See Delta IV Heavy's final launch in amazing rocket cam footage

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we have liftoff now brought the engines up to EPL and cleared the tower normal flight control disturbances for early phase of light all three Eng operating drop rate nomally just pass 30 seconds into the mission Mark we're looking for throttling core down and started that sequence core is throttling down as expected and we're now reaching MPL on core right as planned everything look good or is that M power level for and starboard strapon still operating at ened power level parameters look good like control surfes look good we have fired the isolation pyro valve on Second Stage reaction control system first step in readying that system for operation continue look good and we passed through Mach One and Ma 2 the power valve pressurizing reaction control system second stage coming up we're looking for is going to close loop guides up three or 4 seconds and we start a close loop guide maneuvering as expected all three engines continue look good and we are 3 minutes to Coro and the vehicle is now one half it's liftoff weight all three engine is operating normally everything looking good and vehicle's now 29 nautical miles in altitude about 64 mil down range traveling at 5,300 mil hour everything continues to look good and we've just passed through the kmen line reaching 100 kmers in altitude looking good two minutes to Coro coming up on Throttle Down on the strap bombs and we've begun throttling down the strap onb boosters in preparation for cut off we've now achieved Min power level on the strap BS and cut off we have cut off port and starboard boosters coming up on St on and we have strap-on separation disturbances look good throttled up the core booster now at EPL on the single stage booster and we' re-enabled steering following separation of the strap-ons everything looking good one minute Coro see housing temps respond as expected on the rl10 and we've started lh2 Bo space chill down housing temps responding as expected flight control disturbances are small and the core r68 continues to operate as expect about 20 seconds to our next Mark event throttling down the core booster in preparation for PCO and core booster is throttling down coming up on booster engine cut off and we have Bo go off on the booster everything looking [Music] good and state operation occurred right as expected Neds have deployed and we have pre-art start and full thrust RL 10 is up and running normally everything everything looking goodus 15 roopy ignition tus 10 9 8 7 6 5 we have ignition 2 one off and liftoff of the final United launch Alliance Delta 4 heavy rocket carrying n70 for the national reconnaissance office and closing Delta's six decade Legacy of excellence in space or is at M power level and starboard strap on still operating at en power Lev you hearing the voice voice of Rob Ganon providing launch vehicle Ascent data parameters look goodes look good and we have fired the isolation pyro valve on Second Stage reaction control system first step in readying that system for operation look good and we pass through Mach One and Mac 2 R strip there everything looks good all three operating as expect operating as expected everything looks good the power valve pressurizing rea control system on Second Stage coming up everything there we're looking for is going to CL Loop guys three or 4 seconds and we start a close guide maneuvering as expected all three engines continue look good [Music]
Channel: VideoFromSpace
Views: 438,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SC02796, cam, delta iv, final, florida, last, launch, rocket, sspaleta, united launch alliance
Id: 6foPBWPnt50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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