Sekiro is Perfectly Balanced

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[Music] [Music] hi I like from soft a lot and to sort of build my credibility I'd like to just open with I've beaten every fromsoft game from the PS3 Demon Souls up to Elden ring multiple times I've platinumed bloodborne I've also platinumed SEO and Elden ring on both p PS5 and PC so twice point is I'm very familiar with the souls formula and something that you realize as you play more and more fromsoft games is the way that ideas are toyed with and adapted over time sometimes lifted directly like the Demon Souls draglings animations how they appear in nearly every game sense and sometimes more nuanced like how healing works or the black Phantoms or other more specific mechanics it allows from soft to be economical while also experimenting more and not sacrificing the quality or length of their games like other Studios might have to otherwise and take much longer between releases my argument is simple SEO does it best SEO is perfectly balanced so let's just take a Skip and Jog through all the wonderful worlds that fromsoft has had to offer and look at all of these different mechanics and how they're balanced something really cool about SEO while being the most different of the recent from soft titles sometimes having people doubt or debate as to whether it even counts as a quote unquote soulslike while this difference being apparent it actually balances the ideas of the games before it and integrates their Concepts the most let's start with healing Demon Souls healing used grass different types heal different amounts and must be collected manually either from shops or enemies as drops the grass is finite but can be consumed as many times as the grass that you have the balancing issue here is other than being unneeded complex for inventory management it also fundamentally rewards grinding not skill if you have enough time on your hands you can grind grass and heal tons in a single boss fight basically breaking the balancing but on the downside once you're out you will likely have to grind earlier levels that are easy or self souls to get more since theoretically you could have any number of grass the difficulty of Demon Souls bosses is fairly detached from the combination of player skill progression and level and I know that difficulty isn't typically an aim or focus of the original Demon Souls more than novelty was but it still Bears mentioning Dark Souls won threw out grass in favor of the famous iconic and in my opinion much better Estus five to start with and you can upgrade individual bonfires or break points to have 10 Estus when you rested them with at least initially limited resources of humanity after defeating a specific boss you can also unlock the ability to spend more Humanity at select bonfires to raise the cap up to 20 the strength of Estus was also tied largely to set events within the progress of the game so as you gradually got stronger heals the game adjusted more towards that creating a generally adaptive but connected difficulty where smarter or veteran players could get a leg up with lesser known paths and heels were still finite the fact that each individual bonfire needed to be leveled up too created a balance between choosing which challenges are worth upgrading the fires for and which are worth pushing through to the end and keeping the spare resources Humanity could also drop on the player automatically after killing a certain amount of enemies essentially giving free Humanity at the cost of use it or lose it then of course to upgrade fires if online you will need to be human which would open you up to the chance of player attacks as well this system generally doesn't have any downsides for how I see it there is a comfortable amount of situational difficulty selection with the game still rounding around the expected stats of the player sure 20 Estus with upgraded heals is debatably as broken as the unlimited grass and is an issue for balancing but rather than grinding for the advantage it was considerably more convoluted and not something that you were likely to ever possibly do without prior knowledge of the game and its Secrets Dark Souls 2 attempts to mend a middle ground in the balancing between Demon Souls grass and Dark Souls 1's Estus Estus is reduced from five now and is instead constant across Fires at a limited number of flasks to get more Estus you will need to EXP Explore More of the world and find individual Estus shards which both rewards exploration and more closely allows the game to balance its difficulty around specific Estus amounts getting rid of some of the difficulty flexibility but in turn offering greater and more consistent difficulty balance for the players the game also infamously features healing gems which can be used while walking slowly in Rapid succession with a slow healing stack effect there are a few variants as well but the variety is largely squashed especially if you look back at Demon Souls this is of course better for inventory efficiency from Demon Souls but gems are still like grasp essentially Limitless if one chooses to grind and especially after the first couple bosses or so healing items can be cheaply purchased infinitely until you fill your stack at a price that is fairly reasonable and only gets more so for the rest of the game this makes it so while the Estus