Secrets of - Japanese Koi Fish Breeders (Documentary)

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Imagine a place where one specific fish is part of one of the most ancient cultures of our planet. Here several generations have worked day in and day out for something special and unique. Here is also the country where people and nature live in harmony. Over a hundred years breeders have developed a unique way to turn a certain fish species in a true work of art. Torazo Tsuyoshi Kawakami is one of those breeders who has become a guardian of this heritage. He and his family lives in one of those places where they have developed a unique variety of the Japanese Koi. Over a hundred years his family produced a special bloodline that is the secret to all of their swimming champions. This is a fish that is so precious that Japanese have a special name for it. NISHIKIGOI. Or better known as swimming jewels. In this movie I take you on a journey into the secret world of koi. October Japan. It is harvest season. For most koi breeders in this area this is the moment they have been looking forward to for an entire season. For several months these koi has been delivered to Mother Nature high in a Yamakoshi Mountains. Despite the daily checks by the breeder. It is not without risks. There's a lot at stake.. Not only this year's harvest, but also many years of energy put in the care of these Nishikigoi Birds, bears, risk of disease and mother nature, all risks that the breeder must take into account. Fortunately, breeders such as Tsuyoshi Kawakami have gained generations of experience.. ..allowing them to develop their koi every year full of confidence. I have been invited to one of the harvests of the Torazo family. In addition to Tsuyoshi Kawakami, his daughter Yuki and her husband Homare are helping to harvest these precious Koi fish. To make sure everything runs as smoothly and quickly as possible, Yuki checks the connected oxygen supplies for the tanks. Once ready for transport to the koi house, everyone rushes to the car in anticipation of this year's results. The cleaning of clothing and shoes is certainly not unimportant.. To reduce the chance of transmitting any diseases or viruses from the mountains to the other fish. I have to clean my shoes. I drive with Homare to the big and new koi house of Torazo to view the results of this year. The tension and enthusiasm of everyone can be read directly from his or her face. Even the wife from Torazo has come watch the results of this year's harvest. Several Torazo customers have now arrived to come and have a look. Often not just like that, many of the customers see their own fish again after a year of absence. Many hobbyists and dealers who travel to Japan, including myself.. ..come to Niigata to attend to these annual events. The combination of this area and the Nishikigoi can be described by anyone. This is something you have to experience for yourself. Urakawa Koi Farm is an old-established business founded in 1917. The world-famous "Torazo Sanshoku" and "Torazo Kohaku" are brand Koi produced by this high respected koi farm. These days they are famous because of the “Torazo Kohaku” bloodline that has its roots in the crossing of the Dainichi.. ..Kohaku and Murata Kohaku from Chiba Prefecture 20 years ago. nowadays, hobbyists from all over the world want to own the famous Kohaku from Torazo. In recent years, Tsuyoshi and his family have won several major prizes with their best Koi, which makes sense that many are trying to get one of those potential champions. We will return at the Torazo Koi Farm very soon. There is a first time for everything.. Including my introduction to the Shintaro Koi Farm. In the meantime I have been traveling to Japan for more than 6 years.. .. but despite all those visits I do not know all breeders personally. I continue my day at Shintaro Koi Farm.. where they are about to harvest their largest mud pond containing the best Nishikigoi from the farm. A breathtaking environment where the size of this mud pond immediately exceeds my expectations. Shintaro Koi Farm is run by Masaru Saito. His high quality of Go Sanke is known worldwide.. ..and more and more hobbyists know where to find him nowadays. Under the guidance of Masaru and his sons, everyone waits patiently for instructions. I would like to introduce you to Howard, a hobbyist in heart and soul from the United States and part of the team I travel with. Together with Howard, Johan and Domi, the team is complete for a week full of adventure. Today there is extra help. The 2 sons of Saito San, Kensuke and Kosuke are leading the harvest. One of the brothers was bitten by a dog recently, so he is wearing a blue glove to protect his wound. Both sons will be trained in the coming years under the wings of their father to become real koi breeders Hopefully they will take over the farm in the future. It remains a spectacular event in which the koi are brought up one by one from the dark water. Also present today is the Japanese television. The Japanese Koi is cultural heritage and very important for the country. Various camera crews follow breeders throughout the year to eventually make a documentary for the Japanese television. It's time to go back to the Koi House. The weather