Seek To Be Heavenly-Minded - Zac Poonen

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I want to begin with the verse in 1 Corinthians in chapter 15 he will turn there 1 Corinthians 15 was 47 the first man that is Adam is from the earth earthy the second man that is Jesus he is from heaven the natural which says in verse 46 the spiritual did not come first the natural then the spiritual so Adam is from the earth and the second man is from heaven and listen to this as is the earthly verse 48 so also are those who are earthy so one mark of those who still live by the life of Adam is that they're still occupied with the things of Earth that I'm not we have to live on the earth Jesus lived on the earth he worked and earned his living as a carpenter he ate and drank and slept and got tired and everything that we do as human beings but he was not earthy he lived on the earth and his spirit was in heaven he was like a heavenly man living on earth whereas Adam was an earthly man living on this earth so as is the earthy so also those were three verse 48 as histor heavenly so also are those who are heavenly and then he says just as we have borne the image of the earthy we will also bear the image of the heavenly this is a great promise but just like Adam did a great job making us like him Jesus can also do a great job making us like him so if you turn to Colossians now you see a similar statement there Colossians and Chapter three similar words worse if verse one if you have been raised up with Christ keep seeking the things that are above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God set your mind on the things above and not other things that are on the earth so that is how we become heavenly and not earthly it's not a question of our body it's a question of where our mind is our body will be on the earth to either to be died or til the Lord comes Jesus body was on this earth all those thirty three and a half years but how is he called a heavenly man because he his mind was all the time with his father in heaven and so it says here in verse two set your mind may have to make a choice here it's not automatically if it were automatic we'd all be robots God does not want robots as his children just like you don't want a little robot as your child he you want children who are little children who by choice decide to love you obey you God also wants children will not force like robots to obey Him but who are a choice say Lord I want to love you so we have to set our mind on the things that are about that is how we can be having in that so over a period of time the Holy Spirit will transform us into the likeness of Christ the Christian life is a journey in this new testament after the coming of the Holy Spirit I told you yesterday how the greatest gifts that God gave to the church is the gift of the Holy Spirit and I mentioned yesterday how that is being cultivated it has been abused all types of wrong teachings have been given to [Music] disciples about Christians about the Holy Spirit see Christians are brainwashed into thinking the Holy Spirit has come to make us rich that's why which is called the health wealth gospel now in the Old Testament God promised Israel I'll keep you healthy and make you wealthy but that's an Old Covenant gospel in the New Covenant Jesus said the promise of the Holy Spirit I'll make you spiritually healthy spiritually wealthy will be good recognize this difference let me show you that if you turn it to Deuteronomy in chapter 28 it's important to see the contrast between the gospel that is being preached false Gospels that is being preached by so many people today and you see it is there in the Old Testament so in the Old Testament the Lord said in Deuteronomy 28 which is Moses telling the Israelites before they went into the land of Canaan just before they went in after 40 years of wandering he said if you obey the Lord this is how the Lord will bless you he will be blessed in the city you'll be blessed becoming whatever blessing you'll be you you'll blessed in your children and your ground will be blessed verse 4 and your beasts and your cattle and your business your basket your meeting bowl will be blessed when you come out you go in and there we are blessing upon your barn so is a tour today in your business the Lord will bless your business and he will make you listen to this verse 11 he will make you a bound in prosperity this is given to the Israelites not to Christians Paul and Peter did not have bound in prosperity Jesus did not amount and prosperity but those Old Testament Saints like David and all those other kings unbounded in prosperity but it says here not only he will you will abound in prosperity you will have plenty of money and you will have plenty you-you in the offspring of your body that mean you'll have many children also that is investing in the Old Testament and in the produce of your ground means in your business and the Lord will open you for the good storehouse of heaven and sent rain on your land and prosper you in many ways and him make you healthy and wealthy and if you don't obey the Lord then verse 20 all tied to the Lord and set up on you curses confusion and you'll be defeated verse 25 and ye verse 27 you get all types of sicknesses this is the Old Testament gospel help and wealth and many children and if you don't obey the Lord sickness and poverty and battle illness but that's not true today today there are many god-fearing people who are not rich we're not even healthy sometimes don't even have one child that's not the gospel of today everything in the Old Testament becomes spiritual in the New Covenant they'll convert all that Deuteronomy 28 into spiritual you will have spiritual wealth love joy peace longsuffering