Selena Gomez - Zane Lowe & Apple Music Rare Interview

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man if we can't like keep the fake intro and I have to do the professional intro well you can thank you for joining us we're in a nondescript coffee shop here in Santa Monica to discuss what is considered now a modern timeless pop classic Selena Gomez over the course of 10 years has been through many challenges and also many triumphs she finds herself today sitting here with a brand new album called rare and we're here to discuss it Selena hello hello that was really impressive I could do it I just don't want it [Music] Happy New Year happy new decade happy 2020 how did you feel in the context of knowing that you were stay in 2020 really hitting the ground running super fast like the album's out I know and it's barely gotten started and so I suppose in a weird way that means that you end the year with a sort of really mixed emotions like can you relax knowing that's coming I can yeah I mean this is four years of my life and I think I'm completely okay with releasing it but there had always been something that was preventing me or scaring me from doing it and I'm so glad that I followed that gut instinct because it's so crazy that every single moment counts down to literally loozy to love me and look at her now is out but we were still like the last day writing music that the song I personally think is gonna be one of our biggest as well it's just that's the kind of magic that happens and I and I know that happens with other artists but the people I'm surrounded by it just happens and I'm so grateful plus the songs pretty awesome yeah I mean and it seems to me like good people were the difference this time no disrespect to Hewitt with before but it feels like you really chose your collaborators very deliberately on this hour yeah well I think my role thank you I think my role you know has been I don't want to work with anyone who doesn't want to work with me hmm I think I just found my group and I think I'm getting better and better but I only know that that that means it's because of the people I'm surrounded by that inspired me that challenged me and I think the past few years or hell decade if you want I think I was really kind of hurting and I think that prevented me from doing a lot more creatively or even content-wise what I wanted to say I'm interested and I went I was in the studio last night like I actually just kinda wanna keep going which I never do now I get to have more say - when it comes to even putting the music chill I was always so scared to speak up with producers now I know most of them so well that I just give them [ __ ] and I'm always just like well I don't you know i-i've never done that really before I to have a conversation and it was an important experience for me were there times when you were making the record during that four years when you were like you say in pain where you wondered whether or not you would ever get another album or body of work out or that it would take even longer than it has the you wanted to throw in the towel and maybe just walk away from that process maybe but I was under contract so maybe but when I would have those moments it never lasted it was almost like I'd had the low moment and be like no forget I gotta like keep going I've got to now I feel like I need to say something and then there's period where I don't have anything to say and it just would pick up quickly when I needed it to happen who was some of the people that you aside from your collaborators that the small group of people that you kind of I suppose went to to say is this good like am I on the right path am I making sense I'm like am i speaking my truth is it good enough I didn't I didn't have anyone listen it needed to be something that I liked for you to take on that that challenge to a degree yourself was going through this challenging time like that that can be you know ultimately fulfilling but at the time I'm sure there were lonely moments you know were you like you say that makes the doubt even more kind of privileged doesn't it when you come on your own trying to work out navigate your way through this the static to find some clarity of vision a I reinstate to say that I I was sad it's like whatever but I think to me it's it's such a distant thought hmm I'm not in that place anymore and I think maybe before I used to lie and say that so that people would get it but I kind of show everything that I'm feeling in my face yeah but it's it's not even like I can't even go anymore if I try it it just doesn't seem like it's a part of me anymore any of those ties soul ties are mental stuff everything going on it's I'm it's all of its under control and this is where I'm going and I see it very clearly so there's a lot of liberation on this record mmm and even the moments when you know you're diving into subject matter to resolve it for yourself it feels like you're doing so with the purpose of trying to get to a place a liberated place and so I wonder you know at the end of the process what you what did you let go of what did you no longer need in your life once you'd kind of been through this process of writing this album and getting out the other side well I definitely had to get probably the most toxic thing out of my life first then it started becoming being being a bit more vocal I am naturally a people pleaser so just more kind of saying no this isn't what I'm going to do I started noticing you know people were putting that were like setting up sessions it seemed like favors or something it just it kind of got confusing for me and I think that's why I tend to one of the many reasons why I tend to just always go with and Julia and Justin trust loyalty trust understanding don't give a [ __ ] about the industry then believe in the art and believe in music and believe in what I'm saying I