is perfect in the temperatures rise to summer values. Once in the koi house, all captured Koi can be viewed and measured. The Shintaro Koi farm was founded in 1955 by Shosuke Saito. Before Shosuke kept his first koi, he was a small rice grower. It all started as a hobby, only 10 years later he became a full koi breeder. The step from rice to koi was made quickly. Shosuke San saw surrounding koi farms such as Matsunoske run a successful business by selling Koi to the Japanese. With the slogan: Maker of Dreams, the farm has become enormously popular and well-known. Dozens of years of hard work have resulted in today's status. Yet it did not all happen automatically. In 2004, like many others, the Shintaro Koi farm was hit by the Chūetsu earthquake. A terrible day that had left irreparable damage for many growers. The many koi that were lost that day were terrible for the global industry Fortunately the hobby has never been as popular as it is now.. That's at least how I experienced it. Certainly in Southeast Asia, but also in America in Europe. Breeders like Shintaro are doing good business, and the hobby is on the rise. But what does this mean for the hobbyists? I will come back to this subject later on. Being surrounded by the art of these fish, the hobbyists and dealers who share the same passion is priceless. Many look relieved and are happy with the results of this year's harvest. In the coming years we will more closely follow developments at the Shintaro Koi farm. Starting with next All Japan Koi Show in Tokyo. During this trip there are also short visits to known and unknown koi breeders who have since become friends. Similarly at the Yagenji Koi Farm, Daisuke San shows us some amazing Sanke and Asagi that just came out of the mud pond. I have the freedom to travel alone through the Yamakoshi mountains, this has the biggest advantage that I can visit most breeders. Sometimes very short and sometimes a whole day. This is also the case where we briefly take a look at Marusada Koi Farm.. ..where a customer has selected some very beautiful fish. A new day has arrived. Today on the planinng the number 1 harvest of Koda Koi Farm with Hoshino San. Just like at the Shintaro Koi Farm, this is the first time that I can be present at a large harvest of this breeder. We gather very early in the morning to not miss anything from this event. The morning mist has not been erected yet and that gives an extra dimension to the environment where this mud pond is located. What strikes me first is the enormous depth of this mud pond. It took days to drain it until there was enough water for this day. What is also striking is the soil composition, unlike the mountains, the number of stones in the pond is extremely high. But there are more things to see, including many lobsters and other animals that are also a good food source for the Koi. Tension Rises and.. Masato San, after not seeing his fish for a summer, sees the first glimpse of his pride. Koda Koi Farm is a relatively small breeder who does a lot of the work alone. It is impressive to see how hard this man works to ensure that all fish arrive in the koi house quickly but especially in good health. Koda Koi Farm is run by Masato Hoshino based in Kawaguchi. His main varieties are GR Kohaku, GR Showa, GR Goshiki, D Sanke, D Showa and many more. As a hobbyist you can be very succesful at his farm when you are searching for many varieties during your trip in Japan. During the summer the breeder checks his ponds daily. It is not only the feeding machines that need to be refilled.. ..but also all the fencing that must keep out wild animals such as birds and bears. You can imagine that the breeder is happy when all the Koi come out of the mud pond healthy. Not only his own fish swim in this pond.. but also those of many hobbyists who have chosen to have the fish taken care of by the breeder. In Japan they call this paid form of care Azukari. The location of this koi house is breathtaking. Close to one of the most beautiful viewing points is the multiple koi house of the Koda Koi Farm. It is time to take a closer look at the fish and many Dutch friends send me messages asking how their fish are doing. Logical because they have all been waiting a long time for this. One fish is even more beautiful than the other. Once checked, the fish go directly into the large tanks where they wait a short treatment for parasites that they may have.. ..contracted during their outdoor stay. This is a standard procedure and takes place at every breeder. It has been a long morning, time for a hearty lunch. My favorite, SUSHI! That Japanese are good with fish is generally known.. There are a number of Sushi restaurants in Nagaoka where you can eat the freshest sushi all day long. If you ever travel to Japan, I advise you to eat as much sushi as possible, you will not regret it. There are still 2 visits on the agenda for today. Marusei and Maruhiro Koi Farm. Johan and Howard have their eye on a Koi that seems to be good enough to talk about it. At Marusei we also meet 3 friends from America.. ..busy with the new purchases for the upcoming season. From Marusei it is a fifteen minute drive to Maruhiro. Many recognize the Maruhiro Koi Farm.. the large round pond with mostly hundreds