Sega on the Nintendo Gamecube

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[Music] thank you just a few months after the demise of the Dreamcast Sega began an aggressive change in strategy by signing on as a third party for nearly all of its former competitors aside from the PlayStation 2 and Xbox Sega also made clear its intention to bring many of its Wares to the Nintendo GameCube originally released in 2001 I was initially intrigued by the console's opening volley of releases specifically the gorgeous Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2. it clearly showed the GameCube had the chops to display some pretty impressive Graphics along with a few other winners the end of 2001 proved quite nice to be an owner of Nintendo's brand new 6th generation console especially for its asking price of only 199 dollars as 2002 came into Focus an entire world of Sega goodness began opening up on the GameCube including a handful of releases that I consider absolute Classics in this episode we are going to go over many of the nearly 40 titles Sega developed and or published for the Nintendo GameCube this is my first major capture using the GameCube and I broke out the component cables to give us a decent picture while viewing these games I hope you guys enjoy Sega on the Nintendo GameCube [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we began our journey with Super Monkey Ball a sort of remake of a game called monkey ball that first appeared in the arcade for sega's Naomi platform when it showed up at the launch of the GameCube it came with nearly a hundred stages four player contests and a slew of awesome party mini games don't let the cute little monkey throw you off this is a crazy fun time and takes such a simple concept as rolling a ball to an exit and makes it really addictive get a few buddies together for some monkey golf monkey Billiards and monkey Target and you have a night of endless laughs and fun it was the reason to have multiple controllers when you first bought the system shortly after the North American launch a claim published Crazy Taxi for the GameCube a port of the popular arcade and Dreamcast racing Title Here you get the same memorable soundtrack locations and city that you loved before if not a tad less impressive due to the passage of time and no real upgrades as far as visuals it's still really fun and includes the extras that were added to the Dreamcast version it gets the job done but I'd rather play this on sega's console Sonic Adventure 2 battle represented a unique chance for Sega to expose Sonic to an entirely new generation of Gamers but they chose to tweak little things and add multiplayer content to a game that desperately needed some refinement in its gameplay I enjoyed Sonic Adventure 2 on the Dreamcast but with this reissue there needed to be something done about the camera issues that continue to dog it don't take that as everything is bad there are some real treats in this version GBA support that's far better than the old vmu more character and Stage content and a ton of changes to the two-player modes if it's your first time it still packs a punch but if you're coming for some meaningful changes you won't find them here there are some games that are just simple stupid fun and that certainly describes 18 wheeler American Pro trucker your job is to run your route take down your rival and get in under the time limit the setup really couldn't get any simpler sometimes all you have to do is literally Park your truck but in the typical Sega fashion there is loads of style that really add to the presentation while driving you'll get some wild weather effects different areas of the country and you get mini games to play around with in between a claim was behind this board of the Dreamcast and arcade original as well and it holds up a bit better than Crazy Taxi add in the two-player mode and it still loads of fun today Sega kicked off its Sports offerings with the us only release home run King this is a very arcady take on MLB and does come fully licensed it's quite different from sega's World Series baseball line and the gameplay is fairly fun its only real issue are the imbalances in the presentation the field and players look good but man does the crowd and stadium look like complete garbage it's still worth a look if you appreciate the sport Sega also brought NBA 2k2 to the GameCube a very good Port of an already solid Dreamcast release the animation could be a bit stiff but the gameplay was as fun as ever grab three buddies for the four player matches and it could easily pass an entire night in my recent Xbox episode I said a few words about Sega soccer slam that was taken as I felt it was a bad game it really wasn't what I meant because this is actually not bad at all think of it as sort of an NBA Jam take on soccer three on three matches that take place on a smaller field with a reduced rule set all wrapped up in zany teams and crazy power-ups that will appeal to many that have no special love for the sport it's quite worth looking into now what was just as curious as all get out was the fact Sega released Virtua Striker version 2002 on the GameCube just a few months after Sega soccer slam and in Virtua Striker 2002 had been a