Sebchoof Reacts to "Realm of the Mad God - Was I Wrong?"

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hey guys seb truth here today i'm going to be reacting to josh strife hazel's follow-up video and also some other things like deca responding to the series of videos but yeah my prediction for this video is is going to be more of the same i think like he's just gonna double down on his first video and plus come across some new disgusting things like maybe how pay to win pets are he might find out what exalting is he might find out how tedious maxing is but uh to be honest i think maxing is kind of fun when you're a newer player i think we should get started let's check it out ready recently i released worst mmo ever realm of the mad god episode 61 in the long-running worst mmo ever series each episode attempts to condense the first oh it's so funny because i'm in the i will check out if he made any more um messages in the official room with the mad got discord but he was complaining about how hard demeters was because why did it spawn from a pirate cave i didn't know that can happen a few hours of an mmorpg game down into a light-hearted entertainment focused 30-minute critique discussing everything from serious mechanical flooring oh god i can't tell if the bit rate is bad the recording or it's my side oh 4k quality holy [ __ ] the episodes and it's still [ __ ] reviews as such but they aren't seen that way the response to the realm of the mad god episode however was interesting there were many youtube comments on the video calling it low quality or incorrect including some comments from people yeah to be honest they're all copers they're all copers did this game [ __ ] just admit it just admit it like there's some part of it that you find personally fun definitely the early game is horrible development or past development of the game there were reddit threads discussing the inaccuracies in the video and the discord community discussed how much time i actually played for overall people felt the video was weak i agree watching it back it has become apparent there were glaring inaccuracies some of which i feel are legitimate design issues which need to be addressed however several of them were my fault for not diving deeply enough into the information provided within the game it is certainly fair to the game and the players that i like my prediction is he's just going to go further like he's going to explore it further and realize that it actually is as much of a problem as he said because sure he made some small mistakes like the soul bound thing but that soul bound thing that he got wrong it actually made the situation look better than what it really is because if it was down to your character you would keep what you paid for but you have to pay for it with each uh character if that makes sense myself when i critique a game i point out the flaws and i hope the company responsible will consider my points and work to improve the game oh they did respond some really keen to see that fails i win we all win when a game is the best version of itself therefore if i hold developers to these standards i must hold myself to them too i must be willing to listen to the feedback given to me act on it and to improve and to show you the viewer evidence of that improvement while it's never easy to face criticism i do dish it out on a weekly basis it seems fitting i think he's gonna i told him to make a new account but he didn't i think he's gonna have people following him now making the game easier for him because i don't know if this guy's genuinely these guys genuinely want to do a mantle yo unavailable what's going on hey blonty hey and don't peek yo i take some from time to time mmorpg players are passionate people and while much of the initial feedback was i don't care i'm just kidding i'm way too interested it was valuable when an enfranchised fan sees a youtuber get something wrong the first thought isn't to send a nicely worded email it's to type out a harsh comment and that's understandable my channel is seen by many people so i do have a level of responsibility guys i saw the funniest reddit comment yesterday i'll show you guys i don't know if it was a troll but it was so funny to make sure i'm being i'll show you after this i can and not showing a game in an unfairly negative reminder people have asked me if i'm going to repeat this process yo angle connect what's going on every game i've covered the honest answer is no the reaction to this video stood out to me uniquely because when i watched it back i wasn't proud of it i couldn't stand by and defend it the critique in the video wasn't just salty players it was viewers and players with legitimate issues with the quality of the video itself the research i don't know if it was that bad leading up to the standard you've come to expect of me so i've gone through the youtube comments read it thanks for following the stream gathering the most common complaints about the video the discord community was lovely by the way and i appreciate everyone there taking the time to talk to me let's go over the most common complaints address the valid concerns and attempts to be better while doing this if i do discover any extra design features i will include a critique on them too the maximum level in realm of the mad god is 20 and efficiently can get you to level 20 within about half an hour many people found it impossible to believe i played enough to review the game fairly showing only footage a few early game raids and a single to be honest this is understood i legitimately think he didn't make it i legitimately think he played it for 10 hours without getting level 20. hey afro what's going on most of the time i put