of jumbo koi swimming beautifully in the Koi house. We arrive exactly at the right time. Just back from the harvest, they are busy inspecting and discussing the koi. Maruhiro Koi Farm was founded and still run by Hironori Hirasawa. Hironori is the son of Seitaro Hirasawa (Marusei Koi Farm).. ..and like his families farm he produces a wide range of koi. It is a remarkable picture of the amount of varieties that come out of the mudpond. The dimensions of this koi seem small, while the average fish is at least 70 cm. Wow During the next visit in February, a new visit is planned, in which we will take a closer look at the entire koi house. The Yagenji Koi Farm has since become a permanent part of my travels. From day 1 I have been received very kindly by the brothers Daisuke and Toshinori. With 30,000 square meters of facilities and around 50+ mudponds,.. ..the brothers know how to grow very high quality Nishikigoi. The company was founded in 1963 and focuses primarily on growing Shiro Utsuri, Gin Rin Showa, Kohaku, Sanke, Showa, Chagoi, Ochiba varieties. In Japanese culture, it is obvious that the elder brother takes over the company when needed. But in the case of the Yagenji Koi Farm this is slightly different. When Yaiichi transferred the farm to his eldest son Toshinori.. ..Daisuke decided to work as a chef after completing his school. It wasn't until they became quite busy that.. ..Daisuke came back to learn the trade and share in the farm with his father and elder brother. In the meantime, the eldest son Toshinori had gained a lot of experience at the Sakai Fish Farms in Hiroshima. 0:27:46.970,0:27:53.139 The youngest brother Daisuke could not stay behind and decided to gain his experience at the Momotaro Koi Farm. What is so special about this breeder is that the brothers both have the same responsibilities. True brotherhood. The Yagenji Koi Farm is a very successful Koi breeder with the most diverse varieties.. ..and today a very special harvest is planned. 0:29:00.309,0:29:05.579 The Karashigoi belongs to the Kawarimono variety and is a mustard, single-colored koi. This bloodline is created by Konishi It is a cross between a Doitsu Akame Kigoi female and an olive green Wagoi Chagoi male. Both larger than 90 cm. The Konishi bloodline is known for his excellent body size and color. Some fish from this bloodline are about a meter tall. 0:29:39.700,0:29:43.439 So it's not surprising that these fish are extremely popular. The Karashigoi that we harvest today are 3 years old. I am surprised at the enormous length and buying that these koi already have.. During the drive to the mud pond, Daisuke San told us that there have been several unwanted visitors this summer. The feeding machine was found and destroyed by bears. The final result? The feed machine disappeared in the mud pond. Fortunately, the fish did not notice this, because of the daily check a new one could be placed. It indicates what a breeder must take into account. The bears did not come for the fish but for the fish food inside the machines. It is time to go back to the koi house. All koi are loaded and the oxygen tanks do their work for the return trip. The first phone calls have already arrived.. ..some dealers have already learned that the exclusive fish are on their way from the mud pond. Once back, the first customers are already ready to select and buy the newly caught Koi. Including Ryuki Narita one of the largest Japanese Dealers. A respected man with a lot of knowledge. Narita San, okay in video? Yes, okay! Ryuki Narita waits quietly and looks at all the Karashigoi one by one. After a good conversation with Daisuke San, he decides to proceed to the next appointment. What he has seen or bought remains a surprise. Daisuke proudly shows the Karashigoi to the people who have come to see. He picks out a number of fish that he presents in a small bowl. And he is right, these fish are amazingly beautiful. Unfortunately I have to skip this time, these fish are slightly out of my budget. Watching the brothers work together surprised me time and again.The oiled machine runs at full speed during the harvest season. After the hard work we are treated to a fantastic lunch by the family. I can’t wait to return very soon to meet the brothers again. We are on time! The fish that has just been harvested arrives at INC or Isawa Nishikigoi Center. A special spectacle by one of the most famous growers from Niigata. Toshio Sakai was born with his older brother Toshiyuki and grew up here in Mushigame, Niigata. The history goes back many years where the father was responsible for the development of the Matsunosuke Bloodline. More about this later. The youngest brother Toshio Sakai sets up his own farm in Isawa, Yamanshi prefecture. Toshio Sakai is known as a wizard when it comes to the development of Nishikigoi in general. The brothers work closely together.. .. one of those reasons has to do with the location of the farm. Isawa has something special, something that the growers in Niigata do not have.. Hot spring Water! Hot spring water that comes straight from the ground. Good for growth, but that should not be at the expense of quality. For that reason, many fish are brought to Niigata to grow at a slower pace. The result? The quality