have the greatest label I'm so grateful for John and all of that that's not really what I'm describing I guess it's just it is weird and especially being in the position that I'm a now as a pop artist it is harder when it's like oh we're having all these things because we think you should sound like this yeah I learned a lot this past year about how to navigate that so when you write a lyric like people go from people you know to people you don't surely that's like a great moment for you among will you recognize that's just a part of humanity that one's funny because it was actually my friend Liz was her friend that had the hook until it was actually Brandon because it came out of nowhere take it which was really fun yeah everyone goes to it you know we go through seasons people are meant to be in your life or some others they're not I think if you accept that though that's ultimately positive thing isn't it when you realize that if you stop holding on so tight yeah to the idea he did change I mean I kind of still do but every time I'm on the other side I'm like oh I get it thank you for that one needed that what did you get like what do you get from when you come out of this I what do you recognize what do you realize what do you know for me okay a good example is I would say it's about eight ten years it was really painful and I think when lose you to love me came out and the reaction it got I definitely knew it was a special song I didn't know that it was gonna become so first number one people responded to in such a huge way I think when that happened I had a moment where I said I completely get it the agony the confusion the self-doubt all of that wrapped up into that song that was a moment where I got it I got I needed that I went through that for something like this for other people and that was a really special moment I can't think of anyone who's lived the kind of life you've lived and you still any 27 years old it to be launching a music career at 17 with what you'd already done and then to go through the process of growth and identifying and understanding who you are all in the space of the public eye and you worked the whole time how hard was it to find a ballot was that to bring the biggest challenges find the balance between work and you cuz you didn't start working even when you were getting sick you still worked yeah I think I needed to because it kept me going mm-hmm so sometimes I pushed myself too far when I when I did have to take moments and step back I didn't find that it was is embarrassing or that I was letting myself down or letting fans down it meant that I I needed to make sure I didn't want it basically I didn't want to get to a certain age where it was almost too late that I didn't figure this stuff out and I had been going through all of these different emotions not specifically within relationships it's personal it's you know bigger than that it's people at home it's theirs there was a lot there and I'm grateful because it has brought me through all of it but I have this relationship with my job and my work that keeps me going I know it's kind of stupid but I always say to my fans that they have saved me from a lot of situations you know you're built up just for them to knock you down it keeps going it's gonna keep happening but what stayed consistent in my life was that and because of social media which I'm able to have more of an intimate relationship with them and that's you know my I draw my boundaries to a specific point but it's literally people that I've known for years and that meant so much to me so do you sometimes go and read things and dial into the timeline when no one knows just to kind of see what people you don't do that yeah I didn't have social media for Kier's you mentioned that you had to been on social media at the start of the last conversation we had and I kind of wished that we'd sort of dive in a little bit more into that because I just out of a pure personal never want to know what that's like like what it's like when you don't look at it because I still find myself i screen time still creeps up I still find myself owning that habit I don't know you just got to do it my eye I was driving myself crazy first off there was a million things that I didn't want to see yeah and I would see them over and over and over again yeah then I'm comparing then I'm looking at these people and I'm like how did it it just it's all the things that people say right it's nothing new it's that you usually sum times Felix you have FOMO everyone's life looks amazing and that happens to me too I'm like well what am I not like I'm missing the plot here like write some things how come it's so fun for everyone else then it just started getting dark like there were accounts that were dissecting me down to my body to my face and my features choices I've made telling stories and it drove me crazy because I don't I honestly just wanted to be like none of you are qualified like no no if you even know what you're talking about and it just destroyed me so I stopped and I tell every single person everything changed yeah and I'm also I'm also I'm living in that time where there's a specific look that's going on within females so that would get in my head as well you know yeah I do look young so there's nothing I can do about that of course I am 27 but sometimes I'm like oh I look like a baby which is stupid and I don't fit into that look which isn't a bad thing and it's not bad that that's what people enjoy and like it's whatever makes you feel comfortable of course but like when I was out of social media I was so much happier with with just me myself how I looked and that helped a lot during those reflective times you know when you're getting into a place and you you find yourself going into a personal space where you can just have the freedom to think about what you want not be distracted what's