into recording footage of a game ends up being cut the footage simply isn't interesting or it's not worth discussing things like running around the entire nexus to see if the black void extends all the way around it it does or changing the video settings quickly to see if i could crash the client i could not in my older videos i made jokes on video settings or customization options but here they are solid a lot of my time went into things i couldn't create content of because the foundation of the game is solid mechanically it works fine i did however play the game for less time yeah i love the core gameplay on this game this was because after a few hours of gameplay the experience became repetitive and while it was still enjoyable in a rogue-like fashion it wasn't generating any new insights or content i felt could be added to the video yeah that makes sense it was much the same as hour three at least for a new player you'll be grinding dying and repeating fun to do not to watch my reasoning for it though doesn't excuse me from doing it however and more time should have been spent playing oh no way background you'll see the footage of me playing and see how the experience changes at 20. i want to reach level 20 on at least two classes it is important to note many players have told me the standard way to level is by running with a group or grinding dungeons or sitting on discord waiting for a dungeon to pop this isn't communicated to a new player that's chris yeah exactly for a while because that is he found out the tutorial encourages you to follow he sounds like i get a pm from pond guy offering help they say they've helped many new players through the first few confusing hours this highlights an extremely important issue and is one of the main reasons i'm so critical of the opening experience in any mmo game there are many free mmo he's got one star if your opening experience isn't both smooth and excited to have a new player then the new player will simply uninstall and try another game if your game does not have a tailored experience to help inexperienced players enjoy it you will lose those new players within the first few hours the players don't want to fight through a confusing opening they don't have to play 50 hours games shouldn't be a reward for struggling through the initiation of the opening did the recording of this areas always symbolic in ages the developers focus exclusively on the higher level players because they are the players who spend the most money so the majority of content releases aimed at them this can be a very paradoxical he hasn't used opacity yet physical design leading to player-based decline you want to release content aimed at your paying players but you don't constantly bring new people in that way if you do that you start the ticking time bomb of the dying mmo there must be a balance of new player focused design and veteran player reward without both an mmo will eventually die realm of the map god has been slowly losing players for many years because new players are forced to play through the dregs of old content and not enjoy the shiny new stuff this reddit post shows the decline of the active player base in recent years oh he he found this post oh [ __ ] he found this post this is a data set of the number of active players by ranked and how the active players are determined is its plays logged in within a fortnight so like for example you had 138 000 he log in within a fortnight but then you had 53 000 people um logging a fortnight i don't know how bots play into this and stuff like that but um it definitely is concerning we have wait the point he makes about content being released for endgame players was a bit off yeah yeah i don't know why people will say decker prioritizes end game players the only thing they really really prioritize in this game is wales i actually don't know who else they would prioritize because endgame plays is definitely not it let's keep going is a shocking set of numbers when a developer sees a graph like this they want to focus on monetizing the remaining players and the new player experience gets neglected because new players don't bring in as much money as already experienced players do from a purely financial point of view it makes sense in the short term to invest in your current player base retention becomes more important than advertising or on boarding yeah in the long term and honestly i believe that advertising for games especially this small isn't that important i think word of mouth especially for a game that's declined this much would be so powerful because um if someone like is if someone is suggested this game and they already had a previous exposure to it word of mouth is definitely the best form of marketing in my opinion because you're not getting a business to sell to you but you're getting a person like a friend to sell to you which is really different that's why i think um btn and dazzle will have a strong like start this leads to the dying game supported by they don't have to advertise sales when players with hundreds or even thousands of hours ask where are all the new players the answer is usually they are playing a game with a better onboarding process sidenote while writing this script and standing in the nexus chatting to some people the player codex i hope i'm pronouncing that correctly showed me a hidden path to the west which leads yeah i had a feeling spring area which was really cool i had a feeling this guy was just following him and not giving him a proper experience i wonder if he would have gotten level 20 without him um yo welcome back russian we're troll where'd you go the next mistake was saying soul bound items are kept on death and this made the cash