hardcore Sim of the sport you could have at least understood that but it wasn't at all it's as Arcadia as our Katie gets the visuals are great but flooding the market with two options like this seem like a really bad idea those that won a quick flash in the pan here and there may enjoy this but hardcore fans should stay far away from it Beach spikers virtual beach volleyball was a port of a Naomi 2 arcade game that I thoroughly enjoyed the visuals are great the gameplay is easy to get into and it has four player support you can even create teams I can't really say that I've played many great volleyball games but this one is a real gem when I played NFL 2K3 for the first time I just knew Sega Sports was coming into its own the visuals the AI the playbooks the presentation it all just screamed a level of quality that really started to pull away from EA in its Madden series the GameCube version was just as nice and supported four players at once Sega did a bing-up job on this port right down to a killer franchise mode less than a year after the first Super Monkey Ball Sega was back with a part two for Nintendo's powerful little Cube and man it was amped up with a ton more to do monkey tennis monkey golf monkey soccer monkey baseball and tons more awaits you and up to three of your friends of course it still has the story mode and single player content if you're all alone Sega was crushing it with their Sports titles on the GameCube early on so it was no surprise to see NCAA college football 2K3 show up as well much like their NFL series this exudes quality start to finish excellent visuals and gameplay capture the look and feel of college level football perfectly it was almost like being in the real thing sega's NBA 2K3 was a nice step up from the previous release and we got it just seven months after the addition of the ESPN coverage added some much needed authenticity to the feel and the four player support returned it even had a street mode to mess around with outside of the stadium Fantasy Star Online episode 1 and 2 was a combo game that included the content found in the Dreamcast original and brand new content created just for this release as a hunter you must run missions and battle all sorts of nasty monsters in an effort to rid your planet of a menacing new threat the combat is in real time where you can gain experience and money which can then be used to upgrade your weapons and items grab some friends and you can run four players in split screen action many believe that because it has online in the title you need an internet connection to enjoy it not so it has a full offline mode for you to enjoy Sonic Mega Collection is a fairly solid compilation of some of the best Sonic titles ever released you get all the Genesis games including spinball and mean bean machine and a pal of extras like flicky wrist star the ooze and comic Zone it lacks the extra Game Gear content of the plus version released for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox but it's still a great list of games NCAA college basketball 2K3 was a no-brainer with all the other big hit Sports titles coming from Sega and hitting the GameCube this actually holds up well even now thanks to the players not being such a huge piece of the experience it still looks runs and plays great as 2002 came to a close Sega needed to face the harsh reality that the GameCube audience was simply not responding well to their Sports titles NHL 2K3 would be the last time Sega brought one of its Sports offerings to Nintendo's platform that generation as you'd expect the quality of NHL 2K3 was spot on perfect franchise mode ESPN presentation and more camera options then you could shake a stick at the sad fact was most GameCube owners were there for Nintendo's games and Sega Sports was an unfortunate casualty kicking off 2003 with Skies of Arcadia legends a port of the Dreamcast RPG that is one of my favorite games ever you control a team of air Pirates as they take to the skies to stop the evil volun empire this port fixed a great many things about the original it runs better has improved character models reduced random battles new quests and new items to equip it's the ultimate director's cut to one of sega's very best Dreamcast efforts it's a must play [Music] give me strength foreign [Music] that was easy like Sonic Adventure 2 battle Sonic Adventure DX was supposed to be the ultimate version of Sonic's first real 3D outing and yet once again I have mixed feelings here I like the new content which includes a bunch of Game Gear Sonics you can unlock but as a director's cut it lacks the fundamental improvements you'd expect of a game that is nearly 5 years old at that point the camera is still a huge problem and it feels so unwieldy compared to other 3D Platformers at the time I mean this was after Mario Sunshine for Pete's sake Sega needed to do more calling this a director's cut when it was on the Dreamcast it was a fun introduction to the sixth generation on GameCube expectations were quite a bit larger I have a lot to say about the Sonic Adventure reissues and we'll definitely tackle it more in the future Nintendo and Sega came together in the summer of 2003 and nailed what was one of the better racing experiences on the