Selective Breeding & the Birth of Philosophy

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if you would like to support the work that I do and get access to exclusive content please click the patreon link below a typical University dissertation will be read by one or two people Coston Alam maru's dissertation has already been read by thousands of people and is currently one of the bestselling works on Amazon the dissertation is titled selective breeding and the birth of philosophy in this video I'm I'm going to try and summarize one of the key ideas from that dissertation namely the idea that aristocracy gives birth to the idea of nature this video will have two parts part one we'll discuss the origins of aristocracy and part two we'll discuss how aristocracy gives birth to the idea of nature foremost of European History Society has been divided into separate classes these classes were were determined not by economic status but by Blood certain individuals were able to claim privileges on the basis of their family lineage these people were called Aristocrats and they have been at the center of European politics and culture for most of our history but at rare intervals this aristocratic order has been supplanted this happened in Athens in the 5th Century it happened in France during the 18th century and it happened happed throughout all of Europe in the 20th century today the aristocracy has been almost totally eradicated in Europe in our Democratic age the concept of aristocracy is alien it appears arbitrary and IR rational there was however a rationale for this form of governance a rationale that was in its own weird way scientific in this video I'm going to try and explain that rationale in order to do this we need to explain the origins of aristocracy where did the idea of the Aristocrat come from where did the idea of noble Blood come from what is an aristocrat what is an aristocratic worldview what is the link between aristocracy and selective breeding I will try and answer all of these questions in this section when one hears the word Aristocrat today they are likely to think of a character from Jane Austin's Emma that is to say an aat spoiled and self-satisfied individual who lives in luxury and idleness but this was not always the case the Aristocrat was originally a warrior in the early 20th century a hereditary member of the British House of Lords complained that prime minister Lloyd George had made people Lords simply because they were millionaires when asked how did your ancestor become a lord he replied sternly with the battle axe Sir with with the battle ax this funny little story helps explain the origins of aristocracy Aristocrats originally became Aristocrats through the battle axe they conquered territory and people and established themselves as rulers of a society NE describes the process as follows let's admit to ourselves how up to this point every Higher Culture on Earth has started people with a still natural nature Barbarians in every Dreadful sense of the word predatory men still in possession of an unbroken power of the will and a desire for power through themselves on weaker more civilized more peaceful people at the start the noble cast has always been the Barbarian cast n describes the origins of aristocracy with characteristic brevity nobility does not stem from good manners it stems from barbarism a warlike group of men conquer a territory and Lord over a more peaceful populace the descendants of these Warlords are known as Aristocrats a large part of coston's thesis is dedicated to this idea he provides historical and anthropological evidence to support and elaborate on nich's idea that the noble cast has always been the Barbarian cast Coston argues that the Conquering Elite are typically of a pastoral origin in other words aristocratic people typically descend from pastoral people pastoralists are nomadic they move from place to place with their herds in search of fresh pastures their Central task is breeding raising and taking care of livestock such as cattle sheep goats and camels the diet of the pist centers around milk meat dairy products and the occasional wild fruit while pastolis can be found in a wide range of environments they are most often found in hilly and mountainous regions such as the Eurasian step pastoralists have a very different way of life to Farmers who are sedentary they establish permanent settlements near their cultivated fields and engage in repetitive labor this labor revolves around the planting growing and harvesting of crops before the creation of the tractor and other farming technology this was backbreaking work the diet of the farmer revolved around the consumption of plant-based products including grains fruits vegetables and legumes throughout history large farming populations have been frequently conquered by pastoralists for example the tootsies were a pastoral people who conquered the native Hutu in the 16th century the Hutu resided in present day Rwanda after Conquering the hutus the tosis established themselves as a ruling Elite before 1962 they regulated and controlled Rwanda Society despite only being 177% of the population they were Aristocrats and the native hu were commoners the tootsies regarded themselves as ethnically and culturally distinct from the hus Pierre Vandenberg describes the TT's attitude towards the Hutu as follows they developed a genuine racist ideology taking pride in their slender tall stature some 15 cm taller than the hu and their distinct Ive facial features such as their aqualine nose and looking down on the hu as coarse ugly and