May better center around player difficulty the gems break the connection of player skill level and progress almost entirely very much a one-step forward two-steps back type of solution that contains genuine improvements for those searching for a true difficulty balance but largely undermines those set improvements well if the main issue is in limited heels but limited Estus tied to progress seems to be an improvement what can you imagine Dark Souls I does well it scraps the gems and the previous Incarnation grass and instead keeps Dark Souls 2's approach to Estus with a new slight caveat now someone can choose to trade individual Estus vials they already have for magic restoring vials if they would like adding a different kind of player balance to the healing system you trade the amount of heals you have the amount of errors in battle you're allowed to make for more PL plentiful and Powerful attacks but they are both tied to the same core resource that can't be replenished unless you're at a bonfire they are just split how the player thinks fits their play style the best this resource can be adjusted either way at any time and otherwise features the same boost levels of each restoration based on progress of unique items that Dark Souls 1 introduced and that Dark Souls 2 carried on Dark Souls 1 being firek keeper souls and Dark Souls 2 being Sublime bone dust so dark souls I seems to have logically iterated to balance toward difficulty management the best here the only thing is that for many players who don't use magic this extra balancing decision will almost go entirely unused in many playthroughs if ever used at all so while offering the greatest connection of player skill progress and level difficulty with its healing it also offers the least player customizability and choice the least strategy in in Inventory management bloodborne takes a sharp departure in another Direction throwing Estus out in favor of limited blood vials in bloodborne you have a Max Capacity 20 blood vials which are finite and obtained by farming enemies essentially this is grass or gems with a few adjustments to increase the balancing first there is one Central type of healing blood vial in your quick slot in the game this flattens from the six grass types to three gem types to now one even though the Standard Life gem normally does the job fine the other notable change here is that nearly every enemy can drop blood vials and that you can purchase them for a price that adjusts based on your progress in the game this means minimal grinding and if you run out you can almost always see it as a sort of tax on your blood Echoes to get more a way of punishing the player for running out and being wed Reckless as afer mentioned you are limited to 20 vials at one time meaning you can't hoard and overwhelm a boss with sheer healing ability this means the entire game is based around the assumption that 20 vials could be used at any time the thing is though while similarly well balanced in regards to Quality as Dark Souls I It suffers a similar issue that is there is very little strategy with how healing is used and often times 20 vials is far more than would be needed for a boss fight the way that stats are balanced in battle and the Damage outputs of enemies as well are two to three hits to kill the player at full health for a majority of players casually running through the game meaning the amount of healing won't matter if a single combo can take you out from full health this is of course somewhat balanced by one of bloodborne's Highly regarded features the ability to hit enemies after taking damage to steal some of your health back without needing to heal this is the driving force behind bloodborne's more aggressive gameplay Loop and does a good bit in softening the inability to reliably get heals in as often as most fights and other Souls games finally though while a positive in reducing mindless grinding the sheer amount of blood vials one will get erases a large part of the reason that a game would choose to have such a finite resource with something like grass you hes to spam because if you run out then it'll take a while to get more you are actively aware of the limit that you have but with blood vials unless you were a blood vile fiend or very early in the game you are likely to get many many more than you ever would need and at some point rarely probably consider the finite nature of blood vials in your playthrough if you do run out it is likely to be a minor inconvenience or to actively be a time waster punishing You by wasting your time rather than making you face more challenges it feels like a Band-Aid approach to balancing in regards to player choice and strategy an illusion of choice for essentially the same exact balancing as Dark Souls II you can also sacrifice health for items like bullets which are also finite so some loose connection could be made to the magic Estus in Dark Souls 3i and the blood vial to Healing bullet creation through damage but the finite nature is much more arbitrary still bloodborne offers far closer difficulty balancing to the player's healing ability than Demon Souls Dark Souls 1 and Dark Souls 2 so how does Saro balance healing SEO also chooses to adapt the progress-based Estus introduced in Dark Souls 2 and carried on to Dark Souls 3 and in Elden ring after seiro as well having the amount of healing that you