otherwise there is no other reason you can easily use Java you can easily work upon Java and if you know Java very well it doesn't matter what kind of application it is and what kind of tools and technologies and the platform they are using for that Amazon questions guys up to peace prepare your design base and DSL go if you know DS good and DSL go you are good to go after that selenium and all things will be very easy in Amazon Automation QA to developer roles how it is easy and it how easy and difficult to switch from automation give it to regulative the patrols it's up to you where exactly in which field because the development is also not very not not a small world itself there are so many things that you want to become a Java developer you want to become a friend in developer back-end developer middleware aw is DevOps there's so many things so you have to decide that ok very exactly you're sufficient and you have to think at the design level point of view because in automation we don't think about a design that's the problem with automation engineers that we just need to want we just we just concentrate on the on the automation part so if you really want to become a developer you have to think developing point of view in the design point of view how can you design a particular application what are different components you will create and then accordingly you have to learn number of technologies you have to be very good in database you have to very good in server-side programming and your logic and DSL bases should be very good ok and that is definitely you can become a proper developer in that case hurrah Priya don't ask like reaction are you to write on automation scale I have explained so many times on my channel so please go through those videos do we need to learn sequel yes you have to learn sequel at the basic level you have to loans equal things how can we automate capture I've already covered different between page object and page factory I have already covered in my channel please watch that video Praveen what is page object is there's a design pattern page vector is a class available in selenium which it's used to design the page object model which is used to initialize all the Agis I mean the objects available on the specific page can we start automation if application under development yes somehow it's to some extent we can start 20 30 basic 10 20 percent we can start ok some basic level of functions we can write or maybe some random ID we can give but you cannot execute them because application is under development so but at least you can write some basic library or something like that yes but not more than that more not more than 10 20 percent and don't set the expectation is spent in your company automation are why I have already explained there are no such rules ok that return of investment or something like that calculations of forward and all that stuff I really don't believe that people have explained that ok there is an automation formula for that to calculate the ROI or something like that seriously guys you don't have any automation formula for that so seriously ok let me sit like this so guys the one video and testing lifecycle automation testing lifecycle ok I can prepare memory on that can we switch career from manual testing to automation testing why not that is all about this video is all about all these channel everything is all about you have to switch from manual to automation watch those video is step by step ok discuss with the team discuss with the people contribute towards the community contribute towards different Telegram groups are available discus with me and your trainer and everything and then eventually you will become an automation engineer for manual testing right Beamish is saying how Selenia with java will be in future but now python is important at people that's saying everyone who is saying tell me who is saying that it is really required and Fisher just because of they have learned Python and just because of they have done something good in Python it's not like guys that okay you have to learn Python if you are comfortable in initially with the selenium with Java definitely but I'm not saying that you don't need to learn you don't need to learn job or Python you can learn but start with this thing start with the selenium with Java and then move it to you know move it to Python because there anyway job well you will get get the point feedings okay then you can learn Python then you can learn Ruby or JavaScript like that but the future Selenia Java is amazingly good there are so many things selenium the Java is coming already you know from last two years so many things they have introduced in Java also every day it's becoming stronger every year they are releasing the new version and it's also like they are also in the race of the light cramming language knock so Scala in the programming functional programming they have introduced they are giving the machine learning it is also in Java so future of Java based lynnium is really good won't worry about those things that okay you know to gunfighter except API performance and aggression what all the different other types of testing automation can be used I think these are the things you can do UI automation you can do your backend automation your API so web services performance testing also you didn't perform security also you can do that is again your depend kind of code you can write you can do some automation and automatically it will create some security reports and everything apart from that some data creation part like today you want to create some data dumping or a millions of Records you want to create and it will take a lot of time manually in that case you can do some automation some boring administrative more settings you want to do okay you know in the back end or in the administrative site those things also for that purpose also foretells data preparation also you can do automation right so all in in all these cases or the use cases or automation will be applied the production support to visual you can remove yes why not you have to learn basic level of automation with language and then learn selenium and start giving interviews and definitely you can go there is no problem with that how to resolve give an exception how many times