Seestar Firmware Update! Android 1.13.0

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hello I am the Tulsa Astro geek I'm taking a look at a brand new update to the sear app this is Android version 1.13 released December 17 2023 as you can see there are several new features added going to take a look start with the planetary mode look at the planet AR mode Roi oo Zoom features okay let's take a look let's go to Jupiter okay it is found Jupiter so let's take a look at uh new planetary features start with the 2x nice let's bring the brightness down all right we're already getting a pretty nice look at Jupiter from this not going to do try the Forex all right I've got to say for a smart telescope with a 250 mm F length uh that is pretty impressive okay so that's going to be the planetary Roi feature Roi setting for uh region of interest and it's a way to basically choose a subset of a camera sensor and instead of using the entire thing you can crop it down to a portion of the sensor uh which among other things allows for a uh higher capture rate um in videos which is important for planetary because when you want to do planetary astrophotography uh you want to take a video then use the video for what's called lucky Imaging where you run it through a software that takes the you know 20 30 50 80% uh best frames from the video and then Stacks those to give you a much sharper image of the planet uh in this case appears us using it to um as a crop and zoom Factor uh to give you a more detailed View of the planet and hopefully it also carries over into the video to give you a higher frame rate um to get better captures that way okay and you can pinch the zoom with the uh Roi Zoom although you can see that there are diminishing returns but even so you can see the three or four major uh color bands on the planet Jupiter which uh is I think it's pretty impressive okay and there is the enhanced exposure so now instead of being limited to 10-second exposures with the uh s50 you can now choose 20 or even 30 second exposures which is impressive given that this is a out as Mount I'm now going [Music] to going to try 30 second exposures and also there's the feature for getting the rtsp address so that should give you a address that you can enter into a browser and pull a stream directly off the camera um you know you can feed it into uh some sort of catro software um we feed it into a live stream like a webcam um any number of possible uses for that which is pretty impressive going to go ahead and try out the new enhan exposure on uh m42 all right there is m42 I have to say I really love m42 or the great Orion Nebula it's one of my absolute favorite es photography targets and it's probably the very best beginner Target it's so easy to uh photograph okay I was afraid of that um right now m42 is high in the sky it's a very high angle above the Horizon uh and I've noticed that the s50 has difficulty tracking uh objects that are that high you can see that you literally see the stars moving as I talk so I will need to find a uh different Target to test the long exposure on right now all right let's try the Andromeda galaxy M31 it's also a very good beginner Target uh even in this preview you can see the bright core on up again uh all right that's very impressive um we're getting 30 second exposures with little or no uh star trailing or just the slightest amount of star elongation it looks like 20 seconds uh exposures may be The Sweet Spot thank you for watching please like And subscribe
Channel: Tulsa Astro Geek
Views: 6,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zwo, seestar, seestar s50, astrophotography, smart telescope
Id: Inne86FgAfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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