remains guaranteed. There is so much more to say about these brothers, I hope to be able to continue this story soon. Today is an exciting day for me, a day that I have secretly been looking forward to for a whole season. One of my own fish will be harvested today, a 3-year-old Sanke from the well-known breeder Yamamatsu. Yamamatsu Koi Farm otherwise.. ..known as Matsunosuke, won the Championship at the All Japan Combined Nishikigoi Show in 1955 for his Taisho Sanshoku (Sanke). Sanke became the trademark of Matsunosuke. Currently, many breeders use Matsunosuke’s bloodline as Oyagoi. Oyagoi is the Japanese name for parent animal. Yamamatsu Koi Farm (Matsunosuke) is now run by Toshiaki Sakai. Their farm is famous throughout Japan and the world for producing high quality Go Sanke. The Matsunosuke bloodline is world famous, it was the first bloodline that a Go Sanke Koi got above 1 meter. A great achievement that was not achieved just like that. Years of experience and the help of others, Sakai San succeeded in growing a Sanke of more than 1 meter. Not only the length is special but also the excellent skin quality is known by the Matsunosuke bloodline. Back to my Azukari Sanke, bought at Koi Center Sneek when the fish was 2 years old. The combination of good skin quality and bodyshape was decisive for me when I bought the fish. Everyone looks at fishing differently, luckily. Always select a fish that you like, ultimately it should come swimming in your pond. For this fish I see potential for future shows in Europe, that's why I bought it. She will stay here for a few more years but for now she will attend in the Nogyosai Koi Show in Ojiya where she has achieved a 3rd place in size. We will continue following this koi in the next coming years It is my favourite day of this trip, on the program my favorite day of this trip. The number 1 pick from Marudo. The Marudo Koi Farm is not located in the mountains of Yamakoshi like most breeders are. The koi house is located in Nagaoka-shi at the foot of the mountains. It is a 15 minute ride to the mud pounds. The crew checks the last things to prevent problems during the ride through the mountains. A responsible job, because nothing can go wrong on this special day. It is time for a tradition. Toasting for a good harvest. Not only those present have to toast, the mud pound will also receive special treatment with Sake. What do the names Hisashi Hirasawa and Dainichi have to do with each other? Mention the name Marudo Koi Farm and with many their hearts start beating a little faster. Before Hirasawa San took over the Marudo Koi Farm, he worked for no less than 18 years for the Dainichi Koi Farm. His teacher? Mr. Minoru Mano. In 1987, he stopped at the Dainichi Koi Farm and took over the Marudo Koi Farm. During the long period at the Dainichi Koi Farm, Hirasawa San learned to focus primarily on body confirmation and hi (red). Improving these 2 parts is essential in growing very high-quality koi. I don't have exact figures, but Back in the days the Mardudo Koi Farm produced 5 million baby fry of which just under 1.5 million were of showa variety. After the hatching of the eggs, less than 10% remained and a maximum of 5000 showa were selected. Like many breeders in Japan, he wants to win the All Japan Koi Show. The highest stage where breeders can show their pride to the rest of the world. The honor and prestige you get is a dream for every grower. The fact that I can be present at this harvest is already special. For the second year in a row I can film the number 1 harvest of the Marudo Koi Farm. Thanks to Johan and Domi who introduced me here 2 years ago. It is quite satisfying to see the relief on the face of the Japanese breeder. Everyone looks very happy with the results of this year's harvest. So we just got back at the house And they're waiting to load Well, the breeder is busy with the latest photos I want to take time to thank you for watching my videos. Sharing my adventures is so important to me. I hope that I have made you enthusiastic to continue with the hobby or to start. I want to thank the growers for their hospitality and the Koi Zanmai team for the fantastic days. Making this film takes a lot of time but unfortunately also money. Consider joining my channel. Link can be found in the description of this video. I would love it if you could leave a comment under the video what you thought of it. Sharing helps to reach even more people in the world. Thank you for watching and please watch one of my next videos!
Channel: The Koi Partner
Views: 5,163,287
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Keywords: koi, koi fish, nishikigoi, full documentary, free documentary, full length documentaries, japan documentary, japanese documentary, koi breeder, koi farm, japan, shinoda, marudo, chogoro, marusaka, marusei, kawakami, ogata, showa, sanke, kohaku, tancho, yamabuki, ogon, what is like to buy koi in japan, how to buy koi in japan, yagenji, buying koi in japan, koi japan, koi in japan, japanese koi, buy koi in japan, buying koi, what is it like to buy koi in japan
Id: vdcpc7X9vMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 3sec (3243 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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