the one thing the prevailing question or prevailing anchor you kept coming back to that you knew you had to get through I just needed to let my old self go I was purging multiple different things but it was specifically how I who I was then I would like to say that this is a fresh start and I started with this album but I I'm gonna continue to just do better and do everything I can to make it great I mean it's a it's a complete human experience this album from start to finish you know it starts with a song called rare and which is just a I mean I've never heard that a song I love with that that actually is a word that's sums up what the purpose of my position is which is letting people know that they are completely unique within who they are so that's the biggest thing right it's like they don't fit in or they feel like they need to be a certain way and who are they looking up to is very scary also to know who they're looking up to him and I think it was such a perfect description of how I think girls or women are meant to feel you know it's it's it's even acknowledging I don't have it all but I do know that I'm worth something I'm not gonna settle and I'm gonna wait because there is something out there though that is gonna give me that feeling that I deserve and that I want you to get the best out of your collaborators in the best out of each experience in a recording studio you know you have to be as honest and open with each other as possible how was that for you knowing that you were gonna dredge up details and examples and stories and even people and even people by name and share that with people in a trusted environment like I don't see how you could have made rear without doing that the subject matter on the record as well as you as well as you're hiding and keeping it to yourself and letting us work it out I figure you got to go there to be able to to dress it up different it would be they didn't even need to it didn't even needed to be booked said yeah and it's not because I wanted any sort of spotlight on that situation if anything I'm wanting the spotlight completely separated yeah but it wasn't in a vindictive way it was simply like okay I actually have my part to say and I waited I wasn't just you know rationally doing something to just be like coming from a place of well yeah like I'm over it that that's not where I was when it all came together it just felt right and I was okay with that other than the fact that they pay attention a bit more to my personal life than maybe others it's gonna be you know it's gonna be gone in a day there's gonna be another story there's gonna be something else so people will ultimately know yes where the inspiration came from but then it kind of ends there moving away from any particular individual and just talking about the concept of having a normal human relationship as long as you've been interested in forming any kind of bond with anyone it's been visible for the most part you know and I just I figured that's got to distort at some point your concept of what a normal relationship is or what the possibilities are whether you acknowledge that at some point and decided no I need to get back to a place where this recognize this is just an unusual and strange environment well I can be honest of course always it is so cliche it's just everyone dates everyone it's so it always seems to be within a little bubble and and it's because it's safe right it's you know you're you're wanting someone to understand what you're going through you're you're almost wanting a counterpart of creativity as well and it's you know interesting and fun but the problem with that is that you end up the whether you admit it or not you're having a relationship for four people and not even for yourself there's almost this point where it's like oh we're we're making it known that we're together or whatever who you know whatever it is it's like you just need to decide within our world it fits for you or is it for show yeah right is the song on the record it comes in second which is in a pants again which is you know borderline kind of house techno throw yourself on the dance floor that's so much fun and and what's cool about it is it it has all the emotion that you want from a right dance record it's not just this kind of like bolster as' hands in the air bang I like cliche right it's like nah man it draws you in and it makes you really think it gave you a moat when you listen to it and you'll a moat when you dance to it which i think is the perfect kind of dance music yeah and and it kind of complemented vulnerable because when we when we wrote the record it was very we were just talking about the next kind of chapter of when I step into meeting someone it's like if I were to give you all of these things are you able to do that I expect that if not I'm totally okay letting that go but I'm still gonna remain vulnerable I'm still going to remain open and okay with my emotions okay with being pissed or sad or upset about it so it kind of complemented that dance again is saying I'm able to get back to that was that it that's Justin come and sit down let's talk about this record and dive into it [Music] and welcome back as you heard Selena Gomez is releasing a brand new album which is called rare we're now joined for part two by her steamed colleagues Justin treinta Julie Michael was great to see like good afternoon this is part of a loyalty Crew hell yeah this is part of the crew that if I may say someone who not just be you're honest with me I'll be honest with you up until revival I can't say I was an expert in Selena Gomez as a musician yeah it was your collaboration as the three of you that really got my attention yeah it was when I felt like oh wow there's something really unique going on here and there's like my favorite kind of subversion which is taking what I thought I knew about somebody and ripping