Secrets Retail Stores Don't Want You to Know About

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Most of these are true, but the one about Clearance is false.

Department Managers are graded on the amount of clearance items left in their areas at the end of each month, even though they have no control over the prices. So we absolutely want to get all of the clearance off the shelf and in a high traffic area to sell it faster. The longer it stays, the cheaper it gets and the lower the margins. A manager with low margins will swiftly find themselves looking for a new job.

Unfortunately, Vendors such as Levi, Nike and Hanes are paying premiums to have their products located in the high traffic areas such as in the aisle, at the front end of a row or at the height on a shelf and you will be in breach of contract for violating this. It is entirely possible that you could lose a brand by putting other product in a vendor purchased area. Some managers try anyway and especially on weekends (corporate types work during the week) we will throw it out in the aisle in the hopes of getting rid of it faster.

Most retailers do not allow their managers to change prices and a program or the buyers will dictate sales and discounts. Some retailers (Lowe's, Sears and Wal-Mart) do give a little leeway, so feel free to ask for a lower price than what is actually posted on a clearance item. Just don't ask me for a discount on regular or sale items, I will tell you that "We offer the same great prices for all of our valued customers and work hard to make sure those prices are visible and advertised according to the law".

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/snarksneeze 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2017 🗫︎ replies
it's a feeling I know well and you probably do too I walk out of a store wondering how I went in there to buy one thing and walked out with ten or how I meant to spend $5 and somehow dropped 50 it turns out stores have a lot of Secrets they use mostly to encourage consumers to spend more prepare to be amazed by this list of the top 10 things retailers don't want you to know amazing number 10 trademarked Apple names apples are healthy and delicious but trying to figure out which kind of get is confusing as a result of producers trying to improve flavor and reduce problems like mealy mushy apples there are many varieties they can taste very different not to mention have very different cost per pound it turns out that the names of apples like Honey Crisp or Red Delicious are trademarked most of the breeds are not although a few like the sweet tango have a limited patent and are produced by a very restricted crop of growers anyone can purchase and plant a Honey Crisp tree but only a very small group is approved to sell a sweet tango which explains why one of those apples has a sweeter price than the other however most Apple breeds are not under patent so if you come across a pink lady that is more expensive than a rosy glow then just go for whichever is cheapest they come from the same variety of apple called pips pink number nine grocery stores waste a lot of produce at this point you probably just want to put your produce in a nice protective plastic bag and your freshly sanitized cart but you're probably overpaying for pretty produce stores refuse or throw away tons of fruit and vegetables just because they're ugly funny-shaped or maybe with variations in color the way of vegetable looks doesn't affect the taste it's what's on the inside that counts right if you want to save money a company called imperfect will deliver ugly produce at a reduced price in California Dallas and other US market places that's great because I only care about what's inside my wallet number eight they leave out commas to play with your head on the other hand if a retailer does use a price tag on a big-ticket item like a big-screen TV they may still have a few tricks up their sleeves when you look at these expensive prices you may see two 9 9 9 for a $3,000 TV instead of two comma nine nine nine what's the difference research shows that more syllables that a price tag makes people view the item as more expensive even though it's exactly the same price to beat this trick remind yourself of the actual cost tax in all number seven drawing shoppers to the right when entering a store shoppers are often drawn to the right for several reasons for one thing most of us are right-handed as a result studies show were more likely to shop in a counterclockwise pattern so stores often place more expensive items on the right of the store where we'll see them first how convenient in grocery stores they might place baked goods to the right so the smell draws you in and put you in a happy mood for shopping and spending more money department stores put perfumes on the right for a similar reason they're hoping the good smells will loosen your grip on your wallet don't let them fool you turn up your nose at those good smells and head to the left side of the store instead but if you do make it to the back of the store without breaking the bank you're likely to find the clearance rack it's placed back there to make sure you get to look at all the full price stuff first oh and if you think it's always a mess you're right the store hopes you'll find it so disorganized that you go towards the front of the store and buy something higher priced that you can actually find number six they make it hard to find new or smaller brands big manufacturers not only pay for the best shelf space typically that coveted eye-level spots but sometimes they can pay to get other products practically move to a different ZIP code in California things got serious enough for independent bakers to file a lawsuit against Sarah Lee for allegedly paying stores to relegate other bagel brands to the very top and bottom shelves where customers were least likely to look if you don't want your buying experience manipulated by the biggest brands look at every shelf and consider less familiar products before making a decision you may find something that tastes better at a lower price number five Farren's tags have schedules knowing that clearance schedule of the stores you shop at can help you stay ahead of the game target for example has a schedule of which departments they mark down each week Mondays they mark down baby or children's and electronic items Tuesday is for women's clothing and home items and Wednesday is markdown day for food health and beauty men's clothes toys and gardening on Thursday they markdown lingerie Sporting Goods and luggage Friday is the day to shop for cosmetics jewelry hardware auto and home improvements also pay attention to the tiny number in the upper right-hand corner of the tag which tells you how much the item is already marked down a 15 means it's only 15 percent off although it can go as high as 90 if the item is still in the store 90 percent off is a real bullseye for savvy shoppers number 4 carnival mears in clothing stores i've often bought things that look great on me at the store but when i went home and tried them on i suddenly couldn't remember why i bought them this might be due to the mirrors at the department store many clothing shops use carnival style mirrors to make customers look thinner or they told a regular mayor for this effect some stores have these funhouse mirrors in both the dressing rooms and out on the sales floor because they know people are more likely to buy an item if they think it looks slimming a good thing to watch out for if you notice you not only look thinner but taller you're definitely being tricked by the mirror I can maybe talk myself into thinking I lost 5 pounds but I'm pretty sure I didn't get taller overnight number 3 toy manufacturers intentionally undersupply toys every holiday season it seems like there's a new hot toy everyone's kid wants and no one can find turns out the manufacturer often under supply stores to drive demand the retailer runs out early and the media runs stories about parents desperate to find the it toy often with a crying toddler in tow people who can't afford to overpay online go back to the store where they either try to order the item or find something else their kid might like a win for the store either way number two your grocery store cart handle is germ-ridden a study from the University of Arizona says store shopping cart handles are actually dirtier than supermarket bathrooms and half of them carry e.coli likely from other shoppers using the restroom failing to wash their hands afterwards then gripping that shopping cart handle wow isn't that appetizing if your store offers wet wipes with their cart selection take full advantage number one jewelry stores hide price tags on I've noticed that some jewelry stores hide the price tags especially on their more expensive items this is intentional they don't want customers to see the price get sticker shock and walk away searching for a better price on an auction site instead they want you to ask about the price of the salesperson has a chance to sell you on the emotional value relating an emotional story about the piece or asking about the special person you're buying for if you're shopping for a gift a good way to avoid this is to look at prices online before heading to the jewelry store so you can avoid getting emotional when the credit-card bill arrives have you seen a shining example if something retailers don't want shoppers to know let me know in the comment section down below also if you enjoyed this video please leave it a like and subscribe clicking that Bell icon to never miss a new video thanks for watching [Music]
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Views: 1,819,216
Rating: 4.7460518 out of 5
Keywords: retailer, retailer secrets, shopping secrets, retail stores, shopping centres, company secrets, dont want you to know, top 10, beamazedvideos, beamazed, be amazed, things you didn't know, mind blowing, money, best kept secrets, hidden secrets, company, walmart, walmart secrets
Id: TBGw8aL9dew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2017
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