you will be asking I have already told you how to resolve this exception I mean you have to tell me what exactly the use case RP and always is still like I haven't seen cattle on some people are making some noise about cation but cattle on I have used I have designed one framework for my own in my company we are not using cattle on foot the problem with cattle and I found that or gates a very you can this you can do so many things in cattle on the cattle is only for non-programmers who doesn't want to write the code properly I mean who is having the habit of ignoring the programming things and all that in that case only you can do work okay cattle on but but otherwise I'd skilled will be generated automatically for a small application it's fine if you're doing some demo app you see there is a guy I don't know today his name I don't know take his name that he's from Sri Lanka and then this guy is creating a lot of cattle on things okay all of the channel he is doing his own publicity and marketing for the channel that he is declaring himself that okay he is the I don't know some the most check in repository available on kit he is the most powerful not to mention engineer and if you see his code that he he he writes of Woodberry I mean just like a small kid and very poor of design very poor design and the way he is writing the code and everything and he's using Catalan for that he is doing marketing for Catalan but I don't believe I just want to ask coercion to these guys okay why Catalan is so popular and why are you doing marketing for that and every ellington prefer post or any Facebook post their part they are tagging these guys developers of the Catalan or marketing guy from the Catalan in China so what is the use of that you/they are you getting some money from these guys or any any any favor from these guys and what is the point of having Ketterer unnecessary buy or publishing that aren't content to the industry and to the community right he people are suggesting I'm not I don't know really don't know to say his name but no other people also they are suggesting ok this tool is good you can ignore the programming guys Automation is all about programming automation is all about programming personally I can tell you one thing dice it's fine don't don't follow my channel it's totally up to you but learn programming you are into IT you are into computer field you are into information technology how can you imagine yourself without I mean NIT without any programming language you should know a basic level of programming right basic level of programming you should know how exactly a program works the basic combine the basic interpreter basic basics of programming you should know otherwise there is what is the use of that you spent 20 years in the industry after 10 years or 20 years and you is you see that ok case I haven't done I haven't written any single act of code in my career then what kind of computer engineer you are today what kind of software engineer you are in that case so everything is related everything is designed everything is said in a proper and in a in a convinced avail ok in the books that if you know the programming you can handle anything you want to become an automation engineer that's fine you want to become an developer that's fine you want to become inside and manual testing also sometimes we write automation for density degeneration be right in baby script and micros and everything here we are talking about automation selenium and all system you have to learn automation so RPA cataracts fine there are a lot of tools they are creating lot of companies they are creating good tools good amount of tools but if you see the hardcore team hardcore autumn thinks everything is done not okay in any programming language learn automatically image okay that's my person solution to you guys okay testcomplete no that's no I'm not a big fan of testcomplete so big no satish what is complete selenium competitor as I told you as such I haven't seen qtp is there maybe Catalan is still like I mean very far but there is no competitor for selenium especially for UI automation point of view if the Combinator is there definitely you don't ask this question and you are already aware about that will okay what is a competitor of selenium my own bird where do you see the bird rates okay how to rename vomit XML file nope we cannot okay pompadour XML file we cannot rename how to handle exception I use same question again Tex execution flow in Bom what is the test execution flow inform page object model I have already explained please watch that wo so the first story I am talking about what is the exact execution okay first we have to execute through your test file okay and then it will execute it will pick the method from the library or the page and then on the basis of that locator that you have designed it will perform the action it will open the browser perform the action and then it will generate a report if the test is passed and failed on the basis of a kind of assertion you have written over there on the basis of that it will do that okay cool what else we have collection interview question okay Linux admin Linux admin is gonna is these days like most of the things are on on cloud now so all the system admin profiler Linux admin and all just of are gone so better to learn testing is compare to Lena chuckling right developer job please let us know same same question same question Java you want to become a Java developer you just learn I have already then it is where you giving coaching life no I don't give like classroom training I take online sessions so please ping me separately if you really want to take online training please make video on product or how to automate angularjs based website yes a product release we can start definitely it's very simple only thing is you need to learn about basics of JavaScript so I will cover basic Java 7 then we can start product over that I'm working on automation testing and switch to career development what is a beneficial for me then why did he switch if you don't know any beneficial for that right uncle is saying that he's working on automation testing and he switches courier to developer development what is a beneficial for means first of all you tell me why did you switch your career to