gentleness goodness you become a wealthy person in these areas you have spiritual health you'd be free from sin and you'll have spiritual children the Lord will use you to bring others to Christ this is the exact spiritual equivalent of that Old Testament blessing that's what the Holy Spirit has come to do in the Old Testament they gave them power to conquer the enemies in the land of Canaan the Giants of Canaan kill them and occupy their land if you kill one child you got his land you kill another giant you've got this land and that's how little by little they occupied the whole land of Canaan which we call Israel today it was by killing the Chinese if they didn't kill the Giants and sometimes you read in the book of Judges they didn't kill some Giants everything didn't get that property they already read it now what is the land of Canaan today the land of Canaan is a long strip like this like Israel that is your body your body from head to foot is the land which God wants you to occupy today there are many giants living in this land that have ruled like the Canaanite giants ruled Canaan for years and they ruled so strongly that the Israelites when they first went in they were scared they said oh we can't conquer these people and there are giants that are ruling this land of Canaan our spirit our body from head to foot the Giants of anger that have ruled us for years and we look at the giant and most Christians say I can never conquer it and most Christians in their entire life never conquer this kind of anger anger crushes them defeats them till the day they die this is why husbands and wives are fighting all the time another giant is sexual lust the giant stands up before you like Goliath and says you think you can counter me huh you can't conquer me as I'm enslaved you all your life you can look like a holy person before others but you're my slave sexual lust is another giant is bitterness murmuring grumbling love of money it's another huge giant stands before you and says you think you can escape me that giant says I'll make you love money to the end of your life you can sing whatever songs you like and Act holy if you like but you'll be a lover of money till the end of your life you cannot conquer me I can make a list of all these seeking honor another giant anxiety fear you know these things rule I'm not talking about unbelievers talk about believers this is these are the Giants ruling his land and Joshua and Caleb said no with the power of God we can conquer them God said okay I'll give you the land because you have faith now today in the New Testament God's asking his children will you have the faith of Joshua and Caleb to say Lord by the power of the Holy Spirit every one of these Giants will come beneath my feet there's a place in the book of Joshua where the law Joshua caught and defeated certain Giants and he called the Israelites and said come and put your head on the neck of these kings and you read that book of Joshua and the Israelites came and put their feet on the neck of these Canaanite Kings and they occupied the land but you can't occupy the land you don't conquer the king first and you know that's what happens if you anchor something that'll be the area where you get spiritual power and spiritual progress if you leave some sin defeated in your life it's not just a question of overcoming sin when you overcome sin that land becomes yours you come spiritually possessing something which God wanted you to possess so it's not just overcoming sin what happened when you killed a giant in Canaan it's not just that the giant was killed he's not just that anger the giant was killed you got something from it you've got his land you've got his property I remember reading an illustration of this in in a book somebody wrote like this it's a parable of there was this very ugly looking a little you know one of these geckos that crawl around on me in our garden huge lizards sitting on this guy's shoulder this is a Christian and this gecko this big lizard was sitting there ugly and he was tired of it because he was hurting so many ways and the angel stands in front of this Christian and says get rid of that gecko get rid of that sin that's a picture of some sin in your life it could be anger or me sexual laughs or something like that dirty lizard we don't see it like that the devil makes you see there's some beautiful thing that you must cherish and love that's how people watch pornography but it's an ugly gecko sitting there ruining your life ruining your mind and the angel comes and says shall I get rid of throw it out excuse me and the gecko whispers in his ear no no I'll behave myself I won't harm you anymore just just don't get rid of me and so he keeps it and then after some time he gets fed up and it says I can't do it but he does the angel you pull it out and throw it off I want to get rid of this so the angel tears off that gecko that sin throws it away you know what happens that gecko lizard suddenly transformed itself soon it was thrown down it became a beautiful horse and He healed said now you don't have to walk towards the promised land towards heaven you can ride on this horse your progress will be much faster as long as you kept that sin cherishing it loving it you don't know what you were missing you're missing the possibility of fast progress towards God's kingdom becoming more like Christ instead of walking and crawling you can ride on a horse that's a beautiful story how when you overcome something when you ask the holy scripts help to overcome something that very thing you overcome becomes the thing that speeds you towards God's kingdom makes you christ-like more and more and more it's a wonderful thing to realize this so let me show you what I do passages