shop pay to win because you could just buy the best items and never lose them this is incorrect i incorrectly assumed soul bound means keepable through death it actually means non-tradable this is explained in the journal and while i do maintain team jumps are not a great way to introduce a player too much that's aids but it's me in the screenshot in the original video i made the cannot lose on death assumption because i couldn't fathom a game selling you a lockbox with a one percent drop rate of legendary items drop rates found through a developer post which could simply be lost on death a player would spend a great deal of money to find these high-end items equip them die and then lose them all so who would buy that ability no one named the cemetery aren't consistent pay to win they are temporary pay for advantage so the joke line of losing items is a mechanic for poor people doesn't work hey eric what's going on hi and hey toothpicks reality is losing items is a mechanic for everyone but the ability to rebuild quickly is a privilege for rich people another area i didn't touch on was pets because as a new player i simply didn't get exposed to them yeah tells me i can get eggs from bosses and pets according to the player base you have to do a decent amount of godliness you can buy ambrosia in the cash you can also feed your pet items that you've picked up in the game while googling about pets i discovered the grand bazaar oh i was harsh to the floor space dedicated to the i told you guys mercy on josh drive hayes if he ever finds the grand bazaar holy [ __ ] here we go is just gratuitous it is all shop you can buy a legendary mystery egg 3500 realm gold i asked around and the community explained to me you get a legendary pet and then level it up you need the heel and magic heel abilities and to find one of these in the wild to get it as a drop from a boss would take hundreds possibly thousands of hours or you could spend up to several thousand dollars i've definitely never spent money on any of that stuff all right hold on i'll link the video yo king ergo what's going on welcome back oh i've missed you man how are you hey and hey gummy cup here's the link here's a link this guy's a big youtuber he has 450k subscribers josh drive hayes these are the specifics i as a new player would never be exposed to until i was established in the game and this i feel is a shame it's me again such a powerful and important mechanical aspect of the end game than exposing a new player to them from the start or indeed having them to be honest i think you know how some people call some mmos pay for convenience i think this is more pay for convenience than pay to win but it's still a form of pay to win this is not blatant you know what i mean like mega blatant which is a weak pet to follow you around would let the new players enjoy a newer more fleshed out system oh my god that's so funny but my new discoveries should have been my initial discoveries that's a failing on my part the original video fell below the quality you deserve and that's not acceptable i make my living critiquing an industry known to take advantage of that i don't know i don't understand players it would be a deep irony if i were to lower the quality of my own work just because i have an established viewer base you deserve the best video every time the intense and deserved backlash from the community which prompted me to revisit my video it's extremely important to understand the community of realm of the mad god weren't annoyed i critiqued their game they were annoyed i critiqued it unfairly and incorrectly the community told me about pets and the community explained my mistake with soulbound and they explained the endgame focus the dwindling player count and the lack of communication with the current developers the realm of the mad god player base rightly disliked the video and called me out on it i don't think it was that bad but because i didn't it was just a very low amount of playing fixing after the video like i think the only issue of his old video is he played for like he didn't achieve much so was this just a very shallow experience but like that in itself was accurate for someone who didn't reach level 20 and that there's going to be a lot of people that are like that like that quit before getting level 20. i think when i played this game for the first time i quit before i got level 20 and then i came back months later many realm players reached and i know a few others that were like mistakes and offering to help fix them i know we usually see the aggressive or angry side of any mmo community but the majority of players genuinely do want to help it is also deeply ironic that if the developers of realm of the mad god had put half as much effort into keeping new players as the realm of the mad god community have put into offering to help me understand it better it would probably have the best new player experience in any mmo the way the mmo ever series is indeed a provocative title designed to generate an emotional response but i don't want it to be click bait i want to set up a question and then answer it fairly the games are played and critiqued with entertainment placed first that's true but that doesn't mean i get to be lazy there's getting so much help now straight up wrong i do not ever want you as a viewer to blindly support me especially if you feel i'm not producing content of the quality you have come to expect and deserve if i am going to call out the mmo industry for their falling standards or complacency i expect you and encourage you to do the same to me so get on with it level 20 on a few classes what would i have changed about the original video honestly getting to level 20 from a new