GameCube F 0 GX wow was this a revelation f-zero had been great on the Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64. but this was another level of badassery altogether Not only was it gorgeous visually but the soundtrack was firing on all cylinders and the gameplay was fast and Incredibly smooth it's a tough one though so be prepared to put some time in before you see any real success this is a GameCube must play and nothing short of an absolute classic Sonic team was quite prominent on the GameCube and they created a brand new property called Billy Hatcher in The Giant Egg that was released exclusively for the platform in 2003 in this rather peculiar tale you must use the power of a rooster suit to defeat the evil black crows and save morningland from Eternal Night as you'd expect by this point from anything from Sonic team it's quite gimmicky you must literally use a giant egg to attack enemies and deal with Stage hazards and obstacles fortunately it's a fun gimmick that isn't a bad little Adventure at all it's much slower than the Sonic games and it puts a greater emphasis on grading you similar to something like nights into dreams it has some camera issues but overall this can be rather fun for youngsters and those looking for a 3D platformer that does things a little different 2004 began with Sega releasing Sonic Heroes this focused on a team aspect that had one member that could fly one that could smash things and one that was really fast stages were set up where you needed to switch between them regularly to deal with obstacles and enemies the visuals were really nice but it still has the incredibly annoying camera and pit deaths that had been dogging the series since Sonic Adventure there's still a lot to enjoy here though and it's not nearly as bad as some will have you believe if Sega ever remakes it and fixes the nagging issues this could be a real winner on a modern console especially with some online multiplayer Sega and Sonic Team really turned a 180 on the Fantasy Star online crowd with episode 3 card Revolution this up ended everything by turning the game into a turn-based strategy game that uses cards in a special system called hunters or hero side and arcs otherwise called The Dark Side Hunters primarily attack with weapons while the arcs summon powerful monsters to do their bidding battles take place in a grid-based Arena and the visuals have received a big makeover as well there is story content here for the single player and of course there's multiplayer but you're going to want to do some reading before you jump in the in-game tutorial is almost worthless and it's nothing like the previous games in the slightest still if you appreciate card games and collecting things this might just be a Hidden Gem among sega's offerings here Sega would publish Samurai Jack for the GameCube as well this was based on the Cartoon Network show about a mighty Samurai trying to get back to his own time the victim of the evil a coup this one got some very middling reviews back in the day but I found myself enjoying it quite a bit it's a combination action game Puzzler platformer and collect-a-thon Jack runs around with his trusty sword destroying robots saving prisoners and picking up additional items like throwing knives and arrows the difficulty of this one is quite tame so it's tailor-made for the younger audiences but even older Gamers may find some fun here the visuals are a bit plain and the characters look funky but I had enough fun with it to finish it way back in the day give it a shot if you enjoyed the show Pollo Poyo fever was on the GameCube courtesy of Sega you know it you played it and if you enjoyed it it's just as nice here as it is on other platforms amazing island is a unique take on mini games here you must rid an island of the evil corruption that is infested in you are a young child that has been pulled into a book that was written a thousand years ago but its story has huge ramifications even now you build a monster pet that allows you to fight back against the evilings by taking part in mini games as you compete and win in sporting style events you open new monster customizations and eventually new parts of the island it's a weird mix of monster building Mario party style events and very weak visuals I really do think kids may have enjoyed this had some of the mini-games not been so difficult to find success in some of these are not beginner friendly and a few failures we'll send many of you to the power button never to touch it again it's not terrible but not exactly a must Stone I really want to like virtual quests so much I mean the outline of an RPG mixed with heavy platforming and fighting game mechanics that are associated with Virtual Fighter sounds really nice on paper but the nonsensical story The Simple objectives and a narrative that interrupts the flow of the game far too often leave me feeling quite put out by this one the camera sucks too taking a game with a ton of issues and just leaving you not wanting to play it for very long I'm not sure what the heck happened during development for a team like am2 to think this was something worth people's money but it gets a big thumbs down from me and a label of one of the biggest disappointments in