development from testing you you are aware about some benefit right then only that's why you you switch your profile to development so no doubt each and every program that is having its own you know pros and cons on benefits right own advantages disadvantages in development you will learn lot of technologies you will learn lot of new things if you are becoming a very good developer you can earn money like anything ok so it's up to you what kind of benefit you want to take it Manish is saying can you upload a video from framework creation by scratch how many times varies I have already explained that page object model it's designed from the scratch only design with the proper diagram and then each and every component I designed personally in front of you guys and then soap enable on my channel please watch that series I'm sure you will be ok your doubts will be cleared out matically how to join you telegram guru I'll tell you the end ok I think similar question let's take some questions from different Santhosh is saying as is all your videos s per company i mean you mean to say standard yes i'm for i always follow the standards it's not like that i explain what exactly the best approach okay which will be applicable for most of the companies in the available in the industry okay so don't worry about those things okay it's not like okay company is using some different approach and Company B is using different approach approach maybe code wise maybe a little different but the concept will remain same face I cannot change the selenium concept I cannot change the page object model design pattern concept so you have to be like don't worry about those things okay use of before sweet annotation I have already explained in so many times use of the for sweet please watch the descent video it will be executed immediately because it will be applied on the suite level the moment you execute any test number of desk glasses are available or may be single test class you have written this before sweet it will be executed the first preference will be given to before Sweden before test then before method before class and then before matter that's the sequence okay let me check the question it's not like I'm ignoring the question because of the repeated equations are there between AP and absolute services please watch that series of will depend on what is APA what is that services I think two to three videos properly have explained okay what do you mean by API is in web services does automation tester needs to know about collection concept in Java yes you have to know otherwise you won't be able to correct interviews in product based companies you should know what is collection doing manual testing John DeLeon okay hi John having a user entry form can I do all the field validation in different test cases or should I write - okay what do you mean by doing manual testing having a user entry okay can I do all the field validation in different test cases or should I do them okay add or edit dis glasses cases okay in my no testing eyes you can do one thing that multiple fields are there so the good approaches that create separate test cases for each and every field one positive test case one negative desk is like that what is the advantage of having it separately because let's see tomorrow elissa five fields are there phone number name email address and some maybe some country name you want to do some validation of a phone number it should be a numeric letter if you combined all the things let's see all the things are working fine but only phone number is not working so then that test case will be filled the entire single desk air that you've written in that desk case will be filled that is not a right approach so better you just create four test cases for for the fields for all four fields I mean one desk eight one feature one desk is second P second test case third field third test case let's you third field is phone number the only phone number the scale will be filled so easily you can generate a report systemically and you can share your developers as well so that is the right approach for done okay for doing this how can you find you bug using automation Nathan well this is a very good question that how can we find new book guys Automation is all about automation testing is all about finding the bugs okay or covering all the use cases designing all the test cases and everything automation is not about that just to write automation and launch the browser and then some magic is happening and it's entering all the values and clicking on submit button that what is happening after clicking on submit button what is happening after clicking doing some some use case and what is expected in versus actual result that you have to validate that's a problem with automation engineers but not of trainers they don't they won't teach you proper assertion proper validations proper assertion validations are very very important in a single test case you should know I'll give you an example we are doing user name/password entering username password clicking on login and you are coming on the home page most of the folks they write to did automation for that what login test and username enter password click on login over then how would I get to know that ok against your automation is all three lines are perfectly fine but instead fulfilling the scenario no because you haven't written the design I mean the validation design for that you have to write the validation point after logging after login is it saying that ok is user has been log such as fully some messages coming or maybe home is getting into spirit or maybe in the corner though your username is getting displayed over there right so you should see these are the three for validations you can write these are the three for assertions you can know it that is called the proper validation so how to find the Burke's the only way is to find the work is that you have to write the validation then only you can find the bugs in automation otherwise you can thought okay either you have designed a very good locator or you have designed everything without validation and there is like there is no use of that it's zero use explain between data driven and key a hybrid truth I have already explained how to run automatic script in selenium grid