player's perspective is very time consuming i know experienced players know the tips and tricks yeah that's what i thought in dungeons faster but a new player just starting out i was really hoping this video would have been like 30 hours more playtime but i think it's six he said it was six hours more playtime and just fixing stuff i don't know we'll see editorial recommends which is follow the bounties and that's fine up to around level 15 or 16 but then it gets very slow and much more lethal you are much more likely to die solo it's a lot more punishing hitting 20 as a new player doing what the game recommends you to do is not this is so i'm nostalgic because it's extremely fire sword and it doesn't feel rewarding it feels like work and i died again and again and again how did you die oh he ended up dying in the fungal cave oh what the hell see i told you guys like getting level 20 isn't an easy task for a brand new player because how are they supposed to know what's efficient he went into a nest he went into a fungal he died end up dying to that dimitas which i don't blame oh and he went into another fungal or mushroom chieftain can be on the top i think the game begins at 20 which many people have told me it does yeah itself is temporary and the new player experience of reaching 20 is this repetitive it's honestly no wonder the game is struggling to hold new players this is also where things like the max level potion for 500 realm gold coins exist the developers know that you want to skip this bit they know you would be willing to pay money to not do this codex shows up again and runs me through an undead lair boosting me to level 19 quite quickly it seems one of the only viable ways to play the game is to know someone who already plays the game yeah actually it's so dumb you need to know someone that already played the game and even then it was so hard of me to get any friends into this game like i think only like one of them one of out of 15 people that i attempted to get into this game stock um yeah one not wishing and he doesn't play anymore really struggle to get on the leveling ladder i find a couple of eggs during my playthrough i hatched them against a pet dreidel feet oh dreidels icons i've found feeding costs fame it seems i get another egg a muddy tide chaser and this one has heal i wish you talked about how dying is needed in this game because i don't think dying is bad i really like how you learn from death in this game but yeah it is very um punishing this game and magic heal the two things i've been told to look out for pets on the other hand do last through death this means if you spend real money to buy realm gold and then purchase a legendary egg and get a very good pet and then spend more real money i should need that package by buying yourself a permanent buff on every character you play as i know some people are going to say that's not pay to win because you can get the eggs through enemy drops and you can get all the items in the game and while yes you can there is a distinct advantage that a player spending thousands of dollars will have over a player not doing that reaching level 20 on the archer is actually somewhat bittersweet because i don't feel any different what happens now well i may have unlocked a new class so oh no need to max some more classes first another issue whenever i hit level five on a character it says congratulations you have unlocked and then shows me a new class but that's wrong it was already unlocked from the start wait what oh because they they added the five um classes that you start with and does it still say unlock the class what the hell says congratulations you've unlocked the archer oh that's true i've had the archer available from the very start it's like that's very interesting rogue said i'd unlocked the warrior available all the time i think this is probably an old design they haven't updated as a priest i got pulled into another oryx event power level to 50 and then i nexus away to safety it seems the only real way to play this game if you want to make any noticeable progress is in a mass which means a massive amount of content content you're expecting new players to prioritize like bounties and open world exploration is actually it's only on steam when you start with five not on the players standalone waiting for content to happen to them is because they know that's the only content actually worth doing if you actively go off to try and find adventure the way the game encourages you to play you're actually playing extremely inefficiently dying and restarting is also brutal for players without a fast rebuild team the majority of a new player's time will be spent grinding for very little visible progress dying at level 14 or 15 only to have to restart with nothing to show for it this is very demotivating i seem to be getting the same feedback from many higher level players the foundation is fine the game systems are fine yeah i agree game systems i don't agree that it's fine this buggy as [ __ ] and a lot of them impacted on the motivations that players have like a lot of the new systems ended up people um ended up making people quit like fortune exhortations to moment is funny yeah he made another monetization is becoming more and more pushed the new player experience is dire and the reason many people are playing now is simply because they've been playing for so long already yeah realm of the mad god is more of a community than a game insofar as if you want to actually get involved in the game and advance at it or run the higher level content the only level content really worth running you need to be involved with the community it is very difficult to play this solo now the players themselves