SELENA QUINTANILLA Ghost Box - JAW-DROPPING Clear & Direct Messages! She speaks of YOLANDA Saldívar
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Channel: Cody ITC
Views: 738,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yolanda saldívar, selena (musical artist), Selena Spanish singer, Selena Mexican singer, Selena 90’s, Selena last words, Yolanda s, Yolanda sa, Selena spirit box, Selena Quintanilla talks, Selena musician, Selena 1990’s, Selena 1999, Selena queen of Mexico, Beautiful Selena 1990, Selena in person, Selena mexican idol, yolanda saldivar, i can see spirit, i can see spirits, Can dead people hear me, can dead people come back, Best spirit box in the world, After life
Id: tFDrIyEqw4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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