This young lady is having a heck of a night
so far. You see that she has that "wild card," and I'm going to take that now because you'll
have other things to do. In the meantime, someone has taken your million dollar wedge.
Who is that? That's my dad, Harold, and my mom Francine,
and my fiance Joey. Alright, well they are all pulling for you,
and, we all are, and we're gonna ask you now, well, let's explain. There is usually a $100,000
dollar envelope out here. We've taken it away, and replaced it with the million dollars.
We hope you land on it. Thanks, me too! Spin it! Alright, right there, please. Thank you very
much. And come with me. Now, the category tonight is THING. R S T
L N E. Vanne will put some letters up. Ask the audience to be very quiet, obviosly very
important to her. But you're gonna need more than that. And let's have 3 more consonants,
one more vowel. An M, a P, a C. And a vowel. An A. ow you have this Wild Card so you have one
more consonant, what would you like? I'll take a G. Ok, let's get it up there Vanna. Anything? Oh boy. (SIGH) Well, this looks challenging to me. THING
is the category. You have 10 seconds. Talk it out. You're a good player. You never know.
Good luck. Tough Workout. Whaaat?!!! I am very impressed! Let me look, let me look.
We ahve a million-dollar winner! Autumn, you've hit the jackpot with ONE MILLION
DOLLARS!!! Oh my God! How did you solve that puzzle? I don't know. Because I work out. Unbelievable! Autumn, our 30th year celebration continues
with your win of $1,030,340! And here you are, our millionaire Autumn,
ladies and gentlemen. First of all, first of all, even if you had
won $30,000, how the heck did you solve that puzzle? It was-- I have no idea. I mean, you got it right, away. It just popped
in? It just popped in my head, I have no idea. So, is this the first time you've won a million
dollars? Yeah, I'd have to say so! And she's getting married and it's all very--
we're all very excited for you. Congratulations to you. We couldn't be happier and we're glad
you could share in the fun. We'll see you next time. Bye bye everyone.