inferior the tootsie regard themselves and are regarded by others as intelligent astute in political Intrigue born to command refined courageous and cruel the hu are viewed by their Tootsie Masters much as peasants all over the world are viewed they are seen as hardworking not very clever extrovert unmanly obedient and physically strong these attributes are regarded as inherent in the nature of each group each group has its fixed defined place in the social order the hu till the land and are the source of surplus production on which the tootsie live parasitically the tootsie are the ruling aristocracy they specialize in Warfare and administration despise manual labor and Endeavor to spend as much of their lives in conspicuous Leisure as possible a similar phenomenon can be observed in China over the last 1,000 years China has frequently been ruled by a foreign Elite in the 13th century the Mongols conquered China the Mongols were a steep people of a pastoralist origin but after taking control of China they were quickly assimilated into the culture they had conquered in the 17th century the Han Chinese were conquered once again this time by the Manus like the Mongols the Manus were were a pastoral people to quote Coston after the manut took over China they were acutely aware of what had happened to other previous conquerors and how they had been ultimately assimilated by the subordinate native population they resolved to prevent this from happening to themselves and enforced a cast and race-based system of sexual apartheid in addition to Banning intermarriage between the two groups the ruling Manu put into effect other measures like the tootsies in Rwanda the manew were forbidden by law to trade or engage in manual labor something very similar can also be observed in India High cast Indians often describe themselves as Aryan arens were originally from the Eurasian step in southern Russia recent genetic Studies have shown that high cast Indians owe about 20% of their DNA to the Aryans who came from the step this genetic fact can also be observed phenotypically High cast Indians have a lighter complexion than low cast Indians they are also taller and more likely to have blue or green eyes the Aryans were a pastoral people who domesticated horses and cattle in around 1,500 BC they began to invade India which was a settled Agricultural Society composed of vegetarian Farmers the defeated Farmers adopted the language of the past realist Warriors which was very similar to Latin and Greek intermarriage between the Invaders and the native population was forbidden like the Manus the Aryans imposed strict rules on who could and couldn't breed these rules were outlined in the Hindu religious and legal text known as the law of Manu the law of Manu sought to preserve racial differences between the Invaders and the natives by promoting sexual apartheid for example the sudra who were the lowest rung of society could only wed of a sudra something similar happened in Europe during the Bronze Age Europe was invaded by horse riding people from the step Europe like China and India was largely inhabited by farmers at this time the step Invaders known as the indo-europeans were pastoralists they established themselves as a foreign Elite in Europe again and again we see the same Trend a pastorless population establishing itself on top of a farming population what explains this trend Coston offers a range of answers the first is related to diet the second is related to culture and the third is related to environment to quote it a pastoral diet of milk meat cheese and occasional wild fruit is far healthier than a diet of grains and will produce a taller larger more robust class of Warriors a tribe that subsists mainly on milk and dairy enjoys advantages in height strength and overall health consequently as a matter of physical anthropology the skeletons of Step mountain or Hill dwelling populations have been far more robust than those of farmers who live in valleys and fertile Plains or river basins a reduction of bone mass develops after a population settles down into an agricultural way of life whether because of diet or other reasons Jack wetherford makes a similar point in his book gask Khan and the making of the modern world world to quote him compared to the Chinese soldiers the Mongols were much healthier and stronger the Mongols consumed a steady diet of meat milk yogurt and other dairy products and they fought men who lived on GRL made from various grains the grain diet of the peasant Warriors stunted their bones rotted their teeth and left them weak and prone to disease in contrast the poorest Mongol Soldier ate mostly Pro Rin thereby giving him strong teeth and bones the second reason for pastoral people's military prowess is cultural pastoral people do not own land instead they own livestock livestock can be stolen far more easily than land can be stolen for this reason livestock theft is a common issue in pastoralist societies a pastoralist must therefore develop a capacity for violence in order to defend his livestock this is why pastoral people all over the world have developed a reputation for violence whether it be the Mongols Scots or better one people of the Arabian Desert the final reason that Cen gives for the military prowess of pastoral people is environmental as has already been said pastoralists typically come from mountainous regions life in the mountains encourages the development of physical and moral qualities that are conducive to Marshal prowess the Hinterlands and mountains have always been violent places Clan Warfare was endemic to