in the New Testament the Fijians chapter 1 and verse 3 this is the New Testament equivalent of deuteronomy 28 you told me 28 is the old covenant helped wealth many children now in today's Gospel the these false preachers preach they preach helping well they don't reach many children because they know people don't like that but the full Old Testament gospel was health wealth and many children the New Testament ecology that is spiritual health spiritual wealth and spiritually many children that I can bring to Christ and it says here in Ephesians 1:3 God our Father the father of our Lord Jesus Christ has blessed us with every spiritual blessing not Material blessing not physical blessing not the blessing of children but spiritual blessing every single spiritual blessing in Christ has been given to us because he chose us verse 4 before the foundation of the world so this is the New Testament gospel every spiritual blessing and then he doesn't mean God doesn't provide our need jesus said if you see God's kingdom first all your earthly needs will be provided to you you don't have to go after them he hasn't promised to make us millionaires but he's promised to provide all our need that's guaranteed you never allow you to be homeless he'll never allow you to be jobless impossible I believe that I don't know I don't know you believe it I believe it had proved the faithfulness of God right from at the time I left my job in the Navy 53 years ago he's provided all I need as I've sought God's kingdom not by giving me a lot of earthly wealth no but by giving me spiritual and providing me with enough for my earthly needs what are our earthly needs we need food all of us everywhere in the world clothing we need a house to live it and Jesus said give us this our daily bread and that includes food clothing house delivered and education for our children because that's how they will get their food clothing and house to live in so there are four things that the world gives for they make money for the sake of to get a good house to get good clothes to eat good food and to give a good education to their children these are the main things and of course some people they want to use money for sinful pleasure as well but these are legitimate things and these for the Lord says don't be anxious Matthew 6 all these will be added to you if you seek God's kingdom first I can tell you I have experienced all four without seeking for them but seeking God's kingdom first these other things will get added now I want to say to you your life every one of you who listening to me today your earthly life you haven't been a Christian as long as I mean I've been a Christian for six years but as your time goes on people who look at your life and know everything about your life if they could know it and your values and what you live for this should be amazed how all these earthly needs were met in your life even though you didn't go see me after that you sought God's kingdom and righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit and these other things which the world is seeking after got thrown in for you without your seeking after them that's my testimony for more than 50 years I cruded in my life I proved my family life and I proved it in many churches in the cities and in the poorest villages in India that is my testimony is the testimony about hundreds of people they didn't become millionaires but their necessity of food clothing a house to live in you get that chillin so the children will get food house and clothing it's provided so the Old Testament they lived for that there were no spiritual blessings you meet the entire Old Testament there was no promise that I'll give you victory over sin I give you victory over anger I'll give you victory over dirty thoughts there's no promise even I'll take you to heaven in the entire Old Testament there's no promise that I'll make you overcome in your life now you couldn't even or come bitterness or burning or anything no but in the New Testament says I'll give you the spiritual victory in all these things and these other things have we added tears of borås turn with me to this verse in Psalm 37 most of this a psalm of David David wrote most of his Psalms as a young lad maybe 20 25 years old 18 20 years old when he was looking after she he was anointed as king when he was 20 years old and you're already written one or two songs by them and then during the next ten years of wandering in the caves and all he wrote some more sounds but this Psalm is I think about the last one you wrote it when he was about 70 years old just before he died and listen to what he said Tom 37 verse 25 I was young and now I am old but I have never seen a righteous man forsaken and I have never seen his children or his grandchildren or his descendants begging for bread why do people beg for bread why do the homeless people on the streets big in India or Australia or anywhere it's because they don't have a job so if I were to paraphrase this word it will be like this I have never seen a righteous man Forsaken and his children will never go hunting for jobs they'll get it his grandchildren will get jobs can you get a better promise of that there are millionaires in the world there are millionaires in the world today whose chicken our wayward who go and commit suicide and will branch in and make a mess of their life this is better to have a promise like this I have never seen a righteous man forsaken or his children hunting for a job or his grandchildren had a poor job I believe that with all my work I've experienced a little bit in my lifetime not in my life the lives of others around me who they did not get help and well but they got spiritual every spiritual blessing and the earthly things needed