it to shreds I loved that love - I said that to me 2015 was when it kind of started for me and I wonder what those kind of first days for you guys were like and how you got to a place where you could start to rip it to shreds I mean I'll just be personally my intro to Selena came from from this little booboo I was in a band for a long time which we've talked about many times but when I first started writing songs with and for other people she was like the first clogger I met who was like oh you want to talk about really weird and she and Selena had already worked together and she was like Selena likes to talk about weird too and so then you also just wanted to talk about real yeah you know what yeah it's so exciting you know for writers like us who want to write only from honest opinions and I think that they made it okay for me you know I don't like going in and felt like I go in and I'm like we usually talk for hours just about everything right and then usually we pick up things like I think you understand the ways of like a room when it comes to writing it's like the more that we talk about the more detail we go into the more it's easy for us to write about yeah and I like you know obviously it takes the level of comfort and a level of trust but you are pretty much an open book like you'll go like this is what's happening please help me make art out of my misery yeah basically yeah it was at that point I think when we had started working it just felt so natural and it felt like they believed in what I was saying not that anyone around me didn't it just it was able to take it to a place where I was so excited about the music this meant more you know and I let and I loved revival and what we did with that but then you know transitioning into what we did it's a lot more stuff to untangle - yeah it's more pain yeah right about yeah I have to ask because you seem really well and really healthy and I want to and you've got friends in the couch now so you know you've been you've been dealt with some really some real challenges with with your health and after you met Justin and Julia he went through one of those again in a significant way and and I think she had to ask Justin Julia like when Selena came back to word like came back - right did you notice a difference that you feel there was a change in the way she approached her music after she'd been faced with that we've always been so close and so honest with each other but I did definitely see you in this album like what you mentioned before that Kurt confidence and like what the album should be and what the music should be your confidence definitely like she was always like this is what I want to talk about this is what's happening but this time it was like more melodies were coming directly from her more production ideas were coming directly from her so that that whether that was more journal entries more info journal answer is it related do you think you think you came out of that going you know I well first off I'm a huge advocate for mental health um I have this dream of mine that's you know beyond all of this where I think that personally it should be required in schools to be taught dialectical behavior therapy there is something I read where and you know I think it was the 50 is the 14 year old kids of today have the same anxiety and depression as a 40 year old in the 50s that says so much and I don't know why that perhaps doesn't shake people up a bit to where maybe there should be more that accessible I am glad that it is being discussed more I'm glad that we are having the conversation but it does it saved my life yeah 1000% I need to know yeah and stopping to know that it might have been bigger than something I could control and I think to what Justin was saying it is it is a huge part of how I was able to release it and let it go and sometimes we would just even write songs that were like just to purge things out and like that's never gonna see the light of day but it's just you know that verse is not allowed to ever see things that I love that process I love the fact that you're willing to go in there and kind of clear out the tank before you actually get down to the pure stuff yes well you don't even know you're doing it you just like okay let's write this thing saying whatever whatever we're saying and then you kind of you finish and you're like okay that was really fun but no one can ever hear that for whatever reason right wait wait that's a good word fun we've covered some heavy ground in this right but this is a fun wreck which is fun songs on this rig there's one cool fun yeah of course it is I mean that's just man okay we'll get to fun in a second but I have to say like you love words and you love words like that is a perfect marriage and so when you guys first connected and start doing it it must have been fantastic and also to move into this album to like what's one of your favorite songwriting moments on this record the two of you you think if you can find a common one lose you to love me happened when I had come home from tour it was on Valentine's Day that we wrote it and I think that's probably when I was a powerful moment on Valentine's Day yeah right and it was also our first time seeing you and so long so I got that I think was just one of my favorites just because we were all like reunited again yeah and doing it again and we had you being what were you coming back from it's a treatment center mmm Wow and so when you walked in that room did you have a line or an inkling or an emotion of that you knew you had to cover or did you just let it happen naturally well usually Julia texts me it's kind of like how it works when everyone's kind of getting in the studio when she asked me I felt it was kind of overdone the the subject and I just said I'm sorry that this is what I'm gonna give you but I'm still not fully done with this she's like