the Scottish Highlands until the 18th century and to Sardinia Sicily Montenegro and other parts of the bulans until the 20th century two blood soaked Classics the Hebrew Bible and the homeric poems came from peoples that lived in rugged Hills and people from the hills and mountains such as the giras Swiss and Chans have always been recognized as formidable Warriors it appears then that military prowess is promoted by mountainous Landscapes now that we have explained the Pastoral origins of aristocracy we are better able to understand the aristocratic worldview and way of life Aristocrats whether they be in Rwanda or Victorian England have contempt for manual labor more precisely they have contempt for Farm work they are often prevented by law from participating in such work this disdain for farming which is universal among aristocratic people most likely stems from the fact that they have never participated in it it is seen as a lowly profession that only the weak and downtrodden participate in symbolically the aristocrats have always thought of themselves as high and the farmers as low this symbolism may have originally stemmed from the fact that the Conquering pastoralists were from the mountains whilst The Peasants were from the valley the aristocrats were literally High whilst the farmers were literally low another feature of aristocratic life that can be explained by its pastoral Origins is the contempt for the settled life in the village or city Aristocrats often lived away from the city preferring to reside in rural Estates often referred to as country houses or rural ret Retreats these rural Retreats were often close to the Wilderness where Aristocrats would hunt Aristocrats often Associated wild nature with sacredness and Purity the City by contrast was often associated with corruption for this reason Aristocrats sought to preserve wild nature William the Conqueror for example established the New Forest Royal hunting ground in 1079 it was used for Royal hunts and horse riding commoners were not allowed in this is just one example of a much broader phenomenon Aristocrats are centrally concerned with lineage and blood they believe they are entitled to rule by virtue of their ancestry this belief appears to stem from their pastoral Origins also as has already been said the central task of the pastoralist is breeding raising and taking care of livestock he is dependent on his animals for his food and transport some of his cows prod produce more milk than the others some of his horses are faster and stronger than the others he inevitably ends up realizing that these positive qualities are often passed down to The Offspring of the animal the fast horse when bred with another fast horse gives birth to a fast horse he begins to realize that certain qualities physical traits and even behaviors are passed down from one generation of animal to another this observation gives birth to the idea of nature in a rudimentary form the word nature in this context does not refer to trees and waterfalls instead it refers to genetics biology and heredity today the idea of nature is common place but Coston argues that the idea of Nature has been alien to most people during most times today we understand that some things are natural whilst other things are cultural the color of someone's eyes can be attributed to their nature but the clothes they wear can be attributed to their culture all men die this is a fact of nature but the way men deal with the dead differs from culture to culture some cultures cremate their dead others bury them but all men die in short there are things made by man and there are things not made by man the things made by man are conventional the things not made by man are natural the distinction between what is natural and what is conventional is not always clear indeed today we spend a lot of time debating nature versus culture or nature versus nurture or nature versus social construct can intelligence be attributed to Nature or nurture are differences between groups innate or cultural these are some of the most hotly contested questions of our time some believe that human behavior and achievement can mainly be explained by Nature whilst others believe it can mainly be explained by nurture custom and culture but both sides recognize a basic distinction between nature and nurture the idea that nature is distinct from culture is so widespread today that we take it for granted it is assumed that all people in all times have recognized the distinction between nature and nurture there is however strong anthropological evidence to suggest otherwise in his dissertation cost in cites the work of Sir James George Fraser Sir James George Fraser was a Scottish Anthropologist and author of The Golden bow a groundbreaking work in comparative religion anthropology and mythology in this book Fraser challenged the idea advocated by both rouso and Montaine that the Primitive man was the freest instead he argued that the Primitive man was a slave to custom convention tradition and unwritten law so quote him no human being is so hidebound by custom and tradition as your Democratic Savage in no state of society consequently is progress so slow and difficult the old notion that the Savage is the freest of mankind is the reverse of the truth he is a slave not indeed to a visible Master but to the past to the spirits of his dead forefathers who haunt his steps from birth to death and Rule him with a rod of iron in other words primitive societies make no distinction between nature and Custom Custom convention and unwritten law are seen as natural just as