have be based on exploration and player progress you will find gourd seeds from vendors bosses and in less explored areas as well as along major progression paths meaning the game has a strong tie between its difficulty balancing and the amount of healing a prospective player will possess however this lack of freedom in variety is somewhat circumvented more greatly as before the gicho fight the second major boss fight of the game you have an opportunity to explore further and if you explore smartly you can get up to six gourd seeds before the fight this keeps with the Adaptive Difficulty of souls games en large where even though the average player is likely to have two or three healing gours at this point for those struggling against the boss they have alternative options that can make the fight easier available to them not only that but the available options are based on exploration skill and new adventures rather than grinding notably though while this increased healing increases their amount of mistakes allowable it does not undercut the fundamental mechanics of the fight they can't simply grind until they do enough damage they are already always doing the intended amount of damage they simply need to improve their skill and are given options to increase their room for error another thing that is brought back is finite and slow healing in the form of pellets you can have a Max of three in your active inventory which keeps the problem of Rapid consumption to tank foes and also is less immediately effective than gourds this gives players more freedom and healing options for strategy while not fundamentally changing the flow of the fight or overpowering the foe like you would see often and easily in Dark Souls 2 this inventory management is also much better than Demon Souls as once again it's flattened down to one healing type like bloodborne but unlike bloodborne is not so abundant and necessary that one would use them frivolously they are mostly an act of a last resort of healing or as a way to counteract slow damage of fire or poison another thing like the bone dust and fire keeper Souls of your are heal strength upgrades obtained mostly as a means of progressing skill trees or beating mini bosses these will increase the effectiveness of your healing items the ranking typically corresponds with a certain level of progress you are in the game but if once again you are struggling with a boss you can strategically choose to focus on pursuing those healing upgrades sooner than other wise would naturally occur of course getting the extra healing strength earlier balances with getting less of other skills and abilities the healing balanced around the progress of the game while also offering greater player variety while in Dark Souls 1 you sometimes had trade-offs with healing upgrades like killing the Anor Lando firekeeper for her soul in exchange for access to that bonfire but largely things like bone dust are a matter of I got this thing and now I use it SEO solution is more consistently Dynamic and offers players a greater way to use this small feature to Greater shape their own playthrough without breaking the systems in place that Reserve difficulty giving the player more freedom without detaching them from the difficulty Arc this healing system then I think most balances the player skill and progress with the current enemies being faced while also rewarding exploration the most and offering the most strategic variety than any game before it as a final addendum I would like to note things like Divine Healing also exist in limited form in most fromsoft games but are so rare to gameplay and not significantly different between games that I don't think they significantly play into any argument for any game being better balanced than another for these games in particular but let's move on from healing SEO also deals with level progression itself and as a whole in a much much different way that I think balances more around optimizing Choice while limiting the ability to break from the difficulty balancing now for me personally what I value the most about these fromsoft games and their gameplay Loop is the fact that it offers a fair challenge that I can overcome knowing that I overcame something from outsmarting something or by figuring it out or by getting better is always more satisfying instead of grinding until I have the stats to beat it now I like just spending time farming enemies as well and getting items to level up quite a bit in fromsoft games it's good to turn my brain off it's very relaxing putting on a video game repeatedly taking out the same enemies but while this gameplay Loop is something I find satisfying and a certain amount of enemies need to be defeated in an average firsttime playthrough in order to have the strength to progress you may find yourself underleveled at times and need to go back and get a level where you feel more comfortable with the challenge for the most part I think this balancing is done really well and almost seems unavoidable across from soft games but the give and take essentially comes to trading difficulty with real world time you're trading the amount of skill someone needs to get better and progress in the game with the amount of time they're willing to invest which I don't exactly think is a positive gameplay Loop nearly any struggle can be drastically trivialized if one