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the season of Love event is here Valentine's Day is coming up your boy is sadly still single but at least I have a cool Valentine's Day update waiting on me we have a variety of things we need to do in this video guys we're going to be waking up the water Island colossal later in the video so be sure to stick around till the end for now guys we're going to click this event tab down here and bring us over to the new seasonal Island the season of Love available for 18 days guys we're going to go ahead and activate this trial and see what this looks like oh my gosh bro Love Is in the Air you got all these roses these Hearts around the entire Allen bro we have like a cupid up here what is that we have the floating heart balloons in the background everything is just Valentine's Day Vibes even the Colossal has like hearts in his eyes you guys see the hearts like moving around guys I love that I play a game that actively does these kind of updates every holiday season we just had one on magical sanctum and then we instantly transition to this one over here on Valentine's Day it just makes the game feel current and feels like things are constantly going on now as you guys can see we have a lot of cool costumes that are kind of representing the Valentine's Day Vibes and I actually do want to get a few of these guys for the island cuz I do like a couple of these costumes here I really like parcelona she has like this black sweater and then like this red heart right in the center so we're going to go ahead and buy that only 25 diamonds we can afford that and look at there bro I think she's actually singing Because here we walkir oh my gosh you I say it every time I'm here Earth island is one of my favorites Earth not earth air Island I'm sorry oh my gosh you guys are going to get so mad at me we would be breing in this video but we actually already have the season monster smooch as you guys can see that's our Valentine's Day monster for the island but I do have a few more costumes that I want to get and we also have a few more things that I haven't mentioned yet going on with this update bro this Rift costume is so good right here he's got the red top hat on and then his guitar is red with a heart on it now we got to get that we got to get that bro oh my gosh dude look how sick he looks I love that Vibe oh now he's playing guys I wish I could play an electric guitar as good as Rift can man he goes down as one of my all-time favorite monsters I think he plays that so well and he just really carries The Melody of our air Island you just can't not love this place man they do so good on this island dude let's check out the mailbox I believe we have a few more things with this update new monster epic Carol along oh wait a minute we have an epic Carol along that just got added as well well boys you guys know exactly what that means we are going to head straight on over to magical sanctum and take care of this let's head to the market here and take a look at this guy oh my gosh dude what a sick design dude his staff just looks way cooler here then he has his tail it's got like these infrared feathers on it all these different layers yo this design is actually insane how hard is it going to be to get this guy bred though okay wait does anyone have breeding combinations out for this guy yet maybe MPG okay I see MPG is he coming in clutch here okay according to him enchanting and Ro rck is who we should go with so I'm just going to blindly trust MPG here I hope he does not do me wrong let's go and light the Torches again shout out to you guys that are on the screen I appreciate you guys for lighting these for me heading over to the breeding structure here we're going to be throwing enchant Ling in with our homeboy roric and cross the fingers here guys I'm not sure if this is going to work or not I'm just going to blindly trust that this is the correct combination for us to roll with and don't forget guys here soon we're going to be opening up the Colossal four water Island so be sure to stick around and get my reaction for that we're not having the most amount of luck here right off the bat guys I'm reading a bunch of rolls in a row here but it's all good this is the typical process for these guys so we're going to exercise patience here oh my gosh let's go that is what happens when you be patient bro you breed an epic carong dude let's crack this guy open and take a look at him oh my gosh bro such a sick design man that staff it's like a cool dragon I'm just now realizing and he just looks in he kind of looks like a dragon now that I think about it he's got like the scales on his arm and then the tail kind of resembles that of a dragon too oh man it's just so cool I love when they go ham on these designs and they just make these monsters look infinitely cooler in their later versions it just like keeps you motivated to keep playing the game and keep getting these cool designs and to keep being an active player okay I'm going to throw him up here next to his other guy and I think I'm going to do some moving around we're going to move this guy where should we do this like over here down here with these let's just put them right there for now and then we're going to throw this guy our epic Carol along right here to kind of even this out and now boom we have like our rare version there then we have the Epic version there we're looking nice and pretty okay let's get this guy leveled up to level 10 and then take a look at his animation oh there they go oh they're kicking in here man oh my gosh dude I'm not going to lie this epic version is just so much cooler than the normal version even just like the design on the tail hitting like the things following off his staff there it just looks so much cooler man guys again I'm not hating on this normal version I do kind of like how there's that glass sand thing the timer like going upside down there that's cool and this one doesn't have that but dude you can't not like this bro it's got the dragon the nice like golden skin it just looks like you know you could tell that's an epic version of him like he looks epic bro that's awesome though man I think that's cool that they integrated that in with the season of Love