got it and so when I walked in and it was literally just the piano and the chorus and a bit of the first verse and I just like sat there and I tell people this too because it was also such a very raw moment a I had just gotten back but B we were in the bright daylight you know and that's not normally how you're maybe talking about something like that and then you know Julie had to leave what we did the second verse and then you guys did the bridge yeah without me but okay we know these lyrics are great for the bridge just on the outro but like we need your approval on the melody because even though she's the queen of words she also made some of the best melodies louis and she was like yet approved it was very quick I feel like the ones that come the quickest for us are usually the ones that feel the most right yes we're not overthinking it and we're just in it yeah it's a human album like I said it's a human album it covers a lot of ground of what it is to kind of feel a lot of things from the very deep right through to the frivolous you know and and there is equally important as each other yeah they can't live deep all the time you go crazy sometimes you just need to write a song like like crowded room there is this this married couple that I'm friends with they're older and they're awesome and they had told me this story which was really sweet very cheesy but adorable they do a lot socially so they're in rooms a lot or with a lot of people and one of their things that they do is that they're not always together which I love I admire they're like we don't really stay in every moment we go and do our own thing and throughout the night or day or whatever they're doing they'll just kind of make eye contact and do this and then turn away which means you're you're my number one and it's just a check-in and it's kind of cheesy but I thought that was cool and so the the concept of of crowded room and and it feeling you know that it's just you you two it's very romantic and it's fun and then to get black on it was awesome yeah I mean I you've picked your collaborators brilliantly I mean why did black come to mind I mean apart from being a great melodic writer and a fantastic artist so we we had discussed features and at first I don't I didn't want any yeah we were kind of going through what you know who would a want to do it but would sound great and compliment for me it's his tone and and and his like it's his voice as well so it's kind of the rapping part but it's the singing so I was blown away when I got his cut cuz obviously they go and do their thing and so it was awesome except for her Cuddy thing I mean the Cuddy thing sounds like it was far more of a genuine an old-school collaboration yes how did that come about I have to ask him he's one of the cornerstone artists at that time yes so I went into the studio with Emenike and Madison everyone was kind of saying maybe we should do up-tempo and and I said I don't know let's try something acoustic messed around with that I didn't like that didn't work we scratched the idea and I kinda got exhausted so I said I want to do something weird like Kid Cudi and I mean under compliment then I didn't know what that was gonna be so we were listening to different sounds but I I just had that melody when they were saying what's what does that mean you know and I'm like something where he's he's so good at storytelling but changing it up with every line it almost has a character to it and so that was when he does a very distinctive melancholic Sansa yeah I mean it's very there you know you know you're listening to you know that's when the melody came about where it has that kind of singsong like playground type of chorus and so we had nothing to it it was just that then we did the verses and my ANR came in I said this is who inspired it and you know how do you like it I was really excited about it and without my permission which will never happen again because I was I have a major fear of rejection and so I think they know that I also don't it's not take advantage it's just like I'm scared to ask artists especially certain artists that are particular so someone sent the record to his management apparently he had heard it that exact day and he loved it so then they told me and I remember exactly how it went down I was like why it's just like oh my gosh just think no you're kidding and then I was like how how the hell did he know and then it was that moment where I found out and it was kind of like yes okay amazing I'm so excited it's just so quiet no it was a bit of just I was a little annoyed but it was perfect and so he wanted to have a phone call and that's when I had told him as far as production wise I said I would trust you on this you know I've built this part up and if you like it I know kind of of course I know your ability and what you can see so I would actually love to know what you feel and hear what you feel for the record then he came to LA and we were in the studio for two days it was very very scary at one point because giving cutting notes is like the scariest thing in the world to me but I had ideas for the intro and stuff and his response to that made me feel so comfortable because it ended up working and it was so great that it happened that way surely you you can finish off an experience like and it gets you somewhere closer to not being so scared to ask yeah trust in yourself more because you've got two of the best riders in the world on your team and you got Cuddy jetway McManus is that too much she doesn't like compliments I love them by the way one of the greatest songwriters of our generation and his sidekick on your team it's I guess I'm trying to get it and I don't want to become across as overly concerned or patronizing but yeah through all the achievements of your life and all the work you've done the work and everything that journey you've been on 227 