were thrown in it's like you get a salary when you join the company for a job you don't sign up for bonus you sign up for the salary the bonus is thrown in right so we sign up with the Lord for the kingdom of God which is righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit turn to Romans 14 and verse 17 Robyn's 14 in verse 17 when it says seek the kingdom of God first what is the kingdom of God and the only days I used to think it was doing missionary work go to Africa or North India or somewhere to some difficult place and preach the gospel that is seeking the kingdom of God no the kingdom of God is not doing missionary work you can seek the kingdom of God in any part of the world ruthenium of God verse 17 is righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit that's the Bible definition of the kingdom of God so we got to get rid of our own ideas and when I saw that I understood what does it mean to see God's kingdom first here it is seek righteousness first in your life never be unrighteous in anything in money matters in speech always pursue righteousness uprightness and what part of righteousness is love true righteousness the righteousness of God is love there I can love every person no matter how they treat me I'm not saying I'll have fellowship with everybody Jesus loved the people who killed him he said Father forgive them but he didn't have any fellowship with that he loved the Pharisees but he had no fellowship with them the lots of people I love whom I have zero fellowship with but the devil will never make me hate anyone the moment hatred comes into my heart I have got a little bit of Hell inside me hatred is a characteristic of hell love is a characteristic of heaven and I want to tell you in Jesus name if you have a little bit of hatred or bitterness against anyone you whether you know it or not you've got a little bit of Hell in your heart and that's how you get sickness that's how we got a lot of problems sometimes we can have hatred against some relative of ours who hurt us in some way you have took advantage of us the world is full of married women who detest their mothers-in-law are you like that and you talk about spiritual stuff let me tell you in Jesus name all your spirituality is a lot of garbage if the Holy Spirit is not able to make you love people who hate you whatever you may say you can speak the right language righteousness is love but you say oh that guy treated me so badly or your mother-in-law cheated you or treated you badly or brother-in-law cheated you all you can say what you like and you can say this giant is so big I can't conquer it right but whatever the power of God and you're gonna be like those 10 spies who said these Giants are too big are you gonna be like Joshua and kill him I don't care which giant it is I can conquer it hatred bitterness against any human being it will not be found in my heart I refuse to have hello in my heart that's what we need to say to ourselves I'm not gonna have any hell in my heart at any cost no matter what people say or do to me that's gonna affect me you know yesterday I was talking about a person jesus said to the woman in Samaria you can have a well of water inside you springing up to everlasting life that is your own supply of water it doesn't depend on how weather the city gives you water or not it's your own supply so that's what the Lord can do for you where my my love is not depending on how the other guy treats me if your love for a person is dependent on some of the way somebody else treats you you know just a worldly person the only persons also like that they love those who love them those who hate them but Christianity is so different so jesus said seek the kingdom of God first what does it mean what is the kingdom of God once again righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit I told you yesterday the most important thing in the Christian life is to be filled with the Holy Spirit to be true the Holy Spirit is not primarily to speak in tongues or to preach or prophesy or heal the signal it is to be filled with righteousness which is love it will be filled with love for others to be filled with joy and peace in the Holy Spirit that's what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit and you can't do it on your own you see you don't have the ability to love people especially those who trouble you a lot of hurt you a lot to hurt your family they look like Giants but you believe that God can help you this is new covenant Christianity and many people want to be filled with the Holy Spirit by saying you want to be filled with love for that guy who's hurt you so much tell me honestly you want it or not I mean don't talk about it if you don't want it many people say they want it but they don't really want it that's the thing so I want to encourage you brothers and sisters see the kingdom of God first and all these things will be added unto you so we don't have to worry the things that the world seeks after runs after food clothing housing educating the children in order that they can get jobs will be added unto you and at the end of your life you should be able to save in your 6070 years old and I'm 79 now I can say that I did not go seeing after these things I saw these things righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Spirit in my life and God added these things you should be able to say that when you come to my age that should be your testimony but I did not go out to these things of the world goes out there I sought to live for God 100% and the world says it won't succeed for you you'll be a failure okay I have proved by my life I'm not I'm not going to be a failure by seeking out University is there a God in heaven or not that's number one you