Secret Agenda of Karl Marx

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how long must we wait for a lesbian disney princess or what about a prince who throughout the entire movie you think he's going to be the love interest but in the end it turns out he's gay did you mean paranorman can i help you heck yeah you're gonna love my boyfriend don't sit around complaining that a storyline hasn't been done by disney when there are other animated film companies that have been there done that i went to a party once and everyone was supposed to pitch in some money too by adderall i had never tried or even heard of it but i was young and stupid so i gave them 20 bucks later on after we all took it everybody was going crazy and having a good time and i was just sitting on the couch quietly so i googled that all on my phone and learned that it's used to treat adhd i have adhd i paid 20 dollars to calm down dan has a very strange patchwork of knowledge it's anybody's guess as to what he knows about any given topic watch louder hey dan who sculpted mount rushmore guts and borjam then his son finished it why now what state is it in scoffs i don't know ecuador or something dan is me academics y'all can keep it with that romeo and juliet fell in love in five days how immature crap but macbeth went from no murder to yes murder in like one afternoon and i feel like one of those is a significantly bigger problem than the other in his defense his wife triple dog dared him and called him a so i learned from my friend that coconut water can be used as an emergency blood transfusion and of course my first thought was so can a vampire drink coconut water and of course we had this idea of these tropical vampires being horrified when these old world vampires come and are still drinking blood like some sort of monster guys oh my god vegan vampires for real though why do recipes consistently tell you to use less herbs and spices and then you should frick your two cloves of garlic frick your half teaspoon of cinnamon and you can absolutely go to heck with your dash of black pepper i'm pretty sure that the only time i've ever actually managed to over season food was when working with balsamic vinegar which is the most overpowering motherfreaker of a source known to man i appreciate the energy and anger in this post which is righteous and just how dull for you to live your life without any hills to die on you on your vast flat barren plains of compromise accept and sand accommodation while i reign supreme over the lush rolling highlands of stupid crap i have irrationally chosen to stake my entire identity on as someone who was terrified of having their own opinion this is truly inspiring the hills are alive with all the fricks i give on select topics why the frick is no one naming their children after greek goddesses name your freaking child purse phone beach if that makes you happy my name is demeter in my experience people named after greek goddesses are some of the most ethereal chaotic forces i have ever encountered our art department's nude model for example is a woman named hera she's stunningly beautiful rides a motorcycle as apparently her only vehicle grows all her own food and keeps these turtles and a dog named argus who she walks around town with a peacock feather attached to his leash i'm thoroughly convinced she is not of this realm i'm pretty sure you just met hera develop a rumor that reacts to being petted and you're going to make bank don't forget to give it a little screen so it can flash up emoticon faces bump into wall gets pet low battery stuck on a ledge i love how badly i want this say what you will about the 2012 lorax remake but you kind of have to admire a cartoon musical where the big villain song is literally just a guy explaining how unregulated capitalism works you have successfully collected zero potatoes top ten sentences that make you burst into tears are lads not again sometimes i end up quoting tumblr posts ireland they make my friends laugh and a part of me feels powerful but another part of me feels bad like no i'm a fraud once in band i forgot the sheet music was double-sided so i ended up going on to the next page while everyone else was on the back side of the first page and i finished like 20 bars early none of us realized because it was jazz why is it that from 12am to 4am water enters a state where it is so much better in every way because you are tired your higher brain functions shut down leaving only your ancient fish brain it likes the splash can confirm i had two glasses of water in one sitting and it was the crap you have pleased your fish brain we are doing postmodernism as sociology and the teacher was talking about language games language that is so specialized that unless you're part of a specific group it's totally incomprehensible and as an example he gave us this monstrosity and what's even worse i freaking understood it i had to explain this to my freaking sociology class this is why we should never have let the millennials become teachers [Music] your ancestors would find you incomprehensible and your descendants will despise your grave i had an idea for an outfit inspired by this post your ancestors would find you incomprehensible and your descendants will despise your grave this is by far the best compliment i've ever received whenever a guy sleeps with lots of girls he's a player but whenever i do it i'm a lesbian i laugh too hard [Music] dave frick offshore and i'm taking a picture dave the uk government's official slogan to get people back out in restaurants and cafes is eat out to help out oh and my favorite headline to come out of all of this coronavirus most britain still uncomfortable eating out oh yeah don't worry about my leg bouncing i'm fine that's just a thing