a very pivotal year an important yeah surely now you can think about this album and the kind of people that ride for you on this album and want to be a part of it based on the quality the music but also just what an honest and genuine person you are does that resonate now are you able to acknowledge and appreciate that I think that's how I've continued to have a career is that I'm very okay with speaking about that I'm speaking about myself through that I think that's truly what has sustained me and I don't do it purposefully I'd do it because it's necessary for me I came from Disney who I have the utmost respect for and has you know that they changed my life but when you're coming from a machine like that you end up losing a bit of that vulnerability because you are meant to carry something which is carrying that brand and making sure that you are being a respectful person that families are okay with and that kids can look up to and so I I had dealt with that for so long that I had been conditioned and one I chose to do Spring Breakers that was a huge moment you know and I it was very controversial and you know it was it was definitely one of those moments but it just it slowly happened where I didn't want to have to be okay I needed to say something because it got to a point where everyone else was saying something and that would drive me crazy so that's why I'm always really adamant by saying if it doesn't come directly from me it's definitely most of the time 90% of the time not true I was able to gain control of that and I think that's when everything real started happening for me and good for you was the starting point for music in that world without sacrificing vulnerability is the important point and that's why that song is so important on the record yep it's it's in your album to me deliberately it's the centerpiece of doubt my thing that's all thank you and I think that that that message that you're saying there of like all right even through all of that like I'm still gonna be that person that's gonna lay it on the line right but now I have expectations where it's like if I were to do this or if I were to give you are you strong enough are you capable of being someone that's gonna be in my life that's how I approach things now and I'm not being conceited I'm saying it's actually an honor to be with me because I think I'm a great person and I love people deeply and I won't tolerate ever being treated the way that I had been that's the song it's not just me being like I'm still vulnerable it's like well I am but I need these things for you to get that from me what was the most going down the line what's the most fun or memorable experience you had working on this project with Selina on react there was a couple I mean even though oh well look at her now was a really really fun day that was a super fun day I had just come back from seeing this one perform in San Diego and it was just like if anyone tells you they know a songs a hit that they're liar but you know wanting to feel special when you're writing it right it's like we knew like you know started playing the track you know when you're writing a song where the the chorus is mmm that's a that's a fun time that was really fun and kind of just like telling you know that was now however many months after we wrote lose you to love me and it was like this feeling of like no but actually like look at her now there's no one's crying today like business can find like it was so that was a really cool moment and we hadn't been all three of us with Ian since we did that liar so that was like so I lose you to love me was the first time us and Batman and Robin had been together in a long time and then mm and Robin did hands to myself so then this was the first time we were back with Ian so it's like kind of like both times bringing different pastas back together yeah and that was a really really fun day and I think I already had like two glasses of wine before I got there was just always makes life better yeah I was so fun it was so fun it was almost like I don't even think we were objectively like trying to be strategic like we're gonna make this song about this it was just that yeah yeah that was really fun yeah so then do you have one that jumps out that really kind of that you'll carry with you or that you think about this album now it's done and it's out and it's ours for you let it go completely like is there one kind of really special memory that you'll carry with you from the experience well what did intuit julius said definitely lose you I had an amazing time working on vulnerable the conversation that led up to what the song is and and the meaning behind it was really fun for me and special then look at her no fun was actually fun was but it was a good time yeah it was like kind of the first time when we had gone in the studio after a while where you were kind of like I don't really want to talk about anything that I'm going through anymore you're like I've done it I feel like I've done all those songs on my record you were like I just want to do something fun and I was like well okay literally like let's write a song that says fun great because it is ultimately right that's what's brought us all here together is it's fun to listen to even the hard stuff and it's fun to make and that's the trade yeah that's that's the ultimate trade you get the process we get the result you get to take what you've learned from it and apply it to your life we get to take what you've made from it and apply it to ours yeah and it's this magic trade that's been going on for so long and it never gets tired because every experience is unique for you even the songs that are sad or whatever you still have so much fun in the projects still so cathartic and magical and right yeah completely know and her bravery in the honesty in the music it also goes through everything you were talking