please give suggestion I blocked my new project by are using auto idea is auto ID won't work on selenium grid most of the time Auto ID won't work on through Jenkins on some other machine or Twenties only nobody is designed for this guy only for Windows so Auto ID is just as basic solution they have given integrate it can be integrated with selenium to handle the window based pop-ups okay so for file upload things and all such stuff you can automate the things first of all for file upload use directly send keys okay and if I don't know where equai are using Auto ID for that which you're using Auto 80 tell me the signal xinru for file upload we have send keys if the type equal to file is available by equal to file is not available don't automate that Auto ID is not at all reliable I'm telling you that's the that's true you can do some automation on a local that's fine today it's working fine but through Jenkins and in the long term it won't work okay if you are if you are moving on Jenkins and all set up in a bigger picture it won't work so we should never use such kind of things let's see you are using tents and are used with Auto ID in all the tents and our use will be failed there is no guarantee for cut so that I'm saying that okay don't use such such kind of tools and technologies will it'll be a problem unnecessary in jujhar new moon is saying get your possible you better have your passport what do you mean by this password Oh Trump is gonna get me okay okay I can see one more good question asaji to crawl my managers are saying why tester can't pick each unit testing we can pick but it's not my job see unit testing guys is the concept it's like it's designed for developers intentionally why unit testing is like for the developer so that they can whatever the code they are writing they can write their unit level test cases for that and they can check their code is working or not before giving to the QA right that's why given testing is the concept is designed it's a spatially designed for developers so let them do that we can do that we don't have any issue okay we don't depend we can write automation and regression and function automation why can't be right unit labeled education also we can do that but it's their job they know their whole matter so that they can write at the unit level testing code and then they can automate the basic level asanas and they can check that okay whatever the code they have written the unit level test cases or integration level test cases are working fine or not at their end once it is fine then they can give it to the to the tester to the QA guide okay so you can you can justify this thing to your managers I can do that I don't have any problem but it's their job so that they can check their code properly they know their code better so they should write the unit level test cases and there is a role and there is a rule in the process in software engineering building development cycle process there is a rule that a code should not be checked into the repository without unit label distances okay all the good companies if any auditing is happening if you haven't written any unit level test cases it will be a problem you are not following the proper process in that case of engineering model passive process in that case so unit level test case it should be written by the developers always okay application only selenium Java angularjs and already covered DS algorithm are required to learn yes Kusum if you really want to maximize and use this driver not manage toward window dot maximize it will maximize it okay just a minute and let me get the Spector e1 if you really want to learn first learn Java is selenium get the confidence don't directly jump to Python because if you know Java then you can easily learn any language so better to learn about first selenium in Java get the confidence and then you can and then you can learn Python or some other language it's up to you discuss regarding selenium versus qtp okay quickly that's again a very good question that Swami our engine is saying that selenium versus qdb selenium versus QT big is QT we came into the picture a long time back okay 15 years back I guess and then 15 20 years back I guess started with mercury then HP problem with you TB was that okay it first of all it's a paid tool it's not licensed you have to pay of a high fee high license fee for that and then qtp supports only initially they started with international only I don't know still they are supporting other browsers but recently I saw that okay now they have started with Firefox and Google Chrome as way qdb uses vbscript as a programming language and VB script is just a scripting language it's not like or high level language okay it's not object-oriented so they are not a problem you cannot design the classes or inheritance or object-oriented you cannot achieve for in designing the framework with VB script okay qdp works only in only on Windows it's not platform independent okay you cannot execute like Jenkins and all such labor of integration you cannot do that with respect to q DP so but in selenium you can do anything you have test changer you have J unit you have kimber you have J behavior serenity you have AWS we have talker you have selenium grid report generation point of view have so many reports are available in the market you can easily integrate with selenium okay so these are the major advantages and so consoles freely available in the market this download and just use it right and it's and supports multiple languages either Java Ruby Python PHP Perl dotnet c-sharp all the languages are supported by webdriver right it supports multiple browsers it supports all the browsers on selenium there are so many rappers are available via protectors we have a p.m. we have Night Watch there are so many reports are available if you know selenium you can learn all these wrappers okay it's supposed multiple platforms rhenium is absolutely working fine on Linux UNIX windows mac all the platforms absolutely working fine so while then who will go with q-tip in that case and you are not paying for it it's free that's it the only thing is that it technically you have to be most strong as compared to UDP you have to learn Java or any programming language object-oriented you should know and then only