only is willing to spend enough time leveling up in most of these games Dark Souls has a fairly even distribution for bosses relative to the player in my experience with perhaps a slight bump before orstein and smile that is assuming you haven't discovered the painted world Dark Souls I offers so many possible routes and bosses that I honestly never found myself needing to grind either past the earlier portion of the game where I was investing stats to use a weapon that I wanted bloodborne has the most drastic of jump in level difficulty with the jump in difficulty between Shadows of yarum and ROM the spider being perhaps the most immediate jump in stat requirement in a Souls game to not instantly be one shot I have to level up 20 maybe 30 times over what was a comfortable level for the previous main boss fight which is literally a small walk forward which is egregious especially as unlike say Dark Souls I there are very few alternate optional bosses and content to engage with at that point to alleviate the imbalance aside from grinding ideally if the aim is to maximize both player freedom and a connection of the player strength mechanically to the foes that they are facing the straightforward leveling system while classic and enjoyable is fundamentally not fit to serve that goal if you exponentially raise the price for leveling you end up soft locking most players into a particular level as the game progresses giving the illusion of leveling up while in all reality being railroaded to the level Gap that the game want once you at if you don't exponentially increase the level rate and allow easy leveling up you trivialize the hard work and balancing done in the levels for the game's enemies and bosses allowing players to easily bypass much of the core games intended experience largely it seems the more true Choice a player has the less possibility for balance the more balance a player faces the less opportunity for True creativity outside of build variety which we can discuss later on so the solution SEO creates is not a progression based on the arbitrary value of each defeated foe but a progression based on the completion of specific optional challenges or mini bosses to increase one's stats in SEO their Max Health their posture you must obtain four beads and use them to upgrade by turning them into a single prayer necklace these beads become individual measures of great achievement and exploration meaning every time you increase in health in SEO it is due to a significant conquered challenge rather than just an increased amount of time spent killing the same enemies for the player it progresses largely the same that the healing system does in Dark Souls 2 and 3 but with the heavier emphasis on individual combat achievements some select beads are sold or kept as rewards for exploration as to offer some player variety and balancing for those who maybe enjoy playing and exploring but aren't as good at combat but largely they are kept to these mini bosses which again appear in select areas and times making it so that the player has broad freedom to take on these challenges before or after different major bosses and select which they find easier to make their own individual Journey unique and suited to their play style this is largely because major bosses give memories which serve as flat damage upgrades so there is some consideration for players to think about on their own strengths and weaknesses and ask what is more obtainable for them in a select moment more prayer beads now might get the memory easier or get the memory so the prayer beads are easier it's a dynamic choice that gives genuine opportunity for the player to change their playthroughs while also balancing the range of difficulty to the current potential progress of the player notable as well that a full four prayer beads for a single upgrade are available before the gicho fight that require no fighting which again helps those who may be struggling in the beginning of the game if they only are willing to engage with the game they're given have fun and explore another thing that is split is that while stat upgrades are gated by achievements both major and minor necessary and optional skill upgrades still rely on an XP system where the points are rewarded for killing enemies and bosses and there is a chance of losing half of said XP of the current level upon on death this is to say there is a separate bar that fills up on its own each level is essentially a skill point that can be used to purchase more Dynamic move set upgrades some of these are more crucial to most players like the makiti counter which allows for countering thrust attacks easily with another button press aside from dodging or perfect parrying through each of them some are more specific play style attacks some are healing strength upgrades like I mentioned prior some are increased usability like midair Prosthetics or deflection and some are minor Buffs to use things like posture defense damage and so on again these upgrades are largely broadening the skill pool for play options at the player's disposal in a fight rather than more General stat boost that flatten the difficulty if grinded so even if a person were to grind in Seco they would simply have more tools at their disposal in a fight many of which require their own skill and timing and standing to perform effectively they are their own