about like how you get so scared to ask people for features and stuff my version of that is all the activism and fundraising to do I get so scared to ask people I work with you to do things and I came to studio one day and I have just gotten a phone call that I was gonna receive the ACLU award and I was like just telling her cuz I was so excited because I was an activist that's like the dream for an award and without even questioning she's like well so what can I do and I was like why like what can I do and it's like do you want to present me with the award and she was like yeah where it's like so it's like that you don't get that with you know we are very lucky to work with lots of amazing people but like this friendship is it's a pretty special thing and like I was like oh I don't have to ask for a feature which is my version of a feature it was like I just told her I to you if she were just like I'm I'll be there just tell me when and she like had to move a bunch of for me and she was there you did the same thing for my show yeah we're working on fun I was like I'm performing in LA and you're really oh my god I want to come she's like can I sing with you it was like I think she's doing you a favor she's just inviting yourself to waiters all the time not like she's doing a favor it's just like what people it's extending its extending the experience so it's and you can tell that it's just now become that and I think what's what I also want to say that's super important is I know well everyone knows that they have already on their own done insane huge monumental music where you know and I'm I'm very honored that they have chosen to be a part of moments like this with me because they mean a lot to me but it's it's also it's also them separately that makes all of it great you know our we were there when Julia was literally saying I would never be an artist like would you really do what you know really surround stuff no I would never do it then she had this song that she'd played and I was called issues I think you were like I was maybe gonna give it to someone and you're like I'm just gonna keep it and me hidden just and really she's like just keep it me like put it out like you're just gonna like keep it away from the world no like what I got was my voice on it it's like we were so excited we even have a video that you have where I think it was at the moment it came out I think it was like the day came out and we like we're all in those studios so excited but you know her single came out and to be a part of that has been incredible as well I mean you say we've done incredible things but like a lot of the things that I've done have been because of you like I've had my first platinum record with you my first number one song on the radio with you like you've been so many of my firsts I'm I'm just as grateful for you as we've learned a lot today over the course of this two-part interview we've been through triumph and tribulation a decade past that hopefully will never be dredged up and discussed again and a fresh start at 2020 with the new album called rare which promises so much and delivers even more but before we go we have one more all-important question for the fans in 2016 255 dates and you towards faithfully then I'm revival and I look back on your timeline now I'm amazed you did it I can't believe you found the strength to be able to do that to it but you did it so your work ethic is right up there thank you but you decade are you gonna tour are you feeling excited about playing live do you want to do it it's my favorite thing besides film it's my favorite thing in the entire world is actually connecting and having moments with everyone because it's theirs they've they've taken what I have and have made it theirs and to see physically what that means to people brings me to tears every time it's also mind-blowing that I am in a space with that many people as far as doing it within this year I think I need to find ways where that's possible for me and that's just about the pace and and and you know I'm gonna do something hopefully that's just not as typical and I hope it's not I don't I don't want people to think it's lazy but I just don't think some of the production and things like that need to be as big as they were for me personally I think my favorite part is just like talking to them and sometimes all that other stuff is a distraction from who I actually a.m. yeah so I think I would do it differently and I do want to so we'll see I mean I hope you're proud of the record you should be yeah you know I mean to get to where you've got to over the course of I think from 2015 to now that's the arc that's the arc that I see yeah and I hear on this record and so you know start to finish super tasteful really honest really straight-up album and you said you wanted to keep going are you gonna keep creating yeah straight back in I mean I was in last year last night I don't know yeah but it's always casual it's like it's usually available then we'll do it and if everyone wants to then we'll do it maybe some outtakes maybe some first verses and purchases have you see the light of day one day I'm particularly brave an honest moment yeah I've already been pretty honest you are an honest human being well I really appreciate that it's always more fun when someone's willing to take to move into an environment where they tell their truth but never it's sacrificed if their own well-being and I think you do that really well thanks to your time appreciatively
Channel: Selena Gomez
Views: 2,846,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: selena gomez, zane lowe, apple music, selena, interview, beats 1, track by track, Rare, Selena rare
Id: c1evIvTU6yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 52sec (2752 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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