believe the Bible is the Word of God if so there's a God in heaven the Bible is the Word of God I believe that I believe it for 60 years then there's an opportunity to prove it otherwise you're Christians in name we say we talk about nominal Christians but many born-again Christians are like nominal Christians also when it comes to a crisis they don't believe what God's Word says they react exactly like the only person so I must seek for love joy and peace in my heart always to live in joy without discouragement without anxiety and always to be at peace with God and with one another that is the primary purpose of being filled with the Holy Spirit then rivers of living water will flow from us see God can do a work in us but in the pipe through which the water flows is polluted what comes out in the tap this dirty water you can clean water up in the tank but when it comes through a dirty pipe what comes out through the tap is filthy water very often that's what happens you can say nice words but it doesn't have the part of the Holy Spirit turn with me to 1 John chapter 3 1 John chapter 3 we read about how we will be like Christ or even he comes back that's the end of the journal that's the finishing line of the race the Christian life is like a race Hebrews 12 says that let us run this race looking unto Jesus you know that verse I go Hebrews 12 verses 1 and 2 let us run this race looking at the Jesus the author and finisher of our faith he ran this race in front of us and we will run in his footsteps the starting line of that race for us when Jesus the starting line was when he was born for us the starting line is when we are really born again and the Holy Spirit comes into our hearts we are born again that's a starting line the finishing line for us is 1 John 3:2 when he appears we shall be like him that's the finishing line when Christ appears we're gonna be like him so when you run a race think of a marathon race of 40 kilometers you come to the starting line and every minute you're getting closer and closer to the end of that party get over to race you get it closer to the finishing line you're not just static you don't get suddenly transported there by some helicopter or something end of the race some people think I'm gonna just be more again and have no progress in my life suddenly when Christ comes I'll reach the finishing line I'm sorry to surprise you but that's not going to be true you'll get a big surprise and those if you just say I'm born again and you sit at the starting line you'll find it when Christ comes you are not even ready to come to be taken that is not a Christian life it says it's a race and if you don't take part in the race Paul says you'll be disqualified yeah there are people who can be disqualified it says here the finishing line 1 John 3:2 is we will be like him when he comes that's the finishing line of the race so what should we do till then if you have this hope was 3 1 John 3 3 in other words if you are taking part in this race and you're running you will keep on purifying yourself you keep on taking steps in this race from here to here to here to here you keep moving and every step is taking you closer to the finishing line you purify himself just as he is pure now towards your goal is a finishing line what is the finishing line words - I'll be like him and you want to run in such a way that as every year goes by in your life you become a little more like Jesus compared to last year and the best person to testify of that your marriage partner who sees you all the time and your children this daddy a little more like Jesus now this mummy a little more like Jesus is your husband a little more like Christ this year than last year is your wife a little more like Christ and this year in the last year if that is not happening my brother's sister let me tell you the truth you're stuck at the starting line and you'll get a big surprise when Christ comes again you may not be there I got to tell you the truth no Christian can stand still and expect to reach the finishing line so the finishing line is becoming like Christ and 1 John 3:3 says we keep on running getting purer and purer till the day comes turned out the 1 Corinthians chapter 9 this is the whole purpose with which you're filled with the Holy Spirit the purpose with which we have to the Holy Spirit is to make us like Christ in every area of our life 1 Corinthians 9 listen to this I turn to verse 24 1 Corinthians 9 verse 24 don't you know now let me before I start do you know that the Corinthian church was the most carnal worldly defeated bunch of Christians in the 1st century they were much worse than almost any church you've seen really bad church and to such a church the Holy Spirit is Saint through Paul now listen don't you know that those who run in a race all run but only one receives a price in a worldly competition holy the person who comes first receives the gold medal there is only one gold medal and one person gets it but you must run it says that you can win that first prize who every single one in Corinth can win first prize now this is the wonderful thing about the Christian race there is no competition with one another it's not you coming first in my mummy coming second or third or tenth no all of us can come first that's the meaning of that words and to whom is he writing not a very spiritual church so very carnotaur hey guys wake up take your life seriously you can come first in this race even though you've messed up so many years of your life you Corinthian Christians take it seriously from now on you can win this prize but if you want to win it where it's 25 you must exercise self-control all these people who run in the marathon they discipline themselves they deny certain things