moves to be mastered from a player's perspective rather than straightforwardly throwing a bigger Fireball in the direction money as well which you will gain from items and killing foes can rarely be used to buy greater upgrades like prayer beads but more often buy things like temporary poison cures or pellets which are used for the hypothetical 3 extra healing in a hypothetical fight they also are used to fund optional upgrades to the Prosthetics the whole game is built to maximize the options while maintaining balance and difficulty so let's talk about options as the fashion souls and single sword are often criticized as the game focusing or perhaps forcing the player into a one play style where other Souls games let you have a huge number of weapons a lot of the time this idea is levied at face value that SEO offers one type of game and I can see why intuitively this seems true but I think it's important to distinguish Variety in all important and mechanically significant ways here in a Souls game you normally start with a standard weapon then maybe down the line you get one you like and eventually you settle into one that you really like from there you use limited resources to upgrade this weapon to its max strength this is usually done with one or at Max maybe two weapons per place through because the game heavily limits the availability of upgrades to+ 10 or+ 15 often times these items are limited as late game Rewards or very rare grinding drops one good example is bloodborne which has one Blood rock in the main game at the end of The Nightmare of menis right before the second to last or depending on your ending the last boss of the main game meaning you won't be able to fully upgrade a single weapon until that point another Blood rock is also of course available at the fish hamlet in the DLC the final area of the DLC before the dlc's final boss as well if the player wants more than just the standard one in the main game through a single playthrough they will have to Traverse nearly all of the major chalice Dungeons and go to areas far above the recommended level for even the end of the game for a first playthrough essentially marking them as New Game Plus territory or extreme Insanity grinding materials to obtain nothing that would serve a practical purpose because if you could get far enough to obtain blood rocks in the Chalice dungeons you are far overleveled for any possible bosses that you would be fighting to beat the primary campaign point is most players going through a single playthrough of a Souls game will find one weapon they like stick to it upgrade it aside from Dark Souls 2 it is not easy to double up and use multiple weapons although bloodborne does feature two forms for all of its weapons which is super cool the prime primary difference between all of these weapons on a mechanical level come down to three things though frame variety hitbox and type of damage one damage type might thrust which does better against armor one might be blunt damage which can stun or flatten foes one might be more of a slash different games have different stat differences against different foes in minor ways the most notable being ones with unique enemy animations like for when the kirkhammer and bloodborne flatten some enemies aside from these minor quirks though that come with some weapons it's all stat differences hit boxes and whatever feels intuitive in regards to the Frame data to the player it might seem odd since I like SEO which has the fastest gameplay of a fromsoft game but I actually enjoy the slow methodical approach many times using a big heavy weapon in other Souls games I like having the large hitbox having to prepare much farther in advance when I want to choose to strike but it feels more strategic and intuitive to me I like to hit less times but do more damage some people are the opposite though and the preference is really where the play variety of most Souls games comes into things in terms of a single playthrough for a single player though and what the gameplay variety they're experiencing is it pans out like this light attack animation heavy attack animation Parry block roll if you are playing bloodborn The Block is removed and instead dodging typically becomes dashing unless you locked off this comes down to a central move set of five options or six in bloodborne if you're substituting the one block with an alternate weapon form that also has its own light and heavy attacks in SEO there are levels of success based on button press accuracy meaning based on your timing you can either block or Parry holding the block ensures no paries and takes minor posture damage while parrying deflects an attack and if timed perfectly will prevent the posture from breaking regardless of how full a bar is and even block red tji thrusting attacks from foes you have a dash a Thrust counter a light attack a Thrust a jump and a jumping posture attack a standard increase of eight total options for the most basic combat scenario in any situation in Seco at least assuming you don't ignore the mcui counter which is very easily available to you from the beginning this is of course just on the basic level the thrust in SEO takes a moment longer meaning there are fairly direct parallels to the light heavy block Parry with the dash not being used for ey frames but more for battle placement and the additional jumping and jumping