are extremely welcome but if this game was busy it would be hard like for example if there were no bizarres this is why i advocate for deleting bazaars if there were no bazaars every single exaltation dungeon in the realm would be like it would be very full and it wouldn't you wouldn't have the issue of having to solo stuff but the problem with that is that would have to make the dungeons non-grievable like not being able to drag crusades multiple rooms like true marks stuff like that but yeah even if they pop in a pea cave that would be like an extra that would make it more difficult to perform discord runs if that makes sense right because i have to go through extra steps uh and people can still enter those they made it so easy to pay to win in this game with key use and that negatively impacted the gameplay loop because majority of people who play this game now i think they already have what they're gonna farm in mind and then they enter the discord that farms that uh instead of seeking it through a realm or something like that and the beautiful thing about this game used to be the game used to be so random like you would stumble upon a dungeon and then you would do it you didn't plan for that but now like you go into the game with um whatever you already have decided to do the issue seems to lie with the development company current players care more about a new player's experience than the developers seem to because current players know how lacking the new player experience is i think the development team discord's definitely made it a lot worse for the new players adopting new players and giving them the guidance that a well-designed in-game hidden tutorial should have given them the developers seem to have offloaded the responsibility for dude i'm telling you guys i think the best thing the best thing that deca could do for new players is remove bazaars i feel like that would be the best because not only would every server get a lot busier like every realm um so it would make the game look less dead and it would make people not have to like solo everything but um it would make it that people wouldn't need like third party programs to uh organize with the community to do runs because it's so insane it's so insane you do need to know someone to like teach you all these silly things like having to enter the discord runs and stuff or bringing new players into the game too and the have you guys seen how crazy you need um how crazy the gear is that you need to join discords like imagine not knowing anyone playing this game for the first time and meeting four four wrecks for example or even two or four wrecks even one for rex getting one of those four four items like as a brand new player holy crap that would be so tough um but i know some are like tier 10 wrecks but even tier 10 rex guys i want you to try this this is something that i tried a challenge on before i was doing a ppe but i had to solo absolutely everything when i got a t8 weapon for the first time dude that was such a rush and it was so hard to get a t8 weapon it was so hard hey synthetics what's going on current player base there were many players giving me items as well but that also killed the point of the game exactly i told you to make a new account the boring bit if the boring bit is the bit you're making new players experience again and again one of the comments on reddit reads pretty much all mmos expect some willingness to learn by the player and i do agree a game has expectations of the effort you need to put into it but that must be matched and often exceeded by the game's own excitement and passion for showing you what it has a modern mmo player has hundreds of games to choose from and if your game yeah the competition is insane now for free to play games you can do and what it can do best you're going to lose that player to a game which will show that off once you've finished the tutorial and you land in the nexus realm of the mad god seems to shirk all responsibility for helping a new player feel wanted yes there is a game here but it doesn't show any interest in encouraging you to play it i spent some time standing in the nexus watching new players spawn in and have no clue what to do do not have the luxury of sitting back and waiting for a player to stumble into the fun because just like an enthusiastic teacher or mentor can capture a student's interest and make a subject fun while a dull and dry teacher can kill the joy of a subject the subject doesn't change the energy it's presented with does and the one consistent design aspect you'll see across all dying mmos is a lack of systems designed to excite and encourage a new player into the rest of the game if a new player logs into your game and you have systems that are indifferent to their presence there they will leave game doesn't care about new players why should new players care about your game then i do some more grinding and this random gold dragon spawns in at the end of a very easy pirate dungeon and i spent 10 minutes trying to solo this is way too hard for a level 3 so after reading the feedback and getting a few classes to level 20 dying more times than i can remember running more dungeons and seeing more i feel realm of the mad god is a good system of mechanics poorly explained the new player experience is far too obtuse the end game system favors the already powerful and the excessive monetization shows they focused on draining the current player base instead of attracting a new one the dungeon variety though is top notch with a huge assortment of themes and styles from snake pits to mystical forests sci-fi future lands colorful moving people sci-fi future lands psychedelic dungeons which switch the sprites around for