See what happens when a stock electric truck takes on the infamous Hells Gate Moab Utah
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Channel: Paddle Pedal Pedals
Views: 2,640,798
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Id: Yeth5v_5dPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 9sec (249 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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Since I saw WhistlinDiesel do this with his Toyota over and over again it doesn't seem that hard if you don't care about the vehicle lol
Is this hard because you have to be a technically βskilledβ driver or because your car has to have certain specs? Seems thereβs only so many ways something that uses wheels to move can go lol
Kinda like that time Kia did it too?
Electric cars have massive amounts of torque, i don't find this strange at all.
I never really thought of this until now, but the amount of torsional stress that the bod has to be under in these climbs has to be enormous.
Note to self: do not buy a used rock-crawler.
People out here treating embargos as some big conspiracy.... breaking news: everything is advertising. This is an electric pick-up that's being delivered right now, and it's doing a trail to show that it's capable of doing so. For me, it's impressive
The Hellgate no longer impresses me. Want me to consider an R1T instead of (endlessly) vacillating between the new Tundy and the Lightning? Show me a video of it driving through Portland Maine after a snowstorm. I'm talking 10 inches of wet snow in the West End. I want to see it turn down a street that was considered narrow and weirdly shaped during horse-and-buggy days, where about 40% of cars did not comply with the snow ban, where the cars that did move left behind massive ice sheets at every parking spot, where the plows know that if they actually scrape the pavement they will break it off and reveal the cobblestones beneath and so they leave enough snow on the streets for cross country skiing, and where you have to break suddenly for law students going Red Ryder sledding down the middle of the street half-drunk at 830AM on a #sanitysnowday, and after all this not have any frame rust from having been dipped in wet salt like a fucking margarita glass.
I feel like there's going to be a decent number of electric vehicles dead on the trail at the start of this electric boom because some won't realize that a with a trail like this, you can't go off of how many miles it says you have, and you can't fill up a spare can of electricity. It's not exactly apples to apples but I watched a video of a 4xe jeep crawl up a rocky mountain trail on full electric mode and it's range went from 20 miles to 3.
Rivian had me super excited with its push to be an "overlanders" electric vehicle, but it's going to have to have quite the high speed charging network for me to feel comfortable going to remote places with it.