Segmented Bowl EJones Part 2

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hi I'm Matt Jones welcome to part 2 of this three-part series and in this part we're going to show you how to make this feature ring for this bowl make easy calm and there is a video that shows you how to make one one of these sleds that's led of course slides in your table saw and another important part is also in the video is a strip like this so we should cut strips they'll fall away from the blade and don't come flying back in your face so this is just cut some magnets in it and sits there this is an integral part because this determines the width of the segment that you're going to cut so the first thing you do you take a block like this this is maple it's two 3/4 inch boards that have been glued up together their diploma for that's an inch and a half thick and if this is the thickness of the segment you can move on a block of wood right here and of course this is just like its LED that's got a slide here and you turn the saw blade own turn the saw and run through and cut it so this edge is exactly on the outside of this saw blade and of course this is this will slide like so pretty easily pretty easily made there's a boat that goes through here there's a magnets magnets here that hold it on the table goes right there and then you take a caliper put one put your dimension that you want for your measurement and you close this down tighten it up now when you cut something there it's going to be one point nine seven okay twelve segments let's get this here that's here so the segment's fall wave from saw blade just push it against the saw blade and push it away just slightly so the segment's fall out of the way there's no flipping or flopping this it's just back and forth push this up here push it against the stop these twelve segments so that means each segment takes up 30 degrees and a triangle which is a 15 degree cut on each side on the segi's ii website you'll see that there are patterns like this for sale for example this one right here if you insert this here in between close it and it's firm this is the angle to cut 40 segments it's a 9 degree angle and it's exactly exactly here is one that is a 416 if you want to do 16 segments in a ring you use this wedgie it's a 22 and a half degree so these are for sale over 12 segments you don't need any of those you don't need to buy them is a 30 60 90 degree triangle so you can open this put the third but the 30 degree angle in here there's a 30 degree angle triangle in there the idea behind them to say the easy system is that if you make a cut on this side we make the first cut on this side and we'll make the second cut on that side so then that there will be a 30 degree angle on this segment [Music] you that's not just operating now all the faces are marked off that's all the same I alternated the ones that are some of them are marked on the top there's a mark on the bottom we put that together I'm gonna put this to mine on my sticky tape and then we'll go them together real quick and I'll show you how easy that is we put them onto the sticky tape so I'll put this one on here and I'll be careful aligning the first one up I get as strange as I can and push it down and then just go after that these are only 3/4 of an inch thick I'll be using 3/4 inch tape or 1 inch tape when you use this large tape and I'll carry off and leave about 3 or 4 inches on the end here grab your glue bottle so my system is I just go down one side then I come back and go down has it seemed like it's faster on both sides [Music] booth trusty blue spreader which is a putty knife make sure you guys not even coat they use this is Titebond original dis buy it by the gallon throw this end off pick this up and turn it into a circle like so no wrong side we'll use it together get some glue squeeze-out right here glue squeeze out all the joint push this tail of this tape around and there's your perfect frame put a band clamp on it if you wish you can take your glue spreader and you can this is a hammer drill [Applause] very good these are clean wash papers that's the way to make a ring you
Channel: Pat Jones
Views: 25,041
Rating: 4.9656653 out of 5
Keywords: Woodturning, Segmented Bowl, Feature ring
Id: iYmEwcmEx4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 21 2018
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