everything it's a fun experience but it feels neglected i'd like to thank everyone who left feedback for the quality of awesome say actually he technically had fun in this game if he looked past all of the issues so yeah the core mechanics of this game are so sick and you know what's disappointing you know what is so depressing this the cool mechanics of this game existed from the very beginning so what the [ __ ] is decadon because that's the only party enjoyed about this game what the [ __ ] is decadon on top of that um if anything they should have polished out the experience to get rid of the problems that he's talking about except existed from the very beginning um but they they made a response to this video so we're gonna check it out shortly video and the review accuracy honest feedback is important and i am lucky enough to have several hundred thousand people willing to call me out and hold me accountable for my work many people assume being a youtuber means you have no boss i don't see it that way as the current numbers stand i consider myself to have roughly 440 000 bosses if i am not producing content that is up to your standard let me know thank you again to the patreon supporters and twitch there's the link to the video make sure to subscribe to him community for supporting my hours of grind and as always have a great day make sure to subscribe to him because it doesn't make really good viewers oh what's audio playing now okay um let me check out the comments in this video and then i'll check out the reddit post let's see honestly i like the first video more than this one because on this one he just repeated himself a lot about how he needs integrity and stuff like that if anything this video was just proving his point more like when he wasn't um talking about how he made a mistake and how he needs to keep his reputation by what's it called like he appreciates all the criticisms and stuff to keep him accountable other than that it was just proving the points in this first video i'm mostly excited for the deca response i think the deca response is only to his old video as well but yeah this video didn't add too much yeah it was basically an apology video that wasn't needed i reckon let me see if he made anything man really said i apologize this wasn't good enough and then doubled down basically being able to go back and admit false blah blah blah blah blah and you're more of the same more of the same youtube comments as well oh it's charzakin again the reason you unlocked archer when hitting level 5 with the priest is because back then you only started a wizard and you didn't have the five classes to choose from right away this seems to be a remnant of the old code back then okay okay seems to be more of the same seems to be more of the same yeah definitely neglected is an amazing way to put it i've been playing rotten go for 6.5 years and over 8 000 hours and 1.2 k usd spent on the game rookie numbers i mean he spent more hours than me in much less time like i think i'm 5.5 k hours and 9 years but 1.2 k usd you could have paid to win more man i enjoy the game but it is neglected decker simply lets the players keep the game alive while the whales keep the server up yeah they only prioritize wales like they don't even prioritize endgame i don't know why people keep pushing the point that they prioritize end game players because like what have they done they released exalts which is the most boring [ __ ] in the world and there's a new endgame dungeon every once a year and the latest one wasn't even a new end game dungeon it was just a rework except if i carry on playing rome as much as i do i will surpass you your hours in the next two years i want to kick it but i just can't oh you're addicted i mean if you're having fun with it that's what a game is supposed to do right frustration from all over the community towards the developers speaks massive volumes and i appreciate that it was a portion of the video yeah youtube comments oh did you really appreciate this video my guy i've been creating content on this for a while but quit because of the lack of community response and engagement of the devs i worked with them one on one with a small group of creators to help address key issues of the game new player experience service chat bots etc offering solutions for all of this and even brought debs to them to address some of these issues our team working on this was eventually told directly these are low priority issues and communication was halted yeah i remember him and like m.c draft and some others they were like they made their own group to um what's it called try to communicate to deco on how they can fix the game but they ultimately got ignored because i was in that discord i think they deleted it though i'm paraphrasing here but he says something like if decker put in half the effort to keeping new players as the community did explaining the game to me rotomega would have the best new player experience yeah actually that's so real because yeah we try so hard to get our friends into this game i don't try anymore though no way this game has become again like one of those games that you love but you hate to uh tell other people that you play it now this is the decker response yeah yeah we will do shadows after this now this is the decker response oh my god this should be cool so this is supposedly from the lead of the design team oh by the way i'm also going to check out [Music] you
Channel: sebchoof
Views: 30,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ipz10GwHlso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 10sec (1990 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2022
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