love event somehow not with the event but they just kind of put the update out at the same time so we kind of get like this influx of different things on the entirety of the game that's awesome man they just they love us guys they take care of us here next thing on our agenda water Island let's head on over guys we haven't been to this island in a video in a long time this is like unfamiliar territory for us right now this island is looking a lot different though guys I know throughout my wobblin island videos I've had to come back here and recently with the Ethereal Island episode I've had to kind of teleport monsters around but I think we have a completed version of The Island still we still have who's the mythical um oh no we don't have our mythical monster right now hly what's his name I can't think of it off the top of my head it's it's like the octopus guy Anglo there he is the octopus guy so I actually kind of need to get him rebred should we do that right now it shouldn't take us that long to get him guys and then we're going to be Awakening the Colossal I just I need to take care of this anyways we might as well do it while I'm here in the video it's going to be really quickly guys for him we're going to be throwing Pummel in with our homeboy scups and hopefully we can breed this fairly soon here again I don't think it's going to take us too long we actually should be able to zap these guys perfect wobblin Island episode coming soon guys I see y'all's comments everyone wants me to go back to wobblin Island don't worry here in the next few episodes you should be seeing a wobblin Island video one day wa time I think we already got him bread yes sir we did I recognize that egg baby it's our homeboy Anglo dude okay we're going to speed him on over to the nursery here crack AAC him on open and just throw him on the island again nothing crazy with him I just wanted to make sure we had him here okay perfect now guys we can move forward let's awaken this colossal here I've been slowly working on the conundrum guys a lot of people have been asking me just know if there's a conundrum out then I am working on it which I believe water island is the only conundrum we have left in line right now I believe so so now we have the eye complete there we go the cool animation conundrum complete colossal eye restoration four of four yes so as I was just saying this is the fourth one and the final one for the time be I'm sure as time goes on they're going to slowly work on awakening all the other colossals for the other Islands as well but it seems like for now this is going to be the last guy in line and oh my gosh dude those purple eyes look so cool and here we are guys we normally get a pretty simple will sound with the Colossal so let's wait this out and hear what this guy sounds like I like how he has like the octopus legs going like between the nose right there it kind of just sells the water is and overall Vibe for us oh yall hear that oh he's kind of playing like a water sound oh guys the best way to describe what the Colossal sound normally is it's normally like an air Riser sound that's like but it seems like on this island we got kind of a watery Vibe where it actually sounded like water kind of slushing through which is actually pretty cool this is actually probably my favorite colossal as far as the sound goes to be honest normally it's a pretty underwhelming sound oh my gosh I didn't even notice this guy has a snorkel and glasses on how did I not notice that yo on this left side we see the snorkel coming out with the air bubbles I think that was where the sound was kind of coming out from and then he has the goggles right on his face I have no idea how I didn't see that but dude that's perfectly fitting heading back back on over to the seasonal air Island our monsters hold up hold up Stu singing here we can't interrupt him don't oh my gosh [Music] St monsters it's all up in the air guys do I sound like Stu comment down below and let me know guys we're not done with this island yet heading back on over to the monster section we have rare flog and this is kind of giving us that Valentine's Day Vibe with the colors here so I think it's fitting that we get him in this episode as well for him we're going to be throwing our homeboy Noggin in with tow Jammer and I believe actually wait a minute light the Torches I almost didn't do that dude that would have been a fat L let's get these guys lit there we go they're all lit now let's head back over to the breeding structure and throw these two back in together and here we go let's run this up and see if we can get this rare monster bread what first try dude I thought it would be a little bit more difficult than that that only took like 40 minutes too let's go that was super fast for us to get and there we go dude I love this design man it really does match like the overall Valentine's Day vibe that they've been giving us with the seasonal events so it's just cool seeing our collection book getting filled up and all these new additions to all these new islands coming in completion and wrapping up here together I'm going to throw fog like over in this direction over here and there he is well here we have the new seasonal event guys let me know if you guys like the new things coming with this update let me know if you guys have smoly or not if you were able to get the Epic monster over on magical sanctum and if you were able to breed this rare flog thanks so much for watching guys if you enjoyed this video and you'd like to see another one for me then feel free to click these that are on the screen
Channel: Pure Plays
Views: 68,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SEASON OF LOVE EVENT & EPIC CARILONG MY SINGING MONSTERS 2024!, Pure Plays, msm season of love 2023, season of love, msm costumes season of love, msm costumes, season of love costumes, msm season of love, my singing monsters, dawn of fire, msmpokegamer, mpg, msm dof, msm, all monsters, epic carillong, msm new, msm new update, msm new monster, msm new monsters teased, dof baby schmoochle, msm baby schmoochle, baby schmoochle, young schmoochle, season of love 2024
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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