you can work with selenium right that's the thing between selenium versus qdb what is the difference between before method and before test the young milla milla unleash it you must is asking ok see before method will be executed before each and every test case if you have 100 test cases it will be executed before each and every test case before tests will be executed before the method before entered before class and thread before method as well before all the test cases before all the before method and before before class as well before test will be executed so the sequence is like this before suite before test before class and then before method but the property before method is that it will be executed before each and every test case method the fee of 100 test case method before hundred to each and every test case method method will be executed okay and before all these hundred test methods and before this before method as well before test will be here so please watch that video I've already explained properly the marker is saying do we really masters in direct in collections to design framework in selenium Java it's not like you have to be really good in but the problem is for in W point of view because these companies like Amazon Walmart flip card Ola and all such all the product companies what should I say now that first one or two rounds will be on DSL go on collections for that purpose to cracked and abuse collection you connection in DSL go you have to learn otherwise hok in selenium we don't really use much about a collection maximum we can use hash map you can use ArrayList we can use hash table and all such things for sorting we can use reset and all such but I mean LinkedIn stack all these things only we don't use that but the TSA kinda read how to present automation project and interview okay now that's a very good question to think that how to like present automation project how to present automation project in an interview because obviously if you are taking it taking your interview everything is all about automation in that case you have to present it very properly you have to tell all the tools and technologies you have to tell that the the what is the roles what exactly the role and responsibilities that you had okay so you can say that okay what exactly you are doing and you have to showcase also somewhere you have to manipulate and you have to showcase and I would say show-off also not exactly show-off but showcase that this is what you are doing and this is what in which section you were involved these were the ownership you were having with respect to automation project and then kind of you can explain about what kind of project it is and then different modules the architecture the component that you designed what are different challenges you faced initially and how frequently application was getting change and what are different look at a strategy and also stuff what are different libraries you created and what is or what is or what was of your role to design those elaborate because test case anyone can do that the libraries are the most important thing the page factory the page libraries the functions and utilities the non-genic function that you are creating generate functions you are creating over into your application okay you are totally involved you are taking the responsibility of your code review process and everything and you are doing execution also for the automation okay so because now you are covering the design part you are covering the write script writing part you are covering that execution part you are covering the cold review part also so in all the areas you are involved so you have to explain like that and then next question they will asking that okay can you tell me can you draw that water a different component and how exactly all these comments are talking with each other and also stuff so I have already explained in my page object one series one the first video that the proper diagram always explained lets you sitting in a room if it is there this is a room and there is a whiteboard right and your interviewer is sitting over there either you can use pen and paper I would prefer to use a whiteboard just use the whiteboard design and all the components over here and then make the connection at how exactly your data is coming how exactly were writing the code and everything the test cases and everything you can explain like that that is the best approach okay and just be confident be relaxed and then explain the approach or in a friendly manner and I'm sure that it showcase your body language that okay yes this guy has yoga has done something that's why you are showing all these things working on your fingertips so always practice this diagram on a on a Penant okay with the help of Panama paper and okay by your own multiple times and then so same exact thing you have to explain now the two advantage is explaining over here they might ask okay they you altima do you have to spend time in W right and you have to impress let's see 30 minutes of 45 minutes in W is there and you have to impress so let's see you are explaining all these things it's taking around 10 to 15 minutes and you are already aware about all these ten different calm at case what will you do in that case as interviewer interviewer will ask okay tell me about this tell me about this you can explain ultimately each and every question you are giving the answers for that so yeah that's that's good to go then you have diverted the entire thing towards you that you are aware about it that is a smart scale at a time of interview okay this is how we can write interviews interview is all about how exactly you are diverting the entire thing that you are aware about on which topic you are diverting that in which field you are X you are having that expertise that matters a lot and a time of interview I hope you're getting a things if you are aware about selenium designing part of selenium or java part just read I want an entire topic over there instead of some other stuff okay instead of collection how how manipulative you are at a time of interview but too much manipulation is also will be risky if he is going to ask he will be asking but this trick will help you most of the time in 8090 percent cases this prick will really help you missus