i do when i'm bored or excited or nervous or alive this post made me consciously aware that my leg was bouncing and i'm uncomfortable with this i would date an actor just so i can tell people that my boyfriend's an actor and then they'd be like oh what's he been in and i'd say me and raise my wine glass and laugh because in this scenario i'm at a fancy cocktail party [Music] that one extremely painting of a babylonian man listening to a babylonian twink playing babylonian harp that one yeah this is my favorite painting full stop that babylonian twink is king david hitch in a ride i have said this before and i will say it again birds are made entirely of hubris and spite and absolutely do not care what they are not supposed to do the communist manifesto oh i get it workers of the world should like unite you know we totally have nothing to lose but our chains why'd this post blow up its lindsay total drama reading marks and angels you answered your own question soccer sent dudes zuko you mean nudes soccer no i'm going to battle i need more men that's all georgians flirting you're my little georgia peach michigan does flirting you're my little michigan cherry wisconsinites flirting you're my little winskins and cheese curd hi neighbor do you actually know any math i know of math i hate it when i'm really nice and then people are just not that nice the audacity posts on here are like everyone at the farmer's market wishes to know me connolly 25 000 notes everyone at the farmer's market wishes to know me carnally wait no freaking way there is no war in basing se is an anime thing from avatar i thought it was a real thing like a quote from some important literature that i had never heard of that must have some sort of marxist importance but now it's from a show about a kid with a pet buffalo first of all he's a flying bison so you can just go straight to heck i'm looking disrespectfully i'm glaring with vitriol and malicious intent live chat with fellow shoppers why is there a michaels crafts group chat four fights on my way to the michael's group chat to get that sweet sweet everyone is typing russia and then get banned immediately for my horrible messages corn farmer update day 800 corn everywhere have you tried eating it corn farmer update day 801 found a new use for corn what what were you using the corn for before pukacho messi beach is my favorite personality brand behind gay disaster and straight maniac [Music] this video is not available in your country takes a plane overseas just to watch this freaking video please stop reblogging this it was a mistake marxism too and this time him and angel's kiss [Music] some customers oh my god i'm so sorry i have to ask you a question i feel so foolish for not knowing this already please help me but i'm so sorry for it me other customers answer this question before i've even asked it or i'll kill you where you stand number one has worked in retail number two hasn't there's evidence that ancient roman curse tablets were mass produced and that's honestly the funniest thing in the world to me oh to be born in 4th century bc roman wake up every morning to head out to my shift at the curse factory alexa pass me my strap the eight inch or the six inch i was reading about the myth of prometheus today when the phrase new liver same eagles popped into my mind so i'm keeping that in mind for the next time someone asks me how it's going the shrek shall tension when you and your crush are online on facebook at the same time and you just stare at their little green dot and suddenly you know what gatsby felt like this is actually the most profound and appropriate literary illusion i've encountered so far this week [Music] things you can do while quarantined build a rocket fight a mummy climb up the evil tower discover something that doesn't exist give a monkey a shower surf title waves create nana bits locate frankenstein's brain find a dodo bird paint a continent drive your sister insane i'm going to chuck the ancelor into the sun you can try but you cannot kill me [Music] thank you for calling please hold for a minute this music freaking sucks blank plus blank equals blank whining like a little beach plus vikings equals loki the tricks to god i played cards against humanity for the first time over the weekend while that's in caicon for the most part i did horribly but then there was this imagine a library filled with every book in the world none of them have titles on the cover and the pages are blank but when you open one you are instantly transported to the world within the book you get to live in the story as any character for as long as you like and when you come out of the story almost no time has passed in the real world i'd just choose a random book and pray it wasn't the hunger games went to trader joe's today and my cashier handed me my 255 in change and pointed at the clock which read 255 and said look at that that's liquid time serendipity have a nice ride may the force be equal to mass times acceleration the difference between nerds and cheeks that's it i found it the thing that finally made me actually understand the difference there is it has been said seal that cave back up and walk away this is not the year man hashtag keep it open maybe there's something shreksy in it how dare you keep this in the tags la la land tinky winky land dipsy land i don't get the last one the most dangerous flightless bird in australia is sitting under a beach umbrella stealing grapes it is a lovely day in australia and you are a horrible casa weary i love the reference but calling a cassowary horrible as redundant like saying a feline cat or a boneless slug it's an inherent quality necessary to be a cassowary that cannot change unrestrained summer fun the struggle of having chubby cheeks