the sun sets the tribe avoids certain foods just as the bird flies the tribe has certain tattoos just as the wolf hunts the tribe performs specific ceremonies just as the river flows the tribe holds communal Gatherings to celebrate life events tradition and nature are indistinguishable so much so that natural events are believed to be determined by rituals to quote the 1950s edition of the Australian Aboriginal culture booklet Supernatural forces were blamed for almost every mishap or disaster known to the aboriginals the only corrective measure possible was through magic and ritual in other words natural disasters such as droughts were explained by failure to adhere to certain cust Customs ceremonies and conventions these sacred customs and conventions were passed down and preserved by tribal Elders according to Fraser Elders are in charge of almost all primitive cultures the oligarchy of the elders is the typical institution of rule in tribal Society the role of the elders is to preserve and enforce laws and conventions that regulate almost every aspect of life and allow for no individual distinction to quote Coston this kind of default mode of humanity rule by ancestral custom or by convention homogenizes all life and all thought how could the idea of nature emerge out of such life the answer is that it could not custom is too strong in such societies for them to make a distinction between nature and nurture or nature and Convention instead the rudimentary idea of nature emerged out of a pastural way of life pastoral people are as has already been said extremely mobile this means they encounter different peoples and different ways of life these people have different burial ceremonies different dietry laws different clothes and different Customs these Customs are alien to the pastoralists this alienation from Custom is a precondition for the discovery of nature if if the elders have already indoctrinated you into believing in the laws conventions and myths of the tribe then these things will appear Perfectly Natural to you even if they are in fact totally unnatural but if you are alienated from these Customs you'll be able to recognize that they are not in fact natural which is to say you will recognize that they are a feature of culture and not of nature in addition to this the pastoralist made a second Discovery he came to realize that certain traits were passed down from one animal to another you could therefore improve the quality of your animals by controlling who they bred with aristocratic people whether in ancient Greece Medieval Europe or Victorian England have always been enthusiastic horse breeders they recognized they could improve a horse's strength and speed through selective breeding this realization gives birth to the idea of nature in a rudimentary form selective breeding is is not only applied to horses but to the aristocrats themselves aristocratic people everywhere whether they be Manu or Greek adhere to laws of breeding intermarriage between certain groups is totally banned in Greece a form of eugenics was practiced in Sparta newborn children were presented before a state Council of inspectors and any child deemed ugly or defective was tragically cast from a cliff to meet their fate on the jagged rocks below meanwhile in Athens both law and public opinion allowed a father to terminate the life of a newborn child if it was considered weak or deformed in both Athens and Sparta the Greeks exposed their infants to extreme weather conditions in order to toughen them the Greeks did this because they believed it would improve them in much the same way it improved their horses the idea of nature is at the heart of the aristocratic World viw Aristocrats believe that they are entitled to rule by virtue of their nature they believe that other people are by Nature slaves who should be subservient to the aristocracy this idea was explicitly articulated by Aristotle this aristocratic worldview which is dominated Europe for most of her history is totally alien to us today Sparta's system of eugenics seems frightening Aristotle's idea of the natural-born slave seems cruel and Victorian morality with its strict rules about who could and couldn't marry seems inhumane in short the aristocratic worldview with its strong emphasis on nature appears both inhumane and irrational in our Democratic Age We emphasize nurture custom and culture anyone can be anything with the correct upbringing and education the problem is of course that this isn't true all human behavior has some basis in nature pastorless people understood this idea on a rudimentary level thousands of years before evolutionary psychologists to deny this idea is to deny reality and since the end of World War II our academic and political Elite have become specialists in reality denial they have tried to forbid honest discussions about human nature about group differences about the role the genetics play in human behavior and societies but discoveries in the field of biological science are making this harder and harder to do as a consequence they are having to resort to ham-handed censorship not only of sociology and politics but of science itself but they will not be able to censor the idea of nature for much longer because the body of evidence is becoming far too large if you enjoyed this video please like And subscribe it helps the channel grow and thank you very much for watching [Music] cheers
Channel: Russell Walter
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Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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