posture attacks as well as the separately button mapped counter being unique to the Casual gameplay Loop there is something I am leaving out for both souls and SEO though that adds a lot more variety although they do operate fairly differently demon souls and the Dark Souls Trilogy that followed all contain a magic system which operates somewhat as a secondary weapon With Their Own stat requirements for leveling and damage output that often overlap or largely separate from the stats that you would use for most melee weapons while a person will have to ration their levels to make certain types of spells effective enough for the late game most players will not even have a fraction of the skills available at once but still there are 28 sorceries in Dark Souls with 11 being upgrades of stronger versions of other sorceries with other little differences otherwise and eight being largely outside combat like the repair spell light spell fall damage resistance spells meaning there are roughly nine different unique sorceries in Dark Souls 1 for combat variety purposes pyromancy does not work the same as the other sorceries but also has many spells available to the player with 20 spells with eight being stronger variants of previous ones coming out to roughly 12 pyromancies this is actually a great variety of move sets and while the spell slots and levels may only allow two or three main stay spells you at least have multiple pools to combine with Demon Souls contains 22 spells as pyromancy and sorcery are not meaningfully separated as they are in Dark Souls 1 and there are also more substantial differences from spell to spell but they have some practical overlap like poison cloud and plague cloud and Soul Arrow versus Soul Ray Dark Souls 2 has 31 sorceries 13 being stronger variants with few meaningful differences aside from Hit boxes and damage many having similar use overlap like the soul greatsword and the great magic weapon and seven spells that are non-combat oriented with an exception for some in PvP meaning 11 unique sorceries with some use overlap in functionality Dark Souls 2 also has the categories of pyromancy hex's and miracles as their own significant variant types there are 21 pyromancies nine of which are variants making roughly 12 unique kinds of pyromancy there are 28 miracles in Dark Souls I 12 are variants 16 are unique spells and three or non-combat oriented giving 13 unique spells there are 23 hex's in Dark Souls I three variants six are similar to other types of sorceries by my count pyromancies or Miracles let's just say 11 12 13 and 15 for a total of roughly 51 options although again for proper equipment and Stat preparation only three of these would actually apply to a single playthrough almost done Dark Souls 3i there are 39 Miracles at you you know what I hope that you just get the point by now I I thought that putting all these numbers here would be funny or fun to hear and all but it's starting to bore me to death 30 pyromancies 38 sorceries four Ash DLC spells Six Ring City DLC spells with similar ratios as the previous examples that I already went through bloodborne does not have magic but has an analogous function in the Hunter's tools of which there are 12 these are balanced significantly better because they can be integrated into into any player's move set fairly easily but are limited by Bullet resource or the number of parries a player can do in a run they are all different enough that I would count them all as separately more useful than each other in the right circumstances or novel enough to offer a fundamentally different experience SEO also does not have magic like bloodborne instead there are Prosthetics and skills Prosthetics essentially combine the upgradeable magic of souls games with the novel separation of Hunter Tools in bloodborne like in bloodborne SEO has a limited resource used for special skills that restrict each time until revisiting a sculptor's idol each prosthetic uses a different number to balance their special advantage in a fight there are 10 separate prosthetic bases in Seco with a total of 30 possible upgrades unlike many of the upgrades in Souls though these upgrades are not merely based around the range or the damage but fundamentally change the effect of a tool in a strategic situation by my count 15 of the 30 upgrades are essentially more effective variants of previous tools or options the other 15 are situationally effective Alternatives that justify themselves as separate uses some let you block fire attacks some let you break through Shields rip off armor have strategic delays or stun enemies almost every major boss fight and many minor ones have built in special animations and reactions to a specific Strat stry use of certain prosthetic upgrades like the spear on the ape the shuriken on lady butterfly the spear on shigekichi of the Red Guard the flame vent on any bosses or enemies with hair the firecrackers on any animal some are weak to poison some are nearly immune all of these have their different uses for people pursuing truly diverse play Styles the other thing that makes this special is you don't just have to select a couple of these instead they are wildly changeable from the menu assuming that you have them upgraded and unlocked SEO also contains three soft magic skills that unlock with progress the nutu all three serve dramatically different