data structure and all yeah we can cover the guys I cannot give the answers for that right now to cover browser stag I can prepare one browser site today I am going to cover one more scenario one more have you ever heard about browser ma proxy say yes or no if you have heard about browser mob proxy that is a different concept you can check at the runtime what kind of request and response you are getting at the runtime and that's something very interesting okay if you really aware about let me know otherwise I'm gonna prepare this video the load time the response time what are the different cache a cookies browser more proxy le Loup have you inspect in google chrome and developer tools that we right-click and then we see elements on the HTML DOM and there's a network tab is also there have you ever seen network tab say yes or no right we have seen that work tab in which we can see these are the gate calls this is the URL this is request and response header and everything so we are checking it manually in the network layer yes we are checking it manually but through browser mob the proxy you can check it programmatically you can check the entire content over there and you can check at the runtime we are to be getting 202 status coordinator status code what is the response what is the Jason and everything okay so that is something really amazing that I'm gonna prepare one video over that it's very simple and then you Dave you can ask a question ugly and don't worry don't don't don't be upset browser notification guys in selenium you do not have an EPA you have to use group options then you have to use some properties there to disable notification just like we have you want to download you know find recently eroded at one secure I mean one key will be there one configuration key will be there you have to search for that key and you have to disable it for that for all the browser notification okay inside the chrome option inside the Preferences you have to provide and then only in Firefox you have to provide the profiling in chrome you have to provide the chrome options for that I don't remember the exact keyword but yeah we can do that Ranjha is asking the we insert please take my question and he is asking can you please make video an automation project brand gel everything is all about automation right I have created free CRM dot-com site I completely like design the automation for the act complete matting mode eight to ten videos are available on free CRM dot-com page object model hybrid data-driven a lot for j/s change e cucumber also I have provided for cooking my framework ok everything extend report log generation everything I've explained over there piece watch that video that's the one of the best series I have please watch it ok ok what is the time now ok we have 6 more minutes I take only 2 more okay two three question and then I think then BR does we nee am guys you can ignore the rhenium is only for dextro application you can totally ignore a couple of things you can evade about you can know then that's good to go other way you can ignore video play a debug pitiless is already organized just go to the playlist section and then see each and every video is associated with a specific playlist so you can have a look over there it's properly designed over there Cypress tool basket I've already explained that what is Cypress train on jmeter yes I can prepare some sessions on jmeter and rattling this truck is saying your test keys are getting skipped during maven execution maybe check your Pomodoro XML file you have to provide all the plugins over there and destiny dot XML file path also you have to give it over there inside a show of a plug-in and then run as maven build ok may even clean install and then let me know if you are facing a nature Sakuni is not important you can ignore but having someone certain see cooling it's good to go automation strategy like so many times have explained guys automation strategy and all when to start how to start what kind of factors you have to consider sorting functionality you can do like what kind of sorting you want to do ok use the sorting algorithm for that either it can be bubble sort or ok insertion sort you have to capture all the elements from using selenium and then store in some collection and then use the sorting over there inside the collection sorting is also available even sorted arrays dot sort is also available you can sort it manage around ok yes is manage around here dates for APM good for 8:00 p.m. okay okay I cannot give any dates but yeah very soon very soon I'll start or a p.m. I really need to start otherwise you you guys want to kill me I know okay I was told in W software testing is asking is bad approach using a path shape on a PA he was suggesting J who said that who is saying that jxl both are good 90% of the crowd in industry they are using with Java p'chepo APA and can you please ask him I drove a bad approach why it is a bad approach using a pod shape IEP you know Apache by EPA internally they are using XML XML beans and Oh XML and what is the purpose of dom4j xml's they're making a project by a PMO stronger has come by to JX it okay with JX is the problem with the jxl is that most of time it will be corrupted your file will be corrupted that's where jxl is not that is the biggest place why to disadvantage rejects it in a party by API it will never be corrupted okay so I don't know why he's saying like that Colin were than any live project are you starting what do you mean by live project it's already started and already finished means everything is all about life okay so what else we have mike lee run you can configure guys nightly builds and everything you can configure using Jenkins okay it's nothing really to selenium you have to configure in Jenkins where exactly you want to trigger your bit so like that you can execute your nightly braids and all such stuff cool so I think that's all for today and is a let me so couple of like thing that we can I'm going to start a new batch new batch in July med so if you really want to attend I haven't decided a date if you really want to attend those sessions definitely and you can register yourself and share the registration link on my Facebook page and on my channel as well in the community in the community tab you can see