this episode younger kids may find some fun in its Simplicity but most will play this for an hour at most before relegating it back to shelf candy Sonic Gems Collection was a follow-up to Sonic Mega Collection and contains even more Sonic goodness this time digging deep and bringing some stuff I thought I'd never see right off the bat you get Sonic CD which was a big deal at the time because there weren't 20 ports of it out then but you also get Sonic the fighters a bunch of Game Gear releases and even Sonic R yup a freaking Sega Saturn game best part of that little nugget is is that it looks far better here and fixes the in-your-face drawing of the original if you enjoyed any of these in their original forms this is a fantastic bundle it even has the vector Man games Hidden in there for those of you that enjoy Japanese region releases with special qualities all three Streets of Rage titles are in that version ever wanted to be thrown into a full-fledged war with dozens of enemies flooding your ranks and fighting for your life at every turn then Spartan total warrior is a game for you there's tons of fighting moves to help keep you alive and there is a constant need to strategize where you are on the battlefield as you get deeper into its story you'll face some pretty crazy features that will take all your skill to defeat this needed some multiplayer but even as it is I found it a pretty good time think of it as a mix of God of War and the Dynasty Warrior series you'll have a pretty good idea what to expect Shadow the Hedgehog doesn't get a lot of love often being cited as one of the worst entries in the series I do not subscribe to that thinking while certainly not fantastic I enjoyed the changes made to give this an identity all its own from choosing your own path to the gun and vehicular play it feels quite different from the Sonic stuff before it it looks great too its biggest issue is that it still has many of the same problems that dog the 3D Sonics before it the camera can be a real pain in the open stages lead to a ton of pit deaths just trying to navigate them I still had some fun with it and wouldn't put it anywhere near a worse games list as 2006 kicked off the GameCube Market was in steep Decline and Sega readied its final few releases among those was Sonic Riders a racing game featuring hoverboards I mentioned in my Xbox episode I didn't enjoy this game and I stand by that assertion here I just do not find this to be very fun I don't want to do tricks while racing opponents or be heavily punished for missing a predetermined boosting path it probably doesn't help any that I can't stand playing it for more than a few minutes so I never got any good at it it's a good looking game though and it certainly has its fans the final Sega GameCube release came in August of 2006. Super Monkey Ball Adventure Travelers Tales would do the honors here turning the series from a party Puzzler and into a full 3d Adventure title it still has mini games and puzzle stages in there but it also has a full story mode where you actually explore and take on quests the bad part is is that the new direction is point blank terrible and not fun in the slightest having to roll around and talk to NPCs in a monkey ball title was a terrible idea the multiplayer is still there fortunately so this can still be really fun with friends and family that content is short though so I recommend sticking with the other two releases on the GameCube or Deluxe on the Xbox and Playstation 2. like my Xbox episode I wanted to kick off some coverage of Sega as a third party developer by touching upon some of its releases after the Dreamcast bit the dust the GameCube was a fine system with a number of classic Unforgettable titles and Sega was responsible for a few of those most of these were released prior to Sega being swallowed up by Sammy so it was pretty close to the classic Sega as you knew it on the Dreamcast going forward we will be looking at these games again in more detail including the stuff Sega released for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox I haven't touched the sixth generation of consoles much outside the Dreamcast so we have tons of games to look at in future episodes even more so when I travel outside the realm of Sega should you be interested in any of these games in this episode remember that certain models of the Wii can play GameCube titles giving you easy and cheap access to component cables a must since many of these support progressive scan many of these are also available on the Xbox and Playstation 2. so check there if a game culture attention if you want a no-nonsense recommendation without all the Fanfare Beach spikers f-zero GX Skies of Arcadia Legends Spartan total warrior and the first two monkey ball games should be in all your GameCube collections they are fantastic and I plan full reviews for each of them in the future I'm sigalord X thank you guys for watching and I will catch you next time [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Sega Lord X
Views: 75,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamecube, nintendo, nintendo gamecube
Id: Vj4N-ZYieAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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