purposes One lets you possess unsuspecting enemies upon death blow to fight for you which can be used strategically in some boss fights the bestow Ninjutsu lets you temporarily expand the range of your sword after a successful death blow allowing fights with larger crowds much easier and the blood smoke Ninjutsu lets you create a a cloud of blood to escape situations upon death blow however even then if you use blood smoke on poison enemies it emits a poison Cloud that poisons other enemies and on a select type of lizard it actually emits a temporary HP Recovery effect in those in the Smoke there is deep situational Nuance to all of these individual skills and each of them can be interchanged once unlocked from the menu freely assuming that you have the spirit emblems left to use use them the final magic analog is skills there are five skill trees in SEO let's go through them there are 13 Shinobi Arts two are mechanically identical upgrades three are essentially stat upgrades coming out to eight unique techniques five of these integrate into regular Nuance of combat flow and can be performed without equipment emblem or any other such cost they are permanent upgrades to the total skill pool and moves casually available in a fight the remaining three are equipable mechanically unique skills in other words entirely fresh animations for attacks there are seven Asha Arts one is a mechanically similar upgrade three are essentially stat upgrades one is a non-equipped skill added and two are mechanically unique equipable skills there are 12 prosthetic Arts four are mechanically similar stat upgrades six are non-e equipable passive skills that are added to the regular combat cycle some being combinable with prosthetic thetics like following up a slash from a prosthetic combining the power of the prosthetic with the sword like catching your sword on fire temporarily the remaining two skills are equipable unique skills there are seven Temple Arts three are passive stat upgrades and four are mechanically unique skills although I'll admit they mostly serve as upgrades on each other for this time finally the fifth skill tree there are three mushion Arts ultimate skills that are unlockable by combining ultimate Arts of other skill trees these are likely not to be used on a fresh game run without grinding even though technically available they will not be likely useful unless you grind until New Game Plus still one is an upgrade of range and two are mechanically distinct there is of course finally one skill detached from any skill tree as well the Mortal draw which comes as the story goes on all of these upon unlocking are freely interchangeable for the player the amount of combat variety and strateg IC opportunity for a player in Seco whether they be fresh animation status effects combos environmental effects or special skills on any metric the raw roster in a single run of SEO gives many times more options for strategy to players in a fight if you want variety and strategy in approaching a fight you won't find yourself with more options than incol but it maintains the balance of bloodborne and the sense of progress with the Souls magic systems so show the game some respect before dismissing it out of hat just because you can't change how your weapon looks or falling into that embarrassing idea that SEO somehow offers less variety when it comes to gameplay it not only offers the most options but also grants the perfect [Music] balance like I said I love fromsoft games and a lot of this stuff I feel like goes under talked about when it comes to balance there's a ton of different things to consider of course but I hope that this is somewhat offered a new perspective on some of these different topics coming from someone who really appreciates EO and often sees it discounted without even considering all of the positives that it very obviously offers another thing hey it's been a while you know um the last main video here was the Persona 4 analysis you might notice I look a little bit different um well I've been losing weight continuing to lose weight working super hard of my main Channel but I do have content coming for this channel so I really hope that you'll look out for it I have a big Steven Universe video that I was working on I'd love to do more fromsoft content so please like comment do whatever to help me get this video successful uh if you want more and um yeah I do everything on my own I am financially desperate I need your love so um if you have any spare coins and you want me to uh succeed a little better then I'd really appreciate any support on patreon although I guess in regards to fromsoft analysis videos this is actually not that long but I'll be back soon hope you enjoyed take care of [Music] yourselves
Channel: Hiding in Private
Views: 305,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sekiro, dark souls, sekiro shadows die twice, bloodborne, demons souls, sekiro analysis, from soft, fromsoft, best fromsoft game, fromsoftware, soulslike, soulsborne, soulsborn, ranking every souls game, dark souls analysis, sekiro explained, dark souls explained, sekiro is perfectly balanced, bloodborne analysis, bloodborne explained, sekiro review
Id: DjyT_w_mqYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 26sec (2366 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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