when exactly that new updates when when exactly I'm going to start a new batch and everything okay and apart from that we use telegram group because in telegram now we have around 1.9 K means 1900 people we are talking and I intend hundred people are discussing daily basis and a lot of lot of good things and good discussions are happening over there if you really want to become a part of this group this group is really amazing the lot of people are helping each other and then you know a lot of people are getting the offers because of these groups oh because of this group some I'm I'm pretty much sure that okay you will be getting very good advantage of having this group so please join this group I'm going to share this telegram group link be part of this group we don't talk about however our about on those things it's not like some other groups there they are just posting the I mean no admin is not taking care about anything over there Edwin is just looking into the job posting in that set this group is strictly not for job posting okay I never entertain any HR or any recruitment guy okay in this group if you have your opening in your company you can share okay with the permission you can share but no nonsense talk it's totally and totally for you know for the technical discussion I'm sure most you you most of the guys are available in this particular diagram you can share your experience over here okay whether the folks you can write down actually I'm going to share this URL with you you need to download this app that telegram app then this is the UT to download this and then okay join this Facebook page as well race because in facebook also a lot of questions are coming lot of announcements are happening this is the Facebook and if you haven't subscribed to the channel as well please subscribe to the channel because all the videos are available on my channel only so a lot of lot of videos are coming in future so you can take the advantage of having okay these videos you can watch these videos and get the offer and tell me the good news very soon okay so this is the channel name and then or h2k is it I never noticed you notice today h2k finally it's 2k yeah it's 2k now I don't know who is mm member I think sort of Singh joined I think he is the mm okay no it's to get good okay so on a channel also it's more than 21,000 subscribers are available and within 8 to 9 months I think that's a great achievement for our channel a lot of people are liking and then the nod off for hard work I have put it over there and then guys please subscribe to the channel P share this channel to your friends colleagues okay where exactly you are in which country you are please head the community so that they can also learn okay cool so meetup and all I'll make announcement for meetup for workshops meetups and everything now on free and APA videos and protector I'm going to start very soon okay maybe in this coming week you can you can get one video and a p.m. okay so that's all for today thanks for joining on Sunday evening and and see you may be on next weekend in that case if you really there like this session I'm really sorry guys I if I couldn't answer for your question you can write down and that's my email id okay let me share my email ready has been yeah a p.m. it is it's really difficult it's hidden a p.m. with iOS is not that easy in fact the configuration and destination is also not that easy and you won't find anything on on YouTube a p.m. it is okay after AP 1.6 after iOS sift it's really difficult ok to configure and nobody is going to touch that part actually yeah I you know a p.m. I have to go or otherwise you guys I know you guys one has killed me very soon if you don't put anything on it here I know you you can manage an Android Ravi Kumar is saying how long you are an automation field my experience around 11 years out of 11 years from last 10 years I am into automation yeah you have to download telegram from placed over my automation grew ok one guy was there when I was in Delhi noida 10 years back I started with qtp actually in this guy he is from Bihar and his name was Robbie yeah Robbie and I joined his classes and 3,000 rupees weekend sessions and he was taking his some session somewhere in Noida and a nursing in a small room and we before students were there and within 15 days I learned qdp and I learned and I designed couple of things over there and he was really impressed and couple of years we were in touch and then I became an expert in not automation in selenium and then he learned selenium from me actually so he was not good in Java I I taught him Java but he was my guru actually he told me some very good things ok so hats off to this guy like Ravi because oh happy I don't know where exactly he is like but he was really good in I think he started his own this thing coaching Institute for automation things and after that we were not in touch Ravi is not about coming to us or any other country for great career I am enjoying in India and I was in the u.s. in Germany in okay couple of years so it's not about that I'm not having a great career over here I really want to work in Bangalore for some time okay later on you see hari kiran we will do it here don't worry we'll do that next session dot okay when on Sunday document Dave RL which talked about talking about automation I don't have as such okay documents I can share the code and everything document is done every I mean I didn't prepare Kumar with serenity I can prepare one video currently we are using serenity actually and serenity advantage is that it generates very good report oh that's really good recently like one year by going started with serenity okay cucumber interview questions we can prepare yes that's a good yeah for selenium we have order stingy we have for manual testing we have I think I can prepare one thing Monica timber and web services API also integration integration dogs are available on my day but you can find it on my on my side Naveen automation lapse calm this is the link okay someone is saying that how to plan for the study and all such stuff right that I really what will give no answer for the fact that there is activation okay one last quick suggestion and depta is that if you really want to take it it's not about it's not that I'm giving you the gun