if you catch me on the street listening to my ipod and i do a swift head turn i'm probably in the middle of filming my imaginary music video do not disturb i have found my people who else like closes their eyes during a build up and then pops them open when the chorus or whatever starts as if like the video's starting or there's a swift transition like nope i don't have a weird tick i'm just making a music video you're all my soul mates my people just to avoid accidentally using offensive language i'm going to start using 90's surfer dude slang because inadvertently offending someone is totally bogus dude people might not want to be called dude you are radically right and that is so not too gila my friend i apologize does anyone else get like really happy when someone leans their head on your shoulder and you're like frick yeah i've been chosen and you feel really special but then you have to stay so freaking still cause if you move they'll stop leaning on you and it's like no come back i'm sorry too many feelings today please pick your top 5 emotions anymore and we get confused me nearly every single day the cannons be ready captain ah my god this makes so much sense the first ever champion of the pie eating contest was an unnamed six-year-old boy in 1916 he managed to scoff a 10-inch pie in 15 seconds legend why didn't his parents name him good responses to getting stabbed with a sword rude that's fair not again are you gonna want this back or can i keep it look a sponge and a starfish there has got to be something we can make out of this oh no that's ridiculous your move nickelodeon when i stop talking and realize my therapist hasn't said anything in a while you sly dog you had me monologuing witches and cowboys are the same entity but just separated at night and day could you kindly elaborate on that please big silly hats dangerous aura ones guns midnight high noon robes ponchos stockings with boots chaps with boots magic incantations year halls and slang bruise potions bruise alcohol rides brooms at night because horses are sleeping rides horses a day because brooms are recharging can't swim moonshine is an alcoholic potion brewed by witches and cowboys moon to represent the witching hour and shine for sunny high noons root into tint oil and shooting fire burn and cowboy bootin i have newt and spicy beans toe of frog and denim jeans whiskey grits and demon spittle tossed into my iron griddle with the tannin of our hides something wicked this way rides there is a dead woman who lives beside us and her car hasn't moved in about a year and there were wasps making a nest like this there is a dead woman who lives beside us we'd like to ask you a few questions team i wore this yesterday but i'm going to a different place so it doesn't matter team i wore this yesterday but i wore it under a jacket so i can wear it again no one will know team i'm going to wear these jeans until i spill something noticeable on them i'm watching divorce court and i swear this couple is the same guy once i asked my english teacher if teachers ship their students and after explaining what shipping meant she told me that that is literally one of the most popular discussions in the staff room i had an english teacher who thought these two students were nice together so she made them partners on a project they got married if laziness was an olympic sport i'd probably come forth so that i wouldn't need to walk up the podium thoughts from the shower shower thoughts hey guys this is my invention check it out fake mustache falls off to reveal a real mustache god dang my identity is revealed we are sophisticated adults okay just last week i purchased a vegetable adulthood some dude hey bro you got the time me yeah it's freaking up pulls a cat out of the inside of my jacket and looks it dead in the eyes about 6 p.m i just remembered how in middle school a bunch of boys would go around and tickle girls chins and shout balls on your chin and this guy i knew did it to this tiny quiet unassuming girl and like at the speed of freaking light she grabbed his arm and headbutted him directly in the nose and he passed the frick out she knocked that smug look off my face but luckily i was wearing a second smaller smug look underneath why is that so freaking funny little known fact once you are older and no longer in school time stops being real did that thing happen one year ago two five a few months ago who knows wearing a hoodie with no shirt underneath is a unique sensation the cashier at 7-eleven just locked us in so she could go in the back for her break this looks like a group of people about to fall into an alternate reality to have some adventures me i should really start my homework lays in bed for another while doing nothing me i should really start my homework physically i'm here but mentally i'm in a renaissance painting wearing a silk dress and looking wistfully into the distance whenever somebody responds with i beg your pardon assert your dominance by announcing then beg dude i actually cleaned up a little bit for you my ugly flower crown turns stupid cute when placed on a pup it's for science what's your age and do you know how to burn cds 13 and isn't that just arson cowboy 19 years horse kicked frick that baby shoe story this is the shortest saddest story ever told you
Channel: undefined
Views: 174,992
Rating: 4.9428654 out of 5
Keywords: tumblr, tumblr memes, dank memes, dank, memes, meme, funny, lol, comedy, humor, r/tumblr, best of tumblr, top tumblr posts, funny tumblr posts, hot tumblr posts, funniest tumblr posts, cowbelly, comment awards, tumblr reads, tumblr trophies, tumblr awards, text posts, tumblr posts
Id: -k7DFpifxEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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