you see they won't eat anything they like become fat and they won't be able to win the race at all they discipline themselves how much they sleep they discipline themselves and how much they eat everything so that they can win the prize and so he says we also must do like that me tell us about himself a man like Paul who's such a faithful person but he does not worry he says I gotta be careful to verse 27 read verse 27 Paul is giving his own testimony he says I discipline my body that means my bodily desires what are the very desires he has same ones you have food sleep sex that can be tempted to be lazy to be lustful to be a glutton all these things he was going to do and he's I just got to discipline myself in my speech we can just be careless in the way we speak and hurt one another he's not going to discipline my body and make it my slave in the Living Bible which is a very good paraphrase this verse is translated like this please listen 1 Corinthians 9:27 I make my body do what it should do and not what it wants to do correct I make my body do what it should do according to God's will and not what it wants to do my body wants to do a lot of things like your body which may not be in the will of God but I got to make my body do what it should be doing not what it wants to do that is a discipline my eyes want to look at something I say no but I want to read something I say no or I'm lazy in the morning to read the scriptures and my body says hang on sleep some more I say no I'm gonna get up 10 15 minutes earlier because I gotta read the scriptures and make my body get up I remember hearing of a man who told a great saint he said will you pray that I will get up in the morning to read scripture and spend a few minutes with God that godly man said you promised that you put one leg out and I will promise I pray that God will help you to put your other leg outside your bed but I'm not gonna pray they're going to lift you out of the bed put your side but that's not going to happen it's a cooperation you pray you promise to take one leg outside your bed 15 minutes early to spend some time the Bible I pray God help you pick the other leg out that's it it's a cooperation God doesn't force us into anything that's discipline it's an example of discipline you know for example food why does the Bible speak about fasting do you ever fast I tell you with my younger days it was a discipline in my life the fast at least once a week sometimes when there was a mean there was a fast and pray for something but apart from that just as a discipline I tell you for two reasons one we are all slaves of food our body loves food and I said lord I don't want to be a slave to food I want to conquer it and one way I can conquer it is by occasional fasting so I would pass three meals in a week sometimes the whole day without food and just drink liquids to conquer this lust for food the second benefit of that was it helped me to understand what it is to be hungry a lot of hungry people in India poor people we can talk about it you can read about it but you'll never know what a hungry man feels like till you pass for one day you try it you can talk about hunger and you'll never know what that poor hungry man is feeling like then you pass for one day then these are the two things that helped me one is to overcome my lust for food and second was to feel compassion for those who are poor who cannot eat a proper meal children perhaps Lord how much how they must be feeling with their stomachs empty it gives greater compassion I would encourage all of you to do it you guys are young you should be doing it once a week skipped me that we can't do once a week Steve one minute we will go to 2 mins a week go to 3 meals a week you can't do it all on the same day do it so you'll really help you this is that's one area of discipline of your body discipline your tongue not to answer back sometimes keep quiet when you feel that you can give a sharp answer to your husband or your wife keep your mouth shut that's a discipline it'll bring more peace in your house and your wife will be surprised hey what happened to my husband now husband will be surprised what happened to my wife today he's not retorting like she did before tremendous the Holy Spirit will help us it's a giant you cannot conquer it without the help of the Holy Spirit I'll tell you that's why you need to be filled with the Holy Spirit but with the Holy Spirit's help every giant can be conquered know the last thing verse 27 if you don't do this 1 Corinthians 9:27 Paul says if I don't do it he says I myself will be disqualified I've heard of Olympic races where a person breasted the tape first 5000 meters came first and wave to everybody and the referee says sorry you're disqualified you crossed your lane at some point Oh imagine that but the referee didn't stop the person over there when they cross the way they told them at the end of the race disqualified it imagine how shattering that is thinking you've come first I said then in fact that you're not even in the list that is what can happen Paul says to me and I owe all you're a great apostle you mean it can happen to you sure there's no respective persons of God I have to discipline my body so I want to encourage your brothers sisters run this race see God with all your heart for the things that are about where Christ sits at the right hand
Channel: CFC India
Views: 5,677
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Keywords: zac poonen cfc Christian Fellowship Church Church Fellowship Christian Zac Poonen, Sermons, CFC
Id: fb_5Uu0Q5Bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 41sec (2681 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2019
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