but so much yarn is I think one or yon is enough the thing is that you really have to study it's not like that if you give young we are not in college or school that we don't need to study but but in automation you have to study you won't believe how so many things I'm learning and it's not that just because of the channel I'm learning it's about well in the industry in the market but you have to stand over here on top of these ways so you have to study you have to learn many the target always said the target put it on your wall today I am going to for next 15 days I'm going to learn next 16 days 15 days I'm gonna learn selenium okay this is how you can motivate yourself okay I always used to write on a paper that okay this is what I'm going to learn in next 15 days and that's it okay so set the target learn the things and then implement the same thing and if you are not satisfied with your job if you are in the manual testing here you are doing the same stuff then leave that company and leave the job and then go for okay so that's my personal suggestion study is very important daily basis spend some time in office also there is no office where you are working eight hours or nine a spontaneously that is I know it very well okay I'm in dentistry from now from last 11 12 years not a single person who is working continuously on diners after lunch before lunch maybe an evening 4 to 5 or 4 to 4:30 5:00 to 5:30 spend some time and automation write your own script over there and then open your Eclipse and do some automation ok write some I mean write some blocks share your knowledge on LinkedIn ok so this is how like you can improve your knowledge read some good blogs or even watch some videos ok learn new things the moment you see any new concept just try to implement immediately try to implement the moment I publish any video watch that and immediately try to implement the same thing this is how you can learn right and Neil you are asking how do I manage time so you won't believe my schedule is like really hectic morning I have 2 sessions and Dai Dai office after that I have to go to my gym swimming classes and then after that I have to study I have to take care of all my personal stuff as well and daily night one o clock two o clock and then you know everything so it's all about passion and you won't see such any mother on your own any you know I'm getting tired or something like that it's its rights all good if you know the things and you're learning and people are appreciating you then why not in that case I really want you to become like this in next couple of okay I think that's too much otherwise I'm missus it how many switches I have done guys you can check my linden profile I don't switch for the sake of searching like this switch III I think and then I see that ok yes there is I can get something from this company then only I switch otherwise I don't just further getting then getting the money or package that's not the only agenda ok so thank you so much for joining guys I think it was really good session today after a long time and then ok I tried him in Google they were 8 or 8 in the 8th round I got rejected yeah after that I never got a call three years back before Walmart when I was working with Cisco I got a call from Google three rounds I cleared on like telephonic and then 2 rounds they call me in their office to write the program and everything I cleared that round one round on their hacker rank that's also clear then two rounds from their on-site team from us and then in the ninth round that was like you won't believe that was on this thing memory management in Java that was the kind of discussion you were having so memory management in Java was like we were like it was a kind of argument happened over there and I thought I will be selected but headquarters it anyway so that's the thing one more experience was good Walmart was like one of the best I mean the topmost 4,500 number one company in the world the biggest retailer in the world that was amazing experience in Walmart three years I would involve our Indian us both so that was really good experience ok cool I think too much and stuff that tunnel guys for today and if you read like the session please say yes or no and please subscribe to the channel the East's okay and of this year i we have to cross 50,000 so please subscribe to the channel that will really motivate me this is a channel and a good day for us folks and people are joining from different countries if it's your day time warning time have a good day and per Indian folks good night and happy weekend once again and guys one request on on that's a person request for my site if you guys can do that on telegram growth guys please write your name and put a picture okay some names are like you know KK some name is like this guy seven five six this one how would I recognize you that okay what's your name what kind of question you are asking that's fine but how would I recognize your review at the same guy I cannot remember your name on the basis of number right some guy is that DB DB is a name case please write your proper name put a picture over there okay so that we will recognize that your face h1 about making the connection nice right so please write down your name over there in put a picture over there okay Furnas okay it's too much like I think you should listen some good music now okay Thank You Ravi thanks a lot if I come into u.s. definitely we can meet over there anyone is joining from Europe any European country or maybe from UK you coming - I'm coming to that place and maybe somewhere in Germany we can have a meet-up over there maybe on some be okay I'm not sure about UK but yes maybe in a few someone is from European country oh we have from Pakistan as well welcome raised yeah and us we'll see end of this year we'll see the accession on next sending okay Charlie I'm leaving now rice it's too much plate okay and then I'll see the next session guys keep watching my videos and thank you thanks for joining bye bye guys [Music]
Channel: Naveen AutomationLabs
Views: 13,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4uBDnoR66ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 51sec (6531 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 24 2018
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